Child of the Moon

By LilyTiger21

96.8K 2.3K 407

" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... More

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Legends and Goodbyes
Family Dinner Plans
We ARE Family
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Fire Opal
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
When It Rains
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
The Old American Sport
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Where Your Meant to Be
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

The Cheeseburger...what?

2.9K 69 20
By LilyTiger21

Hey guys! I'm back and updating here on Wattpad! So, I'm going to let everybody know that there are A LOT of episodes in Steven universe. So, there will be a couple of episodes I will skip for the sake of whether or not it's important to the plot of the story. For season one, I won't be skipping that many chapters. But, if you notice that I skipped a few episodes or so, just know that it's for the sake of the plot that I'm trying to keep it moving. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

I sat with Steven in the sand, waiting with him. It's been a couple of days since the mysterious package and new clothes I got. I had cut holes into the gloves so I could see my gem. I talked to Steven about it; he thinks it's a secret friend. That may be the case, but I should still be careful. We were waiting for the mailman, as Steven sang his delivery package song. I couldn't help but laugh. "Steven, I know your excited to get your package," I said, "But it may not come today."

"But it has too!" he said, looking at me, "I've waited so long!"

I looked up and saw the mailman coming around the corner. I smiled, "Well, you may just get your wish." Steven looked up and gasped. He jumped up and ran towards the mailman. I got up and followed. He was already asking him if he got the package when I got there. He pulled out a box, and handed it to a very excited Steven. Steven held it up and said, "This is going to help me save the world!"

The mailman had a confused look on his face. This guy is named Jamie. He was our regular mailman, and possibly the only one, who came to our side of the beach. He had had dark hair and eyes, and always seemed to be in a happy, dramatic mood. Something told me he was into acting. "Really? But the package says it's from Wacky Sacks Supply Company."

"Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst think I shouldn't go on missions because I don't know how to use my gem powers," he said, lowering the package. He nodded, "Sounds reasonable."

"But there are other ways I can help."

"With a wacky sack?"


"Do you know how you can save my world?" he then pulled out a signature pad and asked for Steven to sign it. He took the pen about to sign it, but then a light shone inside the beach house. Steven said excitedly, "There back!" and ran off before signing the pad.

"I'll sign it," I said, writing down Steven's name.

"Your new here aren't you?" asked Jamie.

"Yeah. Name's Luna."

"Well," he said, taking the pad back after I signed it, "It is very nice to meet you, fair lady Luna." He then bowed, and I couldn't help but laugh. I did a little curtsy, "The pleasure is all mine, sir Jamie." We both started laughing, and then I heard Steven calling my name. "See you later, Jamie!" I called over my shoulder, running back to the house. I get to the house and opened the door.

That was my first big mistake.

My hand with my gem instantly starts glowing like crazy, and suddenly starts shaking. Something comes flying at me, and sticks to my hand. "Get it off!" I screamed, shaking whatever it is on my hand. Pearl comes rushing over, and pulls what look like a statue away from my hand. "What are you doing?!" she asks furiously.

"It's not me! It's that stupid statue that caused my gem to react!" I said, clutching my hand to keep from shaking. Garnet walks over and puts the statue behind her back. My hand stops shaking and the glow dies down. "That makes sense," she said.

"What?" we all asked.

"The statue we found is a moon goddess statue," she explained, "it would explain why your gem is reacting. The statue reacts to the power of the moon. And since the moon isn't out, your the strongest thing to it."

"Well, just keep it away." I wiped my hand on my skirt, trying to get rid of the sudden power feeling.

"This is perfect!" said Steven, as he pulled out what looked like a cheeseburger but was a backpack. I only gave Steven a confused look as Pearl asked what it was. Steven explained how he can use it to help on today's mission. Pearl sighed, "Alright." She took the statue from Garnet, making sure all the while it wasn't in direct sight with my gem, and gave it to Steven. I had to curl my hand so that it wouldn't go crazy.

Steven ran around the house, gathering supplies. I turned to Pearl, "So, if Steven's going, can I come too?" Pearl seemed to hesitate, but after a quick glance at Garnet, who nod in return, she replied, "Alright." I pumped my fist in the air, and ran towards the warp pad. I stood there, excited as Steven came running up to us. He stood next to me, his backpack squishing me into Amethyst.

"Let's warp," said Garnet, and a beam of blue light enveloped us. Well, most of us. "Suck it in!" said Amethyst, as Steven's stomach was poking out a little. He took in a deep breath and then we official warped. I didn't feel the ground beneath my feet and felt myself floating. "Whoa!" I said, starting to flip along with Steven. We both started laughing, as Pearl was trying to get us back straight. Garnet pulled Steven back into the warp stream, and I straightened myself out in time. We warped to the place, and I managed to land on my feet. Steven wasn't so fortune, but he didn't notice it was we all gasped at the sight of the spire.

