The Heir's Pretend Girlfriend

By simplicity432

333K 7.9K 884

Shannon Richelieu just lived a normal teenage life with her mother at their Los Angeles apartment until her m... More

1 ✮ Wrong Restroom
2 ✮ Gem Girl
3 ✮ I Can Be Tough Too
4 ✮ Fancy Champagne
5 ✮ You're a Handful [W i l l]
6 ✮ Bench Sleepover
7 ✮ Lock the Door
8 ✮ Taffy
9 ✮ Bloody Knuckle [W i l l]
10 ✮ Chicken Suits
11 ✮ Watered Soup
12 ✮ Kidnapping is Illegal
13 ✮ The Confession
14 ✮ Beach House Blues PART ONE [W i l l]
15 ✮ Beach House Blues PART TWO
16 ✮ Drunk in Love
17 ✮ Door Opening Classes
18 ✮ Snowshoe Bunnies
19 ✮ Outdoor Movies
12 ✮ Only the Butt of the Airforce One is Allowed [W i l l]
21 ✮ Is this Gouda Enough for you
22 ✮ Hijacking Cheesecakes
23 ✮ Home Sweet Apartment
24 ✮ The Greenhouse
26 ✮ The Heir [W i l l]
27 ✮ Miss Worthington
28 ✮ Polo Tournament
29 ✮ Bathtubs are for Sleeping
30 ✮ The Shocking Reveal
31 ✮ The Scott Chandler Enlightenment

25 ✮ Pancakes for the Growls

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By simplicity432

                “Carol! Carol!” A woman wearing a floppy hat beckoned another woman to the magazine stand where I was also standing at. She displayed the magazine in front of her short friend and-I kid you not-they both giggled and drooled together. “Isn’t this man delicious? Just look at him.”

                I lowered my magazine down from my face to snoop at this eye-candy of a man they were screaming over. It just had to be Channing Tatum. Or maybe even Chris Evans.

                Great, now I’m drooling.

                “Oh em gee! He is so-o-o-o cute!” The other friend, who the woman with the floppy hat called Carol, pulled the magazine away from her friend’s hands and stared at the cover dreamily. “Man, the things I would do to him.”

                “What’s his name?”

                “Um,” Her eyes squinted at the cover. “It says William Prescott.”

                I immediately choke on my gum and run over to where they were standing, completely forgetting about the last thing I read on my magazine. Something about Justin Bieber and his donuts or whatever.

                I instinctively pull the magazine away from their hands and glare at my boyfriend’s candid photo in front of a random building in New York City. He was definitely not paying attention, but dammit, he still looked so amazing.

My eyes scrolled up to the title which turned out to be Forbes’s Top 50 Richest and Hottest Men in the world. In big letters, below the title, were the words: The Heir of One of the Richest Companies in the World, William Prescott, has Been Taking Charge after His Father Was Reported Hospitalized.

                “I miss you.” I whispered to the magazine until I realized the two women in front of me were now looking at me like I belonged in an asylum. Even the people behind them were now staring at me strange or better yet, almost everyone at this small bookstore, was staring at me strange. Well, I did steal their magazine out of their hands … and just whispered to it right now.

                “Um, hi.” I neatly put the magazine back into one of the woman’s hands and laugh awkwardly. “Sorry about that, W-William Prescott is actually my boyfriend and ever since his father had been hospitalized, he had to take charge at the headquarters of Prescott Industries, which is at New York, and I haven’t seen him in a while and I-I miss him.” I laugh to try to ease the awkwardness, but the weird looks from their faces didn’t disappear.  

                The woman with the floppy hat finally spoke after a minute of my awkward laughing and staring. “So, you’re telling me that you’re dating”-She pointed at the magazine cover-“this hunk of a man?”  

                “Y-Yeah!” I confirm. “We actually go to the same school together. Atriele Academy.” I pointed at the school uniform I was wearing. Although, I wish I hadn’t, because they stared right at the mustard stain from the disaster I had at lunch today. Scott (who only sat with us when Will wasn’t at school. Go Figure.) couldn’t open a mustard packet because his hands were shivering from the rain and being the big girl, I thought I was, tried to show him that I could open it myself with no hesitation. Well, it ended up blowing up all over my clothes and of course, it had to be the day when Opaline didn’t have a pair of clothes in her locker.

