Married My Enemy (#1 Rajput)

נכתב על ידי ekkladki

2.8M 159K 25.6K

This story is about a relationships between a father and daughter. A wife and husband. And 2 best friend. "G... עוד

2 - World War Three
3 - Outburst
4-Too Close
5- Marry Him
6- Surprise
7- Brothers By Anger
8- His Ariel
9- Be Ready On The 25th
11- A Little Closer
13- We All Hide Things
14- Puzzles To Solve
15- Jealousy
16- She's Too Bold
17- One Week
18- One Day
19- Wedding
20-Vows and Emotions
21- Her Prince Or Demon?
22- Rejections Hurt
23- His Cure
24-Crowded By Smart People
25- 'Change Him'
26- Too Many Plans
27- 'Crossing The Limit'
28- Ghost House
29- 'Red Hulk'
30 - The Moon And The Sun
31- 'All Of His Shades'
32- Mental Asylum
33- 'Willing To Be Abnormal'
34- Low In Patience
35- The Y's
36- Fire Vs Fire
37- 'Three Years'
38- A Threat To Kiaan
39- Flirting Without Any Shame
40- Rajput's Vs Ahuja's
41-'Experience Teaches Us.'
42- They Saw Love
Sneak Peak
43-Blending For Each Other
44- 'You're Weird, You Know?'
45- Valak Loves Jaanvi
46- Lesson To Be Taught
47- First Kiss
Author's Note- Important
48- 'You're Making Me Fall For You'
49- They Love Each Other
50- Invitation
51- Gold Or Bold?
52-Mini Kiaan
53- Personality Switches?
54- New Friends
55- Flies Everywhere
56- Non-Adults
57- Confessed The Truth
58- 'Actual Fight'
59- The 'I' Game
60- Lover Or Stalker?
61- The History
62-Confessed It All
63- Home
64- Wife Or Baby?
65- It Was Always Jaanvi
66- Silence
67- Self-Talks
68- 'It's Me'
69- When Putana Calls Kiaan
70- 'Wingless Butterfly'
71- 'My Clown'
72- 'Raised Well'
73- The Race Against Time
74- 'Still Love You'
75- One
76- The Rising Respect
77-The Family's Outburst
78- Husband Over Friend
79-Flipping Kiaan
80- His Wishes
81-His Self-Respect
82- Blazing In Fire (Juhi's Truth)
83- Flowing Blood
Jaanvi's Information
84-Twisted Mind
85- 'They Are Coming'
86- 'Going Well'
87- The 'Do' and the 'Don't'
88- 'Give Me A Reason'
89- Dependent
90- 'Inner Demons'
91- News
92- 'Don't Want You'
93-Someone New
94- 'Is This What Depression Is?'
95- Oh Vomit!
96- From The Start
97- Stuck In The Middle
98- Jealousy
99- Moving On
100- Attention Seeker
101- Destroyed/Ruined Life Of Hers
102- 'One Month'
103- 'The Third Eye'
104- Back Home
105- Meeting Family
106- 'Always In Her Heart'
New Story
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter Two: One Million Special
This Books Is Nominated !!
Dhruv and Aditi!
Ishaan's book is out
New Book by Me

10-Mute, Deaf and Blind.

33.7K 1.7K 277
נכתב על ידי ekkladki

I suggest anyone reading this book after the edited version to reread. 

Typed On - 13/10/2018

Chapter 10-Mute, Deaf and Blind

"Who was that?" Asha did work for Jaanvi but more than an employee and employer they were great friends. She subjectively raises her eyebrows quizzically, it results with Jaanvi sighing to express her tiredness.

Something was something threatening in Asha's mischievous eyes. "He's off-limits," Jaanvi responds outrages. She feels a massive searing pain engulf her heart and twist it inside her chest. To distract herself from giving her heart or her mouth more attention she begins working on the computer.

Setting aside the tray in the kitchen Asha scouts to Jaanvi. Standing in front of her desk she questions outspokenly, "Why? Why of limits?"

