Concrete Rose (Dave East)

By dee_rae

1.7M 57.3K 22.6K

"Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Provin nature's laws wrong it learned ho... More

Copyright ©️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
New book cover
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
My heart is broken.
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Update part 2

Chapter 20

24.6K 981 703
By dee_rae

Excuse any mistakes. I'm to tired to proofread.
Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Chapter 20


10 months later...

Layla held her god son in her arms as her hair stylist finished her sew in. Baby Bless started to become a bit cranky so she slowly rocked him in her arms to put him to sleep.

"Girl you good with kids," Jasmine, her stylist commented.

Nadirah nodded along. "He hardly cries with her. It's crazy."

Layla smiled as she admired her godson. At times she felt a little sad and was reminded about her almost chance at motherhood. "This my baby."

"What time is it? We can't be late to your own graduation," Nadirah said standing up. She took Baby Bless out of Layla's grasp once she knew he was sleeping and placed him in his car seat.

"I can't believe I'm graduating," Layla smiled. "Like no bitch can't tell me shit."

Within an hour, Layla's hair was finished and they were heading back to her condo.

"Okay so go hop in the shower and get ready so we can leave," Nadirah instructed.

Layla rolled her eyes. "Yes mother."

Today was a big day for Layla. These past months had flown through so fast and she was kind of glad. She recovered fast from the accident and was right back on schedule with work and school.

She kept to herself and stayed in her books. Once Baby Bless had arrived eight months ago, she frequently babysat to give both Nadirah and Sed some free time.

Nadirah and Sed had a small wedding ceremony a few weeks before Baby Bless was born containing no more than 30 individuals. Layla was ecstatic to share such a moment with her best friend.

Layla stood in the mirror staring at her reflection. "I can't believe I did it. Oh my gosh."

Her father walked up next to her. "Why you so dramatic? We all knew you could do it. Let's go before you late."

Layla gathered her small clutch that she had filled with all her necessities and then she left her room. When she heard the front door shut, she picked her pace running with her heels in her hand. "Y'all can't leave me. It my graduation."

Nadirah, Bless and her dad we're already in the car ready to go. Layla hopped in, "okay let's go."

It took them over an hour to arrive on campus due to heavy traffic. Layla headed to the designated area to get ready for the commencement.

Hundred of students were graduating today. Layla didn't know much of her graduating class other than those from her nursing classes— so she still stayed isolated. Once the program began, Layla stayed on her phone throughout all the talking.

When it was time for the names to be called, she put away her phone. Minutes passed and they finally reached her name.

"Layla Thompson graduating with a Bachelors in Science for Nursing with a 3.9 GPA."

She heard a bullhorn sound off and then a bunch of cheering. Soon after more bullhorns sound off causing everyone to turn around to see where all the commotion was coming from.

"Yeahhhh Layla. That's my sister y'all."

"Woooooo Layla go get yo degree."

Layla covered her face blushing. Whew chile... the ghetto.

She walked onto the stage as the cheering continued. Once she walked off the stage the dean spoke into the microphone. "Please hold all the applause until the end."

Layla sat through the rest of the graduation bored to death. Soon they were able to finish the final steps and toss their caps in the air.

Layla pushed through the crowd trying to follow the directions Nadirah sent her so they could meet up. As she approached, Layla froze as she saw Rell and Maddison.

Her heart started beating fast as though it would fall out of her chest and she felt a drop in her stomach. She kept in contact with Kam and Chanel up to a few months ago when she began cracking down on her academics. However she did send them an invitation.

Behind Rell and Maddison stood Kam, Jace and Kali.

Kam was the first to see her. "Congratulations La. Damn you got a whole degree now how you feel."

"Invincible," she said hugging her. "I'm so glad you were able to come. Where's Chanel?"

Jace quickly cutted in. "Congrats sis. Here a lil gift," he said handing her a stack of hundreds. "I wrapped it myself."

Kam slapped him in the back of his head. "Don't you lie Petunia."

Layla laughed as she quickly stuffed it in her clutch.

Kali walked up to her. "I miss you Lala."

"I miss you too Kali bear. I promise imma come around more."

She felt really bad. She didn't intentionally cut them off but she kept her distance not wanting to run into Rell. She finally forgave him for the accident but she didn't know if she could trust him again.

These past few months allowed her to grow as an individual. Despite the heartbrokenness she experience she didn't allow it to tear her down. Instead she used it as motivation to push harder.

Deep down inside she still loved Rell and thought about him everyday.

"Hey," he told her as he walked up to her with Maddison next to him.

"Hi. Thanks for coming," she said with her head down.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world. I knew you could do it. I even came to your pinning."

That made Layla's head shoot up. "You did?"

Rell nodded. "Of course. I remember you speaking about it so I called the university a while back and got an invitation."

Layla continued to nod. At the pinning ceremony she swore she saw Rell but then came to the conclusion that she was just seeing things.

"Hey Maddison," she said bending down to her level.

Maddison waved back. "Hi."

"Oh you've gotten so big, how old are you?"

Maddison held up three fingers. "Okay. You're a big girl."

Layla stood back up. "Where's Chanel?"

Rell looked at her and stayed silent.

"Rell, where's Chanel?"

Rell was hesitant. Layla looked around to everybody else and they stayed silent. Layla could feel tears coming to her eyes. "No guys. No."

When Rell saw he tears, he held her face. "No Layla. I know what you are thinking. She's okay but she is really sick. She's trying to push through."

