all yours | antoine griezmann

By voidneymar

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sequel to "All Mine" ❝We're not okay are you?❞ Im which Antoine and Amelia try to solve and work through all... More



565 18 3
By voidneymar

All Yours
16 | Amelia can't find out


"I'm going out with Koke today." I said rolling onto my side on the bed, Amelia still had her eyes closed.

"Hmm okay." She whispered, I chuckled at her response. She was practically knocked out in the bed but was still making an effort to reply.

"Just lock the door." She said as I rolled out of bed and she turned around falling deeper into her sleep.

Koke was already waiting for me outside and I was already dressed, I quickly grabbed my phone and rushed down the stairs to meet him outside. I locked the door like Amelia had told me and got into the car with Koke.

"So what's the plan?" Koke asked as soon as I stepped into the car.

"There isn't much of a plan, we go and find out what Fernando wants." Koke nods his head and we start the short drive to Fernando's house, I'd no idea what to expect from him.

We left the car walking over to his front porch, I sighed before knocking on the door waiting for him to come and answer it. Koke and I stood there awkwardly waiting to see if Fernando would even come or not, a few seconds past when the door swung open.

"What do you want?" Fernando asked disgusted to see me, the feeling was most definitely mutual.

"We need to talk." Koke said as he pushed Fernando out of the way walking into the house, I watched as he was taken aback by Koke's sudden action but nonetheless I followed.

"Talk about what?" Fernando said down on the couch across from us, I waited for a moment before saying anything. I didn't know what to say, how was I supposed to start?

"Do you know someone called Rafael?" I asked, his eyes widened slightly at the mention of that name.

"How do you know that name?"

"So I'll it as you do know Rafael?" Koke said raising an eyebrow.

"And so what if I do? What's it to you?" I rolled my eyes growing bored of his stupid attitude.

"Why the hell you employed Rafael to get back into Amelia's life?" He leaned back slightly on his chair suddenly seeming confused.

"Hold on what? Come again, I employed him?" Fernando said, I looked at Koke who seemed as confused as me. Was he acting or being serious?

"You heard me, you employed him to get back into Amelia's life."

"I'll tell you straight that I did no such thing, I spoke to him for the first time in a long time a few days ago." Fernando wasn't acting he was being serious, I could see it in his eyes.

"Hold on what?" Koke asked genuinely confused just like me.

"You know Rafael?" I asked, he nodded his head before replying.

"I've known him for ages he went to the football academy with him, we were really good friends." Fernando explained pausing for a moment, "Although he left suddenly and now he's back."

"You do know he's bad news right? And he happens to be Amelia's brother?" Koke explained, all of course seemed to know Rafael in the same way. Fernando knew him from football academy and so did Koke and I, yet neither of us went to the same academy.

"I know he told me, but what I don't understand is why he lied and said I hired him." Fernando said, I felt as though there was something still missing in the story.

"What are you not telling us Fernando? At this point we need to put our differences aside and figure out what he wants." I sighed lowly, I needed to stop this ego battle before it got any worse.

He seemed hesitant before answering, "He called asking me if I wanted to be with Amelia, to get rid of you and I told him to make it happen and now I'm not so sure what getting rid of you meant." Fernando spoke, the room was silent for a moment. Neither of us said anything, we were all stunned to know that Rafael indeed was planning something grand.

"I don't know either but right now the only thing that matters is keeping him away from Amelia." I said, it was my only priority at the moment.

"Amelia can't find out." Koke said slowly, the whole room fell silent. No one said anything for a while, we all looked at each having acknowledged the situation but neither of us knew what to do.

"Is she safe right now? We don't know what he's capable of." Fernando said, I nodded agreeing with everything he'd said.

"I left her asleep at home, the security system is always turned on." I said, I knew she was safe in our house.

"Alright we'll let's go check on her okay?" Koke suggested, we all nodded and stood up to leave Fernando's house.

On the short drive over I was thinking all about how unreal this whole situation was, Rafael a simple boy I'd met at football camp was an actual threat between Amelia and myself including Fernando. It's crazy to thing about, it's shocking to think that anything to could happen at any moment. Once we'd arrived at the force porch we slowly got out of the car and walked over to the door.

As I grabbed my keys I went to unlock the door when the door suddenly opened, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach when all I could see was red. I ran into the house searching for Amelia, most furniture items were broken spilled onto the floor. I could only think about where Amelia was, and if she was okay. I didn't care about anything else but her, I ran around the house screaming her name and getting no response back.

"Koke I can't find her, where the hell is she!?" I shouted grabbing his shoulders, he stopped me by standing my ground.

"Stop it! Calm down okay? Check the security cameras to see if we can find her." I grabbed my phone out of my pocket scrambling to find the application to allow me to access the security footage, my heart was pounding.

I watched the footage over seeing Rafael with a smug smile on his face looking straight at the camera with Amelia by his side, she had a few bruises on her face instantly indicating he'd hit her. I could physically feel my heart breaking whilst Koke and Fernando stood in front of me shocked for words, none of us knew what to say. We were all at a loss for words, no one expected such a sudden attack but all I knew now was that I needed to find Amelia and I needed to find her fast.

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