Kill and Run | MYG x Reader ✓

mohogirl द्वारा

431K 16.7K 8.6K

❝Shoot me, I dare you to.❞ [COMPLETED] अधिक



7.8K 278 54
mohogirl द्वारा

"Hey, darling-"

"Shush, give me one minute." With your eyes still focused, you silenced Yoongi by placing a finger of yours to his lips as he stared down at you with a shocked, yet amused grin. 

"Okay?" With a slight chuckle, Yoongi pulled himself away before taking a seat down on the chair next to yours. He remained seated in his seat, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as he stared at your concentrated face with loving eyes. 

"Ok, so if we match these two colours with this pattern, I think it will flow well together. Don't you think?" Looking up from the folder of planning, your eyes were met with Yoongi's as he still continued to stare right at you with a dazed smile.

"Hello?" You snapped your fingers in front of Yoongi's face, causing him to let out a chuckle as he watched you breathe out an annoyed sigh. 

"Oh come here" Yoongi giggled, standing up from his chair before walking over and wrapping his arms around your tense body. You lost interest in the folder, now allowing yourself to relax in Yoongi's arms as you leaned your head against his chest. 

"You need to relax. You're turning into a bridezilla you know?" Yoongi chuckled, moving up a hand of his to stroke down at your soft hair. Releasing a soft breath of air, you gently closed your eyes shut, soaking in the feeling of Yoongi's fingers running through your hair.

"I'm just a little stressed about the wedding" you mumbled as you let out another small sigh. You felt Yoongi pull his hand away from your hair before slowly opening up your eyes and seeing his face appear in front of yours.

"A little?" he questioned, quirking an eyebrow towards you as you gave him a slight eye roll.

"Alright, I'm very stressed" you groaned. Feeling a small smile come onto his face, Yoongi quickly wrapped his arms back around your body before placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. 

"I know you are. But remember that you aren't alone" Yoongi reassured you before pulling away from your body. You looked up to see Yoongi looking down at you with a gentle smile as you felt a hand of his move up to caress your cheek. Leaning his head down, he captured your lips into his before pulling away.

"We're in this together."

"Y/N! Are you almost done?" Looking up from your book, you caught a glimpse in the vanity mirror in front of you with Joy and Krystal scurrying over towards your direction. You gently placed your book back down on the table before standing up from your chair, allowing both of them to crash into your arms. 

"I just finished getting ready" you giggled, pulling away from the both of them with a wide smile. Looking up at your two friends, you could notice the slight tears beginning to brim their eyes. 

"I can't believe you're already getting married." Krystal lets out a small sniff before quickly wiping a tear away, hoping you wouldn't notice. Meanwhile, Joy was already grabbing a tissue from the box on the table, trying her best to wipe away the tears without ruining her makeup.

"I can't believe it either" you agreed, feeling your eyes now brimming with tears as well as you felt the two of them coming in for a group hug. You couldn't have felt happier, having the two of your closest friends as your bridesmaids for your own wedding. Not only that, but you were getting married to the man of your dreams. 

"Hello?" Hearing a knock coming from the door, you quickly sniffled your nose before pulling away from the others to spare a peek at who it was. Noticing a familiar figure at the door, you felt your tears slowly coming back to your eyes as you made your way over to shuffle towards the person.

"Dad!" With open arms, your dad lets out a soft chuckle before feeling you wrap your arms around him in return. 

"Oh Y/N, you look so beautiful" your dad praised, giving a gentle peck to the top of your head before pulling away to admire your beautiful attire. The way your hair was beautifully pinned back behind a veil, along with how your white dress trailed behind you. 

"Thank you. I can't even believe the day is already here" you mumbled, looking up to see your dad giving you a proud smile as he extended his elbow out towards you.

"Are you ready?" Quickly wiping up your tear, you nodded your head as you slipped your arm through his, ready to walk down the hall.

"More than I'll ever be."

"Yoongi, you need to relax-"

"How can I relax when I lost my vows?!" In a panic, Yoongi hurriedly searched around the room, checking in every single corner in hopes of finding the paper he needed the most. The rest of the guys could only stand in place, watching Yoongi with worried eyes. 

"Where did you last put it?" Namjoon asked, now joining Yoongi to search for the missing papers. With a slight groan, Yoongi could only shrug his shoulders.

"I swear I last left it on this table" Yoongi paused in his tracks, going back to the table to inspect it once again. He checked it above, checked it below, and checked right through it. 

Yet still, no sign of the god damn papers.

"How did it disappear?" Standing back up, Yoongi slapped his hands to his face before slowly dragging them down in annoyance. 

"Come on Yoongi, I'm sure you've gotten it memorized" Hoseok chimed in, walking closer over to Yoongi before wrapping an arm around him.