The spire was a long cylinder like temple, floating in the middle of the ocean, the water making a huge ring around the floating temple. However, the temple didn't look like to be in the best shape. As we looked, a piece of it broke off and fell. Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven were talking, but I was too distracted. There was something about this place that made me I was home.

"Luna!" I heard. I jerked and looked over my shoulder; it was Garnet. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "It's just....this place feels like home. And..." I took a look at my gem and, although it wasn't glowing, I could feel a atmosphere of power surrounding me and my gem. Garnet seemed to be looking because her grip on my shoulder tightened and she said, "I think you may be coming more into your powers."

I looked at her, confused, "What other powers do I have?!"

But Garnet ignored my question, "We need to move." We started walking towards the spire, but we stopped when we reached the edge of a cliff. I glanced over and saw a huge whirlpool at the bottom of the floating spire. yikes.

"What's the hold up?" Amethyst asked, "We can totally clear this jump."

"No," said Garnet, "The magic that sustains the whirlpool creates a vortex that will pull us if were not careful." As she said this, she picked up a rock, and dropped it over the edge. It suspended in midair for a second, before get sucked down into the water. I then noticed Steven pulling out the sweaters he had packed. "Steven," I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Sweaters could be used to keep us warm," he said, trying the sleeves together. He tightened the knot, and said, "But check this out."

He threw one end of the sweaters at the spire, which caught and stayed at one of the ledges. He looked at me, "Come on!" I looked at him nervous, but I wrapped my hands around his waist, putting my faith in this kid. He took a deep breath, and before I knew it, we had jumped over the edge. We heard the gems call our names, but at that moment, the vortex had pulled us both down, and I was clinging to Steven for dear life. Steven was pulling as hard as he could on the sweaters, but he was having difficulty with my added weight.

"Oh man, oh man," I said, feeling my grip slipping. Steven was trying, but I knew if we didn't think of something quick, I was going down the drain. Just then, I felt that same surge of energy coming from the vortex, trying to pull me down. For a second, a crazy thought entered my mind. I concentrated on the power coming from the water, and thought, 'stop.'

Either I had lost my mind, or the vortex's power seemed to slow down a bit.

Steven noticed but took the chance. He kept climbing, as I kept holding the water's force back. Finally, we reached over the spire. I landed on the floor with a thud, feeling the sweat roll off my forehead and my back. I wiped the sweat and slowly sat up, so that I wouldn't get a head rush. "Are you okay?" asked a very worried Steven. I nodded, and saw the rest of the gems get across. "Don't ever do that again!" Pearl shouted, sounding on the verge of panicking.

I stood up, and Garnet came over and ruffled my hair. "Nice work," she said to the both of us. I fixed my hair and looked at Garnet as she walked away; did she notice me stopping the water? I shook my head; pure coincidence that I thought that at the moment the vortex did slow down. We kept going up the spire, Pearl constantly, making comments left and right about the condition of the spire. We reached another leave and we stopped; crawling all over the ground, were these weird looking slugs. They looked hexagonal shaped, and they had shards on their body I was sure we shouldn't touch.

"What are those?" I said, sounding disgusted. Hey, even though I've lived in the woods, doesn't mean I took pleasure in seeing or touching bugs or slug like things.

"Crystal Shrimps," Garnet said, as Steven and Pearl caught up with us. She gasped, and pulled Steven back. She started to come up with a plan, but I noticed Steven was rummaging through his backpack. He pulled out a couple bagel sandwiches and threw them at the shrimp, making a clear path for us to walk through. "Smart," I said, ruffling Steven's hair. He laughed and we ran across the clearing, as the other gems congratulated him. I was ahead of everybody, taking two steps at a time as I went. I reached the top and stopped.

Something wasn't right.

I was feeling a force pushing against the wall to my left. I looked and noticed water streaming down the wall. Just as the gems reached the top of the stars, I knew what was going to happen next. "Look out!" I yelled, pushing everybody back, just as the wall burst. Water gushed out and made a fast moving river, blocking our path. Pearl looked at me surprised, "How did you know that would happen?"

"I-I," I said stuttering, not sure how to explain. Garnet, however, stood up and patted my shoulder. "She's growing in her powers, Pearl," she replied. Pearl looked at me, a smile spreading across her face. What the heck did Garnet mean? And why the heck was Pearl suddenly being creepy happy?! We all walked over to the river and looked to Steven to see if he had anything in his backpack that could help. After Amethyst and Pearl cheered him on, he pulled out a raft. He inflated it, and threw i in the river, but it quickly went over the waterfall.

Garnet looked to me, "Why don't you try, Luna?"

