Kill and Run | MYG x Reader ✓

By mohogirl

436K 16.9K 8.6K

❝Shoot me, I dare you to.❞ [COMPLETED] More



9.6K 397 389
By mohogirl

Closing the front door and locking it behind him, Yoongi lets out a tired sigh before making his way down to the elevator. He knew that you had the day off today, but Jin suddenly called him into the office, to begin with work right away. After the elevator had reached the lowest floor, Yoongi made his way over into the parking lot for the building before walking over to his car that was parked in the corner.

"Time to go," he sighed out, unlocking his car before entering the driver's seat. After closing the door shut, he pressed the button to start the ignition before putting the gear into drive and driving down to his office. As he was driving down the road, he periodically glanced around at the scenery, slightly smiling at what a nice day it was. 

"Text from Hoseok." With a gasp, Yoongi muttered out a curse under his breath as he suddenly remembered that he had planned the day with Hoseok today. He quickly reached a hand forward before tapping a button, listening to his text with guilt. 

"Are we still hanging out for today?" After hearing his text, he then began to type his reply back to Hoseok, adding in an apology as well as promising to hang out the next time he was free. One thing that Yoongi hated was bailing on his best friends.

"Hey Jin," Yoongi greeted out loud as he entered the large office, closing the door shut behind him before stepping over to Jin's desk. Looking up from his computer, Jin gave him a welcoming smile before tilting his head over to the chair by his desk.

"Yoongi, right on time." Yoongi walked over to take a seat by Jin's desk as he watched him pull out some papers before placing them down on the surface of the table, sliding them over closer.

"What's this?" Yoongi questioned, lifting up a sheet before he began reading it.

"This was with regards to the attack from last night. We've got some clues but we're not sure as of yet. We've already got Jungkook's team already looking into it" Jin explained, slowly rolling his chair over to his computer before he began typing once again.

"So what would you like me to do today?" Yoongi asked, waiting for Jin to give the next instructions. 

"Since your job is to guard Rose at their future party, I think it'll be best to get to know her better since the enemies are stronger than expected. Also," he paused, looking up at Yoongi before continuing.

"There's a casino party that all of the businesses are going to this weekend in 4 days so it's best for you guys to go to ensure nothing goes wrong." Hearing the sound of a printer, Yoongi lifted his head to see Jin standing up and walking over to the printer, grabbing the finished sheet before handing it over to Yoongi.

"Here's some more information on it. You can meet up with Rose in the afternoon but for now, I'll need you to stay and help with the team for a second" Jin added. As he went to sit back down in his chair, the sound of the door creaked open, having both Yoongi and Jin snap their head towards the sound.

"Hey guys" Namjoon greeted, bringing in a tray of piping hot coffee before setting it down on the table.

"Is that for us?" Jin gasped, abruptly standing up from his desk to run over to Namjoon.

"Yeah, especially a soy milk latte for you," Namjoon chuckled, opening up his arms for Jin as they embraced each other. Yoongi grinned at the warm scene before feeling a vibration in his pocket. With a raised brow, Yoongi pulled out his phone from his pocket before he began reading the caller ID, a smile now on his lips. 

"Hey Y/N!" he greeted, mentally facepalming to himself as he knew that he sounded too excited in his tone of voice by your sudden call.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I was leaving the house and if it was alright to leave Holly home alone?" Yoongi slightly tilted his head to the side, wondering what you were doing right now.

"It's fine, don't worry Y/N. As long as you left some food and water, Holly will be fine" he assured you, slightly chuckling to himself as he could imagine the worried expression on your face since you're always so concerned about everything.

"Alright, I'll see you later then!" After saying your goodbyes, Yoongi hung up the phone before letting out a sigh of content, a smile threatening to spill on his lips as he continued to think about you.

"Hey, was that your roommate?" Namjoon asked, a smirk now on both his and Jin's face as they had no shame in eavesdropping in on the conversation between Yoongi and yours. Yoongi gave a slight eye roll before nodding his head. 

"Yes, it was." Jin and Namjoon both looked at each other with a smirk as Yoongi lets out a groan, slowly sliding down his chair.

"You must like her," Jin paused, a smug smirk now coming onto his face as Namjoon tried to place a mouth overtop his.

"Kim Seokjin-" 

"A latte" Jin finished, laughing out loud to himself as Namjoon could only stare at him with a scrunched face.

