Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

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The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 24

23 1 0
By Pastwitch98

"Pass it over here!" Alexei cried, hoping to get his teammate's attention. It was the last practice before the game against Kadic later that day. Lynn and Alexei had put their differecences with Avery aside for this big day.

Cam sat in the bleachers watching his friends. Mara sat with Ally, cheering the boys on while working on her team poster. Or her 'Alexei' poster as Ally put it.

"No Ally, use pink to write Alexei's name. How else is he going to see it?" Mara shoved a sparkly pink marker into Ally's hands. TO placare her friend, Ally silently took the marker.

Lynn climbed up the bleachers to sit beside Cam. "Oh, I can't wait to see Alexei's face when Mara brings that out." Gesturing to the colorful bander below them, Lynn snickered. It was somethings else to tease Alexei about. He was still dealing with their jokes from when Mara 'borrowed' him last week.

"Taking a break?" Cam asked. Over the poast week, they'd only seen each other during attacks. Cam spent non-school hours working on the materizilation program. Kya went to the ice ring after school. Lynn and Alexei had team meetings and pratice everyday.

Lynn took a sip of his water. "Coach is rotating me, Alexei, and Avery. He doesn't want us to get worn out before the game." Made sense, considering they were playing their rivial school.

"Shoot, we forgot the gitter." Mara sprinted towards the doors.

Lynn and Cam shared a look, before busting out laughing. Alexei was in for a grand surpise.


Jogging back to the soccer field, Mara tripped over a rock. Gitter and glue flew out of the box into the air. Exepecting a gitter shower, nothing happened. Instead, the gitter and glue hovered higher into the air. Mara laid on the ground, stunned.


Kya zoomed down the path towards school. The inline-skates on her feet felt werid. They hugged her feet like ice-skates, but didn't glide as smoothly. It did allow for a smilair feel of freedom the ice provided.

Shifting her weight, Kya sped around a curve. She kicked of the ground to avoid falling over a large hole in the ground. Bracing to land, she wibbled in mid-air. Frustated, Kya kicjed her feet and waved her arms. For several long seconds, she hovered.

"Uff!" Kya lanfed on unstudy feet with a thud. Nothing seemed off or Xanaized to have caused her sudden 'flight'. Shrugging it off, she made a mental note to tell Cam.


Cam's POV:

"Did you see that awesome move!?" Alexei ranted. He was pumoed for the game against Kadic. His father was coming from overseas to see the gaem. Another reason for Alexei to be exiected. "We might stand a chance this time." A stuipd smirk on his face, he walked backwards in front of us.

"Your dad's still coming?" Lynn asked, not sharing Alexei's enthrustuism. The competition is only days away, Lynn's stress is building. He wanted to spend moretime preparing. Coach required every player to attend team meetings and practices this week. That left little time for anything besides school work.

Alexei's grin grew bigger. "Yup her arrived last night." So that's who he was talking to all night.

Not paying attention, Alexei walked into Avery. Giving Alexei the stink eye, he silently continued walking. The three of us shared a look, than made our way into the cafereira. Chatter filled our ears, as we grabbed food than found a table.

Lynn groaned at his cell's ring tone. It played __________ by _____, a speical song resvered for his father. Lynn appeared to debate whether or not to answer the phone. A grimance replace his smile, as he excused himselg to take the calls.

Alexei and I chatted while waiting for Kya. She disappeared earlier for some random reason.

"You believe me, right? Alexei?" Mara dropped her books on the table to turn a preeved glare to Alexei.

Avery went to pat Mara's head, but she ducked away. "No offense Mar, who'd believe a lam story like that."

Confused, I turned my attention to Mara. "What are you two winicing about?"

That glare directed at me, Mara gestured to Avery. "He doesn't believe me."

"From the beginning Mara and please try to use real words this time." I asked, with a patience I don't have.