"Because he's my husband." She blunts out typing resentfully with horrible taste in her mouth,

"Would be husband." Jaanvi corrects herself realising her mistake, though, she doesn't find big of a difference in that.

Asha's mouth was wide open, "How can you get such a good looking guy?" Her whimsical sense of humour sometimes really troubles Jaanvi into banging her head on the wall. Her silly loud laughter fills the surface between the kitchen and the office—reception—area.

"I'm cutting down your salary." Jaanvi ardently says with a callous—devil-like--smirk looking back at her computer screen. Her ears pay close attention to Asha's shoulder-blades snapping.

"Come on Jaan," Asha whines compassionately. Her voice was much quieter now expressing her broodiness. "I was joking. Now tell me who is he?" She was—is—a very complex and diplomatic women with a silly nature when she tends to get in troubling situations.

Jaanvi knows what she's doing. "Asha don't make me fire you, please not now." She replies sighing. Gathering some accounting books—where she keeps all her financial documents—she stacks them up in the corner of her small desk shelf.

Her brain was occupied trying to interpret why on earth he'd want to marry her. Surely there must be a big reason behind all of this. Kiaan was trying to fasten the arrangements up. He called her father last night informing he doesn't want a different function for their engagement. No matter how sentimental Jaanvi was she couldn't overlook his eagerness.

She imagined—and prepared herself—he'd demand a lavishing, talk of the town like wedding considering he's an NRI because the wedding culture has changed so much over the years. Affording a normal simple wedding with a groom living in India was tough for the bride's family so this was way out of her league.

Kiaan wanted a not so simple but not too expensive wedding. He wants a good gathering of his family, friends from his side of the family and an eye worthy elegant decoration. He doesn't mind if the wedding is held in a park with a big tent or a community hall or a hotel. He just wants it to be beautiful and intimate.

Why would he want me? She wasn't born or brought up in the environment he was. She didn't attend the prom/ball like he would have. She didn't celebrate her eighteenth getting drunk for the first time like he might have. The culture was so diverse—in his world—and Jaanvi wasn't sure if she could ever blend into it. Maybe their backgrounds would tear them apart.


All-day one word ran around her mind like a bee or a fly trapped inside a glass jar. His nickname for her has a slight touch of passion. She shivers. Hearing him call her Ariel after so long was strangely alluring.

Twinkling she glances down at her wrists. He left a pitiful red mark on her wrist. Jaanvi isn't sure how to react to this. Skimming her finger over her soft wrists she shrills in pain.

He was never short-tempered then what happened? She thought remembering he was incensed.

"Hey." Jaanvi focuses her eyes up at Aditi standing in front of her with grim expressions. "I called you like five times. Where's your phone?"

She gave her a vague look before looking at her phone. It was on silent. "Oh, sorry. It was on silent. I-i-I w-was w-working—" her voice was cracking as if she was lying.

"What's wrong?" Aditi asks leaning on the front desk looking at her best friend in concern. "Are you okay?"

Jaanvi had a problem with temper and everyone was aware of that. Throwing the papers—beside her computer mouse—on the floor in aggrieve she storms out of the café. Jaanvi needs air, fresh air. Some personal time to think over everything. Aditi follows her like a lost puppy with a benevolent attitude to fix whatever was wrong.

"Jaanvi?" Aditi places her hand on her friend's tensed shoulder. Her muscles were straight and hard—unmoving as if the blood circulation has stopped.

"It's annoying." She is ambivalent with everything around her. Holding her head in her hands she groans. "I always wanted to make dad happy, to pay back for his love somehow. And I did, I did Aditi. I accepted Kiaan's proposal. I got the chance and I took it. I made mummy, dad and even his mom happy but I'm not happy. I—I hate this feeling. One moment I'm extremely happy realizing I've made others happy, the next I'm just—" Her voice fades away.

