Child of the Moon

By LilyTiger21

96.3K 2.3K 407

" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... More

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Cheeseburger...what?
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Family Dinner Plans
We ARE Family
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Fire Opal
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
When It Rains
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
The Old American Sport
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Where Your Meant to Be
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

Legends and Goodbyes

1.1K 38 4
By LilyTiger21

Hey guys! So, here is the chapter where we finally figure out what the heck is up with Luna and Circo's gems. This is another picture by the awesome Kiwi. It's just a funny picture of Lapis, teaching her sister how to fly. Luna is trying to show Circo flying isn't so bad, but he isn't fully comfortable with Luna holding him like that. XD Anyway, here is the new chapter! :)

-Luna's POV-

"Luna, please wake up," I heard. I felt water move out from inside my lungs and out of my throat. It felt like the water had a mind of it's own and was sliding up my throat. Once it was all out, I coughed and gagged. My eyes opened and, for a second, I thought I was dreaming. The night sky seemed to have zoomed closer then ever before, and there was a lot more stars then usual.

"Oh thank goodness," I heard. I coughed and sat up, even more confused by the area around me. Lapis and I were sitting on water. I looked through the water and saw many fish of various kinds swimming. It was amazing.

"Lapis," I said, my voice sounding horse from coughing, "Where are we?"

"We're in space," she said, bluntly.

I looked at her, shocked and in disbelief, "You can't be serious."

"Where else do you think we are?"

"Good point." Still in disbelief, I crawled to the edge of the water platform we were on. I peeked over the edge and wished I hadn't. I was okay with heights, but this high was a big no. My hands clutched the edge, and I slid back towards the center of the water pillar. Lapis giggled, "Your not a fan of heights?"

"Not this high!" I squeaked, trying to calm myself down. The sense of fear was so overwhelming that the surge of energy for when my wings appear, flowed through me and into my back, making my wings appear. Lapis gasped in awe. "You have wings? The legends are true."

"Legends?" I asked, looking at Lapis with a questioning look.

She shook her head, "Never mind. Do you know how to use them?"

I shook my head. She smiled, "Looks like I get to teach you something." She got up and walked over to me, and helped me up. I wobbled a little by the weight of my wings, but quickly got used to it as I stood still.

"Now," she said, "Since your wings appear from emotion, if you focus your emotions on your wings, they should appear much easier then before."

"How do you know?" I asked, looking at her.

"With every gem, they figure out their power in some way. Now, you know how to flap your wings?" I moved my wings, showing her I knew.

"Okay, so you should be okay then," she said, moving me towards the edge of the giant water pillar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said, placing my feet down to stop her. But the water surface didn't have any friction, so Lapis didn't have trouble pushing me to the edge. "I don't think I'm ready for this!"

"Sure you are!" she said, stopping.

"No, I really think I'm not!"

Lapis sighed, "Okay. We'll stop." I sighed, relieved. I went to take a step forward, but I lost my balance and fell backwards.

"LAPIS!" I screamed, as I started plummeting towards earth.

"Flap your wings!" she screamed. I started flapping my wings, but by the speed I was falling, it wasn't doing much help. 'What if I-' I started thinking, as I curled my wings, so that the inside of my wings were curved. Great idea, but not the smartest thing to do at I don't know miles per hour. My wings jerked back and and I nearly threw out my back. But I sky rocketed back up to the top of the water pillar, and I glided back down towards Lapis.

"Are you okay?!" Lapis said, sounding terrified.

"Never, again," I said, flopping down on the ground, thankful for something solid. Lapis giggled and stay next to me, seeming to focus on the sky.

"Lapis, what legends were you talking about?" I asked.

She sighed, "It's legends that are said in secret. Nobody is allowed to talk about it, for fear of being in serious trouble of it. But they are true. A long time ago, when even myself was just newly made, the gems weren't ruled by the diamonds."

"Diamonds?" I asked.

