By heartmeltinglove

118K 5.8K 2.1K

Picture this, a notorious guy in school, that's the most egoistic person you have meet, that obviously has th... More

III-The project.
IV-The actual detention
V-After school.
VI-Skipping school (Part1).
VII- Skipping school (part 2)
VIII- Skipping school(part 3)
IX- Project preparation (part 1)
X- Project preparation (part 2)
XI-Dinner out- part 1
XII-Dinner out- part2
CHAPTER 22-Why love has to be so difficult..?
Chapter 31-Sudden Date
Chapter 38- The Night of Terror
43:The New Beginning
Contest No 1

I-"First day of hell."

12K 481 403
By heartmeltinglove

"Jenny, get out of the fucking bed now!" My bonkers of a friend, Beth screamed at the top of her lungs.

Okay! Okay!

I need to confess something to you guys before anything, I love my sexy friend but it comes with a price which I am not willing to sacrifice.

The price is being a morning person.

"Get out before, I am forced to do something you will hate." She threatened.

Well, that's my clue I think.

You might be wondering, with all the screams of my friend, Beth, I would have got used to being a morning person. Matter of fact, no, I cherish my sleep way too much for that. Bloody hell, I sleep more than a new born baby, which cuts to the fact that I am erratic, admit it, even Beth admits this to the extend she tortures me by screaming on purpose.

What a great friend, aye? I always, imagine her being the wicked witch of the west, pure evil, I know.

Rising up to the infuriating sound of my friend, my lifeless eyes decide to give my room a glance before heading back to bed, I look at my phone, it read 7:00, way too early meaning much more time for sleep my mind happily stated.

I laid back in my slumber.

After a while, an another scream is heard by Beth, by this time, she is dragging me out of bed, which is worst, my eyes suddenly opened by the sudden touch, man this girl will be the death of me.

"It is eight already, Jennifer, have some manners and get your ass going. You would not want to be late for High school."

High School, crap, I frantically did get my ass moving in a fuss, heading straight to the washroom, not knowing how the bloody hell will I get to my destination in twenty minutes.

My conscience cursed me, for sleeping like some dead corpses and seeing wrong time and for not being aware of my responsibilities.

Exiting, my washroom, I was thrilled, always being organized of the worst possible reasons meaning having my quickest outfits ready if, in case I was late, which never happens right. Note the sarcasm.

I stole a look at myself in the mirror; my outfit was passable and decent, I was wearing ripped black jeans topped up with a red checkered t-shirt which I adore to life and my black Dr martins boots. But once my eyes reached my face, I gasped at the state of my awful face.

Oh my gosh! My eyes are all puffy again!

I mentally cursed myself again, I mentally decided to wake up early tomorrow, like that was ever going to happen my conscience said doubting me.

Hurriedly, I applied some concealer to hide the puffiness underneath my eyes. Once, I was satisfied I headed out . I am not a beauty, to be truthful, I am decent.But at school, everyone is just extraordinary beautiful then me.

But who cares?
Heading down stairs, I ambled in to the kitchen, I could literally feel Beth's ears boiling on either side of her with anger.

What a wonderful way to start your
morning, Jenny! My conscience sarcastically said.
I mentally patted my back proudly asI was faster than usual but still late .I grabbed an apple before walking my ass to school and kissing my parents a goodbye for their lovely day because I surely know mine isn't going to be. Being lazy has its peak because of which Beth is giving me a ride.

Did you really think a lazy piece of shit such as mine self would walk to school, no, I am a snail and proud

My sexy creature of a friend glared daggers at me, which meant if I was a minute later, she would have practically killed me. I tired ignoring her glare but gave up, and offered a smile, because without her I would have been more late. She smiled back, a fake smile of course, meaning she is pissed at me I just turned away and stared at the sky for my safety not knowing what the flying cakes she was capable of.

The ride to the hellhole which people called high school was awful, Beth, was ignoring me, which pissed me off. Soon we reached our high school and Beth parked her Mini cooper near Alice's car. Alice was my second best friend, but the group that I hang out with is predictably wired: Alice and Beth are totally opposite and I am just in the middle and don't you start with side chick.

Alice and I have known each other since childhood, We are like shampoo and conditioner, we never leave each other side....ever. Alice is my lovely best friend as well as the top student in school and is aiming to get in to Oxford: She is the most ambitious girl I have ever met: but you can't forget her stalking habits for her crushes when she has free time and also her non-stop gossiping, she is like a chatterbox robot, does that even exist...

I sometimes wonder, how the freaking hell does she have time for all this ,with all the homework we get, I certainly don't.

She stalks people but her analogy is that it's not called stalking but "knowing everything about other people'. She likes to know everything about others, even if she doesn't personally know them. She is bubbliest person I know, always has a smile on her face and the quietest, they say the quietest are deadliest. Any guy would adore her innocence, but she has a crush already which she has stalked a million times, that I couldn't possible count.

Damn, she is totally falling for him.

Beth on the other hand joined our school recently. We clicked instantly because of our mutual hatred for maths. Beth has this tough girl attitude and appearance but personally if you get to know her, she a totally sweetheart from inside like a coconut. She wears band tees and fishnet tights. She doesn't care about what others opinion is about her, she minds her business and carries the day like that. She is practical and robust. I sometimes wonder how we even became best of friends in the first place, but here we are; I don't regret any moment of this mutual friendship, in fact I love it.