"She 'claims'," Avery made air quotation marks. "that after she tripped outside. The glue and glitter she carried floated away." He waved his arms in a flying montion, to Mara's dismay. She shoved him, before stomping away.

"Don't be late for the game. We need everyone if we're to beat Kadic." Avery left afer saying those encouraging words.

Three seconds after they left, a tet came through. 'Something weird happened. I just hovered over the ground.' That lovely message from Kya has me concerned. Mara's story is enough to begin question. Kya's text warrents an investatgtion.


Emi's POV:

"There is an actiavted tower. It's in the mountain sector." Pulsations coursed through Lyoko, leadning to the mountain sector. Even now, they grew stronger, signaling the tower is close. "How did you know? I was about to contact you."

While Cam worked on something, Alexei explained waht they'd learned from Mara and Kya.

"Sounds like the gravity momently disappeared." I thought of how Xana's attack played into gravity.

"Have you learned anything?" Kya came into her dorm out of breath, followed by a solem Lynn.

Cam spun around to face the group. "The school's electry is unusally high. This confirmed my theroy, Xana's manipulatling the magneitc feilds around the school."

Alexei toss a wrapper at Cam, "In english, general."

"Using electity, Xana can disrupted the gravity within an area. Whether the school, manison, or anywhere else is the target, I can't determine now." Cam turned back to the computer.

"Let's head to the manison. The sooner we deactiavte the tower, the better." Kya's plan is the most reasonable. Deactivating the tower will take care of worrying about finding Xana's target.

Everyone got up to leave, but Lynn. He sato on the bed, staring at his phone. "I can't go with you." Everyone turned to look at him. "My father called, he's coming to the game."

Alexei shook his head, "I completely forgot, about the game. My parents are coming too."

Cam grunted. "A game is more important than stopping Xana?" He looked at Alexei, understanding releaving some of his anger. "I know you haven't seen your father since the divcore, but we can't afford to go in with only one person. Defense around the towers had gotten stronger, since we retreived the last key."

"Lynn," Cam paused until he had his friend's attention. "You don't even like sports, missing the game won't be that big a deal. Stopping Xana is more important." He crossed his arms. "You've said it yourself, you rejoined the team, instead of solely foucsing on the competition, because we needed the help. Well, it's time to step up."

"Step up?" Lynn's gave an unamused smile. "Didn't I step up when I saved you from drowning in the tunnels? What about risking detention to get Alexei, so we could back you up on Lyoko. Wasn't that stepping up? If not, than how is Emi here with us right now?"

His next words were harsh and devoid of emotion. "I'm sorry Cam, but the world doesn't revolve around us, Xana, or Lyoko. Sometimes things don't go as planned." He stormed pass them to pause at the door. "We've got another team counting on us too. We'll join you once the game's over. I'm sorry, there's no other way." Lynn gave on last passing glance to us, before leaving.

The awrkward silence was broken, but Kya. "Nice going, Cam." Annoyed, she punched him in the shoulder. "You know how Lynn's father feels about his music." Shaking her head, she looked at the door her best friend had passed through. "It's not just his scholarship at risk.Sports is the only time his father is proud of him and isn't nagging. He places alot of pressure on Lynn."

"He could've just explained that." Some of Cam's angry appeared to be releaved.

"Umm, I've gotta go to." Alexei awrkwardly said. "We'll keep our cells on during the game." He than left, as well.


Alexei caught up to Lynn on his way to the lockerroom. The team would leave together from there to head to Kadic. Coach expected everyone to be on time and not to play in the game. There was no way the two of them could sneak away without being noised. As Lynn stated, there's another team counting on them.

"You okay?" Alexei asked, walking beside Lynn. The game was important to both of them, but for different reasons. Alexei loved playing sports and was exiected to see his father again. For Lynn, it was a means to please his father and keep his scholarship.