“R-i-i-ght.” The “Carol” woman looked at the picture of William Prescott and then over at me. She snorted like she didn’t believe a word I said. “Yeah, okay sure.” She put the magazine back on the rack and looked over at her friend like it was time to leave this psycho.  

                They both glared at me one last time, before hurrying away from me with comments like “That girl was such a joke” and “Yeah, like’s she’s really dating William Prescott.”

                I sighed when they were finally gone and looked back at the magazine cover that exhibited my boyfriend. I was like a Prescott ticking bomb right now. Every time I heard his name or saw a picture of him, no matter what it was, I immediately was drawn to it.  

                On the night he got a call that his dad was at the hospital, we all drove back to Beverly Hills and then Will and I went straight to his dad. I went with him while he went to talk to his dad, but only after a mere minute, Will was already out and calling for a private jet to come take him to New York. I knew he was heartbroken that his dad was at the hospital, but he completely by-passed it and then left right away. One second, he was kissing me goodbye, and then the next second, I was picked up by my chauffeur to take me home from the hospital.

                It’s been almost 2 weeks already. 2 weeks without him. 2 weeks of small talks on the phone of me asking him how he’s doing and then him always ending the conversation with an apology because he had to take care of stuff.

                I hated how much my heart ached for him and I definitely hated how much I missed him so much that I actually debated if I should surprise visit him at New York. But of course, in the end, the idea always became stupid to me.

Opaline flipped through a fashion magazine right next to me and I had almost completely forgotten that she was standing there the whole entire time. She didn’t even look up at me, trying to avoid the whole situation that just happened. “So, do you want to talk about it?”  

                “Um, talk about what?” I smiled dumbly, which made her put down the magazine and scowl at me.

                “Oh, come on Shan Shan, even I was looking at you strange when you pulled that magazine away from those women.” She  patted my shoulder pitiful-like.

                I groaned rather loudly and then went off on a full on rant. “I hate him so much right now for making me act like this.” I clenched my hands beside me. “I know he’s busy and all, but I miss him so damn much and I wish he would try to communicate with me more than just a 6-minute phone conversation before he has to go because he needs to do paperwork. I know he’s sad that his dad is at the hospital, but he won’t talk about it with me and now he’s just off at New York … Ugh! Opaline,” I grabbed ahold of her shoulders and shook her. “He’s driving me insane.”

                “Whoa, Shan Shan dear.” Opaline looked at me frightened.

                “Sorry, I’m also really crazy from the chocolate I ate earlier.” I let go of her shoulders and took a step back away from her. Behind my back, I clutched my hands together. “The sugar rush is also driving me insane.” I laughed.

                “Yeah, I noticed.” Opaline chuckled and then she pulled out her phone. “So you miss him?”

                “More and more every single day.” I sigh. “It’s becoming unbearable. Is this normal?”

                She was nodding her head at me, but she was still typing on her phone. I wanted to pull her phone away from her and tell her that it wasn’t the time to update her Twitter right now, but decided not to, because she was going to update nonetheless. She also had a lot of followers to update her life on. Maybe her next tweet would be about me: “My friend’s going crazy at the bookstore right now.”

                “Is this how it’s going to be like?” I continued agonizing, but she didn’t look at me and instead, brought her phone up to her ear.

                “Hey Will!” She spoke in her phone and then winked at me. “Your girlfriend misses you.”

                “Wait, what?!”

                She covered the speaker of her phone and whispered to me. “If you miss him so much, why don’t you just call him and tell him instead of whining?” She smiled and then handed me the phone. I took it slowly in my hands, like I was cradling a baby, and then lifted it to my ear.

                I walked outside the bookstore to give myself some privacy and so that Opaline wouldn’t gag when Will and I said couple-y stuff to each other.  I don’t get why she did that when her and Derick were worse than us.

