Child of the Moon

By LilyTiger21

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" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... More

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Cheeseburger...what?
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Legends and Goodbyes
Family Dinner Plans
We ARE Family
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
When It Rains
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
The Old American Sport
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Where Your Meant to Be
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

Fire Opal

776 18 9
By LilyTiger21

Hey guys! The long awaited chapter has finally come! Now, this chapter takes place during the time Steven is at the motel with Greg, Ruby, and Sapphire. And it's EXTRA long because, heck, this was a fun chapter to write for multiple reasons you will soon find out! Also, another lovely drawing by the amazing Kiwi. You'll find out soon enough what it means ;P. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

After a lot of convincing on Amos and Connie's part, and a lot of explaining on my part, Connie's mom allowed me to stay for the rest of the day, since I wasn't back to full strength yet. After checking my temperature, Connie's mom told me I had to stay on the couch, and move very little. Connie and Amos kept me company by either talking or asking questions. Connie opened the window in the living room so that Astra could poke her head in. Her neck was long enough to rest on the arm rest of the couch, right next to Amos. He scratched her neck, making her coo in delight.

I smirked, "First time ever petting a phoenix?"

He nodded. "When would this ever happen to anybody?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders in response. Connie nudged my knee, trying to get my attention.

"What's up?" I asked, turning towards her. She sat on the floor, looking at my opened hand where my gem was. "So, if you can heal yourself, why can't you heal yourself from this sickness?"

"I can heal physical injuries. But flues and viruses are something I can't heal. I guess gems don't have to deal with bodily sickness."

"How do the gems look like humans?" Amos asked.

"They use there gem to project an image of themselves. It's a physical form, but if they were to get injured badly in that form, they retreat back into there gem to heal."

"How long does that take?" Connie asked.

"Depends on the gem. For Pearl, she takes her time to heal. I don't know with Garnet or Amethyst, but I guess they would take a shorter time."

"What would happen if you were injured?"

I looked at Amos, surprised he asked the question. "Well, my body is human and real, so I would still get injured all the same," I explained.

"But you can heal yourself?"

I nodded, "But I need to have water nearby in order to heal myself."

Connie raised her hand and I laughed. "Connie, I hope you know we're not in a classroom."

Connie noticed and lowered her hand, realizing her mistake. "Sorry," she said, looking slightly embarrassed. "Anyway, I had a question."

"I may have an answer. Hopefully they match."

Connie smiled and asked, "What would happen if your gem were to break?"

I felt a chill go down my spine as the dream about Jasper and Lapis came back to mind. I looked down at my hand, my gen reflecting the light from the ceiling fan.

"Well," I started. "I......I'm not entirely sure what happens. But....from experience, I'd rather not find out."

"What happened?" Connie asked, now curious.

I swallowed, trying to keep down the feeling of fear and the soup. "It my whole self was going to break. And it felt worse than any pain I've felt at all. It really was...scary."

Connie was silent for a moment, not really saying anything. Just then, a knock came from the front door that startled everybody. I started to get up, but Amos placed a hand on my shoulder, not letting me get up any further. "Your still sick," he commented. "And my aunt would be pretty mad if you were moving around."

I sat back down and Connie jumped up, following Amos to the front door. I looked at the soup from earlier today. It was cold now, but my stomach was growling. I picked up the spoon, going to get another spoonful, when I saw Amos walk over to me from the corner of my eye.

"Uh, Luna?" Amos said, looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't need to answer. My spoon clattered into my soup as I saw Circo standing in the doorway, with Pearl standing behind him. Pearl waved nervously and said, "Hello Luna."

I slowly raised a hand, waving to Pearl. I still was staring at shock at Circo, who looked like he wanted to do anything but face me at the moment. "Luna....." he said. "Can we talk?"

Connie and Amos glanced at each other nervously. I nodded and Circo said quickly, "Is it fine if we talk outside?"

I didn't respond, but instead, I stood up and walked past Amos and Connie. I walked to the doorway, walking past Circo and Pearl. I stopped and said, "I want to talk to Circo, alone Pearl."

