Concrete Rose (Dave East)

By dee_rae

1.7M 57.4K 22.7K

"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Provin nature's laws wrong it learned ho... More

Copyright ©️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
New book cover
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
My heart is broken.
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Update part 2

Chapter 33

29.9K 929 546
By dee_rae

I tired something a little different with this chapter. I added erotic gifs 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. I hope y'all can see this chapter. And they better not delete my shit.
Excuse any mistake. Enjoy.

Chapter 33

Layla woke up and Rell was still asleep. She looked at the time and saw it was after 10 pm. She groaned as she tried to move her lower body but she was hella sore.

After ten minutes of just laying in bed, she wobbled to the shower to clean up. It made no sense to even go out tonight. Once she was done showering she went and put on some pajamas she had bought. The house was chilly, so she knew somebody had to turn down the temp.

Walking into the kitchen she saw her father sitting at the island typing on his computer. "Hey dad, how long you been here?"

"An hour. I thought y'all was going out so I came to watch the kids."

Layla nodded. "After all the shopping we were tired as hell."

James nodded. "Rob called. He was very happy to see you and meet Rell. He even told me just from observing y'all that the love was there."

Layla smiled. "I got a Patek."

James was surprised. "Where are you gonna wear it?"

Layla shrugged. "Rell convinced me he said he was getting one for his business meetings."

"Who knows maybe you might start attending them with him?"

"You think so?"

"I know so. Rell has opened up completely. He isn't the type to be making big moves without you by his side."

Layla nodded but stayed silent she hadn't thought about all of that.

"You ready to talk about your mother," he said out of the blue.

"I was trying to avoid that lowkey."

"I notice. C'mon let's sit outside."

Layla followed her father outside and they sat by the poolside.

"I met your mom, Renee, my freshman year of Cal U I was about 18 years old. Beautiful woman, smart and down to earth. We dated for about a year everything was good and I was thinking about having her met your grandmother. Now after my second year she came to me and told me she was pregnant. I was scared but I wasn't mad because I knew we were having unprotected sex at times."

Layla nodded as she followed along.

"She asked me what to do, I said let's keep the baby. I have a job, I had saved up a lot of money from my scholarships so I know we were at least set until the baby came. At the time I was working as in intern at an accounting firm. Couple days later she comes to me crying saying that she lost the baby, I was devastated but I consoled her. I was looking forward to having a kid. Then one day I'm at work and this man comes in talking about how I got his fifteen year old daughter pregnant."

Layla's head snapped. "What? Fifteen?"

James nodded. "Now when I met Renee for the first time it was at a freshman mixer on campus. A few weeks later I saw her at another campus party. We started to talk. She told me that she was freshman and she was undecided on her major."

"But did you see her on campus often?"

"Yes, that's why I had no idea she was underage. Apparently she used to hang around a lot of older girls that's why she was on campus all the time. She did tell me that she still lived with her parents because it was cheaper and they lived nearby. I was so young and dumb I never saw the signs."

"So what happened?"

"I ended up getting fired from my job. She had lied to me about everything. She was still in highschool. When we had met she had just made fifteen and a few months after is when we got into a sexual relationship. By time she had gotten pregnant she was sixteen. But her father still referred to her as fifteen for some reason."

"Did you love her?"

"I did," James said softly. "But she fucking broke me. I had to go to court dealings to prove that I was unaware. Even though I had witnesses and a good lawyer, they were still trying to charge me. More than a year in court battling a statutory rape case. But I still loved her you know. She begged her father to drop the charges. And eventually he did."

"So how did I come along?"

"After everything with court was settled. I had some community service hours to do. Her father moved her away to Atlanta. She tried to get in contact with me but I ignored her. I wasn't going down that route again. I was almost labeled a sex offender. When I graduated two years later we bumped into each other at the club. I didn't want anything to happen. But I slipped up and we had sex. But she was 18 at the time. I was drunk, I don't know about her but when I woke up the next morning I told her to never contact me again. I had already bought a plane ticket to come back home to St. Thomas."