                It was quiet on the other line, but I could hear him inhaling and exhaling on the other side of the phone. I didn’t call him for many reasons because he was always busy so I told him I’d only wait for him to call me so I wouldn’t disturb him at New York. Now I wish, I hadn’t said that and called him when I felt like calling him.

                “Hi Will.” I walked around the streets of the outdoor mall and it was pretty empty because it was a Wednesday. Opaline and I came here after school because Opaline had to get a magazine at the bookstore for an art project.

                “Richelieu, Hey. What’s up? I’m kind of in the middle of something right now.” He said urgently.

Right, why am I surprised? He always was in the middle of something.

                “Um, oh. You should probably get back to it.” I said calmly, but I could already make out the face of confusion he probably had on right now.

                “Is everything okay?” He asked and then something happened. Flashes of the carnival and the conversation we had about me not completely telling him the truth entered into my head. It was like a short nostalgic memory.

                I desperately wanted to tell him that I was fine, but I knew that it wasn’t the truth and frankly, I wasn’t fine. I knew more than anything, he wanted to know truth, no matter what he was doing.  

                I was mid-way into saying yes, but stopped myself, “Actually, Will. No. Everything’s not fine.”

                He didn’t say anything, but I knew he was listening.

                “I understand that you are very, very busy at New York, but I miss you so much. You call me every day to check up on me, but we only talk for a few minutes before you have to go. I’m just really worried about you and I miss you a lot.” 

                I waited for him to respond, but the line was quiet on the other end of the phone. 

                “Please say something.” I finally cried out.

                “I wish you would’ve waited a couple more minutes before telling me this.” He laughed and then I heard the click of the phone handing up on me. I groaned and brought the phone away from my ear. There he goes again.

                I turned around to start walking back to the bookstore, until I saw him, a few feet away, standing in front of me. He was wearing a gray hoodie and some worn-down jeans like he had just ridden an airplane back to Beverly Hills. When our eyes connected, his mouth curled into a grin.

                I think my heart may have skipped a beat.  

                I found him so beautiful. The way he ran over to me. The way his arms pulled me into a hug. The way his face told me how much he had missed me too.

                I was melting at the sight of him.

                “Hi.” He smiled. I breathed him in and tightened my grip on his jacket. All the things I worried about seemed to escape my mind because he was finally there with me. “I told Opaline that I was going to surprise you today.” He kissed the top of my head.

                “Ugh, you suck.” I wailed. “You surprised visited me on the day I spilled mustard all over my shirt.”

                He looked down at my clothes and laughed. “You still look beautiful.”    

"No, no." I looked up at him. “You don’t need to sugarcoat it.”

"I missed you so much!” He hugged me tighter, sighing into my coat. "Spend the night with me today.”

"Whoa there!" Opaline separated us suddenly, "As Shan Shan's best friend and relationship guidance (she seriously called herself that since Will was my very first boyfriend), I don't think she's ready for 'spending the night with you'"

                “Hello to you too, Opaline!” Will rolled his eyes at the moment being completely ruined. Was she standing there the whole entire time?  

                “No offense Will, but I don’t trust you being alone with little, innocent Shan Shan in a huge house.” She said, pushing us farther apart. “You’re still a boy and boys like to think of dirty things-“

                “Jeez, Opaline. I’m not going to freakin’ rape my girlfriend and plus, it’s none of your business what we do together.”

                “Yeah, um.” I raised my hand. “That girlfriend is right here.”

                Of course, they ignored me. “Shan Shan is very inexperienced, Will, so she needs to know that you are setting boundaries.”

                “Boundaries?!” I interrupted again. “What are you guys talking about!?” Opaline pulled me aside before I started ranting my mouth away again.  

                “Look, Shan Shan. When boyfriends spend alone time at night with their girlfriends, things may become too intimate. If you know what I mean? Too much hormones going on in one place-“

                “Intimate? What the hell?” I looked at her like she was crazy and then I looked at Will as if he was a pedophile, waiting to prey on little children.  

                He gasped and pulled me to stand closer to him. “I’m never going to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable with.”

                “Comfortable?” I looked at them strange. My naïve nature was killing them. “But, I’m comfortable with everything as long as it’s with you.” I smiled at him and then I realized how awkward the situation has become. Will’s cheeks turned into a very fluorescent, red color and when Opaline noticed, she slapped his arm really hard.