Pearl flinched but nodded. Connie gestured for Pearl to come inside and, once she closed the door behind her, Circo turned to me, an irritated look on his face. "Don't treat Pearl so harshly," he said.

I rolled my eyes, and said, "I would rather not have her be interfering with our talk. I'm not mad at her."

Circo seemed to realize that what I said was an opinion, and seemed to regret saying it. He sat down on the steps and gestured for me to sit down as well. I shook my head, saying, "I've been sitting all day. I'd rather stand."

Circo sighed and said, "Luna, I hope you know I'm sorry."

"Are you really?" I said, my arms crossed. "Because it seems like you meant everything you said."

"I was mad because you kept pushing me. When you brought in Sally, you crossed the line."

"And don't you think that you might've crossed the line too when you started mentioning my fight with Jasper?!"

"I didn't even know what I was saying was EXACTLY was what Jasper said!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. I sighed saying, "Look, I don't want to argue. I don't have the strength for that right now."

"Neither do I," Circo said. "I wanted to get an apology from you and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said, looking at Circo with a look of disbelief. "You want ME to apologize to YOU?"

"Yeah," Circo said, an annoyed tone in his voice. "You did say some pretty harsh things to me about Sally."

I flinched; I completely forgot I DID say something harsh about Sally. "I'm sorry about that," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "I....didn't mean any of that."

"Really? Because it sounded like you meant it," Circo said, sounding even more irritated.

"Oh! So what you said earlier, you meant?!"

"No that's not-"

"Forget it Circo," I said. "You obviously can't forgive me at the moment, nor can I forgive you at the moment." I turned to walk away, but I felt Circo grab my wrist. "Luna wait-" Circo started. But his hand was flaming hot and I yelled in pain. I jerked my hand away and yelled, "Get away from me! All you do is hurt me! Can't you just leave me alone!"

I then ran. I ran past Astra and towards the sidewalk. I could hear Circo shouting after me, but I ignored him. I kept running, following the sidewalk. It merged with a forest path at the end of the sidewalk, but I didn't stop. I kept running down the path, as the trees around me grew thicker and thicker. Branches reached out onto the path and sapped my face and legs. Roots threatened to trip me as I ran. My breathing became harsher as my lungs burned and my sight started to spin. I was still sick and it wasn't helping that I was running this much.

My foot slammed into a tree root and I fell face first into a bunch of grass. I lied in the grass, noticing I was in an open clearing. As I lied there, I felt my head was feeling to hot for comfort, and that my sight was still spinning. My body was having hot and cold spells and shook every minute or so. My breathing felt raspy and congested. I was definitely worse then before.

"Well," I heard. "This is interesting."

I quickly looked up and softly gasped. Standing in front of me, was the girl from the Kindergarten. She was still wearing the same clothes as usual, but her expression looked....suspicious. I quickly sat up and stood on my feet, but I leaned heavily against a tree, trying to keep from collapsing again.

"Interesting," the girl said, placing a finger under her chin. "Gem hybrids have to deal with the internal bodily function when they are threatened."

"What....are you....doing here?" I said between breaths, trying to steady my breathing.

"Well, I was intending to come here and finish the job with that Sunstone, but now that I see your in a weakened state, shattering your gem now would be a bonus to the mission."

She lowered her scarf, showing me her gem. I felt my body turn colder then the cold spells. Her gem was black as night and shimmered a little. But I knew that type of gem. It was an onyx.

" Onyx?" I asked, shocked.

She smirked and said, "And you'll be the only person to know."

Quicker then my eye could catch, she drawn her dagger and lunged at me. I only managed to jump back in time as her dagger dug into the tree. As she struggled to get the dagger out of the tree, I struggle to make a run for it. I didn't have the strength to fight. Onyx managed to get her dagger out and spun around in the air, slamming her leg right into my back. I gasped in pain and collapsed to the ground. I then noticed that the grass here was covered in dew. There's only a little though, but.....maybe enough?

