Amity Mikaelson

By LivingTheDeadLife

491K 11.1K 518

When Klaus and Stefan roadtrip to Chicago, he undaggers Rebekah and his older sister Amity. The sister they n... More



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By LivingTheDeadLife

That night, I let Rebekah fall asleep in my bed. When I woke up, she was still peacefully sleeping. My movement must have woken her up.
"Hey, Ami." She said.
"Good morning, sister."
"Not really." She shook her head. "But thank you. For being there for me."
"I am your big sister. No matter what happens, I will always be your big sister."
"You were there for me all night, I didn't even give you the chance to be upset."
"Upset over what? She's still dead. Whether Niklaus killed her or Mikael, doesn't change the fact that she's still dead."
"But our hatred of our father was founded on the fact that he killed our mother."
"It was founded on the fact that he was an abusive man who hunted us for siding with Niklaus."
"This doesn't make you hate Niklaus? Not even a little?"
"Rebekah, Esther was far from a good mother, and whoever killed her- she's still dead. I don't hate Mikael because he killed our mother- in fact that was one tiny infraction out of the hundreds of mistakes he'd made. Niklaus was a new vampire, with emotions more heightened than ours. We all murdered. So what if he murdered our mother too?"
"You can't possibly mean that?"
"You don't know everything about our mother, little sister." I sighed.
"Oh please, what do you know that I don't?"
"She's the reason that I almost lost Benji." I stood up and started to change into regular clothes. My phone chimed with a message from Amira.
"Who's texting you?" Rebekah asked, frowning.
"I met someone, yesterday. A new friend."
"Oh good for you."
"She was helping me figure out all the human stuff. She's a vampire."
"Oh?" I checked my phone.
"She wants to meet up. Why don't you come with us? Get your mind of mother."
"No, I'm helping Caroline with the homecoming dance."
"You're helping Caroline?"
"Why do you sound so surprised?"
"You hate Caroline and Bonnie and Elena."
"I'm trying something new. Getting to know the girls. Yesterday Elena helped me pick a homecoming dress, today I'm going to help Caroline set up the homecoming dance."
"And all of this is just out of the goodness of your heart?"
"Not really. I just know how much Bonnie and Elena mean to you. And I want to make things up to you."
"Fine, I'll see you tonight?"

That day, I spent more time with Amira and Bonnie.
"Hey, can we go to the school? Rebekah was really upset yesterday and I want to check on her, you know, make sure she's okay. And to make sure she hasn't ripped Caroline's head off." I winced at the image, and Amira nodded with a laugh.
"I'm sure they're fine." Bonnie shrugged but I shook my head.
"You've met my sister. I love her, I do, but she can be extremely petty and I don't want her to end up hurting Caroline."
"They're also both perfectionists. If we step foot in the school, it'll be our heads on the line." Bonnie explained.
"We'll be fine." I told her.
"Sounds fun." Amira said and I grabbed Bonnie as we sped to the high school only to see Caroline and Tyler there.
"Caroline?" I asked.
"Hey! Bonnie, Amity. Girl I don't know."
"Amira." She smiled kindly. I half expected her to reply rudely.
"You're Klaus's sister." Tyler looked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"That's what they call me." I replied sarcastically. "Where's Rebekah?"
"I don't know. Probably at the boarding house or something. Why?"
"I thought she was helping you with the homecoming dance?" Caroline frowned and looked at Bonnie before her eyes widened in realisation.
"She is. It's just, she went to go pick up some supplies." Amira scoffed and I nudged her.
"Caroline, you're good at a lot of things, being happy and kind and bubbly. But you're horrible at lying."
"Who says I'm lying?"
"I know you're lying. I'm going to find out what you guys are hiding." I sped away, Amira beside me. I felt kind of guilty leaving Bonnie behind, but she'd only try to stop me. I went straight to the boarding house, wondering what it was Rebekah was hiding.
"What the hell is going on here?" I burst into the living room. Mikael stood there. Amira took one look at Mikael before taking a step back. I gestured for her to go but she shook her head. "It's okay." I whispered gently and she nodded before speeding away. I turned back to Rebekah, my arms crossed. "Explain now."
"What is there to explain?"
"You could start with why Mikael is in the Salvatore's living room."
"We're killing Klaus. Getting rid of him once and for all." Damon said, without emotion.
"What he means to say is-" Rebekah started before Mikael cut her off.
"Since when are you undaggered?"
"See, Mikael, I leave answers to questions like that to people I care about and trust or you know, remotely like."
"You've grown quite a tongue."
"Yes well, it's better than murdering my family."
"Niklaus, the one who left you rotting in a box is your family?"
"You haven't killed Niklaus yet, don't get ahead of yourself. I wasn't talking about him."
"What are you talking about? He didn't kill your mom." Damon gestured wildly.
"I heard. That's not what I'm talking about either. He knows what I'm talking about, don't you Mikael?"
"Not at all. Care to enlighten us?" I scoffed before holding him up against the wall by the neck.
"Maybe this'll jog your memory." I slammed his head against the wall, digging my fingers into his neck. He somehow managed to reverse our positions holding me by the neck.
"You've changed." He noted. I kicked his knee breaking his leg, before pulling his arm behind his back and keeping him in a headlock.
"You have no idea how much." I spat breaking his arm and turning him over shoving my hand into his chest and grabbing hold of his heart. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't rip out your heart."
"It won't kill me." He gasped.
"No, but it'll be such good fun." I pouted.
"Killing Klaus is the only thing to do and you know it. It's the only way you'll get Finn back."
"And now we're at manipulation. Well aren't you just the world's greatest father?"
"It's the truth. You help us dispose of Niklaus, you get Finn back."
"I'm getting Finn back anyways. Finn, Kol and Elijah. And I wouldn't have to get him back if you'd just swallowed your goddamned pride and let us live out our human lives."
"That is true, but with Niklaus gone you won't have to fear a dagger to your heart."
"Yes because that was all Nik's fault. And I don't fear my brother. I fear my father. Or at least the man who was once him."
"No, 'Bekah. I want to hear one good reason why I shouldn't rip his heart out and let it regrow while he's stuck in a metal container at the bottom of the ocean."
"Guess you really are an original. And here I thought you were a rare exception." Damon scoffed.
"Oh, make no mistake. I can be just as bad as my siblings if you get on my bad side, Damon Salvatore."
"We are going to kill Niklaus tonight, sister. With or without your help. It will happen."
"Well it'll have to be without my help and you'll have to go through me."
"What has that bastard done to ever deserve such loyalty?"
"Careful now, the bastard is still my brother."
"Nik has never done anything more than screw us over."
"Don't act innocent, Rebekah. All my entire family has ever done is screw me over. But you are still my family. And if I have to choose between Niklaus and Mikael, you best believe I will choose Niklaus."
"Why? What has our father possibly done to you?" I lifted my hand out of Mikael's chest grasping his heart.
"Oops." I shrugged. "I wonder how long it'll take to regenerate. I'll leave that to you to figure out."

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