"Where is she?"

"In hospice. She was admitted two months ago."

Layla couldn't help the tears. "Oh my gosh. I should've stayed in contact, I'm so sorry."

"Shhh it's okay. She wanted to come but they wouldn't let her."

Layla tried not to cry so hard. "I'm sorry."

Rell pulled her into a hug and allowed her to cry. Before the incident, he saw how close Layla had gotten to Chanel. He pulled out his phone and FaceTimed Chanel. When she answered he gave Layla the phone.

"Hey girl. Congrats I wish I could come," Chanel said through the phone.

Layla picked up on the change of tone and how weak she sounded. She couldn't help but burst into tears again. She could hear the pain in her voice.

"Cmon Layla. Stop crying. I'm okay."

"I'm sorry. I should've stayed in contact."

"We understand. We spoke to your father he did tell us you were under a lot of pressure with school that you even cut back your work hours."

"It's not okay. I could've sent a text or something."

"Let's not worry about the past," Chanel said. "I'm so proud of you for graduating. You deserve this. Don't let anyone take this from you."

Layla nodded. "Thank you. Send me your location I'm coming."

"You don't have to come today. Celebrate your accomplishment."

"Don't worry I'll get it from Rell."

Chanel nodded. "Okay. I got to go," she said then hung up.

"How much longer does she have," Layla asked Rell.

"Two to three months. She really is pushing through."

"How are you doing with everything going on?"

Rell started at her for a few seconds. "Still missing you."

Layla was speechless she had put her head down. She didn't know what to say. "I miss you too," she said so soft he almost didn't catch it.

"Hey Layla, I thought you left already," a voice sounded behind her.

When she turned around she saw Keith, her classmate walking towards her in a suit. It was evident he had already removed his gown.

"We made it," he said hugging her and lifting her off her feet.

Layla awkwardly struggled to get down. "Yeah we did."

"So what are you doing tonight? Think you can fit me in your schedule," he asked her.

"Ummm I don't know yet. I am with my family right now."

"Oh," he said looking around. "Who's this?"

Layla looked and realize he was referring to Rell.

Rell stepped towards Keith and sized him up. "Family didn't you just hear her say that?"

Keith nodded. "Oh okay. Well hit me up later Layla."

Keith quickly kissed her cheek then walked off.

Rell watched Layla intensely and she did everything to avoid his gaze.

"So we going for dinner? Cause I'm hungry," Layla spoke.

"You always hungry," Kam spoke trying to lessen the tension in the air.

"I already made reservations, let's go," her father said.

Everyone went to the respected vehicle and met up at a nearby restaurant. Layla had removed her gown and slipped on some flats.

They all arrived at the same time and approached the entrance as a group. Rell went to the hostess and said, "Santos, party of 10."

They were brought to a private room that was decorated with pink and black balloons and congratulations banners.

"Awww thanks guys," Layla squealed. She really wasn't expecting this.

"This was all Rell's idea," her father spoke.

She turned towards Rell who stood behind her. "Thank you."

Rell just nodded and Layla noticed his nonchalant attitude.

They all took their seats and a waitress soon came to take their orders.

"I'll have the shrimp Alfredo with a side of Mac and cheese," Layla spoke.

"Would you like bacon on your Mac," the waitress asked.

"Ummmmm," she began to think.

"Yes," Rell spoke for her.

Layla then nodded. "And then a side salad and a water. I'm trying to watch my size you know."

Everyone watched her and bursted out laughing.

"It's not like you gain weight anyways," James spoke. "You eat like a pig and still look the same. I drink couple beers and I get a stomach."

Once all the orders were placed, conversation started.

Due to all the talking, the food soon came out and everyone dug in.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Layla excused herself.

Layla walked out the private room and saw a nearby restroom. Once inside, she emptied her bladder. As she exited the stall, she washed her hands and left the bathroom.

Suddenly she felt someone pull her back in. When she looked up she saw Rell.

He gently pushed her up against the wall caging her in. "So you done fucking with me?"

Layla rolled her eyes. "Really Rell? Right now you want to have this conversation?"

"Answer me Layla. You done fucking with me?"

"What are you talking about?"

Rell scoffed. "That gay ass nigga who came up to you talking about if you have time for him. You fucking him now?"

Layla pushed Rell off and slapped him. "Don't fucking play with me. You don't have the right to question me on shit?"

Rell stepped back. He knew he had crossed a line. "Just tell me. Are you giving up on us?"

Layla stood silent. She wanted to yell yes to spite him but she knew deep down inside she was still in love with him.

"You gave up on us when you lied," she answered back.

Rell ran his hand down his face. "Layla I fucking love you man. I never stopped. Yes I fucked up but give me a next chance please."

"Why should I? Who's gonna come after me next?"

"I'm done with that shit. I've cut all ties. I've gone legal okay. It's been eleven fucking months. Eleven months of not seeing you, talking to you, touching you."

Layla still wasn't convinced. "You don't understand Rell. What if I hadn't call you? What if you hadn't reach in time? I would've been dead."

"I never meant for any of that shit to happen," he yelled. "It kills me to even think about it. I was just trying to protect you and I fucked up."

Layla turned to open the door. "I just need time."

"Are you serious? It's been almost a year."

Layla ignored him and opened the door to exit. "Thank you for the dinner."

Layla headed back to the private room and continued as if the encounter with Rell never happened.

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