Maybe I Like Her [Interracial...

By icytsm

574K 18.4K 7.9K

Clark Gonzales; white, jock, all-around nice guy, 17, dating the school pretty-girl, straight-A student. Bren... More

Maybe I Like Her
Ch. 1
Ch. 4
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 26
Ch. 37 {Epilogue}


7K 274 71
By icytsm

"You sure you don't want breakfast first Bren?" I asked Brenda for the fifth time this morning.\

I picked her up because I wanted us to talk before school started on this dreadful Monday. She shook her head again as I pulled into the school's parking area. 

"Wait." I stopped her when she was about to get out the car. She looked so down but beautiful today. Her hair was into a curly very frizzy bun with her little baby hairs at the edge lying down. She wore some skinny jeans that made her butt look mighty fine and a jacket over her t-shirt.

"Yes?" she quietly asked sitting back in her seat and letting go of the door handle.

"I want to open up to you a bit." I said before my phone vibrated with a text. It was Perry telling me the whole entire team had to meet this morning on the field for something. I sighed and clicked out the message. "We'll talk later-"

She got out the car and slammed my door; she knows I'm taking her home since she didn't drive so I'll be able to talk to her again. We still had classes together so it's not like she could avoid me.

I grabbed my backpack out the backseat and brought it to the front momentarily. I put my visor down and checked my hair. I got some light-brown highlights yesterday and was pretty pleased.

I closed the visor and got out the car with my backpack and headed to the school's football field where some of the team was walking to. It took me a few minutes to head to the bleachers, but I regretted it when I saw Kylie sitting at the bottom row. 

I sat by Perry and some of the old guys a few rows back as we wait for coach to speak. He was walking back and forth like a mad-man agitated. Once everyone was here, he started to talk.

"You boys know I don't coat nothin' with sugar when talking to ya'll! But today, I found some news I'd rather not have when it comes to dealing with my daughter." he said. Some looked at Kylie who held her head down shamefully. "One of y'all hormonal-wannabe men, got her pregnant. 

"But we ain't getting away with this shit, nuh uh. Whoever doesn't show up this afternoon back on this field to take a blood test and see who's the damn father to this baby inside my daughter, you're off the team. We have alternates waiting to take spots you guys are in now; it's closer to the end of the year and trust me, I can and will start tryouts early." he said.

"But coach, some of have occasions to be at this afternoon." one of my team-mates, Warren Hills, said.

"Is this even legal?" someone else spoke.

"I got tutorin-"

"I don't care if your momma's popping another baby out, be here or be fucking gone off my team!" he said. 

She needed some self-respect.


Brenda Palmer;

It was passing period and I was leaned back against my locker. The thought of my mother gone really sunk in and it finally started to bother me. I closed my eyelids before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see someone who I did not feel like giving an ass-whoopin to today.

"What is it Nicole?" I asked my ex-bestfriend. The bitch done' dyed her orange.

"Before you act all salty with me, I just wanted to apologize-"

"Why do you need to apologize? Should've thought of that when I hit your ass the first time." I said. The bell rang and we continued standing there.

"Bitch please, take my apology or not I don't care, but hear me out. I know about your rape okay? So don't act like a bitch to everyone when no one did you wrong except one guy. I know more than you think I do. Ya' friend Megan, yeah, that bitch is fucking your rapist."

I gave her a look because Megan wouldn't do soemthing like that, she doesn't even know him.

"Before you also say, 'what's it got to do with you?', 1. The bitch probably pregnant by him, and 2. She could be bringing him around you if they date. Don't ask me how I know, all I'm saying is that you need to watch your back. The hoe Kylie's pregnant too, might be your boy, who knows."

"That's impossible, Clark's been with me before she got pregnant; he hasn't slept with anyone but me." I said.

"You really don't know shit do you?" she said walking away. I realized I was beyond late for class and made my way there, getting eyes on me. I sat in my seat which was behind Clark before our dreadful teacher started talking.

"Miss Palmer, happy you joined class after almost 10 minutes." the teacher said. Students turned to look at me while another student walked in; Kylie. She came and took her seat which was sadly by me, frowning.

"So you're just not gonna say anything to this bitch but stop me?" I yelled to him. Clark turned to me, even surprised by what I said. 

"Excuse yourself Miss Palmer, you have no right to call another student that!" he replied.

"Oh fuck off. Me, you, and everyone in this class knows she's a hoe ass manipulative bitch-"

"And we know you're an uneducated negro speaking like that."

The class gasped and looked at him before me. He was fuming and I was beyond angry at his racist slur.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Clark and two other students said. There were already students recording on their phone and the class was rioting.

"You know what, forget it." I spoke. I grabbed my bag and phone that I sat on the desk before getting in this teacher's face. "I might be a 'negro' but I wouldn't trade it for the world."

I walked out the class and called my dad to pick me up, hoping he wasn't at work.

"Dad, please pick me up-"

"Babygirl, I'm in an important meeting, I'll have someone pick you up right now. What's wrong."

"I'll talk later dad, bye." I hung up. I decided not to go to the office, I went straight out the school and waited by the student parking lot.


Short POV

I ran out the classroom a few minutes after Brenda left. I had to flip off this ignorant teacher for his words. There was no reason for him to act so hostile to her and say that. I went to the office to see her not there and then went outside the school's gates. She was getting into a silver 2015 GMC Sierra 3500HD.

I like cars, that's how I could tell what it was.

I called after her but she was already driving with the person.



"Thanks." I told Jerry. Believe me, I was more than uncomfortable in this car with him.

"Yeah, where am I taking you. Wanna talk, what happened?" he asked stopping at a red light. He was the only other person who could pick me up, so I texted him.

Yes bitches, I get that I shouldn't be within 500 ft. of him but who else?

"My house."

"So why'd I pick you up?"

"One, my dad was in a meeting and two, my teacher was a racist ass. It's the morning, it's too damn early for this bull." I said.

"What'd he say?" 

"I'll get to that but for now, tell me about you and Megan."


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