Kill and Run | MYG x Reader ✓

By mohogirl

431K 16.7K 8.6K

❝Shoot me, I dare you to.❞ [COMPLETED] More



6.7K 274 186
By mohogirl

"Yoongi, you know you can't stay in your bed forever."

"Oh yeah? Watch me." Hoseok lets out an exasperated groan, watching Yoongi slide back under the covers of his bed with a sulk. It's only been a little over a week since the wedding, but in that timeframe, Yoongi has been sulking non-stop. 

No matter how much of a best friend Yoongi was, he's been driving everyone crazy.

"Yoongi, how do you think Y/N is going to react when she sees you like this?" Yoongi immediately snapped his body up into a seated position on his bed to glare at Hoseok, sending chills down his spine.

"Don't speak of her right now, she hasn't come home in days. Not only that, but she hasn't been answering my calls or texts or anything!" Laying back down on his bed, Yoongi continued to pull up on the covers of his blankets before tightly wrapping himself up.

"Yoongi" Hoseok called out while giving a slight shove to Yoongi's lifeless body, only receiving a grunt from him in return.

"Come on, stop being ridiculous." Hoseok then stood up from the bed to reached down at the covers in attempts to unravel it from Yoongi. However, the covers remained tightly glued to Yoongi's body as Yoongi continued to lay on his bed, a wide pout across his face.

"Fine, you stay there then" Hoseok sighed, pushing his hair out of his face while slowly making his way out of Yoongi's room. Once he was out, Hoseok heard a knock coming from the front door. 

"Finally" Hoseok muttered in relief, walking over towards the front door before whipping the door open, slightly scaring some of the others outside. 

"Hurry, it's worse than I expected." Moving over to the side, Hoseok allowed the other 5 men to enter Yoongi's apartment as they all began to slip off their shoes.

"Where is he?" Namjoon asked, glancing around to see no one in sight at the apartment.

"In his room" Hoseok replied with a groan, now leading the rest of the guys over to the room. Once Hoseok had reentered the room, Yoongi was expecting it to only be him, but was confused to hear more sounds of footsteps following after.

"What's up!" Yoongi immediately groaned at the sound of multiple familiar annoying voices entering inside of his room. 

"Go away Tae" Yoongi whined, feeling a shift in the bed before a pair of arms were wrapped around his blanket covered body. Lifting his head up from the blankets, Yoongi's eyes turned into a glare as he watched the rest of the guys take a seat down on his bed.

"Why did you call everyone over" Yoongi complained to Hoseok, staring up at the 6 of his friends who were all staring down at him with an evil smile.

"Well, we have a surprise for you." Upon hearing the mention of a surprise, Yoongi's ear perked up as he slowly rose from his bed, the blankets still wrapped around his body.

"A surprise?" Everyone else had on a small smirk, knowing that Yoongi was a big sucker for surprises and he had just taken their bait. 

"Yeah, so come with us!"

"What the fuck" Yoongi cursed, his voice slightly trembling as he stared out the car window. A shiver went down his spine as he pulled down the sleeves to his sweater lower, covering his hands before turning back to glare at his friends.

"What is this?" Yoongi pointed out the window to a tall glowing sign that stood by the entrance.

Welcome to the Escape Park!

"Surprise?" Jungkook gave a smile, trying his best not to tremble from Yoongi's sharp glare. 

"You all lied to me" Yoongi pouted, now leaning his head against the window as the car was pulling up to the parking lot.

"Oh come on, you've been hiding in your room for over a week now. You need to have some fun" Jin replied from the driver's seat, trying to park the car into a parking spot. 

"But at an escape park?" Yoongi paused, glancing out at the window once more to only be met with complete darkness, the only source of light coming from the small floor lights.

"And at night?" Taehyung's mouth curved into a small smirk, now turning around to face Yoongi who had a look of doubt.

"Why? Are you scared?" he teased, earning a small frown from Yoongi as he immediately shook his head, now crossing his arms over his chest.


This was Min Yoongi after all, one of the most fearless spies of their time. What's the worse that could happen at an escape park?

"Hi, welcome to the escape park! Do you have a reservation?" Hoseok nodded his head before pulling out his ID and handing it over to the receptionist.

"Yes, Jung Hoseok." The receptionist nodded her head, typing his information into the system before handing back his card. She then turned around to grab a couple of sheets before placing them down on the desk.

