Humdard. [Sequel]

By ThatPakistaniGurl

127K 5.9K 1K

Sequel to Humsafar. More

His First Lady!
Seventeen. (Part One)
Seventeen. (Part Two)
Nineteen (Part 1)
Nineteen (Part 2)
Twenty. (Part One)
Twenty (Part Two)
Anaaya's Instagram.
Hassan's Instagram
Sadqey Tumhare.


4K 218 63
By ThatPakistaniGurl

I have published the second chapter of his first lady. Check it out, vote, comment. You know? The usual 😂


This is such a light chapter really 🤣🤣


Tell me what you think. Thanks for all the love so far! ❤️




She sat in the office, taking a moment to migrate her eyes away from the bright screen of the laptop and the television that kept on displaying the same fucking thing to just breathe and relax.

She had a meeting in thirty minutes, a meeting she wasn't even prepared for, a meeting that she had to excel at but she didn't know what to do.

She had no time to prepare, her mind constantly wandering around Hassan. Did he take his medicines yet? Was he okay? What if work got too overwhelming for him?

If it were upto her, she would have begged him to stay home another few weeks but the doctor had given him a go, that he could go to work and be as normal as he was before.

It wasn't until she received a call from Feriha Baji that she snapped out of her thoughts and attended the phone call.

She didn't even say a Salam before she started to hear the yelling of Hassan's sister.

"Anaaya? What's wrong with Hassan?" She questioned as soon as she heard Anaaya's breathing over the phone.

Her heart felt like it was almost in her throat.

What the hell?

"Why? What happened?" She enquired quietly.

Don't panic.

Don't panic.

Please don't panic.

"He's being a complete ass, I called him and it was like I was talking to some bitter asshole, what the fuck?"

Feriha baji had a degree in swearing and rambling abuses. Anaaya rolled her eyes.

"Baji, he is still healing, cut him some slack."

She defended and heard an exasperated sigh in return.

"I'm trying, we all are, mama, me, Rania..but I've never heard him be such a prick. I mean, he was like don't call me when I'm at work, blah blah. He was so fucking rude!"

Anaaya sighed loudly.

"Feriha baji, he's your brother. I-"

"When I questioned if he's going to bring the kids to meet us anytime soon, he said that 'I'm not gonna bring my kids anywhere near your unethical ass' What the hell?"

Please shut the fuck up and hang up the phone.

I'm trying to work.

Hassan's sisters were kind, extremely nice but sometimes they just wouldn't stop talking.

"I'm actually in the middle of work right now. I'm really sorry about Hassan, he's in a rough phase, he's back to work, it's a new start for him."

She explained.

"I know you're worried about him but just bear with him okay? Once he gets settled at work and gets over the accident thing, he'll be fine."

She heard her sister in law's silence for a while before she spoke out again.

"Is he the same to you, Anaaya?"

She didn't know how to respond to that question. Yes, he snapped at her sometimes, not as hard but he did.

And he hadn't been intimate with her like before.

He was a little different, not very different but a little different. He had mood swings, there would be too harsh Hassan or too nice Hassan.

"He's not the same. It's hard for him." She said instead, not knowing what else to say.

"I'll call you later, okay? Take care of yourself."

Anaaya bid her sister in law goodbye and without giving a thought to any personal matter, she left her room to attend the meeting.


The meeting had been too exhausting. Not physically, but mentally. How do you convince men in their sixties to invest money in something that you didn't give a shit about? Just because the boss had ordered you to do so?

Anaaya didn't know the purpose behind it, neither did she want to know. But it had taken a hell lot of effort from her to convince them to invest their money in their company's publishing house.

She was trying to get the coffee machine to work, as she twice pushed the button but it didn't really work.

Maybe I should order something nice.

She was actually really hungry but she had yet to over view a few documents and she had heaps of other things to do.

"Anaaya mam? Do you need anything?" She saw Ryan, the ex intern and newly employed guy in the company.

She cringed at the way he said mam but didn't stop him.

"Just coffee. This won't work." She told him.

He smiled, walking towards her and using his own hands to do something with the machine from behind.

"You know you can order in your office right? It's us who have to really work hard in this place."

She arched a brow at his remark, smirking.

"Ahan? Make me some coffee then." She gave her mug in his hand and he obliged.

"Sure, I'm sure you're not used to such hard work."

Even though it was said in a happy, non offensive tone, she knew that she had to guide the young boy.