Just as Onyx brought her dagger down, I managed to roll over, and collect enough of the dew to create a big enough shield to block her dagger. But it was thin, so the blade went through the water and was inches from my nose. Onyx quickly withdrew it and I took that chance to lash my water out at her. But the strength for the shield drained me. The water only formed into an orb before breaking apart and falling into the grass.

As I stood up, Onyx laughed. "You're out of strength? I thought Moonstones would be stronger?"

"I....AM strong," I said, between breaths.

"Are you? How can you say that when you can't even hold yourself up? You're weak, Moonstone."

Suddenly, a bronze knuckle smashed across Onyx's face, sending her skidding into the grass and slamming her into the trunk of a tree. I quickly looked and saw Amos, standing not to far from where Onyx had originally been, arm extended as he had just punched Onyx in the face.

"I would stand to correct that she is quite strong," Amos said, giving me a smile. I felt myself smile and said, "Glad your here."

"I saw you run off and my aunt would be mad at me if you collapsed."

I shook my head and said, "Thank you, Amos."

He nodded, not saying anything else. We both walked over to Onyx's unconscious form. She wasn't seriously injured, just knocked out. As I bent over to make sure she was okay, I heard rustling in the tree above. Just as I looked up, something jumped down and pinned me to the ground. I looked right at it and realized it was a giant chameleon. But, unlike an actually one, this one looked harden like a rock.

Plus the corrupted gem had a Hiddenite gem for an eye.

I pulled my feet under the chameleon's stomach, and kicked as hard as I could. I managed to get it off of me, and I said to Amos, "Amos, get out of here!"

"Not a chance, Luna," Amos said, smirking. "I'll take care of that chameleon, and you get out of here."

Before I could respond, he charged at the chameleon, fists raised to fight. I looked at Onyx and hesitated in running. I know she had tried just to kill me and potentially try to go kill Circo. But....there's still a chance for her. Every time I see her, I see the scared Onyx when she thought I would shatter her gem.

I probably was going to regret this but I didn't care.

I quickly helped Onyx up by the arm and slung her arm over my shoulder. I dragged her out of the clearing and a good distance away. Once I figured she would be safe and out of harm's way when she woke up, I ran back to help Amos. I came back in time to see the chameleon throw him across the clearing. He rolled and stopped at the base of the tree, groaning in pain. The chameleon slowly walked towards him, it's gem gleaming.

With what little strength I had left, I managed to gather the dew again and wrap a water whip around the chameleon's waist. Then I managed to throw it and it crashed throw a tree, causing the tree to fall on it, but not to lose form. I stumbled towards Amos and rolled him on his back, inspecting for injuries. Quickly, I gathered what little dew was left and started to heal him.

"Luna?" I heard Amos say. "What are you doing?"

"," I said between breathes. My sight started going dizzy again and black spots danced at the edge of my vision. I lowered my arms as I finished healing him. I collapsed sideways in the grass, my breathing becoming heavier and slower as I started to lose conscious. Amos quickly got up, and started shaking my shoulder, trying to keep me awake.

"" I whispered before passing out.

-Amos' POV-

"Luna!" I shouted, shaking her shoulder. "Come on, wake up!"

But she was knocked out cold from over exertion. I cursed under my breath and looked around. We were too far from the house for me to just pick Luna up and run back without that gem thing following us. I also couldn't bring that thing back where it can hurt more people. I had to get help though; even I admit that I'm not as strong as Luna to fight this gem thing.

I groaned and decided to swallow my pride.

"CIRCO!" I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth. My voice echoed throughout the woods; hopefully he would hear me. I took a deep breath and shouted again, "CIRCO!"

My voice echoed again, this time louder then before. Just then, I heard a tree rolling to the side behind me and the chameleon gem creature stand up. It's gem gleamed in the light and it stared at me. I couldn't tell what it was thinking, but something told me it was looking at something past me. I followed it's line of sight behind me, and looked at Luna. Her breathing sounded heavy and she looked a lot paler then normal. The chameleon wanted to finish her off.

