The Silent Prince | Jikook |

By Sincerely_Jikook

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"Everything about you...Is what I want to show love to.." In a small and shady town, there are many things th... More

Chapter 1: A tough storm
Chapter 2: Sidekick
Chapter 3: Communication
Chapter 4: Complaints
Chapter 5: A hard shell
Chapter 6: A lone wolf
Chapter 7: A little closer
Chapter 8: Investigation
Chapter 9: Urgent needs
Chapter 10: Sensitive
Chapter 11: A messy scene
Chapter 12: Drinks
Chapter 13: More than enough
Chapter 14: Aware
Chapter 15: Stuck by
Chapter 16: What's between us
Chapter 17: Suspicions
Chapter 18: Unanswered questions
Chapter 19: Lips sealed
Chapter 20: Your gentle embrace
Chapter 21: Understanding you
Chapter 22: Stakeout
Chapter 23: Now or never
Chapter 24: Mistakes
Chapter 25: Silent mewls~
Chapter 26: Trembling with lust~
Chapter 27: Risk
Chapter 29: Blame
Chapter 30: The sacrifices I make
Chapter 31: Understand it
Chapter 32: High fever
Chapter 33: Back to square one
Chapter 34: Wonders
Chapter 35: Suspect
Chapter 36: Fustration
Chapter 37: Alarming
Chapter 38: Temperature
Chapter 39: I'm here
Chapter 40: Strike
Chapter 41: Linked
Chapter 42: Sharp gasps~
Chapter 43: Delicate hands~
Chapter 44: What he thinks
Chapter 45: Caught
Chapter 46: The weapon
Chapter 47: Any thoughts?
Chapter 48: My prince
Chapter 49: Nightmare
Chapter 50: Nothing to worry about
Chapter 51: Sexual fantasies~
Chapter 52: Lip bite~
Chapter 53: Big smiles
Chapter 54: An ominous symbol
Chapter 55: My final call
Chapter 56: A grim atmosphere
Chapter 57: All I have
Chapter 58: Beyond compare
Chapter 59: The hidden secret
Chapter 60: I'm hurting inside
Chapter 61: Deprived
Chapter 62: An untimely visit
Chapter 63: A Father's guidance
Chapter 64: A silent voice
Chapter 65: Dead silence
Chapter 66: Found
Chapter 67: I might lose you
Chapter 68: Nothing to hide
Chapter 69: Acceptance
Chapter 70: The lost and found
Chapter 71: That's the story of love
Chapter 72: The help you need
Chapter 73: Drenched in wine~
Chapter 74: Locked wrists~
Chapter 75: Help
Chapter 76: The risks I'll take
Chapter 77: Fix me
Chapter 78: The love you deserve
Chapter 79: Infiltrate
Chapter 80: Heartbreak
Chapter 81: Our last dance
Chapter 82: 3600 seconds in an hour
Chapter 83: Long awaited years (FINALE)

Chapter 28: Bullets

6K 506 398
By Sincerely_Jikook

           When the sun rose, Jimin sat up to see another blanket over his body as Jungkook was sitting on the couch, fixing his tie along his collar. Jimin rubbed his eyes and sat up to gaze at the younger who pulled a smile after. "Ah, what time is it?" Jimin wondered while Jungkook showed the time flashing on a digital clock. "7:34 AM? Ah, we need to go to the station!" Jimin panicked as he stood up and realized he was wearing his red underwear again. "Did you put this on me?"

'Who else would?' Jungkook signed in return as Jimin chuckled and slowly fixed his eyes on Jungkook.

             "You washed up and changed without waking me up even once! You really don't want to go to work, don't you?" Jimin laughed and gathered the blankets and pillows. "Don't sign to me, saying that I looked charming. Thats too corny for you to add." Jimin laughed while walking to the stairs and looking back at Jungkook just sitting there with a smile on his face. "I'm surprised you can move! I thought I went too tough on you."

'Pain is still there.' Jungkook replied in his gesture as Jimin let out a chuckle.

           "I'm sorry, my silent prince~ I won't hurt you next time." Jimin insisted as he climbed the steps to the top of the stairs while still paying attention to Jungkook to see what he had to add onto it.

