Safe Heaven

By Fatima-Altaweel

17.1K 1.8K 682

"I'm in love with you. If you stay, I promise, there's no safer place in the world than right here with me." More

Safe Heaven
Chapter -1-
Chapter -2-
Chapter -3-
Chapter -4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter -11-
Chapter -12-
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 7

403 50 12
By Fatima-Altaweel

The next morning I woke up,did the usual things I do everyday,today I'm wearing a grey T-shirt,A black ripped skinny jeans,I have something for ripped jeans, And put my hair in a bun.

And I was ready to go.

I walk to the bakery,thinking about yesterday,questions clouding my head,how did Mark get in the house?how does he know Zayn?what did Zayn say to him?

Before I knew it I was at the bakery,I went through the back door to see Harry scroling on his phone.

"Hi!". I said.He screamed.

"Oh My,you scared me!".he said,putting a hand on his heart.

"For a guy with size like you,you scream like a little girl"I laughed

"HA Ha Ha! really funny!"

"It was funny!"

"No costumrs today?"I asked.

"No!not yet!"

"Good!"I'm so tired.

"Are you okay?Zayn and Liam told us what happened!"

"Yeah!I'm fine,alittle tired,couldn't sleep."

"Oh you can go home if you like!"

"It's fine!did Zayn tell wh-"I was interrupted by the bell of the door.

"Yes".he whispered,but I brushed it off and went to see the costumer.


We served people,taking turns with the serving,the orders,and washing the dishes,everything was good today,the people, the weather,never in a million years I saw myself like this,in a bakery.But It was nice.

As I said everything was nice until a mother came in with her 7-years-old son,the mother was nice and all,but her son kept crying,and yelling,And as I was walking beside him with Cups,plates and trays he put a foot infront of me , I almost tripped with all the things in my hands .

I glared at him and he was laughing at me,I think he doesn't like me either.Good.I went to the kitchen.

"Harry!I'm doing the dishes!" I almost screamed.

"It's my turn!"

"I know but that boy out there is driving me crazy,can I do them till he's gone?". I gave him the best puppy eyes I could manage.

"Fine! but don't give me that look again !". Hahaha I win. again.

By the time the boy and his mother left,the dishes were done,some people left,some came,so I started cleaning the tables while harry was drying the dishes in the kitchen .

I heard the door being opened but didn't look up from my last table.Then went to the kitchen to see what Harry was doing.

"Hey Samantha! would you like some tea?"

"No!thanks!I'll stay here till the costumre is ready to order!"I looked at him, he was reading the newspaper,his face almost covered with it,His eyes are the only things that showed and he was staring at me,while I looked away for a moment , I still felt his eyes burning holes in me.Then looked again to see him still looking, I turned to the kitchen to see Harry drinking His tea.

"Harry?"I asked.

"Yes,love?" Him and the accent.

"Uh- could you please go to that guy to see what he wants?"Please say yes.

"Why?!" why does he keep asking?!

"He freaks me out"I said.

"What did he do?whats he like?do you know him?"

"Uh- nothing, he kept staring at me,and he's freaking me out!"

"You said that before!and yes I'll go see!"

"Thank you".I said thankful,he just winked.

I stayed in the kitchen,biting my nails,bad habit,waiting for Harry.after a minute or two he came in the kitchen.

"So?" I asked.

"So?"He repeted. I looked at him.

"Oh,nothing he wanted some latte' ! can you do it,I need to make a call,and I'll give it to him!"


He went outside to make his call,he looked kinda nervous,but I brushed it off he looked at me while talking and mouthed to me 'mom' , I nodded my head and mouthed back ''mama's boy''! he stuck his tongue out at me.

After the mans latte' was done I waited for Harry to finish his call.after he was done he served it to the guy and got back , he looked at me,I looked back at him and he burst out of laughing.I looked at him coufused.

"What?"I spoke up.

"You don't seem like those girls"he said.

"Those girls?"

"Yes,who get scared from everything!"

"Hey!I don't get scared from everthing,but I get scared from stupid,huge guys that keep staring at me !"I could tell he was joking.

"Whatever you say!" I poked him in his already showing dimple.

Minutes later the guy was gone and we were ready to close the bakery and go home, but someone came through the door.I looked up,

"Hi Zayn!"

"Hey Samantha!Is Harry here?"

"Yeah!In the back!"

"Thanks!I'll go see him!"

I looked at Zayn he was talking to Harry,he looked really good in that ripped skinny jeans,almost matching mine,and that black T-shirt showing his tattoos.I think I was staring for a long time and didn't realize I was cleaning the same spot.

So I went to grap my stuff,and when I got back Zayn and Harry were both looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you guys closing?" Zayn asked.

"Harry is.I'm leaving"

"Actually it's your turn".he looked at me.

"No!it's your turn!".I glared at him,It's his turn I locked the bakery yesterday.

"Fine!it's my turn!".he looked defeted.

"Poor kid,he's growing old!"Zayn laughed at his friend.

"Why are you here?I mean we're closing!"I asked.

"Uh- I brought Harry's car,I fixed it so I brought it!"


"Yeah!we're driving you home!".He said,smiling.

"I can walk ho-" I was cut off by harry.

"I'm here!"

"We can see that!".Zayn and I said at the same time.He looked at us.

We all got into Harry's car,we were laughing about a joke Harry just said,while Ed sheerans song playing at the back.

I thanked Harry and Zayn for driving me.I unlocked the front door to see my mom in the living room.

"Hey Mom!".I greeted.

"Hey Sam!I have great news,I've been dying to tell you all day!".she smiled,her smile reaching her eyes.

"Well?!"I asked.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait, alot has been going on.

But hope you like this chapter.

Whats the big news Samantha's mom is excited about?!any thoughts? No?yes?





-Fatima Al-Taweel.😊

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