"A year later she was at my doorstep with you in her hand, you were no more than two months old. She cried to me telling me how she had gotten pregnant from that one night. I didn't even have to do a DNA test I knew you were mine. According to her when her father found out she was pregnant he kicked her out. She had hid the pregnancy for about seven months. From then she was living with friends until taking care of you had gotten too hard. She tried to reach out to me but she didn't know I had moved back home until after you were born."

"Despite all the shit that had happen I still loved her you know. She was my first love. I told her everything would be okay. I left and went to the store and picked up everything I needed for you and her. When I came back you and her were sleeping. I set up your crib for you to sleep in. I was afraid that she might roll over on you. I was staying in a one bedroom at the time so me and her ended up sleeping in the same bed. She woke up and we began talking and then sex happened. I wasn't upset. I told her I wanted us to be a family. The next morning I woke up, anything that was valuable was gone and so was she. She left you. That was end of it all. I realize our relationship from the beginning was toxic and full of lies. I had a PI look for her, turns out she was on drugs so I left her. Now that I made him look into her again, I do have another daughter name Summer."

Layla was speechless. She had no idea all of this had happened. "I wish you had just told me."

"You've been through a lot. I broke my back so that you never had to wonder on why you didn't have a mom. I know this would break your heart. You are an amazing person Layla, but I knew you would blame yourself."

Tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry," she cried into her father's shirt.

"No I'm sorry," he said rocking her back and forth.

"I held a grudge against you and all you tried to do was protect me," she hiccuped.

James wiped her tears. "It's okay baby. I will always protect you. This doesn't make you less of an individual. She missed out on seeing you growing."

Layla nodded. "I love you dad."

"I love you too baby girl."

They stayed outside under the stars until Layla fell asleep on his chest like she did when she was younger. James lifted her and carried her into the room she was staying in. Rell had just woken up because he noticed that Layla wasn't next to him.

When Rell looked at Layla he saw wet streaks. "She was crying?"

James nodded. "I finally told her about her mom."

Rell sighed. "That bad?"

James nodded. "I'll fill you in in the morning. I'll go sleep on the pull out couch."

Rell nodded as James left. He then got back into bed snuggling up into Layla's warm body.


Rell awoke the next morning to both Layla and Maddison sleeping on top of him. He smiled at the sight.

I can get used to this, he said internally.

He reached for his phone off the bedside table and took a quick picture saving it as his lock screen. He laid there until Maddison woke up first.

"Good morning mamas," he told her.

She rubbed her face trying to wake up. "Dada."

"Yea baby?"

"I miss mama," she cried.

Rell heart started to pound in his chest. "I do too baby."

Layla awoke to Maddison crying. "What happen," she asked Rell.

"Chanel," he mouthed to her.

Layla nodded. She pointed to herself and then the door asking if she should leave.

"No why," he asked. "She needs you as much as she needs me."

Layla nodded. Maddison turned her head and saw that Layla was awake. "Lala," she cried.

"It's okay baby," Layla said rocking her back and forth. Rell kissed her forehead pushing her hair back. "You had a bad dream?"

Maddison nodded.

"It's okay," Layla consoled her.

Eventually Maddison fell asleep. Layla laid her down between Rell and herself.

"When she wakes you should talk to her," Layla spoke.

Rell nodded. "I know."

The couple laid in bed until around 10 am. "You okay," Rell asked her. "Your dad told me that he spoke to you about your mom."

"I'm okay now," she responded. "I was a little emotional last night. All the info was overwhelming."

Rell nodded. "I'm here when you need me."

Layla nodded and stretched to reach over to him to give him a kiss. "I love you baby."

He deepened it for a quick second. "I love you."


Few hours later...

"I can't believe we missed Jouvert," Nadirah groaned. "I was so ready."

"We didn't miss Jouvert we missed a night at the village. Every night the village is open. Jouvert is tomorrow morning at sunrise."

For the rest of the day they planned to grill food and chill at the pool.