I took a step in between Luna and the chameleon. "Sorry pal," I said, raising my fists close to my face. "But your going have to get through me first."

A low growl came from the chameleon as it started making its way over towards me. I kept my stance, ready to fight. 'Circo, you better hurry your butt over here,' I thought, raising my fist as the chameleon charged.

-Circo's POV-

"Luna!" I shouted, as she ran off down the sidewalk. I would've ran after her, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned and saw that it was Amos.

"Leave her be," he said.

"She's sick! She can't be running off by herself!"

"I didn't say I wouldn't go after her. I'm just saying you shouldn't."

I flinched. I wanted to go see if Luna was okay, but I was the reason why she ran off. Reluctantly, I sat back down on the steps and watched as Amos ran after her. I sighed and held my head in my hands.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" I heard behind me. I looked up and saw Pearl standing behind me, a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Yeah, it didn't," I said, as she sat next to me.

"What happened?"

I sighed again, and explained what happened up to where Luna ran off. I placed my hand to my forehead, saying, "I really did mess up. I had this whole thing planned out but it didn't go the way I wanted it to and now..."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at Pearl, who said, "Your trying too hard and your over thinking it."

"Really?" I said, actually surprised.

Pearl nodded, "Just tell her sorry and how much you mean it. You don't need to go into a full explanation of it but a good enough that you can convey your apology."

I smiled, "Thank you, Pearl."

"Your welcome," she said. "Glad I could be of help to at least one person."

I looked at Pearl and noticed a bit of worry on her face. Was she still having difficulty with talking to Garnet? Before I could ask the question, we both heard someone yell, "CIRCO!"

I jumped to my feet by reaction. I looked around, trying to figure out where it came from. Pearl stood up too, looking concerned. "Who was that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but if that person is calling you, then they need you," she said. I glanced at Astra and noticed how restless she was getting. I then realized how long it had been since Luna ran off and Amos went after her. Could they be in trouble?

"CIRCO!" I heard again, this time, coming from the direction that Luna and Amos ran towards. I also realized the voice that was calling my name was Amos.

It HAD to be serious.

"Pearl, come on!" I yelled, running down the path. Pearl told Connie to stay at the house and watch Astra. She soon caught up to me and both of us were running towards the forest.

'Please don't be too late,' I thought as Pearl and I reached the forest path.

-Luna's POV-

I woke up to the sound of something hitting a tree. My sight swayed and shifted, but became clearer as I woke up. I looked up in time to see Amos collapse, sitting back against a tree.

"No..." I said, my voice sounding hoarse and a weak. My head felt hot and heavy, two signs that told me I had a terrible fever. I tried to move, but my body refused to listen.

'Come on,' I thought. 'You have to do something!'

The chameleon walked towards Amos, taking its time getting to him. Amos winced as he lifted his head up. He glared at the chameleon, inviting it for another fight. But from the condition he was in, he couldn't take any more hits.

I quickly looked around, trying to find anything that could distract the chameleon. I found a small branch not to far from me. I curled my fingers into fists and pushed from the ground. My body shook but I managed to get into an army crawl position. I crawled towards the branch and grabbed it.

Leaning heavily on the branch, I slowly stood up. Once I managed to stay on my feet with teetering to the left and right, I I lifted the branch and charged with what strength I had. I threw the branch at the chameleon, hoping to injury it or distract it.

The Chameleon's Hiddenite eye looked and, quicker then I could see, the chameleon turned its head and lashed its tongue out. It caught the branch and snapped it in half. I felt my body grow cold; I was in definite trouble. The chameleon lashed its tongue out again, aiming it towards me.

Suddenly, a light blue spear flew between me and the chameleon's tongue, deflecting the attack. The chameleon roared in rage as Pearl and Circo came running into the clearing.

"Luna, are you okay?" Circo asked, worry on his face.

"Besides being even more sick then before, yeah," I said.

"Where's Amos?"

"Over here," we heard. Amos was leaning against the tree, waving his hand above him to show that he was over there.