"" Lynn kicked a pebbled, letting out his pinned up frustation. "You I wouldn't abandon the others, without a good reason." He hated playing sports completively or for gym. A random game with friends for fun, he'd be the first to join. Soccer was the sport his father played prossfionally, which meant it was the one he expected perfection in. The only reason Lynn accepted the scholarship offer, was to get away from his father. His father thought Lynn had finally given up music to take sports seriously. Big shock when he discovered Lynn entered a music competition.

"I'd much rather be fighting Xana, than dealing with my father." Several times he thought about quitting sports for good. But his parents wouldn't pay for him to remind at Kanna Academy, if he continued to presuce music.

Alexei placed a friendly had on Lynn's shoulder. "Win the game for me."

"Your not going to the game?" Lynn was stunned. Alexei had been looking forward to the game for weeks. If anyone should miss the game, it was him.

A playful smirk hide the doubt Alexei didn't want to reveal. Both of them had their reasons for going to or missing the game. For Alexei, he knew the pressure Lynn recived from his father and the stress of maintaining his scholarship. Clearly, Lynn was the one who needed to stay. "Nope, I'm going to Lyoko with the others. I can get away with not going. You however, cannot."

Lynn gave a grateful smile, some of his guilt releaved. "I'll cover for you. Just keep me posted."

They went their spereate ways, each attending to their own mission.


Kya's POV:

"This is going to be tricky." We sat in the lab for several mintues, still working on a plan. If Xana planned a heavy defense, I couldn't risk getting devitualized to soon. Theroically, Cam could go in first, clear part of the way. That included another set of risks we didn't want to consider.

"I could vitualize both of you." Emi suggested. "If we run the sub-hacking programs first, I'll be able to enter the tower."

Cam shook his head, "No, the program still requires someone to manually enter the final code(s). Besides, I'd just be a living sheild for you." Another reminder of the extra dangers Cam faced each time he goes to Lyoko. His the second weakest person on our team, with Emi being the weakest. Emi's manpluation carry siffically less risks then Cam's Override. If only the ability didn't require direct contact for usage.

A metallic sound behind us, grabbed our attention. We immedatly became wary of the elevator's suddent usage. No one should be using it. Alexei and Lynn are at the game and we're in the lab. Could someone have followed us...again?

"What're standing around for? There's a tower to deactivate." Alexei cocky grin greeted us from the elevator's opening doors. The cocky idoit nearly gave me a heartattack.

He walked over to stand behind Cam's chair. "What's the game plan?"

"Shouldn't you be at the game?" I asked, raising a questioning eyebrow. If anything, I expected Lynn to be the one to skip the game.

Alexei shrugged, "The game's important, but it won't matter if we can't stop Xana. Besides, I can skip the game with less conquestions than Lynn."

Accepting the answer, Cam nodded. "Head for the scanners. Your off to the mountain sector."


Kya's POV:

"Where's Emi?" Alexei asked, after surveying the surrounding area. We'd landed on a small cliff, several meters back. Traveling for several minutes, we reached our meeting spot. Emi usually greets us, if she's not running from monsters.

"Right here." A voice said.

Alexei strumbled forward, startled by Emi's sudden appearance. "Don't do that, Mi'lady. I can't protect you if I have a heartattack." Stuipd flirt.

"No time for jokes." Cam annocuned. "I've figured out Xana's target."


Cam pulled up the plans of the nearby area. Power from a nearby power plant was being drawn towards the school. Specifically, Kadic. He shared this information, trying to figure out why Xana wasn't targetinng Kanna, their school.

"Isn't the game being held at Kadic?" Kya paused walking to scan the area. "No monsters, so far."

"Kya, your a genuis!" Cam switched the map to show Kadic's layout.

"Care to explain, general?" Alexei was on edge, things were to quiet. They should've seen a monster or five by now.

"Thanks to Mara's dluner and Kya flight, we knew to go to Lyoko. Otherwise, we all would've been at the game." The nearby power was being syphoned to Kadic. There was to much power going in differet directions to narrow down a speific target. "Whatever the target is, will be sent into space if Xana gains enough power."

