Alpha, surprised to see me?

By youreadme101

88.8K 1.7K 206

Fifteen year old, Julia Williams, is not someone you'd want to meet. Burdened with the fact that her parents... More

Chapter 1 (Revised)
Chapter 2 (Revised)
Chapter 3 (Revised)
Chapter 4 (Revised)
Chapter 5 (Revised)
Chapter 6 (Revised)
Chapter 7 (Revised)
Chapter 8 (Revised)
Chapter 9 (Revised)
Chapter 10 (Revised)
Chapter 11 (Revised)
Chapter 12 (Revised)
Chapter 13 (Revised)
Chapter 14 (Revised)
Chapter 15 (Revised)
Chapter 16 (Revised)
Chapter 17 (Revised)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Check this out!!!!!!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Untitled Part 31

Chapter 29

212 13 2
By youreadme101

So Sorry this took forever but school has been a killer. 


Chapter 29

   I didn't know how it happened. I didn't want to know how it happened but one thing was for sure. I was damned grateful it did happen.

   One second I was charging for Drusilla and in the next I felt myself ripping away from the beast. I felt as its claws turned into hands, as its nuzzle turned into a nose, while its fur morphed into pale skin. I felt my mind ease as only one person was active in there. Me, myself, and I.

   Don't mistake my gratitude for liking though, don't ever make that mistake. Trust me, I despise Drusilla, but I will not kill her the way the Beast wanted me to. No, I would kill her when the time was right. When the entire pack house crumbles to my feet, then I will slaughter them like the swine they are. Drusilla had belittled me, beat me, and stripped me of any dignity I had left. But now was a different time. Drusilla will feel the pain I went through all those years. So, ill raise her spirits up just to kill her at the exact moment I deemed necessary.

   Julianna! A voice screamed inside of my pounding skull. I jerked back slightly with a small gasp, covering my ears with the palms of my hands.

   Shrinking away I spit out just as furious, Where the hell were you, Saraphine!

   Don't disrespect me, Julia. I have been trying to contact you for ages, what happened to our link?

   Oh, I think you know very well what was happening, Saraphine. I am no idiot! I may not have grown up learning the ways of the link like so many other children are blessed with but do not question me on a matter like this. I know you did nothing to stop him from entering my mind link with you and you're going to tell me why!

   I have no idea what you're talking about. Her emotions washed over me, strong and dominant. Pure defiance hung around me and I sensed a bit of apprehension as well. These feeling that I felt through our link were new to me. Usually our emotions were blocked off from one another no matter how hard Saraphine or me tried to tap into hem. Today, though, was different. I felt the link between Saraphine and I weaken, the dividing line that kept us from fully communicating was dwindling down to nonexistence. It was both exhilarating and confusing all at once. 

   Shut it, of course you know! Links aren't just broken the way he severed mine with yours, so you must have granted him access and I want to know why.

   Don't get ahead of yourself, Julia.

   Saraphine. I growled.

   Hush, Julia. Stop being a winy mutt and listen up. ...Are you finished?

   Quite. I spat.

   Good. Now, I haven't been completely honest with you...

   Oh you don't say! Sarcasm dripped from my lips.

   I said hush! Now, I understand the confusion you feel-

   You have no--

   Zip it! As I was saying I haven't been completely honest and I understand that we are not meant to keep such things as secrets from each other but this was important.

   What could have been so important?

   All in good time. We will talk later about this, I swear. The time has come for secrets to be unveiled.

   When will--

   She wakes.

   I nodded looking down at a stirring Drusilla. She had passed out from the fright of the Beast attacking her but her mind was slowly coming too again. We will be speaking of this later.

   I'd expect nothing more.

   Right on que, Drusilla's wide eyes reach mine and a terrified scream claws out of her mouth. The wire still firmly held in place around her neck causes fresh blood to sink into the air. Its smell filling my nostrils. Terrified Drusilla scrambles further into the tree trunk, probably thinking that by shrinking away I won't be able to harm her.

   Silly thing.

