By jlarry

80.4K 3K 335

Having a childhood that could only be seen in horror movies, Emily Springs finally finds a safe haven when a... More

Chapter 6 - DONE
CHAPTER 13 (not edited)
CHAPTER 17- NEW PLAN (not edited)
CHAPTER 22- breath of fresh air.
CHAPTER 24- reunited
Chapter 26
Chapter 27- Big Reveal
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- DNA
Chapter 33- RESULTS
Chapter 34- Deal breaker
Chapter 35- So long, farewell
Authors note

Chapter 29--Big mistake

1.9K 64 5
By jlarry

Ash came back home tired and in desperate need of a shower. Being an executive was not a child’s play. Despite his dad being the owner, they made him work like every other employees, even twice as much as others. The only saving grace to his hectic work load was the salary; he was now making almost as twice as he was making before he became an executive.

 In addition to the busy day he had at work, the girl he met up with after work had been insatiable. She kept wanting more and more which he obliged the best way he knew how. She was a former fling that he had called to help him relieve some of the stress he had been under.

He walked up the stairs, tugging on his tie then unbuttoning his shirt. His thighs ached with each step he took. His hand at the door knob froze when he heard voices.

"A little to the right". Huh?

 He turned his head towards Emily's room since that was where the voices were coming from. He strained his ears so he could make out what was been said.

“What about now?” a male voice asked.

"Just a little more to the right" Emily returned. Ash found himself frowning. That sounded sexual and why did her voice sound muffled like she was trying not to be heard.

"Ooooh right there". He heard her say, excitement filling her voice. Without thinking twice, he marched to her room.

This bitch better not be f*cking in my house. He was well aware they had no boundaries in their “marriage” but he also knew she wouldn’t dare bring her flings in his house.

He hesitated at the door but when he heard a deep chuckle he barged in. The scene before him made him feel like an utter jerk.
Nothing sexual, at all.

Emily was standing in the middle of the room with some sort of a protective gown on. Looking around he could see why. The room was being painted or rather had just been painted. The bed was pushed away from the wall, so was the dresser. A plastic wrap was laid over the floor to protect it from the paint.

A man decked in painting gear was standing on a small ladder holding a square shaped box looking frame with ribbon at the top. He looked on the wall to find two of the frame already hanging. They were arranged like a step going down.

Oh that's what she meant by 'a little to the right'.

“Hey. I didn’t hear you come upstairs". Her voice brought his gaze back to her. Their eyes met briefly before he looked further down her face. Her muffled voice was from the mask she was wearing and not because she was trying not to be heard.
He felt so stupid.

Surely she wouldn't bring a man to their home; that would be too risky. She knew if she got cut, the marriage would be over and she would be left without a single penny. He knew she was smarter than that.
He looked over the room again. The wall has been painted blue.


His eyes fell on her stomach that seemed to be growing larger with each passing day. She must be having a boy, he concluded. She also must have gotten tired of waiting for him to accompany her and finally decided to find out the sex by herself.

 He looked back at her eyes again. She raised her brow and he hardened his eyes before turning back and walking out the room slamming the door behind him. Why he was so pissed was beyond him. Maybe he wanted her to let her guards down and just mess up for once, so he could get rid of her once and for all.  
Once in his room, he undressed then got into the shower after which he crashed on his bed from exhaustion.


Emily walked into her room with a mask on. There were still paint fumes in the air which wasn't safe for the baby. She collected her night gown and bath supplies then got out of the room as fast as she could. She entered Ash's room to find him already sleeping. He must have been really tired; he didn't even eat diner. The last time she saw him was when he walked out of her room pissed for reason unknown to her

She couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him; he had been working like a dog ever since the promotion. She honestly didn’t think it was worth it but to each its own.

 She decided to take a shower hoping it would help her get a better sleep. She was at the end rope of her pregnancy with just a week away from her due date and to say she was tired of being pregnant would be an understatement. Nothing was comfortable anymore.  She got into Ash's shower then proceeded to wash the day off. His bathroom was just as grand and sparkling clean; Gladys made sure of that.  

When she was done, she got dressed in her silk maternity night gown. She loved the way it felt against her skin; it was the most comfortable thing she had ever slept in, even though it cost quite a lot of money.

She pulled the cover off the bed then got in gently. She tried not to touch him so he wouldn’t wake up. She believed him when he told her he didn’t want her in his bed. If she could get some sleep then get out of the bed before he woke up that would be great but if he woke up to find her in his bed, she hoped he would understand that she had no other choice.

She turned to her side then moved very close to the edge of the bed. His bed was big enough that there was space for another person in between them.  His smell surrounded her and oddly enough it soothed her. All too soon she drifted to a blissful sleep.


She woke up in the middle of the night feeling hot, too hot. She tried to turn to get comfortable but couldn’t with the weight behind her. She noticed an arm was draped over her waist. She didn’t take Ash to be the type that cuddled so she was surprised to find him snuggling her.

Her breath hitched when his hand moved from her waist to her breast. He grabbed one then squeezed. Emily gasped in shock.  Did he just cop a feel while sleeping?