"Pretty boy couldn't fight the little chameleon?" Circo taunted.

"Just go fight it," he grumbled. Circo cracked a smile and I said, "Go help Pearl. She looks like she's pushing herself."

And true to what I said, we saw the chameleon throw her across the clearing and into several trees. Circo quickly pulled out his sword and ran to go help Pearl. I made my way over to Amos and sat/collapsed next to him.

"How are you holding up?" I asked, noticing some bruises forming on his arms and legs.

"That's my line," he responded. "How are you still going even when your this sick?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess it's because of the need to protect those I care for," I said. "When you care about someone that much, it becomes a whole level of strength."

Amos seemed to have a realization and looked at his own hands. They were bruised and a bit bloody from his brass knuckles biting into his skin from punching too much. I was about to ask him something, when suddenly we heard Pearl scream.

We looked up in time to see Pearl go slamming into another set of trees. They came crashing down towards her, but Circo tackled her and got her out of the way in time. Even though Pearl looked grateful, she also looked irritated.

"Circo! Let me go!" Pearl shouted. Circo had his arms wrapped around her shoulders, trying to keep her from charging back at the chameleon.

"No!" He yelled. "Your getting hurt by just charging in! What are you trying to prove?"

Pearl broke through Circo's grasp, lunging at the chameleon, yelling, "I can be strong on my own!"

The chameleon spun around and hit Pearl with its tail. She slammed back towards Circo, who managed to catch her. He planted his feet in the ground and slid back. When he stopped, Pearl sat down on the ground, gasping for air and looking defeated.

Circo knelt next to Pearl and said, "I know you want to be strong Pearl. And I know you want to prove it on your own. But here are times when you needs others help and that's why you have friends to lean on. I know what happened with Garnet has only made you feel weaker and that you need to prove yourself. But you can't just charge in blindly and without help."

Circo then stood up and extended his hand to Pearl, saying, "Please, let me help you like you helped me."

Pearl looked at Circo's hand for a moment, thinking if she should take it or not. She then smiled and took it, saying, "Okay."

Suddenly, both Circo and Pearl were enveloped in a bright light. Both of there forms merged together and started growing bigger and taller. Amos watched wide eyes at the scene.

"What's happening?!" He asked.

"There fusing together," I said, feeling myself smile. Amos looked at me confused, but nodding at him helped him calm down a little. When the light died down, we both stared in awe at the fusion.

The fusion was about as tall as Garnet, or maybe an inch or two taller. Like Opal, they had four arms, but their skin was a golden color. At the elbows, white ribbons were tied into knots. They wore a orange sleeveless shirt, with a white star in the center. They also wore black dance shorts, and a long orange, see-through dance skirt that seemed to flow. They also had white ribbons tied at the arches of their feet. Their hair is as short as Circo's, and was curly at the bottom, where it stopped past the ears. But the hair color was a deep orange-red color. I also couldn't see there face, since they wore a white mask over it. The mask's eyes were semi-closed, as if the face was either about to fall asleep or about to wake up. Circo's gem could be seen on the waist and Pearl's gem could be seen on their forehead. Both were a sunset color.

The realization hit me what their fusion was. "Sunset Fire Opal," I mumbled. Amos raised an eyebrow, questioning what just said.

"When two gems dance and fuse together, they become a more powerful gem," I explained. "Since Circo's gem is a sunstone, and Pearl's gem is a....well, a pearl, their fusion is a Sunset Fire Opal."

"Makes sense," Amos said, as he turned to watch. Fire Opal seemed surprised at first, turning their hands right and left as they had just appeared. Then they heard the growl of the chameleon and their body stiffened. They slowly slid the upper arms to each of the gems. They pulled out two pairs of handles, with sunset ribbons attached to the end of each handle.