The three of us are practically invisible at school being named the "The dorks" besides a few teachers and Librarians ,no one else notices us or even talks to us: Not that it really matters to us. As It keep us out of the rumor mill and the center of attention which I personally hate.

" We need to meet some teachers before the first class so we'll see you later, Jenny!" My two best friend I love said ditching me, on my first day at school. I know they are angry but still.... you don't do that. I guess I just had to put my girls pants up and start the day.

Did I mention that my friends are the best? Yayy (Note the sarcasm)

I ambled to my locker to collect my resources for my first period. Scanning around the room, there was full of different types of people, "Jocks the Jerks "which I named them, the cheerleader, the jocks devour them, they wouldn't be a day you would not see them bum licking the cheerleaders, "The nerds", who stuff their heads inside book and are always achieving their high grades, "the bad boy my ass", who harass juniors for their enjoyment, the preppy cheerleaders who spend their days chasing the jocks, and then there's my friends and I who make up our own little group.


The bell echoed inside my mind alerting me, I was going to get late if I did not, get my ass moving.

Today Luck is seriously not on my side.

Good going, Jenny. You're going to get detention and its only day one! You're going to be noted down as one of the "bad girls" on the first day.
Yay! Good for you!

Yeah, I know I'm exaggerating but the day had started off extremely bad for me.

I started to run towards my class hoping to get there at least before the teacher.


I slammed into a wall from the lack of paying attention, around the corner of the corridor. Damn! who builds a wall at a turn. I stood there for the pain to come, shutting my eyes harshly, but I felt warm, muscular hand around my waist, the arm was tightly wrapped around me, to hold my steady weight.

Gosh, last time I checked walls did not have hands.

Huh! Well, at least my bottom was saved!

I opened one eye slowly peaking, I was flabbergasted to see a tall buff figure, inches away from eyes, soon as I saw the person who'd caught me, my heart started to beat erratically. My heartbeat increased even further as I was in the arms of most gorgeous guy I had ever laid my eyes on. I bet he noticed how fast my heart was beating, it felt like it was going to pound its way out of my chest. He had messy styled brown hair styled with the most mesmerizing, deep, blue eyes.

They were the most angelic eyes I had ever seen. When I put the broken pieces of information together and registered the oddly familiar face in my mind I realized that I was in arms of the ONE AND ONLY, AUSTIN PARKER.

My eyes widened as it hit me. He was not only hot and stunning but a "bad boy my ass" of this school. He was also the star player of almost all the sports. He and his two friends almost never actually attend classes. They have permanent seats in the detention room with their names written in permanent marker.

They are the kind of guys that everyone feared in this school. They are terrible flirts that use girls and then throw them away like tissues. They have been with most of the female population of the school. They use girls for pleasure and then dump them. They are known for the trail of broken-hearts that they leave behind.I don't know if it's true or if it's all just a bunch of rumors, as I have never seen them with any girl even once but that's what people say about them. So it must be somewhat true.

They always get themselves in to in trouble, or rather creating trouble everywhere they go.
Each one of them has their own different vibe too.

Unwrapping his arms from my waist he rudely said, "Watch, where you're going, bitch!" bringing me back to my senses.

Then I realized that I was shamelessly staring at his face and felt my cheeks instantly heat up out of embarrassment. But then I registered that he had called me a bitch. No one is allowed to insult me like that. Not even the schools popular Guy .

"No need to be so harsh, jerk!" I snapped without thinking. My eyes widened with shock at what had come out of my mouth. I was not an ill-tempered kind of girl. I usually bottled all my anger inside, instead of letting it come out like that.

I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but I further said "It was your fault, as Mr-you-were-in-your-own-la-la-land-while-I-was-walking that caused me to bump into you. I was actually trying to get to class on time, not that you'd know anything about that." I realized what I said and clamped my mouth shut.

Was I fed up enough with my own life that I had to dig my own grave?

Oh my gosh! Did I really say that all in front of none other than Austin Parker? What has gotten into me today?

Even his face was mix of shock, anger and many other expressions that I couldn't understand, and just my luck the final bell went off at that moment.

Ring ...Ring.....

Gosh I have never been so thankful for the bell before.

Without giving the jerk a second glance I ran towards my class. To my surprise, Austin ran behind me to class as well, I did not know I had the same class as him. Why is coming to class anyway, he never comes to class

" Ah! How lucky I must be that the both of you decided to attend my class! " Mr. Black said dramatically. Then he glared at us and with deadly eyes he further said "Meet me in detention today after school, if not no sports for you anymore."
Mr. black's look was so intense that he would have kicked me then and there if I would have argued with him. I just nodded and made way to my seat quietly. Mr. Black was fuming with anger because of Austin's behavior; he was ignoring the teacher again.

The rest of the day was mostly normal except for the several pairs of amused eyes fixed on me. I hated the attention. Even my own friends were in bewildered because of the little stunt I had pulled today.

The day wasn't even half over and I had landed myself in trouble already. God, please be on my side!


I am a human that does human errors, so if you're going to say harsh words, hush it and there's the door , out the book but the ones that are staying, I hope you loved my first chapter. :)

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