                I said something wrong, didn’t I?

                “Okay, fine. I have a proposal.” Will stopped Opaline from slapping his arm again. “You and Derick are happy to sleep over at my house too. Just not together, because, apparently there are too many hormones happening-“

                “Hi Babe!” Opaline was already on her phone. When did she grab it out of my hands, anyways? “Will said we can sleep over at his house today!”

                She turned back to us. “He wants to know if he can watch the game on your big screen.” Will nodded and she continued. “Yay! Okay, babe. Hurry because I miss you, Muffin.”

                She made kissy sounds in the phone and then I gagged.


                And no amount of fail would have accounted for what happened next. Opaline, Derick, and I showed up at Will’s house at approximately 7 pm. We ate dinner all together, laughed, and Will told us about the stupid business men he had to deal with. Opaline and I called one of the many (and seriously, there were MANY) bedrooms in Will’s large mansion and then, we ended up falling asleep in the bedroom because of how tired we were from school.

                We were only supposed to get ready for bed and then head downstairs to watch a movie on the couch, but Opaline and I fell asleep so Derick and Will probably had some sort of movie-watching bromance.

                I woke up at the sound of my stomach growling and when I looked over at the clock, it was almost 2 in the morning. For a while, I stared up at the ceiling of the large guest, bedroom and then finally removed the satin, bed covers off of me. I let my feet dangle from the side of the bed and patted down my messy hair.

                I was supposed to spend the night with Will, but instead I ended up falling asleep in the guest bedroom with Opaline (who was tirelessly snoring next to me). I missed him so much and I ended up sleeping when I was supposed to be spending my time with him.

                My stomach growled again and I shushed it like a little kid. Ugh, why was I so hungry again?

                I quietly walked out of the door and carefully closed it behind me so Opaline wouldn’t wake up. Thank goodness, she was a deep sleeper. The whole house could be burning down and I bet you, she wouldn’t even notice.

                A soft, cold breeze from the air conditioner wrapped around me and I shivered as I walked down the intricate set of stairs that led to one of the kitchens. I don’t think Will would mind me grabbing some food from his fridge.

                I mean I doubt he was awake anyways.  

                The kitchen was dark when I walked in and I didn’t want to open the lights because first of all, my poor eyes take forever to adjust to the lights and second of all, I didn’t know where the light switch was.

                I felt around for the fridge and opened it up only to discover that it contained some raw meat and tons and tons of water bottles.

                Goodness, does this family ever eat?! I guess I can just drink a water bott-

                “Uh, what are you doing?” A voice spoke from the darkness and I screamed until I heard footsteps. The light suddenly turned on and I stopped screaming because my face became flustered with embarrassment. I blinked quickly to adjust to the sight of him in front of me.

                “Will!” I closed the fridge casually with my hip. “W-What are you doing here?”

                He walked next to me, observing me, like a dog sniffing for his bone underground. “This happens to be my kitchen. Are you ransacking my fridge, Richelieu?”

                I quickly changed the subject, hoping the floor would just swallow me up. “U-Uh what are you even doing up at 2 in the morning?”

                “What are you doing up at 2 in the morning?”

                And then at that single moment, my stomach decided to growl. We both looked down to my stomach and I laughed in the most awkward way possible. I think I should finally call the dictionary company and finally put my name under the definition of awkward.

                The face he made next was pure happiness. His face turned red from laughing his head off and he had to even hold onto the counter for support. I tried playing it off, but he clearly knew me better.

                He sat back down on his chair near the marble kitchen island and I couldn’t believe that I didn’t notice him when I walked in. He opened up his laptop in front of him and wiped tears away from his eyes. He must’ve closed his laptop when I walked in. That bastard.

                “There’s some pancakes in the microwave. I asked my maid to make you some just in case you came roaming around at 2 in the morning.”

                “I-I’m not hungry. In fact, I think I’m going to go back to sleep.” 

                “Okay, good luck convincing your stomach that.”

                Ugh. I hate him.

