Life's Requiem {Book 1}

By the_art_anthologist

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{BOOK 1 OF THE INFINITY CHRONICLES} A tale of one of the branched timelines born from the death of He Who Rem... More

Chapter 1: Alpha
Chapter 2: Majesty
Chapter 3: Fractals
Chapter 4: Revelation
Chapter 5: Severed
Chapter 6: Bifrost
Chapter 7: Legends
Chapter 8: Icebound
Chapter 9: Reverie
Chapter 10: Traveling
Chapter 11: Impressions
Chapter 12: Knotted
Chapter 13: Awakening
Chapter 14: Enlightenment
Chapter 15: Restrained
Chapter 16: Clandestine
Chapter 18: Duel
Chapter 19: Refuge
Chapter 20: Warfare
Chapter 21: Retribution
Chapter 22: Elysian
Chapter 23: Finifugal

Chapter 17: Ontogeny

153 12 6
By the_art_anthologist

Sol was thankful that the Norns had enough grace to miraculously assure her garden was untouched by Leomaris' flames. The little backyard of the forge was so generously gifted to her by Dellinger shortly after he had taken her in, knowing it could never compare to her castle garden, but it was hers all the same.

A small, wooden table rested under a peach blossom tree, surrounded in colorful flowers and potted plants. It was a botanic menagerie. Her soul was at rest out in the nature of Alfheim, with the sun setting over the world to cast an array of oranges on creation. She knew her people would be hunting for places to sleep, others mourning their lost loved ones. Her heart ached to help them, longed to bring those suffering elves into her arms, like a hen to her baby chicks, but Dellinger would not allow it. He intended to keep her safe.

Behind the shop, the little back door was pulled open, Jennica cautiously walking through as if she might not be allowed into the garden. An array of emotions flooded Sol's heart whenever she saw the girl, but joy and peace dominated them all.

"Dellinger said I would find you here." Jennica said, walking over a little ways but still waiting for permission.

Sol gave a kind smile. "I'm glad you're here. Will you come sit with me?"

There was an empty chair on the other side of the table, which Jennica gratefully occupied. As the breeze chilled the world, she could smell the plant life around them, the flowers and growing fruits. Light Elves were keen about their nature, by culture.

"How is Loki doing?" Sol began, knowing her daughter had words to say but she hoped to break the ice. She took a sip of nectar from a hand-carved wooden cup.

"Much better, I think." Jennica replied. "The healer is with him again. They told me he should be out of bed tomorrow."

"That is good to hear. Thor and Dellinger were gathering up the men of the village while helping out with repairs. An attack on Ulric is being planned in a few days' time."

Jennica's eyes widened. "They're going through with it?"

"After what happened this afternoon, it is clear that we must do something. If you and your friends had not been here, we would have all been destroyed."

"Not exactly... We are the reason the dragon came in the first place."

"But Ulric could still wipe us out." Sol set her cup on the table. "Alfva–" she paused. "Jennica... if it is not too much for me to ask, have you found yourself a comfortable life on Midgard?"

This was a surprising change in topic, and the reminder of Earth made her heart throb.

"Yes, I've had more than I could ever ask for." Jennica began, a wave of homesickness accompanying her thoughts. "Those who raised me are wonderful in every way... I do miss them."

"Would you go back? Would you rather a life as a human?"

"It's all I've ever known, and it seems so strange to leave now. But I can't abandon Alfheim until this crisis is averted. You told the story and... and I have never felt so angry at one person in all my life! And me, a princess?! I want to help these people, but I don't know a thing about them and I don't know where to begin–"

"It's a drastic change, darling." Sol's smile dimmed to a solemn expression. "You were never raised in the ways of the Light Elves, never knew royalty... but your heart knew your origin, and so did the locket. That's why you care enough to help us and won't leave until you do."

"Are you– er, us elves good at listening to our hearts? Because I must always be missing something if my heart and my locket knew the truth."

"The sad thing is, humans only listen to half of their hearts, and when the truth tries to come out, they ignore it or try to hide it away. You were raised in that and you couldn't help but follow."

Jennica found her words confusing and her lips pulled into a slight frown, but she tried her best to understand. To view humans as anything less than another race seemed appalling. "Am I able to unlearn what I learned?"

"That is always a possibility." Sol winked. "And you have a very strong heart. I know you take that from your father."

"How long did you have me before sending me away?" Growing with more curiosity about her past, Jennica's mind began filling with question after question.

"About a year. You were such a happy child... During the raid on the castle was when we sent you away. Our sorceress saw to it, and made sure that she and the others found the best way to keep you hidden."

"Are the sorcerers still alive? If they are, they could help us in our cause."

"They escaped into the outskirts after the kingdom fell. No one has been able find them since, and it is too dangerous."

Jennica mumbled, "Oh," leaning her check into her palm. "So Ulric took the throne, murdered and banished elves, tried to find me and failed..."