She didn’t understand what was going on or if he did this when he had other companies. This was the first time she had ever slept in the same bed as him. That was a bad habit to have, she thought to herself.

He tugged her closer to him then nuzzled her neck. He kissed her neck at the same time he twisted her nipple. She gasp again then pushed back on him. Sensation raked her whole body as he continued to caress her breast. His hand left her breast then moved along her sides.

She stopped breathing when he pulled her night gown up. She wanted to stop him but couldn’t get herself to do so.  She felt paralyzed to the desire running through her.
What if he thought she was someone else? The thought suddenly crossed her mind. Taking advantage of him this way was wrong. She opened her mouth to tell him to stop but moaned instead when he pushed her panties to the side then dipped a finger in. He groaned when he felt how drenched she was.

He continued to move in and out while kissing and sucking her neck. She spread her legs wider to give him more room.  A drawled out moan escaped her when his thumb rubbed her clit. That felt sooooo good.

He continued to rub her throbbing bud until she felt herself building. The orgasm hit her so fast she clenched around his finger squeezing her thighs together. It had been months since she last had an orgasm and it was intense.  

She barely noticed he had removed his fingers and was tugging on his boxers. He pulled her leg placed it around his hips then plunged in. She bit her lips hard to keep her from screaming. He shifted so his chest was no longer flushed with her back.  The new angle pulled him deeper inside her.

"Sh*t" he muttered against her neck. He started a slow thrust trying to get her used to his dick. She moaned then pushed back urging him to give her more. He obliged increasing the speed and depth of his thrust.

"Oh God Ash" she cried out when he continued to hit the spot. He turned her face to him then kissed her. She wrenched her lips away to catch her breath. He had his eyes closed as he continued to move in and out at a steady pace.

"Faster. Please" she shamelessly begged him. It had been a while and she had been sexually frustrated for months. It was true what they say; pregnant women were insanely horny.

"F*ck!!" he hissed increasing the speed of his thrusts. She turned her head searching for his lips and when she found it she grabbed his hair then deepened the kiss.
Ash was an amazing kisser and very skilled in the bedroom.  She tried not to think about how he got so skilled. Anyone who knew Ash knew he was the biggest whore in the city.
Emily knew she would regret this in the morning but at that moment, she didn't give a damn. She had one goal and that was to climax.
She felt the build again when he started rubbing her sensitive bud again. She arched her back then cried out, his mouth drowning her cries.
"Oh shit!!" he muttered against her mouth when she clenched down on him milking him.
"Feel. Like. Nirvana" he grunted with each deep thrust. She felt him tensed up before he spilled himself inside her.
"Fuck. That was…." he trailed off breathing hard.

 Incredible, she finished silently. Sex with Ash had always been out of this world but this one was on a whole other level. Maybe because it had been months since they were intimate or maybe it was because they were supposed to hate each other. Two People that hated each other shouldn't find that much pleasure in each other. But then again, sex could be strictly physical without any feelings involved.
The room was filled with their labored breathing as they both tried to catch their breaths.
She felt him twitch inside her before pulling out. She tried not to whimper at the emptiness she felt when he was no longer inside her. She turned to look at him and found he still had his eyes closed. He looked at peace with his lips slightly open.

She wondered if he was sleep fucking. She didn't even know if that even existed but since people could sleep walk, they should be able to sleep f*ck as well. Right?
She pulled her leg down from his hips, fixed her panties then pulled her gown down.
His breathing turned into soft snores, indicating that he had gone back to sleep. 
What the hell just happened? She wondered absentminded with her eyes fixed on the bathroom entry way.
Who did he think she was? He had to have been dreaming of someone else since he had told her he would never touch her again. She felt disgusted with herself for using him like that. She had let her raging hormones get the best of her. He clearly was not aware of what was going on but she did and for that she felt like total sh*t.
Emily felt someone shove her shoulder, the movement interrupting her peaceful sleep. She opened her eyes but it was still dark. What time is it?

She looked around the room looking for something that might provide an insight.
"Emily!" She heard him call out before she was shoved again. She turned onto her back to find Ash staring down at her.
"Why are you in my f*cking bed?!" he asked fuming. She looked into his hazel eyes that was blazing with anger.
Oh boy. She gulped looking away.
"Are you deaf?" she returned her eyes to him at the question. No she wasn't deaf, just ashamed.
"I couldn’t sleep in my room because of the paint" she answered his earlier question hoarsely, her voice thick with sleep. 
"So you decided to sleep in my room instead?" He countered.
She licked her dried lips before answering
"Yea. I had nowhere else to sleep".
"You could have slept in the room downstairs"
She frowned "That’s Gladys room and she was currently occupying it" Gladys had decided to spend the night since her grandson wasn't able to pick her up.

His anger didn't waver at her explanation; his eyes still showed so much hostility and when she licked her lips again, they darkened.

