Amity Mikaelson

By LivingTheDeadLife

482K 10.9K 512

When Klaus and Stefan roadtrip to Chicago, he undaggers Rebekah and his older sister Amity. The sister they n... More



11.8K 289 13
By LivingTheDeadLife

"Slumber party!!!" Caroline squealed as Bonnie opened the door to let her and Elena in. Bonnie had called the girls up after we got to her place and they'd agreed to come.
"A sleeping party?" I asked.
"Oh no, a slumber party is a night over where we have fun. I brought the notebook because it's a total classic, gone girl. And Elena's got the snacks."
"The notebook?"
"It's a movie." At my blank look, Elena added. "A film?"
"A film. When I was reading the dictionary it said it was a story or event recorded by something called a camera as a set of moving images."
"Oh, you delightfully ignorant creature!" Caroline cooed. "You read the dictionary."
"I understood about half, if that. And Niklaus and Stefan helped me a little with modern words."
"Men." Bonnie scoffed. "They're really not good at anything. We'll teach you. Right?"
"Of course."
"For sure." Elena and Caroline said simultaneously.
"I appreciate that."
"Okay. First things first. We can't have a slumber party in these clothes. So let's get changed."
"Into what?"
"What we call pajamas." Caroline explained.
"Don't worry. You can borrow some of mine." Bonnie smiled at me.

I was wearing trousers that came up to half my thighs and a top with no sleeves. Crossing my arms, I stepped out of Bonnie's bedroom and down to where the girls were.
"Hey, Amity." Bonnie smiled.
"This is strange." I told her, feeling naked. "Doesn't it feel strange to you?"
"You're fine. Besides it's only us girls here, my dad's out for tonight." She said. The girls were sitting on comfortable looking chairs- sofas, with duvets covering them.
"And your mother?"
"My mom's been out of my life for since before I could remember. So I don't have a mother."
"I'm sorry."
"It isn't your fault." She said. "So the notebook is a really good movie. Caroline's favourite, which is why we've watched it ten billion times."
"And I have ice cream, popcorn, sodas, and a lot of candy." Elena grinned at me.
"Ooh, yum. You got any Hershey in there?" Caroline's eyes were wide.
"Do you really have to ask?" Elena replied. "Come on Amity. Sit with us, and we'll start the movie."
"Okay." I squeezed between Bonnie and Caroline, pulling the thick material over me.
"Everyone good?"
"Wait!" Caroline said. She started handing out bowls to everyone before clapping her hands. We were in darkness.
"Ahh!" I shrieked. Someone clapped and it was light again. "What was that?"
"Oh, we can turn the lights on and off. With a clap. I'm sorry."
"Magic?" I asked.
"Science." Bonnie said.
"Things really have changed."
"Okay I'm going to turn the lights off now, okay?" Bonnie said and I nodded. She clapped again and we were in darkness once more.
"One last question. What's this bowl for?"
"It's ice cream. You eat it. Don't eat it too fast or you'll end up getting a brain freeze."
"I'll freeze my brain?"
"No no, it'll just get really cold. Just try it." I tentatively used the small spoon to get some of the ice cream.
"This tastes amazing!" I exclaimed as the girls laughed.
"See?" Caroline nudged me.
"Okay. I'm going to start the movie now." Elena said before pressing a button on a rectangular device.

The notebook was a really good movie. It was, like Caroline said, a super sad movie. I didn't realise I was crying until Bonnie handed me a tissue.
"Please don't make me watch that ever again."
"How dare you?" Caroline  mock gasped. "This is a classic."
"It's too sad. My heart cannot take any more pain!" I said dramatically.
"That's the point, but it goes to show that true love prevails."
"For some."
"Hey, come on."
"Caroline, just because you're in a good relationship, doesn't mean everyone else has good luck." Bonnie rolled her eyes
"My boyfriend is a hybrid now and, no offence Amity, but your sister is a total bitch who's after him."
"My siblings aren't exactly- well all I can do is apologise."
"I'm just glad that you're nothing like them." Caroline said.
"I wouldn't be so sure."
"Well I am. I can sense it." Bonnie replied firmly.
"We've all come to trust Bonnie's predictions." Elena leaned over with a smile.
"Just because you're related by blood, doesn't mean you're evil."
"That's true. I'm related to an evil doppelgänger."
"And my dad tortured me when he found out I was a vampire, because he thought all vampires were evil."
"Blood doesn't mean you're evil. It doesn't make you who you are. You get to choose who you want to be." Elena assured.
"I like the sound of that."
"But seriously," Caroline looked at me, curious. "Why are your siblings such dicks?"
"I don't know, they've changed. That's for sure. I fear a thousand years running from our father must have changed them drastically."
"Your dad?"
"Let's put it this way. You've met my siblings. I still love them. My parents, on the other hand. They're beyond redemption."
"You truly believe that?"
"I do. Both of them in their own way were terribly horrendous people."
"What could they have done that was so bad?" Caroline questioned.
"Caroline!" Elena scolded.
"It's okay. My father, he was never a good father, if I'm being honest. He abused Niklaus, simply because he didn't fit in with my father's idea of what a man should be. He was too set in his ways, and we'd always have to- what's the phrase- walk on eggshells around him. And after Henrik's death he got worse. Too proud, he was willing to do anything to get even, even if it harmed his own family." I shook my head, as though to shake out any thoughts of him. "And then he murdered our mother, who I may not have liked, but she was the one person who stood by him. True, she cheated on him, but she tried so hard to make up for it. Even cursing her own son. And my mother- she was the reason I almost lost my son. I'd rather not go into the details, but what she did- if Abraham wasn't as skilled at magic as he was, if he wasn't able to protect our son with me, I would have lost him. Not just him, but future generations to come would have been cursed."
"What do you mean?" This interested Bonnie.
"Believe me, it's best you don't know. My parents were the worst people I had ever known. And what sucks about it, is no one knew. They were good at putting on masks for the outside world. Not even my siblings saw the true darkness within my parents. Save for Finn, of course. Finn always knew everything."
"So you were closest to Finn?"
"He's my twin brother. I always had him. From the moment I was born."

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