"I'm going to need you to sign this waiver first, just for legal purposes." Everyone nodded their head, grabbing a pen to sign the papers. On the other hand, Yoongi could only stare at the paper, carefully reading through every line that was printed.

I hereby sign this waiver to agree my consent of this release, not to sue shall the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my estate, family, and heirs if I am deceased.

"Wait, 'if I'm alive'?" Yoongi mumbled before feeling a pen being slid into his hand. He looked up to see Jimin giving him a soft smile.

"Come on, you won't get hurt" Jimin whispered in assurance, urging Yoongi to hurry and sign the waiver. With a sigh, Yoongi signed the paper with his signature before handing it back to the receptionist.

"Awesome!" she smiled, placing the papers away before scanning through her files to get the correct theme of the escape park. 

"Alright everyone, please follow me!" Stepping around from her desk, she began to make her way outside with the rest of the guys following along. 

"Oh my god" Yoongi gasped, staring down at the large safari bus in front of them. What made it even worse for him was that this whole game was at night. He then turned to look at Hoseok, whose face was full of thrill and exhilaration.

"Hoseok, what theme did you pick?" Hoseok turned to look at Yoongi, a mischevious smirk on his face as he gave Yoongi a shrug.

"It's a surprise." Feeling a hand gripped around his wrist, Yoongi felt himself being dragged onto the bus by Jungkook who was letting out shouts of excitement.


"God, please help me" Yoongi prayed, now placing his whole body to the window of the bus before lightly pounding on the glass with his fists, his face all scrunched up. 

"EVERYONE!" Upon hearing a loud shout coming from the microphone, everyone flinched in their seats as they all looked forward and saw a man dressed in a tour guide uniform, his face full of face paint.

"There's been an apocalypse!" Right after hearing his words, a sudden zombie came to the window by Hoseok's and Yoongi's seat, scaring them both tremendously.

"Fuck!" Yoongi cursed, a shocked smile now on his lips as Hoseok clung tightly onto him.

"I knew it'd be like this!" Jin shouted from his seat behind. 

"We're going to need a volunteer to help me get to remove the obstacles!" the guide instructed, now walking down the aisle of the bus to grab whoever was in sight.

"YOONGI!" everyone shouted at once, the tour guide now turning to the person being pointed at.

"WHAT?!" Yoongi immediately shook his head, now backing up in his seat as far as possible away from the guides hand.

"Come on! We have no time" Leaning forward, the guide quickly tugged at Yoongi to leave his seat as Hoseok slightly shoved Yoongi forward with a grin. With hesitance, Yoongi got up and made his way over before finally standing in the long aisle of the tour bus.

"Do I have to do this?" Yoongi cried, slowly walking down hand in hand with the guide to exit the bus. Despite Yoongi fearing for his life, the rest of his friends were clapping and laughing hysterically at Yoongi's pain as they watched through the windows.

"Oh, are you serious" Yoongi screeched, seeing a pair of zombies seated down on the floor in the shadows. He continued to walk down the dark path, still being led by the guides hand.

"Here, let's remove this" the guide explained, now leaning down to pick up the plastic fence that blocked the road. Slowly shuffling over, Yoongi grabbed onto the fence as well, helping the guide move it over to the side. Once they got it fully removed, a shrilling cry was heard from the tour guide as he turned around to point down the road.

"ZOMBIES!" the guide screamed, causing Yoongi's eyes to widen as he turned around to see a wave of zombies walking over.

"FUCK THIS" Yoongi shouted, pushing past the guide as the two of them began to run back towards the bus.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Everyone on the bus immediately stood up from their seat, all of them trying to see what was happening outside of the window. 

"Where's Yoongi?" Jimin called out, peeking out through the window with curiosity.

"OH OH OH OH OH!" Everyone turned their heads over to Hoseok's direction, watching him flail his arms at the zombie sprawled by the windows.

"MOVE!" They all heard Yoongi shout before seeing him sprint into the van, quickly hiding back in his seat.

"You're alive!" Hoseok gasped with a smile, hugging Yoongi tightly while Yoongi was still trying to catch his breath.

"Alright, fortunately, we can get past some of these zombies now!" the guide announced as the rest of the guys began to feel the bus move forward. 

"God is there more of this?" Yoongi whined, adjusting the beanie on his head as he stared out at the moving path. After a couple of minutes of driving down the dark path, a shout was heard once again on the microphone.

"WE NEED TO GET OFF NOW!" the guide screamed in frantic, causing Yoongi to cry once more.

"There is."

