Child of the Moon

By LilyTiger21

96.8K 2.3K 407

" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... More

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Cheeseburger...what?
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Legends and Goodbyes
Family Dinner Plans
We ARE Family
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Fire Opal
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
The Old American Sport
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Where Your Meant to Be
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

When It Rains

450 16 4
By LilyTiger21

Hey guys! So we finally get to this gem of an episode. (No pun intended). Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

"Can't believe there still going at it," I mumbled, lying on the couch in Steven's house. I stayed over again saying I was helping them out with Peridot. But the main reason was that Onyx was still hanging out under the house. I had to be sure nobody saw her, especially Circo. He probably would want to personally crush Onyx's gem himself just to avenge Sally. I sighed and focused on the little bit of water floating above me. I twirled my finger around, watching the little stream of water float above me.

Just then, I heard the bathroom door open and Steven step out. I continued to focus on the little bit of water above me as they talked. Then, I noticed the gems walk away from the door and I paused in my activity, wondering what they were doing. They walked over to the warp pad, Garnet saying, "Sorry Steven, we're going to need you to stay here with Luna and keep an eye on our.....guest." She adjusted her visor in that pause and both Steven and I looked at her, shocked.

"Really?!" we both said, surprised that this was happening. I tossed the water into my mouth and swallowed, standing up and stood next to Steven. "Yeah! Make sure she doesn't try anything," Amethyst said, glancing at the bathroom. Pearl waved her hand, dismissing Amethyst's comment.

"Don't worry, she's harmless without her limb enhancers," Pearl said.

"I'M NOT HARMLESS!" Peridot shouted from the bathroom. Pearl glared at the door and shouted, from the warp pad, "Oh, hush up!"

"Oh!" Garnet said, looking at Steven and I. "I forgot to say something important to you guys."

"What is it?" Steven asked, concerned.

Garnet smiled and formed her hands into a heart. "I love you. Bye!" she said sweetly.

"See ya later!" Amethyst said, waving before they warped. Steven blushed and waved a hand at the now empty warp pad. I walked over to the screen door and looked outside. Dark clouds rolled around in the sky and I couldn't help but smirk. Whenever it rains, Circo always get so tired to the point where he sleeps in all day. He probably was off sleeping in his room at the cave. I closed the door and heard Steven say, "Luna, could you help me make lunch?"

"Sure," I said. Steven started grabbing the supplies needed to make what I assume was soup. I grabbed a pot and lid, setting it on the stove and turning the burner on. As Steven poured the contents into the pot, I floated some water into the pot. As Steven grabbed a spoon and started to stir the pot, we heard a rumble of thunder outside.

"Looks like it's going to storm soon," I said to Steven, as the water started to boil. Steven looked over his shoulder towards the bathroom, with a slight frown on his face.

"They left, you know. You can come out now," Steven shouted to Peridot.

"No!" Peridot shouted through the door. "I-I like it in here!"

"Okay!" Steven said, turning back to the pot. There was another loud rumble of thunder and rain started to pour down. Steven and I smiled and I commented, "It's coming down hard."

There was a flash of lightening and a loud clap of thunder. Not only did the bathroom door burst open, but so did the front door. Steven and I jumped at the same time as both gems standing in there respected doorways shouted, "ITS HAPPENING!"

"What?!" Steven said, looking at Peridot with confusion and Onyx with even more confusion. I ran over to the terrified looking Onyx while Peridot ran over and clutched Steven's shoulder. As Steven tried to calm Peridot down, I held Onyx's shaking hands and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's the Cluster! It's finally emerging!" Onyx shrieked. She was clutching my hands now and it was getting to the point that I could feel pain shooting up my arms.

"Okay, okay take it easy," I said, bringing her inside. I had her sit on the couch, and I tried to pry my hands from hers. I managed to remove them but she clutched my shoulder instead. There was another rumble and both Peridot and Onyx whimpered in fear.

I looked at Steven, both of us realizing what they were actually afraid of. "It's just thunder," I said. Onyx looked at me and blinked.

"Oh," she said, visibly relaxing. I looked at her, surprised. "You know what thunder is?" I asked.

"I'm not stupid!" She shouted. She crossed her arms and huffed. "I was created on this miserable excuse of a planet. I know of the weather like conditions here."

I glanced over at Peridot, who looked confused as Steven explained what rain was. "I'm guessing they don't have this sort of thing on Homeworld?" I asked.

Onyx nodded. "I simply forgot about the weather changes here on this rock," Onyx said. "Thank you for reminding me."

"No problem," I said, smiling. Just then, Steven turned off the stove and said, "Let's all go outside!" I smiled and got off the couch. Onyx looked at Steven and I, a confused look.

Steven ran outside and I quickly followed. The rain was coming down much harder then I thought but that was fine. Onyx came running out and stood on the porch and Peridot stayed in the doorway. Steven and I ran around on the little mound of grass, enjoying the rain. I glanced up at Onyx, who looked confused and distant.

I ran up to her and grabbed her hand, saying, "Come on!"

She looked at me and allowed me to lead her down to where Steven was. Steven cheered and started running around again. I laughed and joined him, running around in circles. Steven looked up and said, "See? It isn't bad!" I looked up and saw that Peridot had walked outside into the rain too. I smiled and suddenly, I heard Steven fall over into the mud.

"Steven!" I said, running over. "Are you okay?"

He laughed and patted my cheek with a muddy hand. I smirked and grabbed some mud, throwing it at him. He blinked at me, shocked. Suddenly, he shouted, "MUD FIGHT!"

Steven tackled me and I slammed into the mud, splashing mud everywhere. I managed to get up and smirked, "Steven, you've just made a big mistake."

Steven's face dropped as I moved my hands in the air. Large spheres of mud balls floated up around me. "Because the ground is wet, I can move the muddy water," I said, on the verge of laughing. Steven yelled and ran away, shouting, "Luna's dangerous!"

I laughed and started launching mud spheres at Steven. He ran out of the line of fire, and ran past Onyx. "Duck!" he shouted at her. "What's a-" she started. But a ball of mud exploded on contact and covered her in mud. I covered my mouth in shock and lost concentration on the other mud balls around me. Peridot could only stare in shock and Steven stuttered as Onyx blinked.

"I-uh-I mean, are you okay?" I asked, as Onyx slowly walked over to me, wiping the mud off her face. She glared at me for a long moment as she stood in front of me. I glanced nervously at Steven, concerned about what she was going to do. "Uh, Onyx?" I asked.

She slapped her hand flat on my face, mud printing my face.

"Did I win the mud fight?" she asked, looking at Steven. Steven laughed and nodded as I stood blinking. I busted out laughing and Onyx smiled a little, happy that everything was okay. Rainy days did have it's perks.

Especially when it comes to sharing it with others.


Interesting how Onyx had experienced rain before. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update ASAP :)

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