Everyone was already lounging around except for Kam and Kali who was still inside. Not even a few seconds later, Kam's loud mouth could be heard. "The Queen and her heir has arrived."

Layla bursted out laughing. "What you think this is a photo shoot?"

Kam ignored her a she twirled around as though she walking for New York Fashion Week. After her little catwalk show she plopped down next Layla who was lounging on chair.

"Damnnnnnnn Rell come get ya girl over here looking like a whole meallll," Kam joked.

Rell was busy trying to get Maddison into the pool but he looked over and saw Layla in a bright red two piece. He licked his lip and blew her a kiss.

Layla rolled her eyes but blushed at the same time. "Look what you did, my vagina needs a break. I can't even close my legs."

"You did that to yourself should've worn a cover up."

Layla looked over and saw Sed taking pictures of both Bless and Nadirah.

"Ohhhh my god baby so handsome."

Layla heard a splash and saw that Maddison had finally gotten into the water. She cheered her on as Rell attempted to help her swim.

Soon the food on the grill was finished and everyone was sitting down eating and joking.

"So when we go out tonight please don't wear any heels because if y'all buss ahu ass I'm gonna laugh," Layla spoke.

"Why," Kam asked.

"The village is in a huge parking lot surrounding by food booths, so it have potholes. Best believe you'll twist your ankle."

Kam and Nadirah nodded. "What about the music?"

"Live entertain. Just stay on beat. You could whine or wuk up."

"When you gonna show me how to work up," Rell whispered in her ear.

"You're saying it wrong still," she laughed.

"Fuck that let's talk about this bathing suit," he groaned. "Lemme take a pic."

Layla turned her back towards him and looked back at him smirking.

Rell bit his lip hard. "You must want a recap of last night."

"Maybe I do," she smirked.

He grabbed a handful of her ass. Then slipped his hand into her bathing suit bottom.

"Rell," she jumped. He took that opportunity and pulled her into his lap. "Stoooopppppppp."

"I can't feel on my wife," he said kissing on her neck and rubbing her lower lips. He attempted to slide a finger in but she jumped right out his lap.

"No no no," she smiled. "I'm not falling in your trap."

She walked over to the other side of the pool and Maddison came running towards her. Layla picked her up and they both laid on the chair chilling holding small conversation.

"I swim," Maddison smiled. "Me and dada."

"I saw," Layla smiled. "You're a little mermaid now."

She began singing "Under the Sea", and Layla joined in.

Soon night fell and Layla bathe both Maddison and Kali then put them in bed. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep due to their fun filled day at the pool.

Lala went to her room where Rell laid down with his hand in his pants. "We can leave around 11 and it's 8 now. I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up at 10:01."

Rell laughed, she always had this habit of adding an extra minute. "I'm going to take a nap too just set an alarm on your phone."

Layla set the alarm and went to take a shower. When she came out the bathroom she didn't even bother to put on any clothes. She jumped right into bed. Rell pulled the comforter over her and rolled her on top of him. And they were both out like a light.


Layla woke up just in time to begin get dressed. She decided to go simple. She pulled Rell an outfit and laid it on the bed. She woke him up at 11 so he could start to dress.

Layla stood in the bathroom fixing her hair when Rell walked in with his phone taking photos. "Damnnnnnnn baby, do a lil spin for me."

"Stoppp," she said covering her face.

He pulled her into a hug. "You smell good."

"So do you," she said hugging him back. They walked back to the room and Rell sat down on the chair and watched as Layla made some finishing touches.

She looked back and saw Rell staring at her. "Whatttt?"

"My baby looking good that's all."

"Thank you," she said as she pecked his lip. "Let's go."

It was right before 12am when everyone met in the living room to leave.

"Dad, were gone," Layla yelled. "We're only gonna take one Jeep because parking is a bitch. So lap up everyone."

Rell opened the door for Layla on the passenger side and helped her in. While Kam, Jace, Sed and Nadirah squeezed up in the back.

Rell pulled off. The village was located by the dock which was easy to find. Luckily they found a nearby parking. The gang walked towards the open village which was packed.

