all yours | antoine griezmann

By voidneymar

19K 505 128

sequel to "All Mine" ❝We're not okay are you?❞ Im which Antoine and Amelia try to solve and work through all... More



585 19 6
By voidneymar

All Yours
13 | Hold on


As I walked inside the house I could faintly hear voices coming from the dining room, it sounded as though Amelia was with someone else in the house. I placed my duffel bag down in the foyer and made my way into the dining room where was was sat across from someone. I couldn't tell who it was as their back was turned towards me, as soon as Amelia saw me she stood up as though she was relieved to see me.

She was facing me completely with her back turned to the stranger sitting in my house, I ran my finger over her cheek stroking it.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked concerned, she nodded her head slowly. She looked as though she was ready to spew the contents of her stomach out, I checked the time on my wrist seeing it was around this time she'd always feel sick.

She turned facing away from me, "I think it's best you go." She said to the random person sitting there, he stood up and I almost did a double take.

I looked at him wide eyed but I quickly tried to dismiss it, I didn't want Amelia to catch on. He briefly looked at me distastefully before walking out of the dining room as Amelia and I both followed him. He opened the door and stood at the doorstep looking at me before speaking,

"Will I be seeing you again?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice, Amelia didn't look overly enthusiastic to answer the question. He looked at me as though I were to blame for all of this, truly I was not in the wrong.

"I don't know." She answered truthfully, she wasn't one to lie and give false hope.

"Goodbye Mia, see you soon." He said turning his back and walking away into the distance. She closed the door leaning against it for a few seconds almost as though she was trying to regain her breath.

As we walked back to the kitchen she gave a sort of curious look, as though she caught on quickly to the fact I knew him. In her eyes I don't know who he is, I'm not supposed to know who he is but unfortunately I do and I'll never be able to rid of him.

"Who was that?" I asked unknowingly, she shrugged her shoulders slightly annoyed.

"My brother." She said, I tried to act surprised. As though I wouldn't have expected this, but of course I already knew it was her brother.

"I didn't know you had one?" I said faking a questioning tone, had it been convincing enough?

"This was the first time I saw him after ten years." She said trying to dismiss the subject, I assumed she didn't want to talk about it any further.

She walked over to the kettle turning it on ready to make herself a cup of tea, although she had her back turned to me it was noticeable how tense her shoulders were. She wasn't comfortable, she was stressing out over this whole brother situation. I sighed walking over to her placing my hands on her shoulders, she jumped slightly from the contact. I rubbed her shoulders slowly trying to ease some of the weight.

"God, I just don't understand why he had to make an appearance and ruin everything." She said pouring the hot water into a mug, dipping her tea bag in she started stirring it aggressively.

"He didn't ruin anything Lia, he doesn't need to be in your life if you don't want him to be." I was indirectly telling her to not let him into her life, he was bad news and the last thing she needs—we need is for him to show up and run his mouth.

"He's my family, I can't just let him go like that especially after so many years." She said turning around walking to the kitchen table to sit down, I could see how frustrated she was with the situation.

"I know baby, but it's going to be okay because you have me." I said sitting down beside her, she smiled slightly before bringing the mug to her lips.

"You're right, I don't need him in my life after all we're going to be parents." She said smiling widely, I was absolutely in love with how pregnancy was making her. She was always in the best of moods and glowing every single day, I'm completely besotted with her.

"You need to stop stressing alright? You can't be dealing with stress during pregnancy."

"I know, I know." She said stirring her tea once again, she sighed looking up at me.

"You know I love you?"

"And you know I love you right back." I said leaving a kiss on her cheek, it seemed to instantly brighten her mood.


I spent most the next morning trying to track down Amelia's brother without her knowing, she was fast asleep when I left the house this morning. I left her a message stating I'd be going to get her some of her favourite pastries in town, I had managed to find him staying around the town center in Madrid which made it so much easier for me. I found him sitting in a coffee shop at a table by himself almost as if he was expecting company.

I walked into the coffee shop sitting down on the table across from him, he looked at me eyeing my distastefully.

"I knew you'd be coming to find me." He simply said breaking the silence, I stared at him not knowing where to begin.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" I cut straight to the point.

"I'm trying to get to know my sister, something wrong with that?" He almost smirked, I sat back on my chair trying to refrain from punching him.

"You're not supposed to be here, she doesn't need you in her life."

"How would you know what's best for her? Just because you're hooking up with my sister doesn't mean you control her." He rolled his eyes at me, with such force I moved over to him grabbing him by his collar.

"You might want to shut the fuck up before you say something you'll regret." I slowly said, my blood was boiling. I realised people started looking at us so I let go of his collar gently patting it as though I was trying to clean it.

"What do you want from me Antoine?" He asked with his usual monotone voice as though he was getting bored.

"Why are you really here?"

"I was sent here by someone and I frankly don't know what he wants from me." I arched my eyebrows wondering what he was on about.

"Hold on someone told you to come here and what? Talk to Amelia?"

"The guy told me to come and talk to Amelia and get back into her life and that he has other plans for me." Rafael said, I leaned forward resting my elbows on the table.

"And who is this person?" I asked waiting curiously to know the answer.

"Fernando Torres, have you heard of him?"

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