Concrete Rose (Dave East)

By dee_rae

1.7M 57.3K 22.6K

"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Provin nature's laws wrong it learned ho... More

Copyright ©️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
New book cover
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
My heart is broken.
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Update part 2

Chapter 41

22.2K 782 405
By dee_rae

Two months later...

"You still haven't heard from him," Nadirah asked over FaceTime.

Layla shook her head slowly. "I still don't know what happened. Nobody knows."

"I mean it took Jace a few days to get home but eventually he did," Kam slided in. "Nobody knows where Rell is. Not even Adonis."

Layla fought to hold the tears back. She was silent for a while then she cleared her throat. "Y'all think he left me for good or something bad happened?"

"Layla stop," Nadirah interjected. "That man loves you okay. There has to be a reason why he hasn't come back yet."

Layla sighed out loud. It was more than two months since the incident and Layla and Maddison were still in St. Thomas with her father. She hadn't heard from Rell since the morning of the incident.

Layla contacted everyone she knew that might have an idea on where Rell was— Adonis, Drew, Jace, Dembe and even his lawyer Jew. Nobody knew anything. According to them, they all hid for a few days laying low and then all returned home. Jace said that Rell even alerted his pilot to come back to LA for him so he could fly down to St. Thomas.

"Maaaa," Maddison screamed.

"Yessss," Layla screamed back.

"Y'all a mess I swear," Kam laughed.

Maddison came running outside to Layla. When she saw the computer she popped her head in. "Dada?"

"No dada still working baby," she said kissing her forehead. The sad expression on Maddison's face was evident. "Imma call y'all later okay?"

Layla picked up Maddison. "Where papa?"

"In the kitchen."

When Layla entered the kitchen her father was frying some plantain. "You know you not suppose to be lifting her."

Layla placed her down. "I'm sorry dad."

"How are you today?"

Layla shrugged. "Just trying to make it you know. Gotta be strong for all of us."

Maddison danced around Layla's feet, "you wanna go beach today Mads or the pool?"

"Poooollll," she screamed.

Maddison loved the beach but was not a fan of the mosquitoes and sand flies. "Dad wanna grill some food?"

"Already got the hamburger meat out."

Layla took Madison's hand and walked her to their room. "What you wanna wear?"

"This," Maddison said pulling out the first bathing suit.

"Okay go put it on."

Since it was only her and Maddison, she decided they could share rooms. There were times when Layla would get so lonely and she was grateful to have Maddison by her side.

She stood in the mirror looking at herself. The stress lines were evident in her face. "Calm down, breathe," she told herself, only for her to burst into tears.

"It's gonna be okay girl," she told herself.

She quickly collected herself and changed into her swimsuit. When she left in search for Maddison she saw her sitting on the stairs drinking from a bottle wearing shades.

"Girl what you doing with this bottle, you not a baby," Layla said laughing. "Dad stop giving her a bottle."

"Well she spills the juice all the time," James responded.

Layla rolled her eyes internally. "We'll sit her down and she wouldn't spill it."

"Yeah yeah."

Layla took Maddison out to the pool and they swam around for a while until the sun settled. James joined them shortly after preparing the food.

Once night falled, Layla cleaned Maddison up and put her to bed. Layla went out on the porch to lounge with her dad. "You okay," he asked her as she leaned on his shoulder.

"Yeah," she said softly. "He's gonna come home."

James nodded along. "He is."


Rell stuck the knife right inside the guy's chest several times, killing him. He searched the body for keys, then took the man's phone.

He ran out of the abandoned warehouse after shifting through the keys to unlock the entrance. Rell's hands shook as he ducked behind a car that was parked a few blocks from where he was held captive.

He pulled out the phone he had taken and dialed Jace's number.

"Who the fuck is this," Jace answered.

"It's me," Rell said breathless. "Im at 3rd and 4th. Bring me some clothes and my IDs. Get the pilot here now," he dragged. The phone then dropped from his hand as he gripped his chest in pain passing out.


Jace jumped out of bed, calling Adonis. "Yo Rell just called. Said he is at 3rd and 4th. My nigga is alive."

It didn't take long for the two to meet.

"Where he at," Adonis questioned.

"What was he doing out this way is the real question."

Adonis looked around then he heard banging. "Yooo you hear that shit?"

Jace nodded. "Over there."

They ran over to a broken down green car and found Rell leaning on the car drifting in and out of consciousness. He was dirty and full of blood.