She turns to her friend. "I'm in a big mess Adi. How can I marry someone I hate? I hate him since that school incident. He ruined everything, I hate it. I hate him then why do I like it when he calls me Ariel? When he calls me stubborn cat? Shouldn't I hate it? Why am I having mixed emotions? Mixed feelings? H-he h-has anger issues. His mom told me, I even faced it. H-how can I handle him when I, myself flip every two seconds? W-we'll murder each other. I-I want to run. B-but I can't, n-not l-leaving dad all alone."

She burst into fresh warm salty tears. It was rare seeing Jaanvi cry. She hardly cried in front of people, even if it was her father or best friend. She was a keeper, exactly like her father.

"Hey," Aditi whispers sensibly with a gentle comforting tone. She wraps her small arms perfectly around Jaanvi's depressing body. Aditi couldn't see her so helpless, and neither was she familiar seeing her Jaanvi crying.

"Everything will be fine, sh." Aditi kisses her head. "Trust me, uncle loves you more than himself. He won't push you into a burning lava. Who doesn't have anger issues Jaanvi? You do as well, yet you have friends, family, an awesome busy business. This is bizarre and I have no right to say this but I—I just," She pauses and stares into the distance, scrambling through her brain and tongue to frame her opinions courteously to her emotionally unstable friend.

"I feel he's perfect for you. I've been hearing about Kiaan from you for years, I don't think you ever hated him." Her whisper confuses Jaanvi. Pulling away she stares at Aditi.

"The way you talked about him, described his face, his nature. It showed how much you noticed his habits, his behaviour—his personality. Nobody knows their enemy this well, I never said this because I was afraid to piss you off b—but I think you've liked him ever since you were fifteen. Ever since he left and you realised how much he meant to you. You're just hurt because of his actions but you don't hate him. You feel you do but you don't. I think, if you're not right for each other, this marriage would never take place. But if you're meant to be, you can't do anything to stop it." She passed her friend a small weak smile. As if to encourage Jaanvi to look into the brighter side.

Squeezing Jaanvi's hand she adds, "Dhruv told me that h-he thinks Kiaan was thinking about you, on their way back home."

"W-what?" Jaanvi's mouth goes dry. No trace of the water she drank a few minutes ago.

"I—I," she stops midway biting her lips as if only just comprehending what's disclosed. "Dhruv called me. He told me how weirdly Kiaan was smiling after meeting you."

"Dhruv and you?" Jaanvi jumps in excitement, completely overshadowing the discussion about Kiaan. "Oh, he's a great guy. I've known him since I was one, although I don't remember it very well but he's just great. I'm happy for you." Jaanvi's tone and thrilled body structure was impassionate.

"We're only friends!" Aditi defends herself blushing a little, "He's just really funny and nice. Nothing more."

"I'm sure," Jaanvi replies rolling her eyes. Talking about Dhruv took her mind of the wedding issue.


"Do you want some Ice Cream Rashi?" Aditi questions stepping inside the clean kitchen. She glazes her fingertip on the white fridge and opens it. Taking the ice cream out—preferable to her taste—she walks out and meets everyone in the dining area.

"I think I can get it myself, It's my house." comes Rashi's indignant and hard reply. Her eyes narrow frustratingly at Aditi. Jay and Jaanvi look at her in shock.

"Um, okay?" Aditi replies zipping her lips and sealing her tongue. She doesn't want to create a scene during such a stressful time for her best friend so she begins scooping ice cream out for others into the bowls. The harsh words made her feel outcaste and undeserving—to be around them—though.

Jaanvi knew this had something to do with Dhruv. She noticed ever since Dhruv started talking to Aditi, Rashi's been acting weird and rather distant. So was Jay but he never passed any mean comments to anyone.

No matter who it was or is, Jaanvi couldn't—cannot—accept anyone blaming or being rude to an innocent person. Especially for such a cheap and stupid matter.

