Not So Different | Connor x G...

By GoldenEnderFox

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(Established Relationship) It's been almost five months since the peaceful protest had occured. Androids now... More

Chapter 1: One Month Anniversary
Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis
Chapter 3: Last Chances
Chapter 4: Triggers
Chapter 5: Bed Sharing, Old Texts
Chapter 6: Despacito
Chapter 7: Stress Levels Rising
Chapter 8: Confrontations on the Street
Chapter 9: The Good Days
Chapter 10: Return to Me
Chapter 11: Gavin's Hatred Bubbles
Chapter 12: All in the Past
Chapter 13: Off Work Early
Chapter 14 *SMUT*: Let Me Love You
Chapter 15: Jericho
Chapter 16: Insecurities
Chapter 17: Get Through This
Chapter 18 *BRIEF SMUT*: Everything Will Be Alright
Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz
Chapter 20: "Dogsitting"
Chapter 21 *SMUT*: Broken Ties
Chapter 22: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 23: Fawkes in the Club
Chapter 24: Affection
Chapter 25: Brotherly Reunion
Chapter 26: Don't Go...
Chapter 27 *SMUT*: One More Night
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 29: New Partners
Chapter 30: Young Love
Chapter 31: The Wrong Path
Chapter 32: Abused
Chapter 33: Opposites Attract
Chapter 34: It's You
Chapter 35: Cheating
Chapter 36: Cyclothymia
Chapter 37: Investigaton
Chapter 38: Best Friends
Chapter 39: Clear My Mind
Chapter 40: I Think I Wanna Marry You
Chapter 42: Binary Talk
Chapter 43: Don't Deserve This
Chapter 44: Confusing Encounter
Chapter 45: Visual Defect
Chapter 46: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 47: Pull The Trigger
Chapter 48: The Best Detective
Chapter 49: Lara and Fawkes
Chapter 50: Gun Shots
Chapter 51: Dysfunctional Family
Chapter 52: Wounded
Chapter 53: Before the Storm

Chapter 41: Together Again

949 55 13
By GoldenEnderFox

"No, Niner... I can't go work today..." Gavin groaned into his pillow, "I feel like shit."

"I knew this would happen." Niner said, glaring down at the man, "I told you that drinking would be a bad idea." He then leaned forward to dab to fingers to Gavin's hair.

"The fuck are you doin'?!" Gavin asked, flipping over to look at Niner who was putting his fingers to analyse, "That's disgusting."

"I'm only analysing you through the use of your sweat. I wasn't going to kiss you or anything like that. This is the only way." his LED went yellow for a brief moment, "Perhaps it might be best for you to stay here. The mixture of your hangover and your stress have a high chance of causing an extreme mood swing. The Captain won't be happy about that."

Gavin flipped back over to bury his face into the pillow and groan, "I wanted to go into work today..."

"You're Cyclothymia has been at an all time high recently, Gavin. I'm sure you will survive for another day."

"What if I die right here?"

"Then that will be one less mouth to feed." Niner smirked, leaning against the wall.

"You're an asshole." Gavin mumbled.

Niner nodded, "Thank you." his eyes drifted to the bedside table, "You didn't even drink any of the water." he picked up the glass before going to leave the room, "I'll get you some fresh water and then I will head out. I will inform the Captain of your situation once I arrive at the station."

Gavin muttered a thanks as Niner left the room.

His head was pounding, his throat was dry, he felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He felt awful.

He flipped onto his back, trying to cool down. Niner entered the room with a glass of water in his hand. Gavin opened his arms out to him, "Hug me, Niner."

"Fuck off." Niner simply said, placing the water on the bedside table.

"I need some lovin'. I feel like I deserve at least a hug."

"I'm not hugging you."

"Rude." Gavin groaned, dropping his arms.

Niner ignored his comment, "You stress me out a lot when you're drunk, just to let you know."

"I don't remember anythin'. Feel free to punch me if I offended you."

"You didn't offend me. And even if you did, it wouldn't be your fault. You had a lot to drink."

Gavin's hands came up to cover his face, "Please... I didn't embarass myself did I?"

"Not in public, no. Well... You sang 'Girlfriend' and 'Marry You' out the car window." he paused, "You also managed to handcuff yourself and then say that you were trying to do a magic trick." he stopped as Gavin let out another groan, "You also told me that you would make great wife material."

"I hate myself..."

"Also. Who the hell is Glados?"

"What?" Gavin asked in confusion.

"You threatened to smash bottles over everyone's heads and then you said you would replace my regulator with a baked potato whilst shouting for someone called Glados."

"Ah." Gavin said, reaching over to the glass of water, "Don't worry about. It was just a robot in a potato."

"I'm not even going to ask." Niner replied before walking towards the door, "Can I take your car?"

Gavin nodded, "Go for it." he took a long gulp of the water, "Can you get me some shit whilst you're out? Like I dunno... antidepressants or whatever the fuck I need."

