It's a Match (boyxboy)

By JSRebelx

49.6K 2.1K 187

Some spend their whole lives looking, others know straight away and some just spend forever wandering. For a... More

Author note
Dating app's suck
Middle Rank Life
Kill him!
pet names
Angry messages
Totally A Moment
Best Friend
First Date Conversations
Jaxson Anthony Roggers
Damaged Material
Hips Be Swaying
The Truths Out
Let Me Help you
I Fall Apart
Second Chance
Phone Call's
Daddy Damon

Late night

4.5K 128 8
By JSRebelx

Archers pov

Dad was going to be so mad when we finally made it back.

Light had been streaming in to the kitchen for a while now, with the sound of the bird's morning song mixing in with the low beat of the music.


Someone thankfully turned it down an hour ago but the constant sound was killing my already terrible headache. My eyes flicked to the overly large clock hanging from the wall reading six forty-five, great! just great. Dad had made us promise a few months back to at least start going on the hunting parties, something about it keeping us in touch with our wolf roots, personally chasing a deer through some woods wasn't my idea of fun but what the alpha said went but since the party headed out at seven I highly doubt we'd make it back for it now.

"Hey Archer, what you still doing here" my eyes left the bay window to Danni standing in the doorway, smoke flowing from a lit cigarette in one hand while her bright red heals hung limply from the other, black was smudged under her eyes as flakes of mascara fell to her tanned cheeks, while the once bright red lipstick was barely there anymore.

"Yeah well waiting for Damon as usual, I don't suppose you've seen him?" the last time I'd see either one of them was around three this morning heading upstairs, it had become a regular occurrence for Dannie to end up in bed with Damon at some point each party we went to and to be honest it had been that way since high school. I knew she had a thing for him, well everyone did including my brother. Always following him around weather it was in the school halls or on a night out, she was always at his heals and sure my he flirted back and would usually sleep with her but that's where it ended for Damon, he had absolutely no interest in the girl beyond that or anyone else for that matter.

A coy smile crossed her lips "I was with him earlier on, but I fell asleep a few hours ago and when I woke up, he was gone, haven't seen him since" shoving her heals under her arm she went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before taking a big swig from it. "you know what he's like though he'll be around somewhere getting into trouble. If you want though I could give you a lift back home, save you waiting around for him" I considered it but having a human drop me off would just put me in even more trouble with dad.

"Thanks Danni but I better wait for him" as if on cue Damon stalked into the kitchen, his black hair standing up in every direction and red lipstick covered his neck along with a couple hickies trailing down under his black t-shirt, he looked pissed. "what's wrong with your face?"

"Some guys boyfriend walked in on us" he swung his arm around Danni's shoulder and she melted right into him which made him smirk.

"You kept in under control, right?" I lifted an eyebrow at him, getting into any more fights is the last thing we needed right now on top of the lateness.

"Yeah course" that stupid smile of his had returned "anyway we need to go, stuff to do and that, see you later babe" he grabbed a hold of Danni's chin roughly pulling it towards him till their lips met for a quick kiss, then he was off out the door without another word, leaving Danni dazed in the middle of the kitchen.

"knobhead" I mumbled under my breath. Why he couldn't just leave her be instead of giving her this false hope that something will eventually happen between then, I'll never understand my brother one bit. I pulled Dannie into a hug "see you later okay" she nodded the poor thing looked so down now, she really needed to learn to stay as far away as possible, he was nothing but trouble.

Resting my now banging head on the car window I watched the busy town slowly become more rural, it felt like my brain was going to explode, no to be dramatic or anything, but having constant music assaulting your ear drums for hours on end would do that to a person "Dads going to be pissed we missed the hunt today" Damon spoke up finally after ten minutes of us driving in complete silence, turning the radio on as he did so, he started clicking through the channels looking for something he liked. I couldn't help the death glare I threw him from the passenger seat, more music really! What was wrong with a bit of silence.

"You're the reason we're late, again! I didn't even want to go to the stupid party"

"You're my wingman though" Damon threw me a smirk, his dark blue eyes crinkling in the corners making his whole face light up.

"We both know you don't need any help getting laid" Damon's smirk widened even more as he finally started watching the road with the low pop song playing in the background now.

"I know but still you're the one that's looking for a mate, you never know you might find them at one of these parties"

"The last thing I want is to find my future mate drunk out their mind getting fucked in a corner by a stranger or better yet by you!" a deep throaty laugh left my brothers throat but fuck if that wasn't something that caused me actual nightmares, the thought of my own brother fucking my mate.

"Give them one good time before they end up with you for the rest of their life" my mouth dropped at his comment which just made him laugh harder "joking calm down" mimicking his stupid laugh as I turned back to looking out the window in more of a mood now.


As soon as we turned into the long driveway, I could see dad standing on the steps that led up to the door and he looked beyond furious. Standing at a solid six foot six of pure muscle he wasn't someone to mess with, Damon just never got the memo on that though. He stood with his thick tattooed arms crossed over his broad chest while his eyes kept flashing between brown and yellow, he was really trying to keep his wolf in but by the looks of it he was struggling.

Taking my eyes away from our angry alpha to look to my brother who sat staring without a worry in the world, there was seriously something wrong with him. "look let me just do the talking you always end up making him even more mad" he gave a nod before jumping out the car, this was defiantly not going to go well, it never did. Why couldn't Damon just behave and follow the rules, it's not like there was even many of them, dad was a pretty lenient alpha compared to most but still Damon just liked to rebel and drag me along with him sadly.

"Where the fuck was you two! It's nearly eight, you missed the hunt and now you turn up stinking of alcohol and looking like that!" he nodded towards my brother. "your twenty-one, you left school five years ago! you refused to go to college and better yourself for the packs sake. I thought by now you would of took on more pack responsibilities but no! all you do is sleep all day and then go fuck your way through the town all night, you both disgust me" he spat in anger, with fur already starting to spurt from his skin.

"Don't be jealous old man we're young and loving life unlike you" Damon mumbled as soon as dad had finished and what the fuck was he thinking! oh yeah he wasn't, dads' eyes glowed as his sharp black claws elongated, he shot forward and wrapped his hand tightly around Damon's throat, his claws looked close to puncturing the thin skin whereas Damon's eyes looked ready to pop out with how tightly he was being held.

"I've had enough of you, your mother would have been so ashamed " he hissed as Damon's head finally dropped, anything about our mother did that to him. "your both demoted to middle ranks! you will clean and cook, apart from that you will not leave this house, do you hear me!" his body was heaving in anger now.

"Yes alpha" we said in union.

"Now get out my sight I don't want to see you" was all he said before storming off into the woods, we heard clothes ripping before he started running, I guess to get some of his anger out while we trudged back into our prison for the next few weeks.  


First part up 

loving this version so much more now, let me know what you think. 

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