A band was setting up so they decided to find something to eat.

"What does it have to eat," Nadirah asked.

"Johnny cake, fried chicken, fry fish, fries, soup, even some booths have actual food food."

Everyone nodded and decided to separate. Layla pulled Rell over to a familiar booth and ordered them Johnny cake and chicken.

Layla retrieved the ketchup and squirted it all over the chicken and Johnny cake. Rell looked at her funny, "on the Johnny cake too."

Layla nodded. "Here try it."

He took a bite and nodded. The couple leaned up against booth as they ate and laughed.

A guy walking pass was handing out small fliers promoting a drink bar. "Can we go," Layla asked him.

Rell nodded. "Which booth?"


"Over there," he pointed.

Layla latched on to his side as they walked over. She ordered the specialty drink and was impressed by the look and the taste. "Try it," she said as she pushed it towards him.

He took a sip and twisted up his face. "Shit too sweet."

Rell order a pure white and took his time drinking it. By time he had finished his first cup Layla was already on her second drink.

"Slow down," he whispered in her ear.

The band had already start and Layla was dancing against him. He hadn't really seen this side of her before but the island girl definitely came out. As the music sped up she got more wild with whining. She was bent over with her hands on her knees pushing back against him and all he did was hold on to her waist to keep up.

He himself felt the liquor getting to him. Layla was now ordering a drink call "the blue motherfucker".

Rell kept drinking pure white and before they knew it was 4 am, the village was closing and they were both fucked up.

Rell was hugging Layla from behind as they walked in search of their friends. Layla keep laughing for no reason and Rell was just trying to fuck.

Once they reached the car, Rell opened the back seat and bent Layla over. He began grinding on her as if they were having sex. Layla laughed as she entertained his drunk behavior by pushing back.

"When we get home I'm fucking the shit out of youuuuu," he said slowly.

"You always saying that."

"But I always do it don't I," he said kissing in her neck.

Layla nodded. "Mhmmmm."

Rell lifted her and sat her up in the back seat as he stood between her legs. Their lips connected in a sloppy kiss and Rell reached his hands into her pants. Layla spread her legs to gave him more access.

"Mhhmmm baby you really wet for me," Rell whispered to her. He pulled his fingers out and placed it by her mouth and she sucked them in as though it was his member.

Rell groaned at the look she was giving him. He pulled his fingers out her mouth and slid them back in her pants. Layla's wetness made it easy for him to slide two fingers in.

"Ahhh," she moaned into his mouth. She rolled her hips and clenched her walls around his fingers. Rell used his thumb to toy at her clit.

Luckily no one else was in the parking area with them but they didn't care.

Rell continued to double stimulate her causing her to clench her thighs. "Relax," he whispered.

Layla shook her head. "You're gonna make me pee."

"That ain pee baby," he smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna cum."

Rell took his next hand and pulled down her pants more, as Layla scooted up in the car more. She helped wiggle her pants down. Rell pushed her onto her back and pushed her legs all the way to her chest and began sucking on her clit.

"Oh my gosh," she screamed. "Hold on Baby, we're outside."

Rell didn't care he continued to please his woman who couldn't control the moans rolling out her mouth. The licking, sucking and spitting soon sent Layla overboard.

Rell didn't slow down a bit as she rode out her orgasm. "Oh my gosh let me suck your dick."

Rell laughed as he wiped his mouth. "Sit up so I can hop in."

Layla shook her head. "Nah stay where you are now."

She hopped out the car quickly almost falling while pulling her pants up. She stumbled as she open the front passenger side and the back passenger side and told Rell to stand in between the two open doors.

She helped him pull down his pants as she kissed on his neck and moved her way down. She squatted and held him in her hands massaging him.

Layla licked her lips and stuck her tongue out. She ran her tongue around the tip and down the middle of the shaft. She continued to massage him in her hands as he grew harder. She began sucking on his head as she played with his balls. Soon Layla began taking more of him into her mouth. Rell held her face as he look down in awe.