Cam racked his brain for a solution, Xana would have enough power before they could deactivate the tower. "Foucs on getting to the tower. I'll warn Lynn, while working on a counter measure."

Back at the game, Kanna's team was struggling to keep up with Kadic. Coach's plan was no good, since Alexei bailed. Moral was low for the team. Lynn and Avery's rivialy wasn't hel[ing. Alexei's disappearance created more stife than normal between the roommates.

"Kadic scores another point." A red haired girl reported. "Kanna's rumored three aces appear unable to keep up with Kadic's own Ulrich."

Lynn went to regroup with te rest of their team, when Avery shoved him. "Call Lexi and tell him to get here. We're losing." Avery hated to admit they needed Alexei.

"Save it, Avery." Lynn wasn't in the mood to deal with Avery and his father. He'd already seen his father's disappointment throughout the game. This combined with the guilt of abandoning his friends, ruined his conction. "Alexei isn't here, we'll play without him."

The ball whirled passed them, towards Kadic's best player, Ulrich Stern. Avery rushed twoards the Kadic players, as they'd planned. Coach's plan involved one of them blocking Kadic best player(s), leaving the other to focus on scoring. Avery managed to distract Ulrich, long enough for Lynn to steal the ball. Using moves gained from hours of pratice, Lynn feinted left. When the other members of Kadic's team went to block him, Lynn passed the ball back to Avery. Avery kept the ball out of Kadic's reach, long enough for Lynn to get open. Passing the ball to Lynn, Avery collsloded with another teammate. Lynn caotured the ball to score for Kanna.

Cheers died down, when Avery had to be carried off the field.

"Do yo an injury, Kanna will be subsituting a player in." The ref. annocued. Moments later, another player took the field.

Lynn couldn't believe his luck. They were going to have to use Coach's final plan. Lynn wasn't looking forward to being a human sheild.


Alexei's POV:

"Thanks for the warning, Cam!" Two hornests zoomed pass me to target the girls. A third one blocked my path. Taking out my sai, I activated Shadow. The creature fired lasers randomly. Counting the seconds my ability was activated, I made quick work of a horent.

"I'm kind of busy, Alexei." Cam finally answered. "Creating a program to slow Xana and contacting Lynn, isn't easy. Oh, you've got another large swamp headed your way."

"How are we going to get to the tower?" Kya rejoined me after destroying, her own hornets. "The path is to narrow to fight on."

Emi popped her head out from the rock she hide behind. "You could use Shadow Swap on me. I'd be able to head to the tower undetected."

"Thercoically, it could work." I thought about it for a moment. Than shook my head. "The distance to the tower is too far. Plus you'd have to wait for Cam to hack the firewall. Our best option is for me and Kya to clear the path first."

"One problem." Kya gestured to the narrow path and her skates. "I'm at a disadvangte, I might fall into the digital sea if I fight normally."

"I can materizale some shuriken for you Kya." Cam offered.

Kya shook her head, "It'd be a waste of time, my aim with those things is horrblie. It be better for me to act as Alexei's shield, while he uses he's shuriken."

"That's just what you'll do." The girls gave me a confused look. "The path is narrow, making fighting differcult and provides no cover. I'll use my shuriken to take out the horents. Kya, you'll need to use your speed and reflexes to consistly activate and deactivate shield to protect us."

Emi and Kya sure a look.

"It's our only chose." Emi said.

Kya groan, "The timing's going to be tricky, but okay."

We finalized our plan just in time, a large swamp of horents ambused us.


Lynn's POV:

"We don't have time to aruge, Lynn." Cam groaned. "I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important."

Coach lectured the team during halftime. We managed to gain several points after Avery's injury. Still wasn't enough to tie with Kadic, which means if I disappear, Coach will have a fit.