'Pain is good.' Jungkook signed and blushed after to cup his face when he realized Jimin paid close attention to what he just signed.

           "You're a little freaky I see. Ah, I'll go wash up. Wait for me." Laughed Jimin as he walked to his room to take a shower and place the covers into a dirty laundry basket. In the shower, Jimin reflected on such a night he shared with the young boy. He didn't feel stress weigh him down now and all he could think was just the way he had Jungkook huffing and wishing to call for the older.

         "Those soft cries..." Jimin whispered to himself while he brushed his wet hair back and thought of how good the feeling was. He felt the warmth of love last night and that was enough to make him smile once he looked back at such a beautiful moment like that. "I never thought I would be able to have him like this... But why does something seem so off?" Jimin questioned himself and only thought to brush it off. He believed Jungkook was right. There was nothing to worry about and they managed to sleep through that together.

          The older finally stepped out of his bathroom as he walked over to his bedroom to change into his formal uniform for work. The day seemed different to Jimin... The day seemed dull and all the man could feel was complete silence around him. The Chief just shoved the thoughts away and shrugged like it'll just be an off day. Unaware that big news awaited for him at work. Jimin walked over to his office and tried turning on his laptop but this confused him the most. "Ah, I could have sworn I spilled coffee on this before and this tactic helped.... Why does it seem like one of those cheap laptops now?" Jimin sighed while he still had yet to fix his tie along his collar.

              Jungkook then poked his head in and held Jimin's phone in his pocket, a white mug of hot coffee in one hand while the other, a plate of a grilled cheese sandwhich with ham in between the melted cheese and fried eggs on the side of the plate. The younger looked a little worried while he sprinted up to his lover and handed him his cup of coffee and plate of breakfast. "O-Oh thank you. Hey, are you okay?" Jimin worried, taking off the plate and cup of coffee from his lover's hands.

'You missed a call last night.' Jungkook signed and pulled out Jimin's phone from his black dress pants pocket. 'RM' The younger signed with the alphabet and this made Jimin place the food and coffee down so he could check his phone.

           "He... Only called once... What do you think it was about?"

'Maybe they found something? If it was an emergency, then they'll call multiple times.' Jungkook signed in a way to keep Jimin calm. However, it didn't stay like that for long.

           Jimin was right in the middle of opening his laptop up to see what was damaged while he was eating with Jungkook in the office when he recieved a call from his father. Jimin placed his cup of coffee down as Jungkook was sitting on his boyfriend's lap since there was no other chair to sit on. The mute boy tried to look up ways to fix a laptop on his phone. The younger didn't know what was going on so he sat there blankly. Desperately trying to find ways to fix his mistake.

          Jimin moved Jungkook aside and stood up. Finishing his last bite of his sandwhich while Jungkook still had yet to touch his fried egg on his plate since he was still trying to fix the laptop. The older cleared his throat and stepped away from the boy as he answered to his father. "Good morning, Fathe-"

          "Park Jimin! Where on earth are you?!"

           "Uh... at home...? I'm about to head off to the station." Jimin replied. Wondering why his father would ask such a thing.

            "Where have you been? I was recieving calls from your station since none of the assistants can reach you!" Mr. Park scolded the boy while Jimin was still confused.

             "I-I don't understand..."

             "Last night's stakeout was ruined... Someone was shot. That's all the information I was given. I don't know who, but I need you to go to the station now!" Ordered Mr. Park as Jimin felt his heart sink at that moment. Anxiety peered over his shoulders and all grew silent. One of his officers were shot during the stakeout and he didn't know who it was since there was many officers watching over the suspected gang territory last night.

              Jimin hung up the phone within seconds as he turned his head to Jungkook. "Jungkook! We need to go, NOW!" Jimin panicked as the younger quickly stuffed his mouth with the fried egg on his table and chugged down the warm coffee before chasing after Jimin who was already running to the front door. Jimin blocked out all sound during this scary moment. He ran to his car while Jungkook ran after him to get onto his passenger's seat as always. The chief quickly turned on these small red and blue lights he had just placed for dire needs like these.