"That's right."

"But you're forgetting one detail." Jennica sat straight again.

Sol frowned. "And what's that?"

"My brother."

The silence and Sol's stiffened body was obvious. Those words had not been expected.


"Oveaus... you never mentioned him once." Jennica spoke slowly, now.

There was a gloss in Sol's eyes. "H-How... how do you know about him?"

"I met him... he came to me and told me he was my brother. He's been randomly appearing ever since to give me advice."

"But that's not possible, Oveaus has been dead for nearly two centuries!"

Jennica's heart clenched. "Dead...?"

"He went missing as a boy and presumed dead. For him to be alive now isn't possible, I felt him leave us."

Tears were now threatening to pool again. "But we've been helping each other, and he told me he's trapped and in pain, and–"

"It... it must be his ghost talking to you." Sol wiped her eyes. "But not really him. It just isn't possible."

To think that she had been chasing the words of a ghost made Jennica want to curl up and cry. My brother... not my brother...

When seeing her tears did fall at last, Sol offered her a teacup filled with nectar. "It has a sweet taste. I am sure you will like it."

Looking up through her blurred vision, Jennica nodded, taking the cup into her hands.


"Thor, how can you be optimistic about this battle? We have only the simplest of weapons and an overwhelming lack of men!" Even, an elf instrumental in the planning of the attack, spoke up with frustration. He had gathered and counted those of the village who would fight to confirm the suspicion of their low numbers. "I do not understand how this will ever work."

Planning for battle was always a dire thing, and without an army, fighting Ulric would prove to be difficult, a death sentence for the villagers.

Thor firmly placed his hand on the elf's shoulder and reassured, "Even, do not lose hope. There is always an answer. I have... a plan B."

"Please, Thor, enlighten us. There is no time to be concealing plans." Another elf grumbled, agreeing strongly with Even's statement.

"I am the crown prince of Asgard, aren't I? Of course I have a backup... just not the most willing of kings to grant it to me. If it is our only option, I will speak to my father."

Another elf, Odelia, frowned and withheld a glare. "Thor, our people do not feel kindly towards yours, especially Odin. We do need options, but I find it very disagreeable to beg him for help that will never come."

The other elves nodded in agreement, although distressed.

"I know. That is why I have not shared this idea until now. What else can we do?" Thor looked to the elves for any ideas, but their faces were blank.

"Let us wait for the queen to discuss this further." Odelia suggested, calming her temper. "For now, we should discuss what is in our control. Dellinger has been an incredible help to our families. He could forge weapons and armor."

"Say," an elf chimed, "where's the old bloke gone off to, anyway?"

"Back at his shop to see how Loki's fairing, and to pay the healer." Thor answered, crossing his arms and looking at the antsy crowd. "I suppose I should go fetch him."

Even nodded. "Please. And do hurry up about it."

Agreeing to be as quick as he could manage, Thor left the tavern that had unintentionally become another meeting place. Every break had developed into a discussion about the battle. Tired of the constant worrying and organizing, he was looking forward to speaking to his brother or at least seeing him before bringing Dellinger back.

He walked down the cobblestone path, watching the serene surroundings of the village pass by with the occasional burnt down house to ruin the beauty. It was an old, poor village, but it managed to maintain the elegant and whimsical style of the Light Elves. As he strolled, nearing the forge, he noticed Jennica standing on the path with Sol.

"Off to visit the tavern?" Thor called out as he quickened his pace towards them.

"I was, yes." Sol replied, smiling up at Thor who was casted in shadows from the gradual loss of sunlight. "I'm not sure about Jennica."

"I will come." Jennica spoke for herself, loosening some of her shaken emotions. "I was just waiting to see what the healer said about Loki."

"Is he done with him?" Thor asked.

"Yes, but he and Dellinger began talking, so they're both inside."

"You can come with me, if you'd like. I was going to visit Loki myself."

"You two go ahead." Sol added in. "I'll be at the tavern." They parted ways.

"Thor..." Jennica spoke up before they could walk through the door, stopping in her tracks. "I... I'm sure you know this, but I believe that Loki and I are developing something a bit more than friendship. At least my thoughts towards him are that way. I hope you don't mind..."

This statement took Thor off guard. He didn't expect Jennica to mention her feelings, but he smiled happily. "I am glad, honestly. He seems to have found someone to care for, which he has been missing... for some time now. I believe you have changed him for the better. Humbled him. But your tone seems to suggest that you want me to convince you to block your feelings."

She pretended not to know what he was talking about, and she ignored his final statement completely. Her cheeks were heating up. "What type of person was he? Before all of this, before I met him. Was he any worse? Was he better?"

With a sigh, Thor replied, "I think that is a question better answered by Loki himself. Let's just say, he wasn't an honorable man in the past. I think there is more to his actions that he won't reveal for some unknown reason..." pausing for a moment, he asked with a grin, "Has he confessed?"