"My firewall won't stop Xana for long." Cam contiuned to plead through the phone. "If we don't make sure the school building is clear of people, someone's going to get hurt. Which is useless if we deactivate the tower."

A Return to the Past is useless if someone dies. It can't bring back the dead.

Coach stopped pasting to stand before me. "Get your head in the game, Lynn. The next round is crtiical."

"Exectly!" I hopped off the bench, pretending to be execited. "I'm our only ace left and have been playing the whole game. How about switching me out to rest? Don't want to tire out your winning player."

Coach cracked a smile. "Nice to see your finally getting serious. Sit out this next round and rest. We're going to need you at full strength."

"Coach, can I check on Avery? He might be okay later. It'll also give me a chance to call Alexei." I lied. No way is Coach going to let me leave without a good reason.

Coach patted my shoulder. "A team is only strong when they work together. Go, don't take to long. We're going to need you."

Leaving the game, Cam directed me via phone to the school building. The power Xana collected was being gathered at the school building. If Cam's program doesn't work, Kadic will be the frist school in outer space.


Cam reloaded a second set of shuriken for Alexei. The swarm of seven hornets had the advanadge, against the Defenders. Kya mavuered as best she could, given there was barely enough room to walk side by side. Alexei's aim was blocked by Kya's consist mevements.

Alexei reached for anoter shuriken, when Kya slammed into him. A shimmering 'orb' protected them from an acid attack. Kya spun to cover Alexei's back, allowing him to target a horent.

"We're npt going to make it, if I don't head for the tower soon." Emi stood near the enterance to the path. She watched Kya and Alexei get pelted by lasers and acid. Kya's sheilds would reach there limit soon. Than they'd be left defenseless.

"Don't be rash, EMi." Cam tried calling Lynn. He needed to get out of the building, fast. Xana was abut to riviral NASA's space launch. "What if you fall into the digital sea? Than we'll never deactivate the tower."

Cam's words rung in Emi's ears. If Xana wanted her to fall into the digital sea, so be it.


A fifteen minute search of the school confirmed one thing. Lynn could never finish searching in time.

"Your not from this school, what are you doing here?" A male voice asked, it was one of the school's staff.

"I'm from Kanna's soccer team. One of our players was sent to the imfarmy with an injury." Lynn answered. The teacher grumbled directions to the imfarmy, warning Lynn not to linger.

The imfiramry was loacated on another floor.

Lynn's cell rang just as he found the imfarmy. "You need to get out of the school, now. Xana's going to breach my firewall within seconds."

"I need to get Avery first." Lynn hung up, as he entered the infarmy.

Avery laid on a bed, his injuried ankle wrapped up. Ally sat beside the bed, reading a book. The two glanced up when the door opened. Ally ingored Lynn's enterance, while Avery gave a welcoming snicker.

"Should you be at the game, playing hero?" Lynn's arrival did nothing to help Avery's mood. He was already frusated that he'd gotten injuried so easily. Kanna would lose because of his foolish mistake. He wouldn't have felt as bad, if Alexei had shown up. The team worked well together, but only him, Lynn, and Alexei had the skills to take on Kadic's ace player.

Ally 'dropped' her book on Avery's ankle. He withheld a yelp, but gave her a pointed glare. "Whoops." Ally shrugged, as she retrieved her book. "Appears your mouth works just fine."

She turned to Lynn. "Even you wouldn't skip this game, no matter how much you dislike sports." That was the thing about Ally, she was very obervate. So much so that she usually knew information before the school's gossip, _____. "Which pegs the question, why are you here?"

"Would you believe me if I said the school was about to be launched into space?" Lynn went with the truth.

"Yes." Ally said, plainly. She placed her book in a bag, than tossed. Avery's shoes on the bed.

Lynn watched confused by Ally's actions. She wreslted Avery into his shoes since he refused to go along with them. "You gonna help?" She glanced aat Lynn, as she went to help Avery off the bed.