"I was younger than you when I started. Back in Pakistan, I started sending my articles to every newspaper and magazine I knew of, even at sixteen. I interned at a magazine at eighteen and kept working there without pay till I turned nineteen." She started off.

He looked at her with eyes almost popping out of his socket.

"I studied and when I was in my fifth semester, I got them to offer me a job. I wrote stuff and the editors got credit for it. I worked day and night, not blinking an eye at work."

Anaaya remembered how hard it was for her in those days, she would study all night for her exams and go to work in the morning, going to and fro from university to office.

They paid her dust, but she knew that it would all pay off one day. And it did.

"They started noticing and that's when they really got me. I've been working since I was sixteen, now I'm in my late twenties."

She told him. He handed her the mug of coffee as he finished making it, gulping.

"I am where I am because I've worked hard. You can't get things served on a platter."

She knew nepotism existed in the society and she could have used her father's influence to reach that point without any effort, but that wouldn't have made her self made.

"Mam, I was-" He tried to say something but she interrupted him again.

"I can get coffee served in my room because I have served coffee to poeple of the same status." She finished and then took a sip of the coffee.

"I was just joking." He said in an apologetic tone.

Anaaya nodded, smiling at him.

"I know. I haven't really given you a reason to get petty with me."

"Oh, I thought you were offended."

"You made me such nice coffee, I thought I should give you some good advice in return."

"Thanks a lot. It's so good to have you back though. We missed you here."

Of course they had missed her. Her replacement was a forty five year old woman from another branch, she would make them all work till late nights and the layouts would still turn out shit.

She was about to conversate more when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and saw Hassan's name on the screen.

She swiped attend and excused herself.

"I need to take this-"

She smiled as she left the room and entered her own office, her heels ticking as she walked on the wooden floor.

"Hello?" She heard his voice, his actually relaxed voice.

"You okay, baby? How's work going? Are you having a badass day?" She greeted him back, sitting on her chair and staring at her screen saver, a picture of her and Hassan.

"I'll tell you how my day is going on our way to lunch. Come out." Her eyes widened at his words.

"What?" She said in surprise.

"The driver came upstairs to give me my meds as per your orders and I ordered him to take me to you."

Anaaya had told their driver to stay outside Hassan's firm and had even provided him with medicines to give Hassan at a certain time.

"Okay, I'm coming, wait!" She exclaimed giddily, standing and picking up her bag.


She rushed downstairs, opening the car door with more effort than necessary as she hopped in the back seat.

She turned to see Hassan, her face glowing in the sun, eyes shining as she glanced at his soft smile and contented face.

"Hi sweetheart." He said, kissing her cheek as she leaned forward.


Hassan stared at her face, her nude lipstick, her dark blush, her face shining due to the extra highlight and the happiness. Anaaya stared back at him, the bruises on his head had faded away, his hair had grown the same way as before, styled to perfection, his perfume smelled the same.

And he remembered. He remembered their Thursdays.

"What?" Hassan questioned. She shrugged.

"Nothing, I just didn't think you'd follow the ritual."

"I know, but it is Thursday and we used to have lunch together."

Thursday was the only day both of them could actually spend time during lunch together since Abaan had his classes from ten to three instead of eight to one.

One of them usually had to go and pick him up from school on the other days.

"Steak and greasy burgers? Yes please." Anaaya said in excitement.

She hadn't been expecting him to show up, to just take her away for lunch on his very first day at office.

It was clearly a happy surprise for her.

Hassan sighed and then held her hand, trying to say something. He would open his mouth and then close it, again and again.

"What?" She enquired.

"I felt really guilty for snapping at you in the morning and I just thought that I should apologise."

Anaaya remembered how she was only giving him a healthy breakfast, more than what he would eat usually and how Hassan snapped at her.

"I don't want more."

"But Hassan, you need more. It's your first day back and obviously you're going to get tired, you're not-"

"I said I don't want anymore, Anaaya. Can't you fucking listen?"

"I'm only trying to help you."

"But I'm fine now, for fucks sake!"

"Hassan, I just worry about you. Okay?"

"Then stop worrying so fucking much."

"Well I'm sorry that I care. I'm sorry that I worry about you and I'm worry that you won't let me help you."

"Anaaya, I can't breathe around you! I know you're trying to take care of me, but you barely let me do anything on my own. I'm not a child, I can look after myself."

His words had hurt her but she had stayed silent and instead walked away. Then, they travelled to work together and she had kissed his cheek, wishing him good luck.