"No! Well... sort of. In his delirium he said something about me... being adorable. I'm sure he didn't mean it! He was half asleep. I truly doubt he would think that way about me." Jennica began to assert herself, although it was only her insecurities.

"Oh... no," Thor chuckled, "he most definitely meant it. If he doesn't remember that, I would take advantage of this." He winked at her awkwardly and opened the door. "Why don't you visit him first? I will speak with Dellinger for awhile."

She wanted to protest, but went along with his words, separating from Thor to go into the back of the shop. Her heart began to react differently than it ever had before upon seeing Loki's face, especially now that he was awake.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him, watching as he slowly sat up in bed. His face was glowing compared to before, although it was obvious his ribs were still causing him pain.

"Much better." He managed to grin a little. "Are you alright?"

"Oh... yeah I'm fine." Jennica sat at the bottom of his bed, facing the door.

"The healer informed that you watched over me... thank you."

The thought crossed Jennica's mind that he didn't remember their previous interaction, and it increased her confidence.

"I, er... you're welcome." Their gazes met again. "Do you not remember anything of it? We talked for a moment." She felt her cheeks cool and looked at Loki with a smile.

"I don't remember anything before a few minutes ago." Trying to remember, Loki shut his eyes but with no luck. Jennica's smile grew.

"Well, it was nothing of importance. I'm just glad to hear you're doing better." That was the honest truth.

Although it was beginning to hurt to speak, Loki had to ask, "Will you update me on what has happened since I've been stuck here? I wish to help the planning as soon as I can."

"Thor is gathering the men of the village. We're planning an attack on Ulric in a few days. All of us will go."

He tried to sit up straighter in his bed and said, "I suppose you wish to go as well?"

"Yes. They need everyone they can get. We're very concerned about how large Ulric's army is."

"I suppose you need training, although I have no doubt the Fractals have given you instincts that have yet to be unleashed." The thought seemed to please him. "Tomorrow morning I will expect you here, and I will help you."

Jennica was skeptical. "Are you sure that you will be healed enough for that?"

"I am nearly well again."

"That is good to hear, I was hoping you would be, but I don't know if I'm even capable of fighting in combat as well as you do, and I definitely won't be in the front. I want to help, but I might get in the way–"

"Nonsense, your power is the greatest thing we have. From what I've heard, you were the one to stop the dragon, and before my brother could. That proves to me that you are our most valuable weapon."

Jennica didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not, but his words still made her heart stutter.

You are valuable... you are a weapon...

"Would you help me stand up?" Loki groaned. "My legs are stiff from lying in bed this long." He pushed his legs over the edge of the bed, exhaling painfully.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" She was worried by Loki's wrinkled forehead and his scrunched eyelids.

"I'm fine. It only hurts to breathe and move." He tried to laugh it off but that only caused more pain. "Can you hand me that shirt?"

She nodded, handing his gray fleece top to him that was resting on a nearby chair. "How are you still in so much pain? I was told this healer could cure anything."

"He told me that I broke nearly half of my ribs. The fact that there are only two more to be fixed is astonishing." It pained him to stand, but he forced his knees to straighten and his legs to support his body. A loud groan escaped his lips.

"What now?" Jennica asked once she knew he was stable on his own two feet. They limped out of the room to find that Thor and Dellinger had left without them. They both rolled their eyes. Leave it to Thor...

"I'd like to talk to my brother about the battle, if we can catch up... I think I have an idea for recruiting soldiers."

"They're at the tavern, I'm sure. Come on, I'll help you get there."

Loki did not argue.

Every step seemed to hurt Loki, but he didn't want to stop. He tried not to lean too much weight onto Jennica, but she proved to be stronger than he thought. It was a delightful change, something that made her attractive.

"I wonder what life would've been like for me if I was raised here as a child." Jennica wondered, speaking her thoughts out loud.

Loki nodded. "We could have known each other sooner, if I visited with Thor. I am sure we would have been good friends as children."

"It's hard to imagine what you were like as a child."

He glanced at Jennica with an impish grin. "I was quite the mischievous boy, although it was all harmless fun."

"Oh, really? I'd love to hear about some of this harmless fun."

"As you wish." Before Loki could begin his story he already began to laugh. "I made myself appear to be a snake, because I knew how much Thor loved snakes, and-and Thor picked me up. I dissolved the illusion and stabbed Thor with a retractable toy sword—" Loki tried to stop laughing to finish his sentence, but he couldn't help himself. "And to-to this day he still claims that I-I stabbed him to kill him."

Loki's laughter made Jennica burst with laughter too, which was a joy that had been missing for awhile. They stood in place trying to calm themselves, but they couldn't control their laughter.

After a minute or two, Jennica had managed to stop, watching Loki laugh, although it looked as though he were in pain from doing so. She had never seen him laugh so much, maybe not even at all, but it caused the butterflies in her stomach to flutter. His laugh was joyous.

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