He went to Avery's other side to help his teammate off the bed. Avery sheriked away until Ally poked him in the ribs. Avery begrudingly allowed Lynn to drop his arm over his shoulder. Together with Ally managed to get Avery out of the imfarmy.

They made it halfway down the hall, before they were lifted off the ground. Flowing off the ground, they were hurled down the hall like a ball. Just before they collsided with a wall, they dropped back on the ground.

"What was that?" Avery asked, as he shoved Lynn off of him. "Ally did you know about this?"

Standing up, Ally helped Avery to stand. "I had my supcsions when Mara shared her story. It was then confirmed when I was almost tossed up a flight of staris to visit you."

Less talking, more walking." Lynn placed an arm around Avery waist. They started walking again, this time making it down to the first floor. Again, they were lifted off the ground and tossed around like a rag doll. Avery and Lynn hit the ceiling, while Ally was knocked into a wall. For several long moments, they were held by an invisble force. Than suddenly, they were freed.

"Everyone okay?" Lynn groaned, rubbing his head. Avery moaned, signalling he was okay. Ally's silence was deafening. Not a moan or groan came from her. Paincked, Avery used swimming moments to move towards Ally. He found her breathing, but unconious. Lynn made his way over to them. He quickly chcked Ally for injuries, while Avery held her.

"Well?" Avery asked, impatiently.

Lynn shook his head, "I can't find anything. She must've hit her head hard when she was knocked into the wall."

Lynn thought about their current situation, Avery unable to walk and Ally unconious. There was no way they'd be able to get out of the building with only one person fully capable of moving. He pulled out his cell to inform Cam of the situtation. Maybe Cam could create another program to temporany stop Xana.

Cam answered on the first ring. "There's good new and bad news. Good news, you don't have to leave the building. In fact, don't leave the building, Xana's changed his target. Bad news, the target is now the soccer field."

Lynn glanced out a window to th soccer field. "Can' t do that general. My teammates and parnets are out there. I've got to try to help them." He hung up before Cam could aruge.

"I've got Ally, follow me." Lynn pulled Ally's uncounis body close to his. Using the lack of gavirty, Lynn moved himself and Ally until they stopped outside of a storage closet. Opening it, he allowed Avery inside first and than gently handed Ally to him. "Stay here."

He started to shut the door, when Avery blocked it. "Where are you going? Are you just going to leave Ally like this?"

Lynn look a deep breath, "Can you listen to me for once without questioning it?" He then shut the door when Avery didn't reply. He than began making his way towards the exit.


Lynn had made his way to the field. He didn't know how he was going to convince everyone to leave the game, but he had to at least try. Coach saw him approach and wave him over.

"Hope you've had a good rest. Once the timeout ends, your back in the game." Coach turned to speak with the rest of the team, but stopped when Lynn didn't come over. "Now's not the time for jokes, Lynn. Your team is counting on you."

Added pressure he didn't want. Why did everyone count on him so much, when Lynn's dislike of sports wasn't exceptly a sercet. "Sorry, coach. I'm not playing. In fact we need to cancel the game."

Coach passed an unamused glare at Lynn. "You'd better explain." Coach could be harsh, but not unreasonable. He often tried to listen to students first, before dismissing their ideas.

Lynn appeared sheepish. How to explain the field was about to be lauched into te stratosphere? "I can't Coach. Just believe me when I say we're better off forthing the game."

Coach shook his head, "I'm disappointed in you, Lynn. Your usually a decatied player, even if you hate being on the team." He turned his attention back to the team, completely dismissing Lynn's warning.

Well that didn't go as planned. Lynn thought as he made his way over to Kadic's team. Although they probably won't believe him either.

Players entered the field, signaling the restart of the game. A player from Kadic's team went to kick the ball, but was lifted upward instead. Several other players were also floating above ground. The crowd was full of gasps and awe, until they realized it wasn't a trick. People began reaching for anything they could grab. Friends and family were holding onto each other, not wanting to see their loved ones float into the sky.