"Are ribbons?" Amos asked, confused. I nodded, and smiled a little. If Circo and Pearl were to share a weapon, it would be that. Fire Opal took one soft step forward, and lowered her four arms, as if waiting on a cue. The chameleon lashed it's tongue at them, and quite gracefully, they slid under the tongue. The upper arms moved quickly and managed to tie the ribbons around the chameleon's tongue. Once tied, they spun the chameleon around and sent it flying into a tree. Sunset Opal took a step back, and raise one arm up, placing the wrist against their forehead.

"Quite the dancer," I said, smirking. Amos nodded, too much in awe by the sheer power. Suddenly, the chameleon's tongue lashed out and wrapped itself around one of Fire Opal's arms. The chameleon flung itself towards them, claws out.

Gripping the three ribbons, they managed to spin the chameleon around into the ribbons nice and tight. Once the chameleon was wrapped in the ribbons, they jerked the ribbons tightly and the hiddenite gem popped out of the eye, causing the chameleon to poof in a puff of smoke. Fire Opal picked the gem up, and made a golden bubble for the gem. They lightly tapped it, and the bubble disappeared. Fire Opal walked over to us and waved.

"You guys were awesome, Sunset Fire Opal," I said. They smiled and started making weird hand gestures. I raised an eyebrow, unsure of what they were meaning. Just then, Amos said, "They said we can just call them 'Fire Opal.'"

"Wait, how'd you get that?" I asked.

"They were talking in sign language. And my mom taught me sign language when I was a kid."

"Huh," I said. Suddenly, my head started to spin again and exhaustion took over again. I fell on my face, lying in the grass. I felt somebody roll my body over and I looked up to see Amos. Fire Opal looked at me concerned, before glowing bright and separating into two people.

"Now that everything's okay," I said, as my sight quickly grew dark. "I'm going to sleep now..."

-Circo's POV-

When Pearl and I unfused, I looked worried at Luna, who lied in the grass unconscious. Amos picked Luna up, standing up himself. "She'll be okay," he said. "She just needs lots of rest and medicine."

"Aren't you hurt?" Pearl asked.

"I'll be fine." Amos turned and led the way out of the clearing, and I noticed as we walked, he had a slight limp. I couldn't help but feel a bit of respect for Amos. Even though I'll never admit it to his face. As we walked, I felt Pearl grab my hand and say, "Circo, thank you."

"No problem," I said, smiling. "Everybody needs a friend to lean on."

Pearl looked like she was going to cry, but she sniffled and smiled, staying strong. We walked with Amos out of the woods and towards the sidewalk. As we got closer to his house, we saw the front door open and Connie run out. Her face dropped when she saw us and ran towards us.

"Are you guys okay?!" she asked, worry filling her voice.

"Luna is worse then before, and Amos could use some treatment," I explained.

"We should quickly get inside before my mom gets back from the store," she said. Connie quickly led us into the house. Once we were inside, Amos put Luna on the couch. Connie ran into the kitchen, and Pearl followed, helping in anyway possible. I sat next to Amos on the couch, who was watching Luna as she was breathing heavily.

"How she doing?" I asked.

"I can't tell for sure until my aunt gets back," Amos responded. He then sighed and said, "I'm grounded for sure."

I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask about it when the front door burst open. Amos and I jumped and saw that it was his aunt and she didn't look like a happy camper.

"Amos, what did you do?" she asked, voice low and surprisingly calm. Amos started to fidget with the earring in his ear and said, "I can explain-"

"You don't need to explain. Your already grounded without having to explain."

Amos looked exhausted and didn't argue the point. I silently groaned for letting this chance slip by, but I stood up and said, "It wasn't his fault that Luna is in worse condition."

Both Amos and his aunt looked at me shocked. "It wasn't mine," I explained. "I tried to apologize to her and made her upset. That's why she ran off and is in worse condition then before. If anything, Amos was trying to make sure she got back safely. So please don't punish him for what he didn't do."

She stared at me in shock, but looked at Amos asking, " Is this true?"

Amos nodded, still in shock at what I just did. His aunt sighed and said, "Can you two go sit in the kitchen? I need to check on Luna."