She looked so beautiful choking on him. When he hit the back of her throat, he moaned out loud. "Yea baby. Oh my toes curling already."

Layla brought him to the back of her throat again but this time swallowing him so he could surpasses her gag reflex.

"Fuckkkk," he moaned. "Shit don't do that you gonna make me cum."

"Ain't that what I want," she said smirking.

She became sloppy with the movement and Rell loved it.  She was spitting and popping him in and out of her mouth. Rell pushed her hair back and cradled her face with his hands. Layla dropped her hands and Rell began fucking her mouth. Layla let him take control. She hollowed her mouth and played with his balls.

"Shit," Rell cursed. Layla bobbed her head as Rell's grip on her head increased. "You ready," he asked her.

Layla nodded and allowed him to slip back in her throat as he came. Layla began choking on his cum but she still bobbed her head until she sucked him dry completely. Rell pulled his member out and pull Layla up to him.

"Up," he told her which signaled for her to hop up which she did. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he leaned her up against the car.

Footsteps could be heard approaching as Rell lifted her shirt. He was massaging her small breast and sucking on her nipples. Layla held on to his head pushing her chest more into him.

"Layla," a voice sounded off. "What are you guys doing?"

Rell's head snap as he saw Nadirah, Sed, Jace and Kam walking towards them. He quickly dropped Layla who fell to the floor.

"What the fuck, my ass," she complained. 

"Oh shit I'm sorry babe," Rell said helping her back up. "They're coming," he whispered.

"Who," she whispered back.

"The others," he continued to whisper. "Act normal."

Layla nodded her head and leaned against the car trying to act normal.

Once the others reached, Nadirah shot Layla a smirk. "What you guys up to?"

"Nothing," they said simultaneously.

Kam laughed as she hopped in the car. "I hope y'all ain fuck in here."

The other hopped in and Jace decided to drive since it was clear the two was drunk.

Layla sat on Rell's lap in the Jeep. He kept whispering nasty shit in her ear. He talked about what he would do to her once they reached back and how long he was gonna do it. It didn't take long for them to reach back.m got he house.

Layla stumbled out the car and Rell came right out after her. They hold each other for support and went straight by the pool.

There was a small bar outside where held a few bottles of rum. Layla went and pick up the Blancrux.

"You ready to get fucked up," she laughed.

Rell nodded and signaled her to come over by him. They both took turns taking the bottle to the head. After a while, he sneaked inside to get bathing suits for them to change into.

Layla stood in the shallow part twerking to no music as Rell sat at the pool edge smoking and drinking Blancrux out a wine glass.

"Come inside," she kept telling him.

"I cant," he kept replying.

"Whyyyyy," she whined.

"I'm so fucked up right now," he said shaking his head. "I might drown."

Layla laughed at him. "I told you that drink was no joke."

Rell waved her off as he continued to sit. Layla came out the pool and came behind him. She positioned herself to sit behind him as she hugged him from the back.

"I've never been this drunk," Layla admitted. "and I'm horny."

Rell looked back, "yeah?"

Layla smiled and nodded. "But I wanna dance."

She got up and turned on Pardi's new song ft Cardi B, new song Backin it Up.

"Let's dance," she sung.

"This is what song you chose," he asked as he stumbled to keep himself balanced.

Layla made him wrap his arms around her as she bent over slightly dancing on him. Even though the song had just dropped she had already know most of the words.

"Got the crown, shut it down, have them hype up in the six, If she dead, let her lay won't bring no life into this bitch."

"Ayyyy," Rell hyped her.

They continued to play around as the song came to an end then She Bad ft YG came on.

"4Hunnid," Rell hollered. "Mustard on the beat ho."

He continued to rap YGs part seeing that was all he knew.

Layla got hype as she rapped Cardi's whole part.

"New nigga 'gon kill for me. All my chains got diamonds in it. My account got commas in it. Damn daddy, you fine as hell. I hope your wallet got condoms in it."

