suddenly ♡ malum ✓

By skittlesmalum

452K 29.2K 12.6K

›› suddenly, i fell in love ‹‹ [side lashton] © 2014, Oliwia (skittlesmalum), All rights reserved More

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character ask answers
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➵ eleven

9.5K 666 569
By skittlesmalum



Dear diary, 

you will never guess what happened today.

Calum texted me and asked if we could meet in the park but I told him that I was sick and I couldn't come out because I tried to get better for his gig. Then he wanted to come over but I told him not to because I didn't want him to get sick before his gig. He didn't care, though (just like Luke) and came over anyway.


"Aw, look how cute you look, all cuddled up in your sheets with your red nose and messy hair," Calum said, smiling.

"Shut up and sit down."

"Why so rude?"

"That wasn't rude, I'm just not cute," I answered. He just shrugged and sat down on my bed.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

"Because I have to tell you something epic," he said excited.


Then he started to tell me that Ashton (the drummer of his band) has a crush on some boy called Luke and that he's pretty sure that Ashton means he has a crush on Luke, as in my best friend Luke.

"That's is ridiculous. First of all Luke is not gay and second of all he has a crush on a girl called Ashlyn."

Then it all started to make sense.

If that what Calum told me was true then Ashlyn was in reality Ashton and that would mean that Luke was gay. Or bi.

"But Luke would've told me if he had a crush on a guy," I said. Calum shrugged.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, before I fully came out I didn't tell anyone. Not even my closest friends. It was scary because I didn't know how the people around me would react. I was scared that they would push me away because they would be uncomfortable around me. So I kept it a secret for a very long time. If Luke lied to you and really has a crush on Ashton, who is a guy, then maybe these are the reasons why he didn't tell you," Calum told me.

"Wait, you're gay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, absolutely not. That's why I don't understand why Luke didn't tell me. He knows I'll always be his best friend, no matter what," I said.

"You know what? Luke's coming to the gig, too, right? Well, if he meets Ashton we will see how they act around each other. And if it's true and he has a crush on Ashton then you can ask him about it."

I thought about it and it was actually a great idea.

"Yeah, I will do this. Thank you for the advice."

He smiled and just nodded.


So apparently Luke is gay.

And calum too. Well, now I don't have to ask him anymore and like I've said, I'm totally okay with it.

He's still calum and Luke is still Luke.

Wow, now I'm even more excited for tomorrow. I really want to know if Ashton and Luke already knew each other.

- Michael :)

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