"Right?" With a nervous glance, Yoongi looked up at Hoseok before turning to everyone else.

"Wait, you seriously haven't memorized it?" Jimin exclaimed, causing Yoongi to feel even more guilty in the situation.

"I wrote down and thought hard about the vows. I thought I would have it in my hands so I wouldn't even need to memorize it." Removing Hoseok's arm from his shoulder, Yoongi glumly walked over to a nearby chair before slumping down into the seat. 

"Yoongi" Jin called out from the side, grabbing everyone's attention as they all watched him walk over to where Yoongi was. Lifting his head up from the ground, Yoongi watched as Jin took a seat down before turning around to face him. 

"Look, you're getting married to the woman of your dreams aren't you?" Jin questioned, earning a small nod from Yoongi.

"I am." 

"If she is the woman you really love, then you don't need to depend on a stupid piece of paper to express how much you love her." Yoongi sat there in his seat, listening to every word Jin was giving out. 

"When you're giving your vows, tell her how you feel. Not from the paper," Jin paused, moving up a hand of his before pointing it straight at Yoongi's heart.

"But from here." Yoongi looked up at Jin, noticing the smile on his face. Everyone else in the room had a smile on their face as well, thankful that Jin was the one to always give the best advice.

"You're right." Standing up from his seat, Yoongi lets out a big breath before looking straight at all of his friends. 

"I am getting married to the woman of my dreams and I don't need that paper to prove so" Yoongi paused, a wide smile now coming onto his face. 

"Thank you all for being here." Feeling the love in the room, everyone gathered closer into a group hug with Yoongi being squashed in the center of it.

"God, I love you all" Taehyung exclaimed, earning cheers of agreement from everyone else.

"Excuse me, Yoongi?" A voice interrupted their hug, slightly surprising everyone as they all turned their attention towards the door. 

"Oh, hello" Yoongi greeted, hurrying out of everyone's grip and walking over to the door to greet the wedding planner.

"Hello to you too Yoongi. It's almost 4 pm, which means you all need to hurry down before the ceremony begins!" Yoongi lets out a quiet gasp in realization, nodding his head before looking over towards the rest of the guys.

"You hurry down. We'll join you afterwards" Hoseok chuckled, earning a relieved smile from Yoongi.

"See you guys soon!" With one last wave, Yoongi was already out the door, leaving the rest of his friends to remain in the room.

"Well, looks like we have to go down now too" Namjoon called out, walking over towards the door with everyone else soon following behind. As Jin was standing up from his seat, he suddenly heard a crunching noise, causing him to look down with a frown.

"What?" Reaching a hand into the pocket of his pants, Jin felt something crumpled before pulling it out into the open air and unfolding it.

"Jin, what's taking you so long?" Jungkook groaned from the door, causing Jin to whip his head up at the man with a glare.

"Wait one second will you?" Jin hissed, turning his attention back to the paper as he carefully scanned his eyes over.

"Alright, what is this?" Jin mumbled. However, as soon as he read the first line, his eyes nearly popped out of his head after realizing what the paper in his hands was.

Wedding Vows.

"Shit" Jin cursed, quickly stuffing the paper back into the pocket of his pants before glancing back up, breathing out a sigh in relief that no one else had noticed.

"It's not my fault I didn't know I had the vows. Besides, I taught the boy a lesson, that's way better than this paper." After giving himself a satisfied pep talk, Jin quickly walked out of the room and into the hallway where everyone else was waiting.

"Finally, you came out." With a roll of his eyes, Jin gave a shrug before walking down the hall, everyone else joining along behind.

"Whatever. We've got a wedding to attend now!"

"Are you ready?" Turning his head to look at his best friend, or now his best man Hoseok by his side, Yoongi gave a nervous nod before turning back to look at the aisle in anticipation.

"More than ever." Before Hoseok could reply, the sounds of music began to play, causing everyone in the audience to stand up from their seats as they all turned around towards the door, watching it slowly being opened. Yoongi paid the most attention, watching as the two people he had anticipated the most for, enter into the room. 

"Wow," Yoongi gasped under his breath, staring down at you walking down the aisle with your father by right by your side. Yoongi had always found you beautiful no matter what, but today, you were beyond beautiful. The way your dress hugged your figure so nicely, and how your long veil flowed right behind you as you made your way over to the front. 

"You're so beautiful" Yoongi whispered lowly the minute you had made your way over to the front. Slowly moving his hands up to grab yours, he stared down at you with loving eyes, his heart beating faster than ever he could hear it in his ears.

"I love you so much." With a gentle smile, you looked up at your fiancé, or soon to be husband. You have never been surer, nor happier to have found the one.

"I love you too."

★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★  The End ★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★

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