                “Okay, fine. Maybe just a taste.” I walked over to the microwave and pulled out the pancakes that still seemed warm. Delight shone through my eyes as I placed a bite of pancake into my mouth. Mm, there was something about indulging the sweet taste of chocolate pancakes at 2 in the morning that made it so amazing.

                “How’d you even know I’d be looking for food at this time?” I asked him and he looked up from his laptop. He was always doing work on his laptop.

                “Because your stomach is a black hole.”

                “Wow, thanks. That’s something a girl likes to hear from their boyfriends.”

                And then he smiled at me and I shivered from the coldness from the vent above me. Or at least, that’s what I keep telling myself. I was not shivering at the sight of him.

                “What?” I asked when he kept staring at me. I placed another bite of pancake into my mouth and he gulped down some water from the cup next to him, without taking his eyes off of me.

                “You’re freezing.” He noticed. “Come here, sit with me.”

                “Sit with you where? On that small chair of yours?”

                “It’s very comfy.”

                I laughed, but decided to walk around the kitchen island, with the pancakes in my hands, and sit in front of him in the small chair of his. Well, I didn’t really sit, since he took up most of the chair, so I kind of like sat and leaned against him at the same time. His arms were at my sides, reaching out to type on the computer.

                “Are you playing Farmville right now?” I squinted closer at the screen just as his chin rested on top of my head.

                “I finished work early and now I have to tend to my crops. Leave me alone.”

                “Oh my gosh, Will.” I almost spit out my pancakes from laughing. I took control of his mouse and ended up collecting crops from his game and we couldn’t stop laughing. Sometimes, I forget that underneath that image of him being the heir of Prescott Industries, he was still a teenager.             

                He closed the laptop finally and grabbed my waist, pulled me up, and sat me on the chair next to him. He turned his chair so we were staring at each other and his hand was placed at the sides of my chairs so we were inches apart.

                “Will, why did you invite me to spend the night at your house?” I put down the empty plate beside me. I guess it was finally the right time to really talk to him since we were alone. “Out of all the days, why in the middle of the week?”

                “Because I wanted you here-“

                “It’s because you’re leaving again, isn’t it?” I looked up at him and he reached up and touched my face. He caressed my cheeks for a while, before nodding.

                I wish I didn’t show him how heartbroken I was when I saw him nod, but it showed and he knew it. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly.

                “It’s okay. I understand that your dad is still in the hospital and that you are working your butt off to not let your company fall, but I just wish you would call me sometimes and let me know that you’re really doing okay.” I grabbed his hand. “The day we visited your dad at the hospital. All you said to him was that you would take over the business for the time being and then when you walked out of his room, I knew you were sad. He is your dad after all. You don’t need to feel the need to close up your feelings and work so hard to make this job perfect. I know you still feel depressed.”

                His lips pressed against my forehead and then he pulled me in for a hug. The heat from his body warmed me up and I snuggled closer to him. “I’m sorry.” He said again and I knew he meant it this time. “Sometimes, I’m too self-involved that I forget about my surroundings. I hated my dad for the longest time and now I hate myself for hating my dad. He’s at the hospital and now I just want to make sure the company is at its best with or without him.”

                “When he saw you walking into his room,” I spoke into his shirt, “His mouth may have said one thing, but his eyes were happy. Trust me. They were.”

                He finally let go of me and looked me straight in the eyes like he really needed to hear that from me.

                “Richelieu,” He smiled, “You don’t understand how much I’m going to miss you again.”

                “So, please come back soon.” I touched his face, but he grabbed ahold of my hand and kissed me tenderly. My eyes were wide open with shock, but they slowly fluttered shut after his hands pulled my neck in. Our kisses became hungrier and we started exploring each other.

                I almost forgot what it was like to kiss William Prescott. When my arms pulled him closer, I tasted a hint of pancake from his lips from when he stole a bite from me. All of a sudden, he hoisted me up onto his waist and stood us up from our chairs. I was about to ask him where he was taking me, but I was so enthralled by him, that I didn’t stop kissing him. I was drawn to him and more than ever, I trusted him.   

                He pushed the kitchen door open with his back and I wrapped myself around him to stop me from falling (and almost hitting my head on the door frame).             

