Chances are....

By CandidKeeks

231K 7.2K 991

In this story we'll be following the lives of Justine Halloway and Bradley Jameston. Justine, a suburban brow... More

1. Meet Justine
2. Meet Bradley
3. Saying Hello
4. Bad News
5. He's hot
6. As Always
7. Nothing new to me
8. Not so bad
9. Go hard or go home
10. What are the odds?
11. If you don't mind...
12. Pool party...??
13. I'm an idiot
14. Trust me will ya?
15. Firsts for everything
16. Bittersweet Farewell
17. Home Sweet Home
18. Emotional Meadows
19. But wait there's more
20. Well that was....eventful.
21. Can I kidnap your stuffed monkey?
22. Moving In
24. What do YOU want?
25. Mind Games
26. Talk to him.
27. Fuck you
28. Too fancy
29. Resolved Issues?
30. Something Changed
31. Monster

23. Mini Golfing?

2.9K 208 27
By CandidKeeks


I woke up on the couch with a massive headache and Justine's legs sprawled across mine. Last night didn't really go as planned, we were finished getting everything out of the truck and in its place at 11 but, we got hungry so we ended up spending $600 at Wal-Mart. On the bright side, my fridge is full.

"Hey, are you awake?" I shook her legs.

"No. Shut up." She mumbled.

"Oh c'mon your morning breath can't possibly be that bad." I stood dragging her up with me. "Besides, don't you want to get back to your dorm and get dressed?"

"Not really." She wiggled out if my grasp, walked into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of my sweatpants.

"Hey whoa hey, those are my favorites!" I reached for them but stopped once I thought about how good she'd look in them. " ya know what? Wear this too." I grabbed a plain white tee and placed it atop her disheveled hair.

"I still need a toothbrush." She frowned.

I reached into the bedside table and grabbed a pack of toothbrushes. "Here."

She grabbed the toothbrush and walked into the bathroom, " I'll be in the kitchen." I said before walking out.

I had a mouth full of granola when she walked out of my room, her hair was wet, she was wearing my clothes and there was a towel draped over her shoulders.

" I uh- I like your hair that way." Her hair looked shorter, her curls reached just past her shoulders.

"I used one of your washcloths and your body wash, and your shampoo, and your conditioner, and your mouthwash, and your lotion... and your deodorant. Thanks!" She laughed and hopped onto the couch.

"You're welcome?" I threw a granola cluster at her, "But, my deodorant? Really?" I walked into the living room.

"Is that your idea of sharing? Throwing food at people?" She snatched the bag out of my hand.

"Depends on who I'm sharing with, we're going to the bookstore later."

"My hair takes hours to dry without a blow dryer Brad."

"Well, looks like you're going with wet hair." I laughed and pretended to flip my hair.

"False." She retorted.

"Ok how about I just go and get you a blow dryer then?" I grabbed my keys, "excuse my lack of knowledge with hair products. I kind of want gummy bears anyway. I'll be right back!" I shut the door behind me. I can't possibly be this bad at asking a woman to date me. It's always been so easy and suddenly it's like everything I ever knew just flew out the window.

I'll make it my mission to ask her today, deadline 11:59 pm. That leaves me 12 hours. I've got this!


I sat on Brad's couch watching American Dad and twisting my hair. Fingers crossed, whichever blow dryer he buys actually works for my hair.

"Hungry." I mumbled walking towards the kitchen. "Bingo!" I grabbed a box of townhouse crackers and walked into the spare bedroom we successfully converted into a half office. It's cozy, I'll definitely be sleeping in here when I'm over.

"Honey I'm home!" I heard Brad walk through the front door.

"Go back to where you came from, you filthy dog!" I shouted back before he walked in, blow dryer in hand. "Why did you open it?"

"I have no answer for that." He handed me the blow dryer and I plugged it in. "So are you planning on sharing those?" He pointed to the crackers I was eating."

"Sure." I threw a few at him.

"Touché." He backed out of the room with his hands in his pockets. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

I ended up walking back into the living room to blow dry my hair because it got way too hot in that room.

"Are you done yet?" Brad walked into the living room wearing a red and black plaid button up, khakis, and neon yellow socks.

"Yeah, now I just have a colossal afro to deal with. Nice socks by the way." I shook my hair allowing it to fall into place.

"You look fine, just do that bun thing."

"Whatever you saaaay." I flipped my hair forward and put my hair in a quick bun. "I need to go to my dorm though, I don't have my wallet."

"And here I was thinking that I'm more unprepared than you are. Hopefully there's no line." He tossed me my sneakers and out the door we went.

You couldn't tell me he wasn't driving 60 in a 40 mph zone, we got to my dorm at 2:13, just in time to see Sam walking out of her dorm.

"Heeey neighbor! Hi Bradley. Justine, I noticed you didn't come back last night, where were you?" She pried.

"Oh I uh, stayed the night at my boyfriend's place." I smirked.

"Boyfriend?" Sam seemed confused.

"Yeah, you've met him." I said before unlocking my door and walking into my near spotless room. "Got it!" I grabbed my wallet and dragged Brad out of my room, locking the door in the process. "Later Sam!"

"What was that all about?" Brad questioned.

"I don't like her." I said

"But you hardly know her, and who's this boyfriend you appeal of?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Why don't we walk to the bookstore? It's not far." I suggested.

"Whatever you say just- just give Sam a chance she may not be that bad." He put his arm around my shoulder, holding me to him as we walked.


So.... I asked her. She didn't quite say yes. It kinda went like,

Justine and I decided to walk the campus after dropping our books off in my car. We had walked for 2 hours before I suggested we sit. Luckily there are a plethora of benches sprawled across campus.

"I feel like I haven't sat in days!" She swung her feet as we sat. I find that extremely cute but, if I were to mention that she'd kill me.

"Same here- so, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Ask away. If this is about the gummy bears that were in the glove compartment, yes, I ate them. I'm sorry I got hungry and-"

"Though I did want those gummy bears, that's not what this is about. I'm going to get right to it because if I don't I'll just ramble and then chicken out. Will you be my girlfriend? If you say no, I'll completely unders- why are you laughing?"

"What do you mean, why am I laughing? Do you hear yourself?" She laughed some more and turned her body so that she was directly facing me. "Neither of us really know what we want out of this Bradley. If I recall, the first time you kissed me I freaked out and ran away. It takes more than a month to know someone."

"So was that a no?" I was a bit more than slightly confused right now.


"So wait, yes?"

"Noooo." She laughed and hopped up from the bench, pulling me along with her. "Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's go mini golfing!"

"Mini golfing? Really?" I just asked you to be my girlfriend, you say no, now you want to go mini golfing?


Well, I won't argue with that. We're still technically dating. Right? Oh dear god what the hell do I do now?


I freaked! I wanted to say yes, I really did but, I'm and he's so EVERYTHING! What the hell do I do now?

A/N ****Boom! Here's another one guys! This was more of a filler


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