Lynn wanted as his mother was among those being lifted away. His father managed to grab her hand, just before she was out of reach. He wanted to go over to them, but could let go of the soccer net, for fear of being swept away as well.

Watching the scene around him, Lynn wondered if something happened to the others. They'd had several close calls before, but always managed to deactivate the tower. Thy'd succsed this time too, right?


"Sheild!" Kya's shield shimmered into form, then suddenly flickered out. She was hit with an acid attack meant for Alexei. She yanked the damaged bubbling glove off, letting it fall into the digital sea.

"You've got thirty life points left." Cam informed Kya. "Xana's broken through my firewall, he's now able to attack at anytime. The target's also changed from the school to the soccer field."

"I don't think we;re getting io the tower anytime soon." Alexei parried a laser to protect Kya, who was now defenseless. He sheathled one sai to grab a shuriken. The tiny throwing star hit it's target, destroying a hornet.

Kya pulled Alexei's second sai from it's sheath, to block a laser. Unuse to the weapon, the laser knocked the blade from her grip. "I don't think we'll make it Cam. Do you have a plan B?"

A melodic sound drifted through the air. The sound graduatly grew louder until it was right below them. Horents, drawn by the sound, dived under the path. Alexei leaned over the edge to spy on there buggy 'friends'.

"Emi!" He shouted, upon seeing a flash of purple hair among the circling horents.

Drawn by Alexei's paincked shouts, Kya also took a look. Emi was walking upside-down on the bottom of the path. The melodic sound was her singing, another way she actived her abilities. The hornets each fired at her, hitting her from all directions, yet she appeared unaffected. Until a hornet shot her from behind. She strumbled once, than two more lasers knocked her off the platform. Falling into the digital sea, firing more laser as they went.

Kya and Alexei didn't have time to morun for their friend. A hand patting them on the shoulder nearly made them fall into the digital sea.

"You guys look like you've seen a ghost." Emi gave a small wave. "That should make Xana happy for now." She ran pass them into the tower.

She went through the familar process of entering the tower's lower level, than being lifted to the second level. Placing her hand on the small screen, she watched her name appear, than 'Code Lyoko'.

Back in the lab, Cam activated a Return to the Past.


"Go Alexei!" Mara's cheers were the loudest among the Kanna students at the game. Most of the school had traveled to Kadic for the game. So far, Kanna was keeping up with Kadic. They were behind by three points, but Kanna wasn't allowing Kadic to score anymore points. No one knew who would win, both teams were playing better than usual.

"Go Lynn! Go Alexei!" Kya and Cam were cheering for their friends. They knew how much the game meant to Alexei and that Lynn wouldn't let his team down, dispight his personal feelings. Both of their friend's parents were at the game, watching their sons play a rivial school.

Lynn focused more on the game, than his father's intension glance. He knew his mother would be proud of him reguardless if Kanna won or lose. Alexei waved to his parents every once in a while, surpised they were able to sit next to each without fighting.

Avery stole the ball from a Kadic player, but was blocked from continuing forward. Seeing Lynn open behind him, he feinted to the left than passed the ball backward. Lynn went for the ball at the same time as Ulrich from Kadic. The two fought over the ball for several moment, before Alexei came out of nowhere to kick the ball away from both of them.

"We might actually win!" In her execitment, Kya hugged Mara who was sitting in the front row with them. The two, realizing who they hugged, shoved the other female away.

"Eeeww, I've got nerd on me." Mara checked her clothes for some invisble dirt.

Kya snorted and crossed her arms. "Cam, I think I need to visit the infmary. I may have caught idoitic."

Cam and Ally shared an amused look. They were use to their friends weridness, epciaslly around each other.

The four returned their attention to the game, as a goal was scored.

Kanna was two points away from tieing with Kadic. Everyone was on the edge of their seat.

Who would win? Kanna or Kadic?

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