"The ones who are currently ruling," she said. I nodded, understanding. She sighed, continuing, "The gems were ruled by the Moonstone and Sunstones. Because there was so many at the time, the moonstones and sunstones would pick among them the best to rule. One moonstone and one sunstone, worthy to rule and lead the gems. Everything was peaceful; the moonstones and sunstones knew exactly how to protect not only gems, but the life on plants we colonized."

"Why moonstones and sunstones?" I asked, curious.

"Because Moonstones and Sunstones have many abilities. They were considered the most powerful gems ever known due to their abilities. And every planet had at least one sun and multiple moons, so they knew the planets the best."

I nodded understanding. I smiled, "It must've been peaceful."

"It was. But....something terrible happened. At the time, and still now, gems thought that fusion was a sign of weakness. The Moonstones would fuse with the Sunstones at certain points during the year to perform the annual fusions for the blood moons and solar eclipses for different plants. The gems different find this comfortable, and the diamonds took this to their advantage. The diamonds spread rumors, saying the Moonstones and Sunstones were weak in their true form. By the time this reached the moonstones and sunstones, it was too late."

"What do you mean too late?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, knowing well what Lapis meant.

She looked at me, her face looking like she was on the verge of crying. "The diamonds gathered enough gems to overthrow the moonstones and sunstones. They went into hiding, but not fast enough. The Diamonds, once in rule, sent out gems to erase all of the moonstones and sunstones."

"But I thought you can't destroy a gem?!" I said, shocked.

"You can, basically have to ground the gem to dust."

I shivered, trying not to imagine such a massacre. I crossed my arms across my chest and held them close, trying not to shake. Tears suddenly started streaming down my cheeks, and my body refused to stop shaking. A sob escaped my lips and I quickly placed my hand over my mouth, shocked. I know it was terrible what happened to the moonstone and sunstones, but why was I crying so much?

"Why-" I said, my voice shaking with sobs, "Am I crying so much? It doesn't m-m-m-ake sense. I-I-I-"

Lapis lightly touched my shoulder, "It's your gemstone; it's remembering the past. What happened so long ago to it's own kind."

I looked at my hand, staring at my moonstone. "Mom?" I whispered, "You saw what happened?"

There wasn't a response, but from all the sadness I was feeling, I assumed my mom was feeling the pain. I wiped the tears from my cheeks, trying to get a hold of myself. "What happened then?" I asked, my voice still sounding horse from the sobs.

"After the 'Daylight' and 'Moonlight' massacre, the diamonds took rule, flipping the beliefs and rules. Gems, once peaceful, became warriors and destroyers of planets for their own gain. All history of the past was attempted to be erased. But their were some gems who were able to preserve some of the history, but now it's all in secret. If it ever were found, it would be destroyed. Any gem that talks about the legends is instantly either given a severe punishment or erased."

"These Diamonds sound like terrible tyrants," I said, feeling anger grow inside of me. Lapis slightly nodded, as if somebody was watching her.

"I doubt the Diamonds can see you," I said, smiling.

"Yeah, but if they were to ever find out that you and Circo exist," Lapis said, hugging herself. She didn't need to finish; I knew exactly what she meant. Suddenly, Lapis' head jerked up, and her eyes grew wide, and her face went, if it could, paler.

"Lapis?" I asked. She had her hand pressed against the water pillar. I looked at her questioningly. I placed my hand on the water. Instantly, I could see the bottom of the large pillar. I saw Steven, Connie, Mr. Greg, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Circo, all staring at the pillar.

Without thinking, I yelled, "Circo!" Instantly, I was level to everybody on the ground. I was on one side of the water pillar, and everybody else was looking in. It wasn't my physical self, but I was still there. I stepped out and the water formed into my shape. Everybody gasped, and Steven and Circo yelled, "Luna!"

Circo ran up to me and hugged my water form, although he got wet. I hugged him back as best as I can. Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst walked up to me, and Circo let me go, allowing me to turn to them. "Guys," I said, "I'm sorry for how I acted."

"It's understandable," said Pearl, placing her hand on my shoulder, "You were upset. You wanted to know about your gem."

