Amity Mikaelson

By LivingTheDeadLife

491K 11.1K 518

When Klaus and Stefan roadtrip to Chicago, he undaggers Rebekah and his older sister Amity. The sister they n... More



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By LivingTheDeadLife

It was a few months before anything happened. Kol had gone and returned to Mystic Falls to help out Rebekah. Amity has begged him to stay but he promised he'd be back- that it'd only be for a short while. He told her that he'd make sure the doppelgänger and her friends suffered and she reluctantly let him go, after making him promise he'd come back. But he didn't. Elijah told Amity that Kol had been daggered, because he almost killed Rebekah. It was a lie, of course, but Elijah managed to convince her to stay away from Mystic Falls, that someday she'd be given the chance to undagger Kol. She was upset at losing her brother, but Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah came to the conclusion that should Amity find out, she'd feel betrayed, and heart broken. That she couldn't possibly handle another death. Katherine and Amira both agreed to keep it quiet, though Amira has mourned for her uncle too. She'd become close to him the past few months.
Katherine and Elijah had also become close and had even started dating, much to Amity's delight. She and Katherine often talked on the phone, and soon Amity urged Elijah to go to Katherine. To keep her safe. Elijah refused but Amity told him she'd still have Amira, and that as soon as Katherine was in the clear, they could all come back and finally live in peace. So Elijah agreed and left.

In Pennsylvania, Katherine had been found by Elena and Rebekah. She and Elijah had planned to go back to England that night, but it seemed their plans had to be put on hold.
"Where's the cure?" Elena demanded and Katherine smirked.
"What? No 'I'm here to avenge my annoying little brother' speech?"
"People die. We move on."
"After turning off our humanity switch. So sad for the boys, though. Their special snowflake of human frailty...gone." Katherine pouted, before letting out a laugh. "Well, if we're gonna be a while, I'm gonna go grab some menus." Rebekah slammed a fork through her hand and Katherine groaned in pain.
"You're not going anywhere."
"I forgot how charming you were, Rebekah." Katherine said through gritted teeth.
"I'm surprised you remember me at all, seeing as though you were so busy wedging yourself between my brothers." Rebekah sneered. A waitress came by their table and gasped when she saw the fork sticking out of Katherine's hand.
"Oh my god, what happened?" She exclaimed. No one said anything so Elena kicked Katherine's leg under the table.
"I'm fine, Jolene." She started to compel the waitress. "You didn't see anything."
"Every minute you two waste with your yapping is another minute we give Stefan and Damon to find us." Elena snapped.
"Where's the cure?" Rebekah tried to compel, grabbing Katherine's chin, forcing her to look at her.
"I'm sorry, I'm on vervain." Katherine smiled.
"Oh, so I get to torture it out of you. Fun." She let go Katherine's chin.
"Why would the two of you want it, anyway?" Katherine stared pointedly at Rebekah.
"The question is, why do you want it? Let me guess, to kill Niklaus?" She deflected.
"I've spend the last five hundred years running from your big brother. I have no intention of being within sniffing distance of him." Katherine lied. "But, since it can be used against him, I'm sure he's just itching to get his hands on it. I give him the cure, he gives me my freedom."
"Oh, you poor victim. Where's the part in your plan where you screw us over and somebody dies?" Elena sighed loudly.
"I have no reason to screw you over. I know you don't believe me, but it is the truth." Rebekah laughed. "People change. I'm not the girl you think I am." Rebekah continued laughing before leaning over and searching her pockets. "I also don't have the cure on me." Katherine said exasperated.
"I didn't think you did. But I'm sure there's something in this, that can help us find it." Rebekah said taking out her phone, as it started to ring. She saw it was Amity. "Oh, it's my sister. Why is she calling you?"
"Oh, she's lovely." Katherine plucked her phone out of Rebekah's hands and answered it. "Hey, friend!"
"Hey, Katie cat." Amity said. "What's with the bright and cheery enthusiasm?"
"Oh I'm just sitting here. With your sister."
"You're with Rebekah?"
"I thought you were staying out of Mystic Falls?"
"I am. I'm actually far from Mystic Falls. She found me." Katherine replied and Rebekah took the phone out of her hand.
"Hey, little sister."
"Why are you talking to Katherine Pierce?"
"Because she's my friend."
"I guess that means I've been replaced?" Elena pouted, calling into the phone.
"Elena?" Amity scoffed. "It's not a replacement. It's an upgrade. Katherine what are you up to?"
"I promised you revenge. I delivered. Now your little sister and Elena are so chummy with their 'Let us hunt down Katherine' plans."
"We're not chummy. Far from it. But finding Katherine was a common goal. So sorry, sister. We'll have to call you back later." Rebekah hung up. "I don't believe your friendly with my sister because you've 'changed'. I love my sister but she can be terribly naive. I mean, there was a time she liked Elena."
"She did me a favour. I owe her. I don't like owing people." Katherine said, convincingly.
"What did she do for you?"
"Like I'm going to tell you." She scoffed at Rebekah.
"Well, I'm sure there's something in this, that should reveal parts of your life." Rebekah said, looking through the phone. She and Elena flick through and find an appointment at 2 pm for 'em'.
"Who's em?" Elena questioned.
"A..." Katherine searched for the best word. "...friend."
"You're meeting at two." Elena stated, but Katherine still wouldn't talk. "I guess I'll have to find out myself."

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