She didn't give that conversation much thought, yes, it hurt. But she understood.

"You should. I was only trying to help you." She said in response as she heard his words.

"I know." He mumbled.

She chuckled at him.

"So this is an apology Lunch then?" She said, teasing him.

He nodded.

"Mhmm, something like that." He replied.

"Although I'm not paying for that disgusting dessert you order everytime." He added.

This banter, this kind of conversation with him, it made her feel so sentimental.

"Kya?" (What?)

"Kitna normal lag raha hai yaar ye sab. Mujhe tumari itni yaad ayi."

Anaaya told him honestly. Hassan smiled.

"Main to yahin tha."

He responded. But even he knew that he might have been close to her but they hadn't been the same. He was healing and she was trying to let him do that.

"Magar tum paas ho kar bhi door thay."

She whispered but it was audible enough.

"Ab ajao paas."

Before Anaaya could reply, Hassan scooted her onto his lap with force. She gasped.

"Hassan!!" She exclaimed loudly, not even bothering to care about the driver listening.

He had heard and seen worse things

"Careful, careful." She said, trying to get off.

"I'm fine..." He tried to assure her but she shook her head.

"But you're still healing, you can't just pull me onto your lap." Anaaya frowned, eyes pleading for him to leave her waist so she could sit beside him.

"Hassan, leave me please."

"Anaaya, shut up."


"Okay, my legs hurt and you sitting on them really helps." Hassan finally said to stop her from protesting anymore.

She gave him a blank look.

"You're lying."

"Prove it." He smirked.

She pouted.

"You make it so hard to argue with you!!" She exclaimed, more like whined.

"Good. It means I haven't lost my touch." She chuckled but remained on his lap, trying to put as less force on him as possible.

"How was your day?" She questioned him as he played with a few strands of her hair.

Hassan concentrated on her face as he started to talk.

"They were treating me like I was made of glass. It wasn't until I contradicted Jessica's dumb idea and yelled at my two associates that they realised I'm actually back at work."

She nodded as he kept speaking.

"Then Liam came in with two glasses of scotch. I reminded him that I don't drink so he got me milk and cookies to poke fun and instead drank both the scotch glasses himself."

Liam was probably his best mate at the firm. Anaaya laughed as Hassan told the story.

"What did you do then?"

"Milk and cookies were pretty delicious actually." She laughed wholeheartedly at that, finding his actions rather cute.

She couldn't help herself as she pinched his cheeks.

"Why did you-?"

"I don't know, you are just so cute." She gushed.

"You're getting creepy with me, wife."

"I'm sorry." But she didn't look apologetic at all.

Her face resembled the face of an innocent puppy, he couldn't help but smile.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" He questioned her, Anaaya nodded.

"I'm pretty sure I do." She shot back.




"Welcome back."


"Baba Fishes!" Abaan whined loudly, tapping the aquarium that already held several small fishes in it.

"Abaan, don't yell. We got you fishes one week ago." Anaaya said firmly as she put the rice in different bowls and put them in front of the kids.

"But they're ugly, mama!" Abaan protested. Anaaya groaned.

"Baby, nothing is ugly. Okay? Don't say that."

She moved towards Rohaan as she handed out a spoon to him and he started to eat his food.

Abaan lowered his face, turning away from his mother as he frowned. Hassan clicked his tongue.

"I'll get you more tomorrow. Alright? Chin up." He kissed his son's head.

His son smiled at him, knowing that if his father promised something, he would fulfill it.

Abaan started to eat his food and Hassan glanced at Anaaya playfully.

"Good. Now tell mama, what will you be when you grow up?" He questioned Abaan.

"Porcorate lawyer!" Abaan exclaimed loudly.

Anaaya laughed.

"Corporate lawyer, say it again." He tried to get his son to say it correctly but Abaan fumbled yet again.

"Ropcorate lawyer."

Anaaya sat down next to Zayaan and tried to take his toys away so he could eat.

"Just say football player, baby." She tried to coax him. He shook his head.

"No, mama. That's stupid."

That damn word. Anaaya had started to hate it. Abaan and his stupid word. For God's sake.

"Would you look at that.." Hassan teased her. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Shut up." She murmured, focusing on Zayaan.

"Come on Zayaan, time to eat." She said holding him.

"But I wanna play."

"Listen, eat and then you have to sleep. Maggie isn't here to clean up your mess." She said firmly.

"Mama, no.."

"Zayaan. Look how Rohaan is eating."

Zayaan frowned upon the comparison.