Rell bent her over and she braced herself by holding on to her ankles. She threw her ass back as he grinded into her only for her to fly forward falling on her face.

"Ouchhh," she cried.

Rell rushed over to her. "Damn you okay?"

She laughed and nodded. "I just hit my head."

Rell gave her a kiss on the forehead, "better?"

She smiled and gave him a kiss on the lip then nodded.

They continued to stare at each other then Layla pounced on him. She connected their lips as she ran her hands everywhere. Rell grabbed at her ass squeezing it hard.

Layla pushed him back and sat on top of him, grinding. "Remember when we first met and you dried hump me?"

Rell shook his head. "You dry humped me."

Layla waved him off. "Well now I can fuck You all I want."

She reached to pull down his swim shorts. "Not here, your dad is inside," he said stopping her. "Come with me."

Rell led her over to some stairs as they both stumbled over. Layla made sure to grab the bottle of Blancrux.

"I'm really about to fuck the shit out of you," he said pulling off her bathing suit. Layla took a couple more swings at the rum and handed it over to Rell who did the same. Once the bottle was done he tossed it over the balcony.

They were now both naked.

"Bend over," he instructed her. "Hold on to the rail."

Layla did as told and Rell spread her legs. He reached down and touched her folds and she sure was ready. He lined himself up and pushed in. Layla jerked forward at the intrusion but Rell held on to you.

Usually he would start off slow but this time he didn't. He slammed right into her causing her to scream out. He felt her become wetter as he yanked her head back.

"You like that," he asked her without slowing his pace.

"Yesss," she moaned. "Oh my gosh."

Rell held on to her hips as he fucked her fast and hard. He pushed down on her lower back to help her keep the arch. She keep running from him, so he pulled her two hand behind her back and held on to them.

He felt her walls grip him tight as her body shook a little. "You just came didn't you?"

Layla nodded.

"Without my permission?"

Layla looked back at him confused. "You heard what I fucking said. Don't cum again without my permission."

He yanked her head back again, "you understand?"

Layla smirked internally. "Yes daddy."

"Good," he said sending a smack to her ass.

Rell instructed her to bend down and grab her ankles which she did flawlessly. He continued his assault as Layla moan grew louder.

Layla couldn't believe how hard Rell was fucking her, it was amazing. "Baby slow down," she whined.


"I'm gonna cum again."

"No you better hold it."

How the fuck am I supposed to do that?

Rell pulled out of her as her legs began to shake. She collapsed right on the floor and Rell picked her up and aligned himself at her entrance.

He walked them backwards so her back was up against the rail.

"Don't drop me," she screamed holding on to his neck.

Rell pushed in and dropped his head into her neck. He loosen her legs from around his waist and lifted her up higher so that her legs dropped into the folds of his arms.

He began moving back and forth hitting spots that made Layla cream on him instantly. "'Mmm daddy, I need to cum."

"Not yet," he whispered against her lips.

Layla's head fell back as he increased his speed. Somehow the two ended up on the floor with Rell on top of her still going. He held both of her legs straight up as he plowed into her.

"Can I cum please," she begged. "Oh my gosh."

"Shhhhh," he hushed her.

When he felt his nut coming, he grabbed on to her neck and began giving her his all.

Layla's back arched of the ground as Rell shot into her. He reached down and thumb her clit vigorously causing her to squirt. He knew it would happen due to her not being able to cum as yet.

Layla began to shake. Her body was in control of it self as her orgasm hit her full body.

Rell smirked at his ability to make her squirt. He slowed his strokes as he pumped into her. Once her jerking stop Rell sped up again.

"How are you still hard after cumming," she said out of breath. Oh he got dick dick.

"Great pussy," he said. Layla pushed him off with the little energy she had left and instructed him to lay on the stairs.

"My turn," she said. She lowered herself slowly because everything was overly sensitive. "Mhmmm."

Rell helped her moved as they fucked each other on the stairs.

Light soon came as the two continued going at it.

"I love you so much," Rell spoke.

Layla leaned down and whispered the same in his ear just as another orgasm peaked.

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