"Get out!" he ordered harshly. Her mouth dropped. She didn’t expect that, not after what happened. She had thought something would change.
"What?" she asked sitting up.  One of the strap of her night gown fell down as she sat up, almost exposing her breast. She pulled it back then tried to fix herself up.  The cool air hit them hardening both of her nipples. She crossed her arms over them to try to conceal them but Ash had seen them.
"Son of a bitch" he bit out
"Get the fuck out. I told you to not come in my room".
She tried to reason with him that the paint fume wasn't safe for the baby but he wasn't yielding. He asked her to go sleep in the living room instead. 
"The couch is not comfortable. Let me just sleep until morning please?" she begged softly.
He rolled his eyes at her plea, got of the bed then walked to the other side. He grabbed then pulled both of her legs out of the bed. He reached for her arm to pull her up but stopped when she winced softly.
She was a little sore from their earlier encounter.
He dropped his hand then eyed her warily. His face turned from anger to puzzle. He looked at her, the bed then down at his boxer briefs.
"Did we have sex?" he asked looking troubled at the possibility.
Her stomach dropped. He didn’t remember? How could he not remember, unless he was drunk
"Are you drunk? If we had sex, you would know right?"

Silence ensued as they stared at each other, both waiting for answers.
“I'm not drunk…it’s just…I feel like...I thought I was d...” he trailed then pinched his nose. Emily had never seen him so out of words and she couldn't understand why. Ash had always be composed.
"Tell me I didn’t f*ck you last night"
Emily had never felt such humiliation in her life. He looked ready to hurl and completely mortified.
Saving the remaining pride she had left, she answered "You didn’t".
He didn’t look like he believed her but didn't argue either. He just stared at the bed absentminded like it had the answer he needed.
She scooted to the edge of the bed "Can you move so I can get up?" The words came out chocked up.  She needed to get out of there before the tears fell.

Damn hormones.

He didn't move, just continued to stare at the sheet.

"Move please." She repeated. 
He took a step back giving her enough space to get up. She tried to lift herself but couldn't. She was too pregnant and needed to be hoisted up.
"Help me get up, please" she stretched her hand out to him. He looked down at her outstretched hand with distaste and she quickly retracted it then wiped it on her gown. She scooted all the way to the edge on the bed, almost out, then using her fists she tried again. She didn't make it halfway before she felt herself falling backwards. He caught her hand before her butt landed on the bed.
"Thank you" she breathed out. He let her hand go as soon as she had gotten her bearing.

She walked past him to the bathroom to get the clothes and toiletries she had left in there.

"Don't come in here anymore" he ordered when she walked back to the room.
"Duly noted" she returned drily.
"You didn't have to use my bathroom either" he returned.
She stopped walking then turned to him. "I am sorry the thought of me using your bathroom disgust you. I'm sorry sleeping in the same bed disgust you. I'm sorry my being alive disgusts you so much. I am sorry. Ash. I am so f*king sorry" she felt the tears run down her cheeks.
Why did you have to sleep with him? She berated herself. His meanness wasn’t something new. This was typical of him and she had gotten used to him been harsh. This time it cracked the hard shell she had put up for him. It hurt to the core of her heart and she knew exactly why. If she had just stayed true to herself and rejected his advances, she wouldn't be back to square one.

"You should be sorry" He replied completely oblivious to the tears that were running down her cheeks. She wiped them off with the clothes she was holding.
"I have apologized. I thought you would understand why I was here but I guess not."
"What is there to be understood? You didn’t have to come in here. There is the couch or Gladys room downstairs".
She had thought about the couch but it was too uncomfortable with how far along she had gotten. Gladys had a twin bed that would be too small for the both of them so she couldn't sleep in there either. Which left her with the only option she had left: Ash's room.

He continued before she could say anything.
"Better still, you could have gone home to your guy toy. That way you don’t have to smell any fume."

She frowned. Guy toy? What guy toy?
"What guy toy are you referring to?" she asked just to get some clarity.

"Whoever you had been spending time with" he answered watching her intently, like he was reading her reaction to his comment. Emily gave nothing away as she thought about her alleged guy toy.
The only person she had been spending time with was Michael and as far as Ash was concerned they were just friends. He wasn't aware of the kiss they had shared or that she was counting down on when she would be free of Ash and the heart ache that accompanied him.
Thinking of Michael, she suddenly felt like a b*tch. Was it unfair to him that she had slept with Ash? He was still her husband so technically she was allowed to do that. She hoped Michael wouldn’t see anything wrong with it; he did tell her to try.
Ignoring Ash's comment, she walked towards the door but stopped short when he spoke again.
"Why do I feel like we had sex?" He asked. Emily heard the confusion in his voice. He was genuinely puzzled.
She shrugged at him. "I don't know. Maybe you were having a wet dream about one of your many conquest".
As she uttered those words, dread fell upon her.
Many conquest.
They hadn't used a condom. Again
"Shit!" She cursed then ran her fingers through her hair pulling it out of the loose ponytail she had it in.
She turned around then walked out of the room without a second glance.
She couldn't believe she had gotten so careless; first sleeping with him and secondly without protection.
She had dodged a bullet the first time but would she be lucky enough to dodge a second one?

If he was this careless with his flings, there was no telling what sort of disease he could have gotten.
As she laid uncomfortably on the couch, she couldn't help but feel like she deserved this treatment from him. She had always felt his malice was unjustified but this time she felt otherwise. She acted like a whore and as such deserved to be treated and thrown out like one.

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