Child of the Moon

By LilyTiger21

96.3K 2.3K 407

" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... More

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Cheeseburger...what?
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Legends and Goodbyes
Family Dinner Plans
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Fire Opal
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
When It Rains
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
The Old American Sport
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Where Your Meant to Be
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

We ARE Family

1.1K 31 2
By LilyTiger21

Hey guys! We get to the chapter with the family dinner. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

Later that evening, Circo and I got dressed up for the dinner that night. Circo wore a yellow dress shirt and white pants with black dress shoes. I took the liberty of taking my time and changing into a more wear style. Once we were both ready, we went outside to see just in time Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl fuse into Alexandrite. Circo and I stared up at Alexandrite in awe. Alexandrite picked Steven and Greg up.

They turned to us and said, "Do you want a lift as well?"

"N-no thanks!" I yelled, feeling nervous about this. "Circo and I will walk."

We started walking, Alexandrite giving us a head start. I sighed, feeling more worried about this dinner then usual. Circo glanced at me, "What's wrong?"

"I don't think this dinner is going to go well," I said, nearly losing my step as Alexandrite started walking. Even though we were pretty far ahead of her, she was catching up rather quickly.

"Even if it doesn't go well," he said, jumping a little by Alexandrite's steps. "I still think it's nice to see you look so pretty for something as small as this."

I felt my face heat up, but I said, rather annoyed, "It is important for Steven!"

"I know," he said, smirking at me. "But it's still nice. As if you were dressing up for a date of some sorts."

I punched him in the arm and he laughed. I relaxed a little as we came to the restaurant, which was none other then Fish Stew Pizza. We stopped at the table and saw Connie with her parents. They weren't looking at us, but gaping in awe up at Alexandrite. Alexandrite lowered Steven and Greg to the ground. Greg looked up at Alexandrite and said, "Thanks...honeybun?"

I nearly did a face palm; oh yeah, this was turning out so well.

"Your welcome....Greg," they said in reply. Greg cleared his throat and shook Mr. Maheswaran's hand, saying, "I'm Greg Universe. And this large glass of water is my wife, Alexandrite."

"Hi-i-i-i-i-i-i," they said, sounding a bit awkward.

I cleared my throat and said, "And I'm Luna. This is, Circo."

We shook Mr. and Dr. Maheswaran's hands and we all sat down at the table. There were bread sticks on the table and Alexandrite started eating six at a time. I glanced nervously at Connie's parents; they were mumbling to each other. I laughed, saying, "Oh mom! You know you shouldn't be eating so much before dinner!"

I looked up at Alexandrite, hopping they would take the hint. Luckily, they did and finished the bread sticks they were already eating. I glanced at Circo, who just rolled his eyes. I kicked him from under the table, and put a fake smile on. Hopefully, they'll buy it.

Dr. Maheswaran cleared her throat and asked, "So-tell me, how did you to meet?"

Greg tensed up, and said, "How did we meet? Well, you see-"

Steven stood up in his chair, saying, "They met on a roller coaster!"

Connie stared at Steven in shock, and I could see her mouthing to Steven, 'What?'

"She was too tall to ride!" Steven said, laughing nervously. Connie was shaking her head no, and I decided to reinforce Steven.

"Oh Mr.-I mean, dad, likes to tell the story all the time!" I said, starting to think of a story up in my head. "They both were apparently at Funland, and she couldn't get on because she was so tall and Mr-, dad I mean, decided to show her the other attractions of Funland and that's how they met."

Circo looked at me, surprised and impressed by the sudden improvisation. Connie looked at me, shocked, but Dr. Maheswaran said, "Well, that was very kind of you to do, Mr. Universe."

"I remember it like it was yesterday. Right, Honey?" he said, laughing. He then placed his hand on Alexandrite's leg, and I tensed. He then whispered something to Alexandrite and, next thing we knew, she was shoving Greg's face into the bread sticks, insisting he should have some more.

Mr. Maheswaran cleared his throat, making Alexandrite stop. He then asked, "Uh, so what is it you two do for a living?"

"Well, you see," Mr. Greg said, "I own a local car wash and my sweet, dear wife-"

Before he could finish, Steven stood up on the table, and said, "My mom works on an apple farm!"

Connie sighed and slammed her head on the table, obviously done. Dr. Maheswaran scolded her, and Steven said, laughing nervously, "She uses all of her arms to pick apples out of huge trees."

"Well, you know what they say," Greg said, jumping in, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"Yes," said Alexandrite," And I hate Doctors."

"Well, I'm a doctor," Dr. Maheswaran said.

"Steven!" Connie said, suddenly standing up. "Can you show me where the restrooms are?"

Steven and Connie got up, and I glanced nervously at Circo. With the glance he returned, he knew as well that this wasn't going as well as he had thought too.

"So, Luna," I heard and looked at Dr. Maheswaran. "How old are you?"

"Uh, sixteen Ma'am," I said, "Soon to be seventeen."

"So that means your in high school already," she said, sounding interested. I felt myself starting to grow nervous. I'm hoping she doesn't ask any hard questions. "What year are you?" she asked. I relaxed a little; okay, nothing super hard yet.

"Junior year," I said.

"Aren't a little young to be a junior?" she asked, looking at me suspiciously. I tensed again, but Circo said, "She started early, ma'am. That's why were in the same grade."