"IF you've forgotten this house is my fathers. He played eighty percent of the payment. In that case, whatever is my fathers is mine. And to remind you, Aditi is my best friend so start behaving Rashi."

Jaanvi pushes her chair back making it screech. She walks into the kitchen and takes chocolate ice cream out. She adjusts the ice cream container on her ribcage with her arms support and picks two bowls for their ice cream. "Let's go to my room, we'll finish this there. After all, I brought this from my own money."

She could be brutal and sassy sometimes despite who was standing opposite her. Her mouth was indeed a gun you wouldn't want to sand in front of during an encounter. It was hard to believe that

Jaanvi loves Rashi and Jai but sometimes their strange and immature behaviour and lack of interest in day-to-day life irks her. They were trapped inside an adults body according to her sometimes.

It was after dinner when the four of them were eating ice cream alone. Aditi scooped vanilla ice cream on her spoon and starts to devour it's coldness when Juhi stalks inside the dining area. Immediately her eyes land on her daughter's hurt face.

"What's wrong?" She asks her daughter who looks away, averting her gaze in shame. Juhi castes her angry red eyes on Jaanvi shooting daggers.

Rashi shook her head negatively thinking she'll get in trouble. This makes Jaanvi roll her eyes. First, she creates an issue, then she behaves like a goddess. Wonderful.

Ansh's daughter thought before speaking, "I was just telling Rashi to not mistake about who this house belongs to. This house is mine." Those who don't know Jaanvi will probably think she's a bitch. Or worse, a nightmare.

But she was just too honest and straight-forward. And that was her downfall. Her brutally honest opinions and the tone wasn't always appreciated or capable to be heard by others.

"A family does not have 'my' in it!" Juhi roared glaring at Aditi and Jaanvi. Juhi was sulking at the two girls.

Aditi felt bad for being the cause of the fight. She whispers "Just say sorry." Aditi has other things to worry about then witness a dramatic lecture from Juhi. She wants to get over with this and head to bed.

Glaring at her best friend she answers, "Not over my death." She was strong-headed when it comes to tolerance but not with people like Juhi. I said nothing wrong. Therefore, I won't apologise. Jaanvi is unbiased—has always been—so there's no way she'll bow down when everyone knows—when she knows—she's fair and correct.

"Chachi you're telling me this? The lady that gave me sweets which were from the floor, even after I said I don't want to eat it. You've always brought a 'my' in this family. You invented this word. I did NOT. 'This is my kids, this is my house, and this is my clothes!' You brought this MY!" She shrieks making the old lady angrier.

Jaanvi jabs her index finger accusingly with eyes filled with hatred and nothing else. "Let me tell you one thing. This is my house. Ansh and Ishaani Ahuja's house. Nobody else's." She yells without any boundaries. There was so much hate, pain and emptiness in her heart all because of Juhi. Everything she endured in her childhood was coming out slowly but cruelly.

What came next was unexpected from everyone.

A slap. A tight outrages slap.

Jaanvi's blurred eyes from the tingling and stinging cheeks glance up and view her father's face.

He was red—blood red—in fury. His thin body vibrates—shakes—in wrath. And his steady raised hand explains he's the righteous owner to the handprint on her cheeks. Her grandma was crying. Horrified and grieving to have seen this day.

Jaanvi was so angry—her body trembling and mouth spreading venom. Blunt and true venom—that she never noticed when the other elders entered the dining area. Sunil was mad seeing his niece yelling at his wife. It only made him furious.

Aditi covers her mouth with her hand in shock and a bruising gasp escapes her mouth. She never pictured Ansh slapping Jaanvi ever in his life. He loved her dearly to ever raise his hand on her.

Rashi and Jay stand up from their chair looking at Jaanvi in horror and shock. Their face pales.

"Yo-y-you s-slapped me f-for her?" Jaanvi's resentful eyes linger on Juhi—as if to crumbles the lady underneath her heels—who slightly smiles in satisfaction.

