Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

2.9K 57 0

The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 25 Epliloge

37 1 0
By Pastwitch98

They exited the elevator on the first floor of the library. They were still in awe of Emi's human form. Physically she appeared the same, long purple hair in a ponytail with light purple eyes. The only difference were her clothes and that she was flesh and blood.

(Emi's outfit, image the outlining of the flower is purple)

"Now that Emi's finally here, what shall we do first?" Alexei hopped out of the elevator first. He was the most excieted and energized, despite having been on Lyoko for nearly two hours. "It's never to late to catch a movie. Or play a game of soccer. Better yet-"

"How about catching some Zs?" Kya yawned. "It's late and I'm exshuated." The battle on Lyoko had woren all of them out. How Alexei still had enegry was the million dollar question. "Beside, I'm sure Lynn could use a break also. Performing and than rushing here was a bit much."

The happiness of materizalizing Emi wore off as reality set in. "Actually." Everyone stopped walking and talking to listen to Lynn's explaination. How the power had gone out before he could perform and him leaving upon getting Cam's voice mail. "Don't give me that look." Lynn crossed his arms, seeing his friends' saddened expresson. "Chosing to leave wasn't hard, nor do I regret it."

"But you've worked so hard to prepare." Emi chimed. She loved that she was now on Earth, but not at Lynn's expense. Than again, her friends were all sturnborn. If Lynn said he had no regrets, they'd had to believe him.

"Can I point out how werid your prorities are?" Cam said, bring up how Lynn had refused to go to Lyoko and miss the soccer game the day Xana tried to send Kadic into orbit. "You didn't want to miss a game, you didn't want to play in. Yet, you'll skip the finals of a competition you've spend several months preparing for?"

Lynn only shrugged, "You win some you lose some."

Cam rolled his eyes, as Lynn's cell rang. He picked it up to find AD on the other end. She quickly explained that the power had been restore twenty minutes after he left. Because of the power outage, they's deicded to continue performance with those who were schudle to go on at eight pm. This provided a small window of time for them to rework the schudle to allow those who couldn't perform earlier because of the power outage, to perform later. AD was almost done the schudle when she realized there was a spot unfilled, it belonged to Lynn.

"If you can get here by eight-forty, you can still perform." AD explained, than added. "I'm only doing this because it'll be an issue trying to fill that time slot." She than hung up.

"Well?" Kya asked, as everyone eargly stared at Lynn.

Lynn stared at his cell in disbeilf. "AD offered me a chance to perform if I can get there by eight forty."

Alexei glanced at his cell. "It's eight twenty-five now."

"It's a twenty minute bus ride to the concert hall." Cam informed them. "And that's if it comes on time."

"Oh no, no, no, no." Kya got everyone's attention. "We've won a major victory against Xana today and Lynn's worked to hard. We're getting him to the concert hall."

Lynn smirked, amused by Kya's detemination. "Thanks Kya, but it'll take a mircale."

"How about a car?" Ally got off the chair she sat on. Once she left the lab, she spent sometime exploring the lower level of the mansion. Not wanting to get lost, she circled back to the library. "I was going back to the concert hall anyway. My cousin won't mind taking a far more."

"What's it going to cost us?" Kya asked, still supsusion of her.

"Nothing." Ally shook her head. "Now, are you coming?" She lead the way out of the mansion, with the others following her.


"Next up is a local musical genuis from Kanna Academy." The MC introduced Lynn. "He's only in ninth grade, but he's rumored to be one of the favors to win. Welcome to the stage, Lynn!"

The crowd began to cheer as Lynn took the stage. Lynn was one of the few competors who was djing instead of playing an instrument or singing. He would've perfered to play, while Kya sang. But there was no way Kya was getting up on stage. So he made do with creating an awesome soundtrack. 

"I'm not one for fancy words or speechs." Lynn took his spot behind the dj table. It had already been set up with Lynn's cds and tracks. All he had to do was begin. "This first one is called A World Without Danger." 

Kya, Cam, Alexei, and Emi were in the front row. The four dance and cheered to their friend's music. Tonight was a night of celebration. Lynn's dream had taken another step forward. Kya's own competition was fastly apporaching. The sight of Lynn on stage was inspiring her, she knew just what routie to perform. With the game against Kadic over, Alexei would have more time to spend with his friends, both the Defenders and non-Defenders. Cam had managed to materizal Emi, something he was beginning to think was impossblie; and finally Emi. After almost a year and a half, they'd managed to bring her to earth. 

In the morning they'd shut down the supercomputer. But tonight. They'd forget about everything and celebrate.

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