"Over here," Adonis yelled signaling the medical team. The car was brought over and Rell was placed in the back.

"We need to call Layla," Jace said.

"Noooo," Rell groaned. "Fix me. Fix first."

Adonis nodded and turned to Jace. "We get him fixed up then send him straight to St. Thomas."


They reached to what seemed to be an abandoned building but was actually a makeshift hospital room on the inside. Rell was carried in and the doctors assessed him thoroughly.

After an hour, they came out to talk to both Adonis and Jace. "He had a few stab wounds not recent but they've already healed surprisingly. Nothing is wrong with him other than him being malnourished and dehydrated. We have him on some IV fluids. We ran a blood panel, he's clean. We expect him to recover quickly."

"How soon can he fly out?"

"In the morning. But he needs a nurse with him to monitor the IV therapy. Due to elevation, cabin pressure changes and he might receive too much fluid."

Jace nodded. "I'll get the pilot ready for 8 am."

Adonis went into the room where Rell was recovering.It was evident that he was cleaned up but he definitely looked smaller. "What happened son?"

"Mannnnn on the way to the PJ, I got T Boned. Vizzini men came after me. It was like thirty of them niggas, and I didn't have the strap on me," Rell groaned. "Everyday they came and they beat my ass. I fought back but damn."

"Do you even know how long it's been," Adonis asked.

"A week man," Rell responded.

"More like two months and a half."

Rell shot up. "I need to see Layla and Maddison."

Adonis gripped his shoulder pushing him back down. "You need to calm down, you got a needle in your arm."

"I don't give a shit, I need to see my family."

"You're flying out in a couple of hours okay. 8 AM. Get some rest."

Rell couldn't believe how much time passed. "Can I call at least?"

Adonis gave him the phone. Rell dialed Layla's number but couldn't press call. "It's been two months. Imma lose it if I just hear her voice and not be able to touch her or see her."

"I understand," Adonis said. "Once the doc leaves we're getting you on that plane so get some sleep. I'm waking up at 3 AM.


James woke up to his phone ringing around 6 AM. He looked down and saw it was Jace. "Go to the airport. He's there," was all that was said.

James got up and changed his clothes. He got his keys and was heading out until he heard crying. He looked in the kitchen and saw Maddison standing by the fridge.

"Girl what are you doing up," he asked her lifting her.

"Juice but mama sleep," she whined wiping her tears.

James opened the fridge and poured her some juice in a sippy cup. "Here."

She gladly took the cup. "Thank you papa."

"Wanna go for a ride," he asked her and she nodded.

He picked up her closest pair of shoes which happened to be some pink crocs. He buckled her in and pulled off.

James knew why he was heading to the airport. He knew deep down inside that Rell was there. He keep an eye on Maddison who was singing a song in the backseat.

"Baby shark do do do do do do do do do," she yelled. James shook his head as she entertained herself.

Not long after he was pulling into the private airstrip. He had already spotted Rell's PJ. He parked and got Maddison out off the back.

Before he could close the door Maddison yelled. "DADDAAAA."

She struggled to get down and once James placed her on her feet she ran to her father. "DADDDDAAAA."

Rell heart broke as he watched Maddison run to him. He missed almost three month of her life. Since she was born he never been away from her for more than a few days. Her hair grew out more and she grew at least an inch.

Rell picked her up, forgetting all the IV in his hand and his aching body. "Aye take this shit out," he instructed the nurse. The nurse had difficulty taking it out since neither Rell or Maddison wanted to let go of each other. "I missed you so much mamas. I'm never leaving you again. I love you so much."

Tears streamed down both their faces. Rell carried her as they headed back to James' car. "We missed you man," James said hugging his son in law. "She needs you right now."

Rell sat in the backseat since Maddison wouldn't let go of him. The entire ride home, he kissed her face telling her how much he loved her. Maddison eventually cried herself to sleep and Rell took the opportunity to James in on what had happened.

"You eat yet," James asked him.

Rell nodded. "On the plane. I can't eat a lot but I'm good for now."

James took Maddison once they arrived back home.

Rell entered the familiar house and was finally at ease. Being held captive for two months was one of the most terrifying experiences and he himself had no clue if he was going to make it. There were times he had wished they would just kill him and end his misery. But most of the time he held on to the hope of seeing Maddison and Layla again.

Rell's heart beated fast as he approached the bedroom. He opened the door slowly and there she was— sleeping. He covered his mouth from making any noise. She looked even more beautiful. She had this glow to her that was visible even with the sun barely making a break through the window.