Not hearing a word coming out of his mouth she laughs bitterly, "Oh right, sorry. So sorry. I forgot, 'elders are always right, trust them, believe them,' even if they are wrong. What did I say wrong, huh?" She moves closer to her father looking into his red eyes. "This is my house. Your house, my mummy's house. WHO is She to—" she was interrupted by another slap on the same cheeks by her father.

The searing pain on her cheek has doubled and the mark surely won't leave its print for quite some days. Jaanvi was about to fall when Aditi rushes to hold her, "uncle this is wrong." Disappointed and guilty tears roll down her cheeks seeing Ansh's behaviour.

Ansh put his finger on his mouth telling Aditi to be quiet making her go silent.

"That's right," Jaanvi speaks once again. Because of a mere slap, she will not step down from what she believes in. It only fuelled her anger up and determination to target her aunty. "Some are mute, some are blind and some are deaf in this family, except me. You know what? I'll become all of them. I'll be quiet from now on and won't hear anything. Who cares if someone is insulting someone? I'll be blind, doing nothing about it. Starting from now." She smiles mercilessly walking out the house.

Ansh felt bad raising his hand on his daughter for the first time but she needed it. His remorse has to be buried for her to understand that she is wrong. He knew his pampering spoiled her. She was too honest and bold which wasn't always good. He thought this slap will help her understand, maybe it'll teach her a lesson to start controlling her anger.

But it didn't.

From today she hated Juhi eve more.

She wiped her humiliated tears quickly walking in the road wearing her white top with pyjamas. Aditi follows her, she keeps calling out for her but Jaanvi didn't stop. She kept walking, walking with no emotions. She was hurt badly to be fixed.

Her hero, her superhero hit her even though he knew she was right. She couldn't accept it.

"Jaanvi please," Aditi screams running behind her. "Stop, it's late, let's go back home."

She continues striding ahead. Aditi pulls her phone out of the pocket of her pyjamas and quickly dialled Dhruv's number.

He picks up on the second bell as if waiting for her phone call, "Hi Aditi, wow I never thought you'll call this quick. By the way, pass the phone to Jaanvi mom wants to talk to her." Came his happy and cheerful young voice.

"D-Dhruv," She cries helplessly seeing Jaanvi behaving so deadly and creature like—unbothered by who she bites and slaughters on her way. Biting her lips as her eyes trail at Jaanvi walking ahead like a dead body she opens her trembling mouth to explain what's going on to him but her voice dies. She knew Jaanvi was deeply hurt. The father who never let anyone touch her hit her, this left a painful wound in her friend's heart.

A scar no one can erase.

"A-Aditi? W—what's wrong?" She heard his concerned voice. No lightness or comical.

"C-come. J-Jaanvi." She doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know how to explain everything. "J-Jaanvi's not well, please p-pick us up. W-we're close to the pa-park near Jaanvi's house." She whispers breathlessly cutting the phone to catch up with her friend.

"Jaanvi stop it!" Aditi losses her patience. "Stop this! I-it's late, let's go." She grasps her wrist making her cry in pain. Automatically Aditi glances at her friends wrist covered in red marks, "W-who did this?" Her voice trembling and unstable. Aditi swallows. This was too much.

Jaanvi moves her teary eyes from Aditi towards her wrists. Jerking Aditi's hand off her, she turns around and continued walking in silence and unconcern of how late it was and how unsafe it can be for them to be out.

"You can't run away. Not like this, you can't leave your house." Aditi pleases walking beside Jaanvi.

Her one-sentence stops Jaanvi. She stares at her friend.

"Didn't you see the disagreement in his eyes? He chose aunty over me." She says it with so much ache in her heart and wet eyes. She looks up at the dark clouded sky and cries. "He chose her over me." This time she says it to her mother. Wailing.

Married My Enemy.

Edited On – 28/04/2020 (6:15 p.m.)

Do you think what Ansh did was right?

Do you think that Jaanvi did was right?

המשך קריאה

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