"Baby, you need to quit it with these jokes." Jin could only shrug his shoulders with nonchalant, moving back down to his desk.

"You know I had to do it to em."

After knocking on the large door, Yoongi took a step back as the door opened, revealing a man in a suit who appeared to be a butler. He stared at Yoongi, raising a brow at him in confusion as they weren't expecting any guests to be appearing so soon.

"I'm Min Yoongi, an agent under the association of Bighit," Yoongi introduced himself, pulling out his badge from his pocket for him to see. After scanning his eyes over the large badge, his face turned into embarrassment by the sudden realization before moving aside to welcome him in.

"Of course! Please, come in." Yoongi gave a nod to the butler before stepping inside of the mansion, glancing his eyes around at the grand interior.

"Since Mr. Park is currently out right now, I'll go get Rose instead," the butler called out, hurrying down the hall to get her.

"Alright," Yoongi sighed out, walking around to take a seat down on a chair. After around a couple of minutes had passed, the butler came back with a brown-haired girl trailing along behind him. After seeing her coming closer, Yoongi stood up as he held out a hand before professionally introducing himself.

"Min Yoongi." She quickly scanned her eyes over him, taking in his beautiful features. With a smile, she reached out her hand to hold his before shaking it.


"I'm sorry for taking you over so suddenly, but my dog is home and I just needed to check on him" Yoongi apologized, now turning into the parking lot to park his car. Rose shook her head, looking out of his car window.

"It's fine, I don't mind." Rose was the one who actually wanted to come, begging for her butler to let her leave with Yoongi. After driving his car into a parking spot, he turned off the ignition before unlocking the car for the both of them to leave.

"You live pretty far," Rose spoke out, attempting to make conversation. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, pushing the elevator button as it slid open.

"I guess." The both of them entered the elevator, only the music filling in the silence. Rose accidentally brushed her hand against Yoongi's, staring up at him with a blush while he remained unfazed by the interaction. The elevator then came to a stop, finally reaching the floor as they walked on over to his place.

"So, do you live alone?" she asked, watching him as he used his keycard to unlock the room.

"I live here with a roommate." He then pushed the door open, moving aside for Rose to enter first before following closely behind. As Rose continued to step further into the apartment, she looked down to see more than just his pair of shoes. They seemed too small to be his. 

"Just take a seat down in the living room there," Yoongi directed her before going over into his room to see Holly asleep in his bed. Rose nodded her head before sitting down on the couch, inspecting the area. 

"Would you like anything to drink?" Yoongi offered, walking back into the living room to see Rose sitting down on the couch. 

"No thank you. But sit down, let's talk" she grinned, patting down on the spot next to her. With slightly furrowed brows, he hesitantly made his way over to sit down next to her.

"So, now that we've gotten to know more about me, I think it's time I get to know about you." 

"I'm sorry?" Yoongi questioned, confused by her sudden words. Rose lets out an innocent giggle, slowly leaning over as she playfully places her hand down on his thigh. Yoongi remained still, completely unfazed by her actions.

"Well, you did come so we can get to know each other right?" 

"I suppose-" Rose raised a hand to his face, interrupting his sentence as she spoke up herself.

"Great, first question." Rose gave him a smug smile, slightly scooting closer towards him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Yoongi's eyes slightly widened, shocked by her sudden question. However, he knew he couldn't argue back with her so easily as it could cost him his job. He shook his head, his eyes now beginning to stare coldly into hers.

"No." Rose's ears perked up, taking this as an opportunity as she proceeded forward.

"Do you want one?" Yoongi looked up at her, a frown now on his face.

"No, what-" Before he could finish his sentence, Rose was now right beside him, slowly moving a hand of hers up to the collar of his shirt before playing around with it in her fingers.

"Rose, I'm sorry but could you please get your hand off," Yoongi sternly said, reaching a hand up to hold onto hers. 

"You know if you do against what I say, I could get you fired," she paused, watching Yoongi glare at her with intensity.

"Plus, if you don't have a girlfriend, I don't see what the problem is?" she smirked, lightly pushing at Yoongi's chest so his back hits against the seats of the couch. Before he could sit back up, the sounds of the front door unlocked as it clicked open. 

Yoongi's eyes widened, knowing exactly who it was.

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