The gems looked at me, and I looked back nervous. I slowly turned towards the river, feeling the force of it. I walked up to the water and, again, felt that same power. I knew what to do. I placed my hand on the surface of the water, feeling my hand being pulled by it, and thought 'Stop'. Instantly, a rip went out and the water was calm. I placed my other hand on the surface of the water, and moved my hands away from each other. As I did, the water slowly parted, making a dry path for the others to walk through. Pearl gasped, and Amethyst pumped her fists. They made it across, and I slowly stood up, concentrating on the water. I had my hands out to the side and my arms up as I walked across. Once I reached the other side, I lowered my arms and relaxed. Instantly, the water started rushing again, and I sat down where I was standing.

The gems and Steven clapped, "That was amazing!" Steven said.

"I told you your powers were growing," Garnet said, smiling.

"That's was incredible!" Pearl said, clapping her hands.

"You can control water!" Amethyst said, cheering. I laughed, "I-I still need t-to work on i-it."

Steven helped me up, and Ganet nodded. "That must've been exhausting to concentrate on the water," she said, "Try not to push yourself when practicing." I nodded, and we continued up the stairs. We soon reached the top and we looked. It was flat and smooth. Towards the center was what looked like a rock, but a small platform was built on the side for the moon goddess statue.

"This is it," Pearl said, "The moon goddess pedestal. And the moon is almost overhead! We can still save this bit of history!"

While the gems waited for Steven to get the statue, I was having my own problems. My hand has started slightly shaking. I quickly looked and saw my gem glowing, more bright then ever. I curled my fist and shoved it into a pocket that was in my skirt. 'Thank you secret friend for providing a skirt that has pockets,' I thought as my hand continued to shake.

I turned and looked at Steven, who looked like he had a worried look; what the heck is going on!? He then looked up and said, "I don't have it."

"What?!" was all of us could reply. I made the mistake of taking my hand out of my pocket; now my hand looked like it was having a seizure. I clutched my wrist, but that only made my other hand shake. Just then, Steven pulled out his stuffed toy. Pearl gave Garnet a confused look, "Could that work?" She only shrugged in reply.

"Well, somebody do something before my gem decides to act on it's own accord!" I shouted, feeling the pull becoming harder to resist. Steven walked over and place Mr. Queasy on the pedestal. A beam of moonlight hit the pedestal and the toy started to be slowly lifted up. However, when it was a couple feet in the air above the pedestal, it started to shake and it exploded, stuffing flying everywhere.

That can't be good.

The entire spire started to shake and started to crumble. A crack in the ground formed and Steven jumped back, standing next to me, as Amethyst jumped to the other gems. "Keep steady!" Garnet yelled. Steven fell to his knees, "No, no, no, no, no," he kept saying. A wave took over the gems and were taken down. "No!" I screamed, running towards the edge of our piece of rock. I quickly turned around to see a huge waving, heading towards us.

"Steven! Look out!" I screamed. I ran to him, and hugged him from behind, shielding him from the wall of water. It hit like a wall and knocked the breath out of me, as we both were thrown into the water. I lost my grip on Steven as I tossed and turned, being pushed by the water. I felt something heavy slice my arm, and I screamed. Only to realize that was a bad idea being under water.

I started choking on the water, and tried to concentrate on making a bubble, but I was too weak. Once I could see straight, I started swimming to the surface, coughing and panicking as the water filled my lungs. I reached the surface in time and gasped for air. I coughed up water and kept coughing for a good five minutes. Once I could breath normally, I looked. I was suddenly tackled into a hug by Steven.

"Your okay!" he said, nearly choking me. He loosened his grip and I laughed, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You didn't come to the surface as fast as the other gems," he said.

I waved my hand, dismissing the idea, "It's fine. I"m okay now."

Just then, the raft floated up to the surface, and we all crawled in. Amethyst and Pearl started chanting "Cheeseburger Backpack." That is, until Garnet said it would be a three hour paddle back home. An idea came to mind.

"No it won't," I said, moving towards the back of the raft. I didn't even need to touch the water this time. I concentrated on my gem until it started to glow. I placed it out, facing the water. Suddenly, the raft jerked forward as the water pushed us along. Steven and the gems cheered. I cheered along, but kept concentrating on the water. It was tiring, but I kept concentrating until we were at least twenty feet from the shallow edge of beach city. At that point, I was exhausted. Last thing I remembered was Garnet saying, "Just a bit further," and falling off the raft.

-???'s POV-

I watched as the gems and Steven brought the girl off the raft, who looked to be soaking wet. Then again, they all were, but her more recent. The big one was carrying her, and the others followed. I smiled; looks like she's figuring out her powers well.

"I better do my part and practice too," I said, walking towards Mr. Universe's car wash, and up the hill.

"Want to make a good first impression to my friend when we finally meet."


If anybody has any questions about Luna, feel free to ask. And also, there are some connections that will be made later. ;) Anyway, hoped you guys liked the chapter and I'll try to update ASAP! :D  

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