Rell kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed with her. He laid right behind her scared to even touch her. Layla rolled over on her back still asleep.

Rell watched as she cradled her stomach. He looked down and saw a little bump through her shirt— well his shirt. His hand automatically reached down to caress it. My baby is finally having my baby. He pulled her shirt up slowly and ran his hand over her tummy.

Electricity jolted up his arm and he smiled. His hand traveled up to her face, as he rolled her over to him.

Layla felt a manly hand on her face and her eyes immediately opened recognizing the touch. Tears welled at her eyes as she stared back at the love of her life.

"Oh my gosh," she said softly then kept repeating. "You're really here."

Her hand immediately went to his face. "Oh my gosh," she cried out. "You're really here." Layla jumped on him so fast that he fell back. She hugged him so tight she was speechless. 

Rell hugged her back but not too tight, he didn't wanna hurt the baby. Layla cried in his arms not letting go.

"I missed you so much," she hiccuped. "What happened?"

"Shhhh, we can talk about that later," he consoled her. "Let's just enjoy this moment. Gosh I love you so much."

"I can't believe you're really here," she cried.

Layla cried until she had no more tears and began to drift off to sleep. Every once in a while she would jump up to make sure he was really there. "I'm here baby," he would tell her and then she would drift back to sleep.

Around eight she woke up to Rell smiling in her face. The entire time he held her and cradled her baby bump. "It's a girl," he told her. "I can feel it."

"I'm only three months. Well I just became three months."

"How? Didn't you go to the doctor like three months ago."

Layla nodded. "Apparently that's the day we conceived."

"Damn a quickie. My soldiers marching."

Layla laughed as she hung on to Rell. "I'm never letting you out of my sight."

Rell kissed her neck making her giggle. "Stoppppp."

Rell ran his hands all over her body. "My baby having my baby."

Layla nodded. "I missed you so much baby. I was scared that you were never coming back."

"I'm so sorry," he said cradling her face. "I would never intentionally leave you."

Their lips connected and the spark between them was still there however it was intensified.  Layla gripped on to his shirt pulling it off. "I don't wanna hurt the baby," he said.

"It's okay, we can have sex," she told him. "I need you now. Please."

Rell nodded slowly as she took control. Layla got on top and took her shirt off leaving her topless. She raised her hips, sliding off her panties. She saw him wince a bit. "You're hurt," she asked. "Where?"

"It's okay. I'm just a bit sore," he reassured her.

"Do you wanna stop?"


When she reached down and began to sucking him off, Rell lost it.

"Damn Imma cum already," he groaned. "Okay let me bust quick. I ain't had a nut in damn near three months."

Layla laughed but nodded. She massaged him with her hands as she topped him off. Rell squeezed her ass signaling his orgasm coming so she allowed him to cum on her hand.

"That's a lot," she commented. "Let me get a wipe."

"Nah fuck that. The wetter the better," he said pulling her down.

Rell flipped them over then raised her legs in the air. He looked down at her box and smiled. "I missed her."

"She misses you too," Layla said playing with herself. Rell could see her wetness glistening.

"I want you to cum in my mouth," he said getting in between her thighs.

"Damn you blunt as hell now," she laughed.

He ignored her and dived right it. It was evident that he missed her by the way he was pleasuring her.

"Oh shit," she moaned gripping on his hair that had grown out. She moved her lower half in sync with his face. Layla's mouth gaped open as he slid a finger in her and began playing with her clit.

"Turn around," he said smacking her thigh. "I wanna eat it from the back."

Layla did as told and held onto the headboard. She moaned out loud and at the moment didn't even care that her father may be hearing her.

Rell smacked her ass then kissed it. "Damn baby where you get all this ass from?"

Layla moaned at the stinging feeling. Rell smacked it again and Layla felt herself get wetter. Rell pushed the arch in her back and began lapping at her exposed flesh.

Layla's orgasm came quickly and Rell turned her on her back. He lifted one leg and placed it over his shoulder. Her wetness made it a bit easier to slide in but her walls were clamped around his head.

"You gotta relax mama," he told her.

"I can't," she moaned. Rell reached down and thumbed her clit causing her walls to relax a little and for her to lubricate more.

Rell slid right in. "Damn," he groaned. He had heard before that pregnant pussy was the best pussy but on top of being away so long he wasn't sure what made it feel like heaven.

"Your pussy so good," he moaned in her ear. "You gonna make me cum again."