                I laughed in between our kisses and he brought me to the living room couch where he gently placed me on the cushions. I could feel my hair touching the cold ground as he fell on top of me, kissing me senselessly.

                After I had to come up for air, he sent pecks at the sides of my neck, until he stopped and shot up from me, kissing me one last time on the lips.

                “Sorry,” He sat up on the black couch, distancing himself from me. “J-Just don’t look at me right now.”

                “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, sitting up, but making sure to leave a good amount of space between us. I wrapped my legs near me and the heat from his body still illuminated on me.

                “No, no.” He laughed, looking away, “I want to respect boundaries.”

                “Respect boundaries?” I questioned him and he nodded. “Yeah,” He finally looked at me. “Because I care about you.”

                I didn’t realize it then, but my heart was telling me something I couldn’t quite understand before. I was in love with him. And the look that he gave me in that single moment told me he was in love with me too.

                He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly trying to hide his red face, and that’s when I noticed a mark on his neck. A mark I’ve seen on Opaline and Soph a few times and when I asked them about it, they would laugh and say it was a love mark. Or something called a hickey.

                “Oh my gosh, why is there a hickey on your neck!?” I asked him, crawling coming closer to him to point at it. “Who gave that to you?!”

                He bit his bottom lip to keep him from laughing and then rose an eyebrow at me. “You just did, you idiot.”

                “What?!” I looked at him confused. How could I have done that? When did I even do that?

And then I remembered. Dammit, whenever Will kisses me, I turn into some kind of kissing maniac where I don’t even know what’s happening. When he carried me to the couch, I remember kissing the nape of his neck, but jeez, I didn’t know I would bruise him.

Oh good grief.

                “I can’t believe I just did that!” I whined.

                “It’s fine, Shannon.” He grabbed my hand to stop me from pacing the floor in front of him. He desperately tried holding in his laugh. “At least, you can cover yours with your hair.”

                “Y-You gave me one too.” I shuddered away from him and he bit his bottom lip again. I quickly ran to a mirror next to the couch and whisked my hair aside to see a small bruise on the side of my neck.

                “You started it.” He shrugged and I looked at my disgusted self in the mirror. I’m going to have to set some boundaries for myself.

                “I-I have a dance recital tomorrow … er, today.” I sighed. “And my hair is supposed to be up.”

                “You do?” Will sat up straighter. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

                “I would’ve.” I couldn’t keep my eyes off my neck. “If you weren’t so busy all the time, but its fine, Will. It’s just a little dance recital that my dance class is throwing. Soph is dancing too.”

“I’d like to see that.” He huffed, but then his eyes grew sad. “I’m the worst for not being able to attend your recital.”

                “It’s okay. I know, wherever you are, you’ll be cheering me on.” I said. I walked over to where he was sitting and sat next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me near him. I cuddled closer to him. “I should probably head back up.”

                “Stay.” He grabbed my hand and I watched as his thumb stroked my hand. “I know I’m being selfish, but I want to be with you until I leave.”

                He kissed the top of my head. “That’s for good luck for tomorrow.”

                And then I drifted to sleep with Will beside me.


                The next day, I woke up beside Will on the couch and Opaline was not very pleased about that, but luckily Derick was there to keep her from strangling him. After Will left, he promised he would just be gone for a few more weeks and then he gave me a dozen roses for not coming to watch me perform tonight.

                As for me, I hurried home to get ready for tonight’s dance recital. We practiced all morning for dress rehearsal until our show was only minutes away. I panicked from behind the curtains, but luckily Soph was there to calm me down.

                Charlotte, was of course, dancing the main part and she refused to even acknowledge my presence the whole entire time, but I was okay with that.

                When my solo came, I danced my heart away and tried not noticing that the auditorium was almost filled with people. I fell once, but I got back up. I wish Will was here watching me.

                “You were wonderful up there, Sweetheart.” My mom hugged me when the dance recital ended. I was still wearing my flowy dress from my performance and my face was still packed with make-up so I didn’t want to hug her to close, in fear of ruining her shirt.

                “Thanks Mom.” I smiled.