"Okay," she said, looking at Circo, seeming to understand. I sighed and glanced at Circo, silently thanking him. Just then, Steven and Connie came back. Steven and Connie didn't look to happy, and I could still feel the tense of a recent argument in the air. Connie turn dot her mom and said, "So mom, Steven was just telling me that on his mom's apple farm they are bio-engineering a gala-fuji hybrid."

"Yes," said Steven as a waiter placed a plate full of popcorn shrimp on the table. "That is absolutely true."

"I that so, Mr.s Universe?" Dr. Maheswaran asked. But we all looked to see that Alexandrite was fighting with herself. But as Steven, Greg, Circo and I knew, she was fighting amongst three people. They started verbal arguing and started punching herself and, before we knew it, she unfused. Steven, Circo, and I gasped, and Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet fell to the ground.

"Guys!" I said, quickly getting up and running over to them. Circo and Steven did the same. I helped Amethyst up and Steven helped Pearl up, while Circo helped Garnet. Pearl then said to Steven, "Thank you so much. You don't know how horrified I was when that disgusting stuff nearly fell into our mouths. Eating food is so disgusting! You chew it into nasty mush, swallow that goop, and it comes out of you? What a completely horrid experience!"

"Uh, speak for yourself," said Amethyst, walking over to Pearl. "I love it when mush passes through my body."

Garnet walked over to both Pearl and Amethyst, and said, "It doesn't matter what you two think. We're doing this for Steven." She the summoned her gauntlets and hit both Pearl and Amethyst over the head. Mr. Maheswaran looked really confused, yelling, "What is going on?! Who are they?!"

Dr. Maheswaran was more mad at Connie and said, "I knew I should've trusted my bad feelings about this new friend of yours, but I never thought I wouldn't be able to trust my own daughter."

Connie looked upset and ran off. Steven followed her and Dr. Maheswaran shook her head, as if disapproving. "That friend of hers," she said.

"Okay, just stop!" I yelled. Everybody looked at me shocked. I marched right up to Dr. Maheswaran's face and pointed my finger at her. Although she was much taller then me, she flinched by my anger at the moment.

"Listen here Dr. whatever-your-name-is, Steven IS a good kid. I know because he has been like the best little brother to me."

"Your not related?!" she said, shocked.

"The only people who are related are Mr. Universe being Steven's son," I said, my anger growing. "But Steven doesn't think that. He still thinks that I'm like his sister and Circo here like his brother. We were complete strangers to him and he received us like we were long lost family. Although he may have three moms, they love him like any mom would."

I turned and looked at Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst, and smiled at them. "They may not be perfect, and they may not be the best."

I turned and looked back at Dr. Maheswaran, who by now was sunned by what I was saying, "But they are the best family I would ever want. And if your daughter wants to be with Steven, then you should let her! She's old enough to know what's good and bad; you don't need to be breathing down her neck as if she would be friends with someone she knew was bad. She's a good kid, and the best friend for Steven he could ask for!"

Dr. Maheswaran stared at me in shock. Circo lightly placed his hands on my shoulder and slowly moved me back. I took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm done."

"That's good," said Circo. "Because now we need to figure out where the heck Steven and Connie ran off to."

"Oh geez!" I said, starting to panic. I slapped my forehead and said, "I'm such a bad sister for not watching him."

"No," said Dr. Maheswaran. I looked at her, surprised. She placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Your a great sister. And if you were my daughter, I would want you to be Connie's sister too."

I smiled, and Garnet said, "There at the bus stop."

We all looked at her and, very quickly, Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet fused into Alexandrite and they ran off, probably towards the bus stop. I watched as she ran off, and I said to Circo, "When I see Steven, I"m going to kill that kid."

"You and me both," he said, laughing a little. In ten minutes, both Steven and Connie were brought back and Connie was about to be scolded by her parents, when they over heard Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet scolding Steven.

"What were you thinking?!" Pearl said. "Running off with Connie like that?! You could've gotten hurt!"

"Or gotten mangled by traffic," Garnet said.

"or thrown in prison," added Amethyst, sounding upset.

"Steven," Pearl said, continuing. "You are in very big trouble, and we have no choice but to punish you."

"But," said Steven. But Garnet said, "No dinner for 1,000 years."

"What a second?!" I said, starting to protest.

"That's a little extreme," said Circo. "He needs to eat."

"Your right," said Pearl. "But we'll take away your TV privileges....for 1,000 years."

Steven gasped, and said "No! the mid-season pre-finale of "Under the knife"! How can you do this to me?" He started to tear up a little and Garnet placed her hand on Steven's shoulder and said, "Because we love you, Steven."

Steven groaned and I patted his head, saying, "I'll record it so when you get un-grounded, you can watch it."

He smiled and we both noticed that Connie's parents had been talking to the gems. Connie looked up at her mom hopefully, and said, "So, I can still hang out with Steven?"

"Sure," she said, smiling at her. Steven cheered and hugged her. Connie's parents tensed up and Connie's dad separated both of them. But that only gave me the chance to hug her. They tensed but smiled when Connie giggled.

"Great!" I said, "I still have my little friend!"

"Yep!" she said, laughing. I couldn't help but smile. Without Connie, we wouldn't be a complete family. I wouldn't be complete. And even though I'm still not without Lapis, I know I'll see her someday. After all, when your part of my family... always come back someday.


Aw! Luna feels part of the family! but will it last? Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'll try to update ASAP :)  

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