Layla was losing it as well. She hadn't had sex since their last encounter and everything felt intensified.

"I'm gonna cum first," she moaned.

"Yea," he asked her. "Bet."

The two began fucking each other in a slow motion, moaning in each other's ear. Rell pushed a pillow under her lower back, making him reach deeper.

"Fuck," she moaned. She threw her head back as she felt her orgasm creep on her. "I'm cumming daddy."

Rell sped up grunting. "Shit girl." He felt Layla's wall clamp down on him sucking him in. "Damn."

Layla's nails dug into his back as he came.
"Welcome home daddy," she said breathless.

Rell laughed and placed his face in her neck sucking on her. They laid still for a few minutes with Rell hovering over her. When she pulled him down on her, he shook his head. "I don't want to hurt her."

Layla rolled her eyes internally as Rell rolled himself over placing her on top of him. "Maddison is gonna be up soon she will love to see you."

"I already saw her, when you dad came for me she was there."

Layla's jaw dropped. "They could've wake me up."

Rell laughed as he caressed her face. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too baby."

Eventually they got up and showered together. When they left the room, Maddison came running towards her father. James was in the kitchen already preparing breakfast.

"Wassup son," James greeted him. "I take it you're happy about the new addition?"

"Mannnnn it's about time," Rell laughed. "Thank you for taking care of them."

"Boy if you don't get out of here," James joked making everyone laugh.

Maddison hung onto her father not wanting to let go. "Dada, we go pool?"

Rell nodded then looked over to Layla. "I ain't got no clothes."

"We can go shopping after we eat," she told him.

Rell nodded. "Come here."

Layla got up and came closer only for him to pull her down on him. "You know what that is," Rell asked Maddison pointing to Layla's stomach.

"Baby sister," she screamed.

"Oh my gosh," Layla laughed. "You're enjoying this too much."

Rell nodded. "I got my girls here with me."

Maddison kissed his cheek then Layla's own. "Thank you baby," Layla told her. "You want some avocado or plantain?"

"You're not eating plantain for breakfast," her father scolded her.

When she rolled her eyes, Rell slapped her leg playfully, "don't be rude."

"Go tell papa you want plantain then bring it for me," she told Maddison who jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen.

"You bad," Rell laughed. "You need to stop eating so much fried food."

"You not my dad," she said.

Rell raised his brow. He ran his hand up her leg to her thigh then under the dress she wore. Layla smiled as he neared her box.

"I'll fuck You right here," he whispered in her ear.

"And I'll love it."

"Aye cut that shit out," James yelled from the kitchen even though he couldn't hear what they were saying.

Layla jumped and then hid her face in Rell's neck. "He so embarrassing."

"He ain studying us," he said yanking her head back gently. "Gimme a kiss."

Layla smiled as she initiated the kiss which escalated fast. Rell bit into her bottom lip causing her to open up. She slipped her tongue into his mouth taking control. Rell hands went to her neck as he applied minimal pressure making her moan. He slip his tongue in battling for dominance.

The sound of Maddison running towards them made them pull apart slowly.

"Ma look," Maddison said out of breathe. "Papa no know."

Rell rolled his eye. "You got her stealing."

Layla smiled as she took the paper towel from Maddison. "Climb up Mads lets share."

Maddison did as told and she and Layla shared the few pieces of plantain. "So good," Layla moaned.

"Y'all hands and mouth greasy now."

"So," Layla said. She began kissing all of his face spreading the grease, then Maddison joined.

Rell sat back laughing, enjoying his family who he hadn't seen in two months.

Layla and Rell walked through downtown holding hands. They were shopping for clothes and necessities for Rell. Maddison had ballet so they took the opportunity to run some errands.

"Wanna go into Footlocker," Layla asked.

Rell nodded.

Layla pulled him in as they entered the store. "So what all do you need?"

"Ummm some shoes, socks probably some tees, and basketball shorts."

Layla went to the rack and began picking up shirts then throwing them to Rell to hold. She knew what size he wore in basically everything. She picked up three packs of black socks and a pack of white.

Layla got him every color basketball shorts that they had. "You want some vest?"

"Wife beaters? Yeah."

Layla took up two packs of white and two of black. "Okay. You can find some shoes now."

A young man came over to assist by placing all the things Layla had picked up by the register. Layla leaned on Rell as he tried and choose the shoes he wanted.

"These for my baby," he told Layla.

"Maddison's feet are way too big for that Rell."

"Not Maddison. My other baby."

"We're not buying anything for the baby yet," she groaned. "We don't even know the sex."