            Jimin sped down the street and kept driving, watching cars switch onto another lane to let Jimin pass as they reached the station so quickly. Along the way, Jimin just hoped no one was found dead during the stakeout. The issues that surfaced within Jimin's head was that he would be the one in trouble for not watching his officer's backs and that would make people look at him differently. As in mentioned before, Jimin lost trust of some people once since he failed to solve the case of the missing child that was ransomed before. The family despised the Chief after and by now, Jimin wouldn't be surprised if there would be fingers pointing to him and questioning his position as Chief.

             Jimin kicked the double doors open and adjusted his tie while people gathered around the lobby. Everyone was silent in worry and some in tears as Jimin finally reached to the center. "Who was it? Who was shot?! Is everyone okay?" Jimin rose his voice as everyone turned to him. There was every officer that served the night of the stakeout. Officer Riyu was there.... Except for Kim Namjoon. The dispatcher that was partnered with Sehiro.

            Sehiro cleared his throat as he held the glass cage of Namjoon's safe hermit crab as Jungkook kept his eyes widened at the thought. Not sure if he could believe this. As for Jimin, he was speechless as tears filled his eyes. "W-Where's my Dispatcher...?" Jimin asked as everyone watched the hard shell of the Chief slowly come off.

            "L-Listen, Jimin! It's not what you think... He's at the hospital! They are treating him!" Officer Riyu assured as Jimin looked up at the man and tried to wipe his tears. "H-He's not dead. He's alive but he's seriously injured."

             "How did this happen?" The Chief managed to ask. Not caring if everyone watched his strong and hard shell slowly crack. "What happened last night?"

          "Jimin, we were spotted. The only way to guide the gang member away from our area, we had to spread out and make it seem like we were the only ones. I told Namjoon we should drive off, but it wasn't a good idea. I don't think that gang member came alone! That figure just... It approached us and we had to sacrifice. As soon as I heard the gun shot, I dropped down and grew distraught." Sehiro testified his experience while Jimin felt guilty for everything.

             No one pinned these issues onto Jimin since it wasn't his part of his job so he wouldn't be even brought in to question, however... Stepping back from the stakeout so suddenly, rose Officer Riyu's eyebrow. "How were you both spotted? I warned you all about tinting your car window glass before going out there..." Jimin added while the Officer nervously scratched his neck and took a good look around all the officers he already explained this to. He despised having to answer again since he was the one at fault. By now, he didn't really care if Jungkook was there by Jimin now.

            "I made noise... I was loud..." Sehiro confessed and Jimin stood there. Baffled at the sudden words he uttered. "Then we spread out... I heard the gun shot and I worried...okay? I know I said I didn't like him but once I heard that shot, I felt horrible. I'm just glad he lived." Officer Riyu sighed while Jimin covered his face. Jungkook of course, kept his distance from Jimin. Not really wanting to show that they were together. Jungkook was smart, he knew if everyone was to find out about their relationship, others would start asking questions and Jimin would be the one to blame for slacking off instead of protecting his officers and watching over them.

            In Sehiro's mind, he thought of the two together, but knew it wasn't too much of something to be real. That was a good thing for the Chief because if everyone knew now, Jimin would get into so much trouble. Jungkook held himself back from going to hug Jimin in front of the officers surrounding them. They didn't know, but that didn't mean they didn't have that thought of the duo potentially dating. This left an open spot for Officer Riyu to comfort the Chief who was in tears from the guilt and worry for his Dispatcher who was injured. Jimin kept it a secret that it was his fault too for slacking off that night, not wanting it to be used against him now. If he was to own up to it, his position as Chief would be in jeopardy.

             Sehiro took this moment and walked over to his close friend and gave him a hug as the officers around them grew silent with sorrow.... Except for the detective. Jungkook was left glaring in jealousy while Sehiro looked back at Jungkook with a stare. Slowly pulling a smirk to show he won and it was all over. But, little did that officer know, Jungkook has already won this battle before it even started. There was no point in getting angry over a hug that would never escape the friend zone.

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