The Unexpected (taylor Caniff...

By daylorlove

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
I Hate To Say This.

Chapter 13

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By daylorlove


"Shit. " I mumbled as I seen Sarah, my ex.

"Well hi to you too baby," she said and sat down with us. "Hi, I'm Sarah. and you are?" she said as she put her hand out to Kaily.

"Kaily." She looked at me confused. 

"Uhm.  Sarah is my ex girlfriend. " I said before Sarah could say anything else. She shot me a quick glare and then looked back at Kaily. "So, you and Taylor are friends?"

"Y- " Kaily started and then I quickly cut her off.

"Yeah, Kaily is my girlfriend. " I said quickly and then looked at Sarah. Her face winced and then she softened it really fast. "Oh, since when?" She started to take a drink of my drink.

"Uhm..." I looked into  Kaily's eyes basically begging for help. 

"Uh. Two weeks. " she smiled and grabbed my hand. "Oh Cool." Sarah said looking down at the table.

I started to stand up showing that we had to leave. "Yeah well, uhm. We gotta go. We wanna go pet stingrays before we head out." I nodded my head toward Kaily,"Yeah. we have a long drive and we need to get back on the road." Kaily chimed in. And we started to walk out.

"Wait, are you guys going to the aquarium?  I need to head that way anyway. That's where my parents are and I need to meet them there," Sarah yelled walking toward us. I had no idea what to do. We were silent for a seconds then Kaily spoke. "Uh... sure. Yeah I guess you can walk with us."

Why would she do that? 


I didn't know what else to do. She looked so desperate and lonely. I had invited her to walk back with us and I figured it wouldn't hurt. We started walking down the street and she grabbed Taylor's arm and started to walk next to him. He looked at her and snaked his arm out and put his other one around me and pulled out his phone. Sarah walked around him and started walking next to me.

"So, how did you two meet?" Sarah said looking at us. My phone then went off before I could Answer.

From Taybaebae(He put that in my phone):

-Just ignore her she's crazy

To Taybaebae:

-That's rude at least say something to her

From Taybaebae: 

-no because she's crazy

I read the message and put my phone away.  I realized that Sarah was still looking at us.

"We met a while ago. I don't know." Taylor said clearly annoyed. I don't get why he had to be so rude. I know she's his ex but still, the way he's acting is uncalled for. And why did he still have his arm around me? By this time we were back at the the aquarium. 

"Alright, well bye Sarah. It was nice seeing you." Taylor said quickly as he pulled me away. I turned around and glanced at the hurt look on her face.

"You didn't have to be such a dick." I scoffed at Taylor. 

"What are you talking about?" He started looking into one of the tanks and pretended to be interested on the sanddollars. 

"You could've at least been nice. And since when have we been dating? What's your problem? " I was kind of pissed off on how shitty he was treating his ex. I know she's his ex, but that's no way to treat a girl. He was being a dick, and she didn't seem to be doing anything wrong.

"You don't know her like I know her. She's crazy. And you could've easily said that we weren't dating. " Taylor seemed annoyed and wouldn't even look my way. He did have a point, I didn't have to agree. But I did and now I was starting to feel a little guilty. "Can we go pet the stingrays now?" Taylor broke my thought.

"Yeah of course." I softly said. Taylor took my hand and we walked over to the tank. We pet the stingrays and looked around for a little while longer. We were still holding hands when I could feel someone's eyes burning a hole into the back of my head.

I had turned around and noticed Sarah just standing there staring. I slowly slipped my hand out after Taylor's, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.  We started walking toward another exhibit. Taylor was talking about how he'd think it's be cool to be a shark or something like that. I honestly wasn't really listening all that well. I kept feeling someone watching us and couldn't help but notice Sarah everywhere we went. Almost like she was following us.

We began to walk toward the exit because we were ready to leave. Then I suddenly felt someone pull me into the gift shop and then behind a bookshelf.

"Look, I know you guys aren't really together. I'd just suggest you stay away from Taylor, OK? He's not something a girl like you could handle.It took me a moment to realize who it was. Sarah had started moving around uneasily.  Then looked at me with a stern look.

Oh hell no! Who the fuck does she thinks she is? I hate nothing more than some random girl telling me what to do, or making me feel like I'm less than her. I lost my temper rather quickly.

"Who the Fuck are you talking to? I'll do whatever I want. Fuck your suggestion!" I realized my voice had raised quite a bit.

"I'm just saying, I don't think being around him is good for you. All he does is flirt with girls and he'd leave you for me anyday.  So I wouldn't get to hung up." Is she trying to say that I'm not good enough or something?

"Whatever bitch, Fuck you. That's why he's been trying to avoid you. Get the fuck out of my face!" I was now fuming. I walked out past her and took a moment to cool down. I've never been one to care what people think about me, but when other girls make themselves seem like they're better than me...Let's just say things don't get very pretty.  If I was standing there any longer, I'm pretty sure I would've punched her. I stood up for her and now I see what Taylor was saying when he said she's crazy.

I took a couple deep breaths and walked toward Taylor, where he was sitting on a bench typing away on his phone. I sat next to him for a second and took a deep breath. He looked up at me, "You ready to go?" I nodded and we began to walk back to the hotel where my car was parked.

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