Amos stood up and led me into the kitchen, where Connie and Pearl were. Connie quickly walked past us, holding an ice pack, followed by Pearl, who was holding a glass of water. We both sat down at the table, and waited in silence.

Amos noticed a medicine kit on the table and grabbed it. He opened it and started apply the medicine to the cuts on his arms. I stared at my hands, silently hoping Luna would be okay.

"Hey, Circo," I heard. I looked at Amos, who was wrapping his hand with a bandage. "Thanks."

"Luna would've been mad at me anyway if I didn't say anything," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah but still."

"You know you owe me big for this."

Amos rolled his eyes, but smirked, saying, "Yeah I know."

I smirked and looked up as Connie came rushing into the kitchen, saying, "Luna's up."

Amos and I looked at each other before getting up and walking into the living room. Luna was still lying on the couch, looking awful. But she had a smile on her face and seemed a lot happier. Connie's mom stood up and said to Luna, "If you go running off one more time-"

"I won't," Luna said. Connie's mom walked past us and into the kitchen, mumbling about how kids were reckless these days. We all walked over to Luna and she looked at us, saying, "Glad to see we're all alive."

"Yeah," I said. She then noticed Amos' bandage arm and reached her arm out to heal it. But Amos put a hand up, saying, "Rest first, then you can heal later."

Luna sighed but nodded. I looked at Connie and said, "Mind if I talk to Luna privately? I need to talk to her about something."

She nodded and led Amos, and Pearl out of the living room leaving me and Luna alone. Luna spoke up saying, "Circo, you don't have to say anything."

"I do," I said. I sat on the couch next to her, saying, "I'm sorry for the way I treated you before when I tried to apologize. I was still mad at what happened before and even when you were trying to apologize, I allowed my anger to decide what to do. I really am sorry for the fight and I don't expect you to forgive me anytime soon."

I felt a cold clammy hand touch mine and I looked up to see Luna smiling. "I do forgive you," she said. "I didn't understand why you were helping Pearl until today when I saw you two fuse into Fire Opal. It showed me that you guys have a lot more in common then I realized. And I shouldn't be so quick to get mad with you guys. I should've gotten the full story before lashing out. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said, patting her hand. "Hopefully next time, better communication."

Luna nodded. Pearl came back into the living room, looking like she wanted to say something. But before she could, Luna said, "Pearl, you don't need to say anything. I understand and I forgive you."

She gaped like a fish for a second, before smiling and nodding. Amos and Connie walked in and Connie looked at Pearl and I asking, "So you guys fused?!"

I nodded and Pearl smiled. We all either sat on the floor or the couch. Luna sat up and leaned on the arm rest of the couch, as Pearl and I explained what happened. I couldn't help but smile as I looked around at everybody.

Something told me everything was going to be back to normal soon.

-Onyx's POV-

My eyes shot open and I quickly jumped up, ready to fight the moonstone and human. But looking around, I was no longer in the clearing. But in a different part of the forest. Drawing my dagger, I quickly back towards the clearing. Upon arriving, nobody was there. No sign of the moonstone and the human. But there was some dust on the ground. I walked over and tapped my foot on it. Gem dust; a gem must've lost it's form here. I quickly walked up the path that I had intended to walk in order to encounter the sunstone. I arrived in what looked like a human dwelling community.

As I walked down the path, I noticed a large bird, poking it's head into a window. That belonged to the moonstone, if my memory was correct. As I approached the bird, it turned it's head towards me. I froze, but the bird seemed to acknowledge my presence and curled on the ground underneath the window. I looked through the window and saw the groups sitting around on the floor and human seating. I noticed the moonstone sitting on the seat closest to the window.

She glanced up and seemed to saw me. I froze, worried she may signal to the others that I was here. The grip around my dagger tightened. I glared at her, inviting her to fight me. But she simply smiled and waved to me. I flinched and quickly walked away from the window.

Why was she being so nice and strange?! And....why was I smiling?


F I N A L L Y! Sixteen pages and this was totally worth it. Anyway, thank you all for being patient with me on this story and I hope you guys loved this chapter!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

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