"We just thought it would be better to wait" Garnet said. I smiled, relieved and happy to know that everything was okay. Suddenly, somebody had grabbed the back of my dress and I was jerked away from everybody. I gasped, and I back at the top of the pillar, sitting next to Lapis. Except she didn't look to happy.

" of them?" she asked, sounding in disbelief.

"Lapis, I can explain," I said, standing up to explain to her. She raised her hand and, suddenly, I was in a large bubble of water, my head sticking out.I tried moving, but I was stuck in the water. "Lapis, wait!" I said, but she sunk into the water, going to deal with Steven and the others. I could tell she went not so far down, but enough to leave me up at the top. I jerked the bubble, trying to move it, but without my hands, I couldn't move the water.

The water floated down to the surface of the top of the pillar, sitting lightly at the top. I noticed that I could slightly move my hands now, since Lapis was direction her attention to the others. 'I got to help him,' I thought frantically. I moved my hand slightly up, and the bubble burst, dropping me on the ground.

"Lapis!" I screamed, hitting my hand against the surface of the water pillar, "Please stop! Their my friends! They didn't mean any harm to you!"

She seemed to ignore me. I placed both my hands on the water pillar and was instantly was transported down. I stepped out from the pillar of water, as a water version of myself, and gasped. Everybody was either fighting or hiding to stay safe. Pearl was fighting multiple versions of herself. Amethyst was fighting a stronger water version of her, and Garnet was fighting an equal water version of herself.

Steven and Connie were watching Lion fight a water version of Steven. I looked around, starting panic. 'Where was Circo?' I thought frantically. I heard blades clashing and looked to my right. Circo was fighting a water version of himself. And it didn't look like he was winning.

I ran as fast as I could over to him. I was getting that same gut feeling of something bad happening. The feeling was so bad that it was making me feel sick. I almost was there but then the water version of him made a slice across him, cutting his shoulder. He yelled and fell to one knee. I froze, shocked at what just happened. The water version kicked him over and he fell flat on his back. I broke from shocked daze and bolted towards him.

"LAPIS STOP!" I screamed, running in front of Circo, arms outstretched. The Water Circo, however, didn't stop. The sword struck over the area where my heart, and for a second, Circo gasped and I could hear Lapis gasp within the water pillar. Then, I suddenly was back on the top of the water pillar. I gasped and clutched my chest. Although I wasn't really hurt by the sword, the effect on my water self was still their. I fell on the water pillar and curled in a ball.

Lapis jumped out from the water pillar and ran over to me. "Luna!" she cried, dropping to her knees and holding me, "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"

I looked at her and said, "I-I'm fine. Hopefully."

"Why did you do that?! He's one of them!"

"He's my friend. They all are. They saved me when I was almost dead. They...are my family, Lapis."

She looked at me, shocked. She placed me on the water ground, and got up. "I thought...I was your sister?" she said, turning away from me. I flinched as I sat up, but I sat up and looked at her.

"You are," I said, "But Lapis, please understand, the gems don't hate you. I bet they would love you if you met them."

She kept her arms crossed across her chest, not saying anything. Just then, I could hear Steven's voice all around me, saying, "Lapis! I'm coming up there! please don't drown me."

"And me too!" I heard Circo say. Lapis seemed to hesitate, but she sighed. She lowered hand, and slowly raised it. By the time she raised it to her head, Steven and Circo came to the top of the water Pillar, in bubbles. Steven and Circo gasped for air when they came up.

"What are you two doing here?" Lapis asked, sounding angry.

"What?" said Steven, "I-no! What are YOU doing here?!"

"This thing!" Circo said, "the ocean, this is crazy!"

"Lapis," I said, slowly standing up, flinching as I did so, "Can't we all talk this out?"

She lowered Steven's and Circo's bubbles, releasing them. Circo ran over to me and helped me stand up. Steven ran to my other side and helped too. Lapis then said to me, "Luna, you don't understand. That's what I've been trying to tell you. Your friends, they don't really care about other gems. All they care about is the planet earth."