"So frowny." Anaaya kissed his frown.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Come here, love. Eat."

Finally, her kid obliged and started to eat.

They sat in the mess for a while, nothing but children noise around them.

She yawned, tired for the day and looked at the clock, standing up.

"If you want to wake up tomorrow morning, we have to put them to sleep." She mumbled.

Hassan nodded, standing up. She shot him a look.

"Nope, no. Stay here, I'll put them to bed and then come back downstairs."

"But-" She shook her head.

"Hassan, chup."

"Come on Abaan, time for bed." She patted her oldest's head before yelling for the twins.

"Zayaan, Rohaan. Up!"

The children obliged, walking behind their mother as they walked up the stairs.

"Careful, hold the railing."

They finally reached their room and Abaan climbed up on his bed, laying down immediately. He knew he had school tomorrow and he was actually excited for it, school nowadays was a fun place for little kids.

"Okay, all comfy? Good." She kissed Rohaan's head and then sat next to Zayaan.


"Yes, Zayu?" She called him by his nickname, the only child she had actually given a nickname too.

She watched his lips wiggle and his chin wrinkle up, as his eyes started to swim with tears.

She knew he wanted to sleep with her, he had been for a long time but ever since Hassan came home, she couldn't do it anymore. She already had Aira on the same bed, there was no space for another.

He raised his arms, asking her to come and cuddle by her.

"I'm sorry love, I can't cuddle right now, your baba needs his medicines." She kissed his forehead over and over again.

"How about I put on some cartoons for you?"

That lifted his mood up.


"Would you like that Zayaan?"

"The spidery one." He told her. Anaaya nodded, switching on the television.



The rain was rattling against the windows as they started to walk upstairs. She let out a breathy sigh as Hassan walked up the stairs and she took each step with him.

"I can walk upstairs on my own, you know." He murmured, staring at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Just being careful."

When they reached their bedroom and Anaaya half closed the door that led to the kids room, Hassan heard the voices.

"They're not sleeping, are they?" He enquired. She shook her head.

"Nope. They're watching cartoons."

Hassan laid down on the bed and Anaaya handed him his medicines.

"Here, and here." She caressed his hair with her hands as he laid down and she sat on the edge.

"Hmm...this feels nice." He half moaned.


"Hmm?" She hummed looking at him.

"Thank you for loving me. I couldn't have been more lucky." Anaaya smiled.

I'm the lucky one, I don't have to deal with a male chauvinist, I know I can chase my dreams and you'd be here to support me, not drag me down. I'm lucky because I only told you once that I would lose my own self, my own sanity if I didn't get an abortion and you understood me. You didn't hate me. You loved me through it.

I'm only doing what you would have done for me, if I were in a position as you.

She had so much that she could say, instead she played a teasing smile on her lips.

"Lucky haan? More like lottery lag hai tumari. I am pretty" She teased, ruffling his hair.

Hassan groaned.

"Only when you're not so smug about it."

They laughed.

"I hope that we always laugh like this." Hassan remarked out of nowhere.

"Me too." She whispered.

She stared at him yet again as Hassan took a sip of water placed by his side and Anaaya simply burst out what she was feeling.

"Just kiss me, will you?" He gladly cupped her face, pecking her on the lips.

Anaaya made a disappointed face.

"Kiss me like you mean it. I'm tired of these pecks."

And so he finally cupped her face and kissed her, he kissed her like he meant it, he kissed her slowly, like there was no place he would have rather been in, he kissed her with delight and wonder.

Her hands in his hair, his hands on her face.

She smiled into the kiss, breaking apart for air when she felt buzzing on the bedside table.

Hassan picked up the call.

"Who the fuck is call-" Anaaya couldn't complete her sentence AS Hassan started to speak on the phone.

"Hello? Rania?!"

"Okay what's going on? Rania, quiet. You're scaring me-"

Anaaya felt his sudden happy mood change into one of dread and anxiety. He sat up straighter and Anaaya's heart beat faster than it ever had.


The phone fell out of his hands and she saw the way all the color drained from his face.

Anaaya held his shoulder.

"Hassan? What's going on? Hassan!"

Hassan looked at her for a long while, eyes suddenly lacking any emotion, only shock.

"It's my dad. He's dead."

Anaaya thought she had simply heard wrong.

But she hadn't.

Uncle Shafqat was dead and there was nothing any of them could do about it.


Okay!!! Did ya'll see that coming?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

Poor hassan😢

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