                “Chris and I will be waiting back home for you.” She kissed my forehead and handed me another dozen roses they bought for me. They waved good-bye to me because I told them I was spending the night with some dance girls (alongside Soph) to celebrate our performance. Soph was amazing up there, even though, she says dance is not her strong suit.

                I was about to wave over to Soph, who was with her mom, when I noticed someone in the crowd. Someone I thought I would never see again.

                “Dad.” My throat was dry and my heart thumped nervously inside of me. The familiar face looked up to me and I went numb. I hadn’t seen him since he left and now here he was, of all places, at my dance recital. What was he doing here?

                He grinned at me like he was waiting for something like this to finally happen and then he walked over to me.  

                “W-What are you doing here?” I asked. Memories soon shot back into me and I felt this sort of ache that couldn’t be healed when I saw him. It almost felt like I was in a dream, because he was dead to me when he left.

                He stayed a few feet away from me. “You sure do dance like her.”  

                “Dance like who?” I angrily asked, biting back the brutal words I really wanted to say to him. I thought I would never see him again. Why would he be here?

                “Come on, let’s take a ride. I have something important to tell you.” He said and he walked away from me. More than anything, I wanted to throw a huge rock at him, but for some reason I followed him. I hated him, but I followed him into a car. Someone drove us and I was speechless. Who would’ve known I would be here with him in the same car. I wanted to scream at him, but I was wordless.

                “What do you possibly have to say to me?” I asked him finally, but he ignored me. We drove up to somewhere and walked into a building that was empty except for the people at the desks. The desk people nodded at him and we made our way inside. Where were we going?

                Finally, he opened a door and all the way on the other side, a woman sat sitting on a desk with her hands folded together. She motioned for us to come in, until my father slid the familiar Manila folder, from my Aunt’s house, to her desk.

                “Is that enough truth, Mother?” MOTHER?! My eyes adjusted to the old woman in front of me and I covered my mouth with shock. The old woman in front of us was Jacquelyn Worthington. What was going on?

                She took the Manila envelope from the desk and opened it up. She raised her glasses to perch on her nose and then looked over at me. Inside was a birth certificate. My birth certificate.

                “Is the birth certificate enough for you, Mother?” What was happening? I wanted to faint. I wanted to cry. I wanted to feel so many things, but I just stood there frozen. How could my father hide this from me? How could he?!

                “You!” She pointed at him. “You bastard hid my own granddaughter away from me!”

                “The plan was.” He pressed his palm on her desk and loomed over her, “If I prove to you that she was your rightful heir, you would disown me and leave me alone forever. So I no longer belong in this retched family, so my problem isn’t yours anymore.” He looked at me one last time, before heading out the door. He was the son of Jacquelyn Worthington? He-He lied to me all this time.

                “How could you?!” I hit him and tears came rushing down my face. “How could you?!”

                “You both are now dead to me.” He looked straight in my eyes and walked away.

                “You bastard, come back here.” She stood up from her desk and the familiar white hair, fell from her bun. She looked like she aged in a couple of months that I had met her.

                I can’t believe he hid this from me. I can’t believe him.

                “Goodbye Mother. You can finally meet your precious granddaughter that I had with a woman you didn’t know.” He turned back. “I only did it to get revenge on you for making me work tirelessly. I didn’t want to be an heir.” He screamed. “And now I don’t have to be one because I am no longer your son.”  

                She finally turned to me when the door shut and I was already in tears. She sighed and then she pressed a button and talked into it. “Albert, fetch me a limo to Los Angeles, I’m going to have to confirm the heir status.”

                And then Jacquelyn Worthington rose up from her seat and looked me in the eye. “Shannon, you’re not a Richelieu.” I hiccupped from the tears in my eyes and I couldn’t stand any longer. “You’re a Worthington.”

A/N: Hi Everyone! Please don't kill me for updating super, super late. I was on vacation for a while, but now I'll be writing regularly again. Don't you worry! So anyways, what'd you guys think?! 

Like seriously, what is happening in this world? I don't even know anymore. 

Haha, anywho happy reading! Update will be soon and things are about to go crazy ;) 

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