She turned away from us, and I walked forward, placing my hand on her shoulder. "But I never believed in this place," she said, looking at me, "I just want to go home."

"But, all that stuff you told me earlier," I said, "Why would you want to go back?"

"It's where I was made. I was okay, even after the big change. But now...I just miss it."

I could understand that, but...I still couldn't wrap my head around it. Lapis sat down, and I sat next to her. I looked behind me and gestured for Steven to try and talk to her. He came over and sat next to her, saying, "I know how important home can be," he said, "But that's why I'm here. You took the ocean away, and the ocean is an important part of my home."

"She only did that," I explained, "is because her gem is cracked."

"I thought," Lapis said, "If I could stretch the ocean far enough maybe..." She sighed, looking down at her hands, saying, "This is never going to work."

"Wait," I said, "Steven, you have healing powers."

"Don't you?" asked Lapis.

"Wait I do?!" I said, shocked.

"I guess you haven't learned them yet."

"But Steven had healing powers!" I persisted, trying to help Lapis.

"Uh, this maybe a little bit weird," he said.

"What?" Lapis asked. Before we could answer her question, Steven licked his hand and slapped Lapis' back. She shivered and, when Steven removed his hand, her gem started to glow. We all gasped and Lapis' stood up. Suddenly, water wings sprouted from her fixed gem, and her eyes were normal. She looked at Steven, gasping with delight.

"Thank you, Steven!" she said.

"No prob, bob!" he said, smiling.

"It's Lapis," she said, looking at him oddly.

"I know," he said, replying back awkwardly.

Lapis looked at me, and gave me a hug. "I hope I see you again," I said.

"Me too, sis," she said. "Well, good-bye."

She then flapped her wings down and took off, flying through space. Tears came into my eyes, and I smiled, waving good-bye to her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was Circo. He smiled at me, "You'll see her again."

"I hope so," I said, looking back up, "I really do."

Suddenly, the water all around us started to shake. I placed my feet down, and stretched my hand, trying to keep it stable. But the hit from the sword earlier made me weak, and the pressure from the water was too much. I collapsed just as the water pillar started falling apart. Steven started falling and I grabbed his wrist. Circo grabbed my other wrist and we all started falling. As we fell, I tried to summon my wings. But I was still too weak.

Just then, a pink portal opened and Lion came out with Connie on his back. "Steven!" she yelled, "Grab my hand!"

He reached out and, with a little bit of difficulty, was able to grab her hand. She pulled not only him, but Circo and I onto Lion. Lion roared, opening a portal and we all went through. We came out at the bottom of the crumbling pillar. Mr. Greg, Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst ran over to the van and climbed on top of it. Lion jumped on it, and Steven used his powers, making a shield around the van. I gasped; Steven had been practicing.

Steven slowly moved the bubble as the water came crashing down around us. Steven grunted, struggling to keep the bubble together under the pressure of the water. I got off of lion, and stood up, leaning heavily against Circo. I raised my hands, and held most of the water pressure back. It was difficult but every little bit helped. Steven noticed and said, "Luna, you need to rest."

"N-no," I said, struggling to not lose my concentration, "You need help."

He nodded and held the bubble. We made it out of the deep part of the ocean and to the shallow end of it. As we came up to the surface and onto the beach, I released the water pressure and collapsed. Circo caught me and I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"That was awesome," he said.

I managed a weak smile, "Great. Glad to know I can still look cool when tired."

He laughed and picked me up. He jumped off the van, with the rest of the gems and Steven and Connie. The citizens of the town ran over and picked Steven up, cheering for him. I smiled, and looked up to see the sun was rising. "See you, sis," I said, leaning my head into Circo's shoulder. I started dozing off and mumbled before I fell asleep.

"Wherever you are."


FINALLY! I finished! Longest chapter I have ever done for any story!! That's a new record. Hope you guys loved this chapter and I'l try to update ASAP :)

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