"It's a girl," Rell told the Foot locker worker.

Rell ended up buying five pairs of shoes and two pair of slides. He got some stuff for Maddison but Layla didn't want anything.

When it was time to pay, Layla pulled out her black card. This was only time Rell was gonna allow it because due to the kidnapping.

"I don't like you spending money on me," he said hugging her from behind.

"I mean it's your money. This is the card you gave me," she said showing him the card. "You thought I owned a black card before you gave me this? I am not that rich. You are."

Rell laughed at her silliness. "Let go get something to eat."

Once they were bagged, they headed to the food court for some Chinese food. After paying for the food, they sat in an isolated corner.

"So what happened," she asked Rell.

"After everything happened, we laid low for a few days, then on my way to the PJ, I was T Boned. Turned out to be Vizzini's men trying to get back at me for ending him. It was thirty of them. I fought them back but I didn't have the strap. So one of them eventually knocked me out. I didn't even realize how much time passed."

"The entire time they had me locked up. But I notice everyday fewer and fewer of his men would come. I figured Adonis was killing them off slowly and I was right. My question the entire time was why didn't they kill me."

Layla shrugged. "You know when a leader dies there is a next successor. Maybe they were trying to figure that out. Because for Vizzini to want you dead all this time but never killed you when he had the chance. It's kind of fishy."

"I said the same thing. He killed my father then worked with me for years. Then wanted me killed for what? But he had the opportunity every time we met."

"I don't know," she stated. "So what are you gonna do now?"

"Lay low for a minute," he replied. "I got in contact with Dembe on my way down. He knows to freeze all my accounts if he doesn't hear from me in 24 hours. So because two months passed, he froze all the activity on my belongings. He's gotta send my IDs and get me new credit cards."

Layla nodded. "You have to make sure that all of Vizzini's men are dealt with as well."

"Adonis already started but I'm gonna finish."

They continue to eat and catch up. When they were finished, they resumed shopping. On the way home, Rell stopped at a pet store and told Layla to pick any dog.

"For real," she asked.

He nodded. "And pick one for Maddi too."

"We only need one."

"You know she isn't gonna want to share," he told her. "But it up to you."

"Ummmmmmm, what about him?"

Rell picked up the dog, "You want him?"

Layla nodded. "Okay let's get him."

Layla did a little dance. "Thank you baby."

Rell kissed her then pushed her to the front desk.

Once they finished the process of buying the dog, they went to a pet supply store and picked up a bunch of shit for the dog.

"Are we going for Maddi," he asked Layla.

She nodded. "Yea she should be finishing soon."

"How did you get her enrolled in school down here?"

"Well I wasn't gonna leave her sit at home with me all day. So I had Jew send down a copy of her documents and got her enrolled in school and ballet."

Rell hugged her from the side. "Thank you baby for everything."

Layla smiled and hugged him back. "Love you."

They paid for the stuff and Rell held all the bags on the way back to the car. Layla was munching on a pretzel and had a frosty in the other hand. "Is that all for today," she asked.

Rell nodded as he hopped in the front seat. "Yeahhhh. I got enough shit."

"How is your stomach feeling?"

After being malnourished, she told him it would take a while for his stomach to become strong again. He couldn't eat too much without his belly aching

"It's not hurting, I didn't eat too much for lunch and I feel like I'm regaining energy."

Layla nodded. "Okay it's gonna take time."

"Can I have some," he asked her referring to her pretzel and frosty.

"Ummm. No."

Rell shook his head as they pulled out and went to pick Maddison up from ballet. Layla stayed in the car as Rell left out to go inside the dance studio.

"Daddaaaaaa," Maddison yelled when she saw her father.

He reached and picked her up earning a kiss on the cheek. "You ready to go mamas?"

Maddison nodded. "Mama?"

"In the car."

Rell went for her bag and signed her out one time. "Tell everybody bye."

Maddison waved as Rell left the studio.

He opened up the backseat and placed her in the booster seat. Layla turned back and smiled. "We got a surprise for you."

Maddison eyes lit up. "Pwesent?"

Layla nodded as Rell pulled off. She had the pup laying in her lap sleeping so Maddison couldn't see her.

On the entire ride home Maddison dance and sung to baby shark as Layla played it on the radio. Rell smiled and admired his family as a whole. He reached over and grabbed Layla's hand and brought it to his mouth kissing it. She looked over and smiled at him.

"I love you," he mouthed to her.

"We love you too."

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