"Everyone, let's go out now!" the guide cried, quickly tugging at everyone's arm to leave. Once they all got off, another wave of zombies began to emerge from the shadows.

"Hurry! There's no time!" Once a zombie got close, a sudden scream was heard from Jin, which then caused a chain reaction of screams from the rest of the guys.

"Get away" Yoongi warned, his hands now moving up in a boxing position before punching out at the air in front of him, screaming out shouts of dominance.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok smiled, laughing at Yoongi who was ready to box at anyone. 

"Who are you laughing at!" Yoongi shouted, a small smile on his face as he pointed behind Hoseok. Hoseok's laugh was immediately replaced with a scream of terror as a zombie popped up from behind. He immediately ran over to Yoongi, clutching at his side as the two of them hurried over to the rest of the guys.

"Alright everyone, follow me!" the guide called out, quickly walking over into a building, the guys following closely behind. Once they've all gotten inside, the door closed behind them as the guide turned around to face them.

"Welcome to the escape park! Or shall I say, escape building!" the guide chuckled, now pulling out a small file as the rest of the guys stood frozen in place, still slightly traumatized from the previous minutes.

"Here, this building is infested with zombies! You will all have 1 hour to find the clues to help you escape!"

"What the fuck" Yoongi cursed under his breath, glancing around at the dimly lit building. It almost seemed too real to be an actual business.

"Your time starts, NOW!" the guide then walked out through a staff exit door, locking it shut behind him. All 7 of the guys immediately look at each other, fear evident on everyone's faces.

"Come on everyone, we can do this!" Namjoon chanted, being the team leader he was. The 7 of them were used to doing dangerous missions and having to solve plenty of problems. This should be a piece of cake for them.

"Let's all split up to find some clues! Everyone has a walkie-talkie right?" Namjoon asked, everyone, nodding their head as they all pulled out the device.

"Alright, Yoongi, Taehyung and I will check out that hall down there" Hoseok chimed in, pointing down at the hall on the right-hand side.

"Cool, Jungkook and I will check out the rooms upstairs" Jimin added, the two of them already coming up with a plan. 

"Let's go hun" Jin smiled, grabbing onto Namjoon's hand before dragging him down to another hall. Once they've all got a designated spot, they all began to split up, each of them straying further away from each other.

"God, this is spooky" Yoongi whispered, the three of them now walking down the hall they all planned. 

"Look at this!" Hoseok called out, finding a small key on the floor before leaning down to pick it up.

"What does it unlock?" Taehyung asked while Hoseok inspects the key. 

"I don't know, but let's keep this in case." While they were all searching through a random room they came across, Taehyung quietly comes up to Yoongi before tapping him on the shoulder.

"You scared me" Yoongi gasped, seeing Taehyung flash him an apologetic smile before leaning against the wall beside him. 

"Sorry, I just have something that I think you might like to hear." Yoongi raised a brow at Taehyung, waiting for him to continue. Crouching down lower, Taehyung leaned over before whispering into Yoongi's ear.

"I know where Y/N is." Yoongi's eyes widened as he turned around to look at Taehyung with shock.

"What? How do you know?" Taehyung shrugged his shoulders before pushing himself off of the wall.

"She's staying over at a friends house. I know her friend so I can take you over to see her" Taehyung replied, still glancing around for any clues.


"Really. This whole week of you mourning was not fun for any of us" Taehyung chuckled. A small relieved smile came onto Yoongi's face before wrapping an arm around Taehyung. 

"Thanks, Tae." Taehyung smiled, hugging Yoongi in return.

"No Problem." Before the two can say anything else, a sudden alarm was heard, scaring both Yoongi and Taehyung. They both turned to see a bright red light flashing in the darkroom, confusing the both of them before hearing a scream coming from Hoseok.

"ZOMBIE!" Hoseok screeched, pulling whoever was the closest with him out of the room. It all happened too fast as Yoongi was still in place, glancing around in confusion.

"What" Yoongi froze, now realizing that he was left in the room alone. 

"Eurgh." Slowly turning his head around to the sound, he was met face to face with the zombie that Hoseok cried about himself. 

"H-hi" Yoongi stammered, slowly backing away into a corner.

"EUGHHHH" the zombie groaned even louder, causing Yoongi to let out a shrilling cry for help. 

Yoongi learned three things after tonight.

1. This wasn't a piece of cake.

2. Hoseok was a jerk to pick this theme, let alone leave him alone in the room.

3. Yoongi definitely needed to heal after tonight.

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