   "Please, I'm--"

   "Need a hand?" I cut her off, extending a hand to her. She eyes it carefully, searchingly, waiting for me to strike. A strike that will not come.

   "Get away from me." She manages to spit out in the most disgusted voice she can manage through the flow of tears.

   Ahh there's the Drusilla I love to hate.

   "Do you want help or not?" I drop my hand and shift my weight onto my right foot. "I can untie you if your quiet but you aren't getting any brownie points for that sour attitude. I think I liked it better when you were groveling. Go ahead do it again!" I cheered.

   She stares at me eyes full of hate and fear. Her resolve is crumbling I can tell but her posture is so stiff you'd never be able to tell if her eyes didn't give her away.

   "Why did you do this?"

   I didn't have an answer for her. Why did I do this? Did I do it out of hate? Yes. But this action couldn't be all my doing right? It had to have been the beast and maybe even Saraphine. Everything was tied together somehow, I just wasn't sure how bound all this was.

   "Sorry, mutt but I'm the one who's going to be asking the questions here." She spits out a fresh pile of blood into the dirt at my feet.

   "How lovely." I remark dryly. Walking around the tree trunk I cut the wire loose around her neck. A breath of relief catches in her throat and I hear her take a big gulp of air into her lunges. Undoing the rest of her bindings I hale her up to her feet and start dragging her by the elbow through the forest.

   "Now, that that's taken care of. You gonna tell me what you were doing before I showed up?" If this lie was going to work I was going to need Drusilla's full cooperation.

   "You mean besides minding my own business before you showed up and socked me in the face!" She scratches at my eyes, while attempting to kick and dart away from me. Harshly I drag her elbow back into a rough lock and tug on her hair a little.

   "You wanna try that again or are you gonna talk?" I grit out. Angrily she stares me down.


   "Ok!" She shoves my hand away from her aching scalp. Begrudgingly she smoothes her muddied hair down, rubbing sift circles in the area I pulled. "I was back at the pack house minding my own business, doing stupid Luna work, when I heard a scream come from the woods. It's my "job" to look after everyone so I was forced to search in the woods to see what was wrong. When I finally found the source of the scream, which was you, you were covered in blood and passed out on the forest floor. I tried to shake you awake once but you didn't wake up so I turned to leave you there. Only instead of a nice peaceful return back o the house I get thrown back against the tree. You went on this whole crazy war path and knocked me out cold. I woke up beaten out of my mind and strapped to that tree. I was by that tree for possibly an hour before you showed up again and vuala here we are!" She said bitterly still rubbing at her head.

   I pulled Drusilla to a stop in front of me and looked her dead in the eye. "Listen to me very carefully. We are going to head back to the pack-house. When we get there you are going to tell everyone you had an accident. I found you in the woods and brought you back here. You never found the source of the scream and the pack-house thinks I'm the hero, so it all works out perfectly. If you fail to follow what I've placed out for you there will be consequences. Are we clear?"

   "Like hell I'm you to listen to that bullshit!" She yanked her arm out of my grasp.

   When she attempted to walk away I caught her once more. "In the last few hours I'm sure you've realized that I am not messing around. I don't know what you think of me at the moment--"

   "--That you're a crazy psychopath that turns into a raging monster!"

  "I'm sure you've come to realize that I pose as a very powerful threat, screw with me and we'll replay this little scene today but in the end you won't be pardoned. So, you are going to play along with the lie I've given you and you will keep quiet about this." I said matter of factly.

   "You're a real bitch you know that. I knew there was always something wrong with you! The whole pack house knew!"

   "And you all created a monster." My voice came out in a strong monotone, that not even Drusilla could deny.

   A hard cold look passed behind her eyes. A calculating look on how she would work her way out of this one, but unlike everyone Drusilla has ever played I was not easily manipulated, at least not anymore. "I hate you."

   "Glad the feeling is mutual. Now, are you going to stand there all day or are you going to cooperate?" When she nodded, I smirked and made a small gesture with my hand saying, "Lead the way." I smiled and let her pass by me. And like a scarred puppy she edged away from me at the last second.

   How, wonderful.

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