"I am not getting you antidepressants. Taking them increase the chance of you having a mood swing."

"Well, shit... That's why I had so many swings when I was a kid."

"Did your parents not research about how they should've taken care of you?"

Gavin scoffed, "No. I'm nothing so why would they care? They just grabbed any old medication and told me to take it."

Niner tried to calm him down, "Okay. Try not to think about your parents right now. You aren't in a good place. I will see if I can get anything that will help."

"Thanks, Niner."

He nodded, "I will be back later. Call me if you start to panic or feel anything unusal." he soon left the bedroom.

Gavin really didn't want to be alone right now...


Connor knew that Gavin wouldn't be at work today.

He knew that Gavin would have a hangover.

He sat in Hank's car, looking at Gavin's house. Would Gavin even remember talking to him on the phone last night? Maybe Gavin didn't want to get back together and it was really just the drink talking.

The android exited the car. He needed to at least ask. He made his way towards the front door before knocking.

No answer.

He knocked again.

No answer.

He decided to try and open the door. It was unlocked.

"Gavin?" Connor called out. There was no reply. Where was he? He then made his way up the stairs, "Gavin?"

The bedroom was the only place Gavin would be. Connor made his way inside. And there Gavin was. He was lying on his stomach with his face buried into his pillows.

"Gavin." Connor said approaching. He noticed that Gavin's breathing was rapid. He flipped him over. The man's pupils were blown and his skin was pale, "H-Hey. What's wrong?" he quickly sat on the bed next to him.

Gavin didn't answer. His breathing was coming out in short rapid bursts.

Connor soon analysed the symptoms that Gavin was showing.

Pale skin

Rapid breathing
Tears in his eyes

Connor pulled Gavin up and into a hug, feeling his extremely warm skin against his, "It's okay, Gavin." the android shushed him. He had never seen Gavin like this. He never would've thought that Gavin was one to have an anxiety attack. He rested his chin on Gavin's shoulder, one of his hands travelling up to caress the man's head, "Calm down. Breathe. I got you."

Gavin's breaths were becoming longer and slower.

"You're alright, darling." Connor said, his lips against Gavin's ear. Gavin's arms soon came up to wrap around Connor's neck, his breathing was still shaky as his eyes were clenched shut, "I got you, my love." Connor muttered before placing a kiss to the man's jaw, "I love you." he said, hoping to calm Gavin down.

Gavin nodded against the android's neck, his arms tightening. Connor felt Gavin's tears against him as his breathing started to even out.

The hand that Connor had around Gavin's waist pulled him in closer, "Everything will be alright..."

A smile flickered on Gavin's face, "I-I love you." he breathed out, hoping to calm himself.

Connor nodded, "I love you, too." he made sure to kick his shoes off as he gently pushed Gavin, making him lie back down. Connor followed. Gavin's back was to Connor as the android put his arms and legs around him protectively. He could still feel Gavin shaking within his arms, "Sleep. You'll feel better. I'll be here when you wake up."

Gavin didn't need to be told twice. Sleep quickly overcoming him.


Gavin quickly shot up from his sleep, taking in deep breaths.

"Gavin... It's okay." Connor said, pulling him back down.

"I-I..." Gavin started, "Wh-"

"You had an anxiety attack." Connor said, wrapping his arms around Gavin once again.

"I haven't had one in so long." he mumbled into Connor's chest, "What time is it?"

Connoor nodded, "3:34pm... I can't even imagine how bad it must feel. You should have told me that you had Cyclo-" Connor was cut off by Gavin's lips pressing against his.

Once Gavin pulled away his eyes widened, "The fuck happened to you?!" he asked Connor as his hand trailed up to the underneath of his LED. There was dry Thirium and the LED was cracked.

"Fawkes happened." Connor laughed nervously, "Managed to get a punch in when I went with Hank and Norman to investigate his home."

"That fuckin' asshole." Gavin mumbled. He then looked into Connor's eyes, now noticing the blue blush crossing his face, "Oh. Shit. Sorry. Shouldn't have kissed you like tha-" he tried to pull away but Connor stopped him.

"It's okay." Connor gave him a reassuring smile, "Do you not remember our conversation last night?"

"We talked?! I didn't say anything that I would regret, right?"

"Hopefully not." Connor said, "We... We talked about us. About us trying again."

"Did the conversation end well or not?"

Connor nodded, "I'd say it ended pretty well.  You said that you would like to try again but I think that was just the drink talkin-"

Gavin's lips were to Connor's once again, "It wasn't the drink talking." he smiled against Connor's lips, "I'm sorry for cheatin' on you."

"That was not your fault, Gavin. Lara took advantage of you. It's completely her fault."

Gavin smiled beofre nodding, "And I know that I've been showin' mixed emotions about us being together. But deep down I really want to be with you. Cuz I love you so fucking much. I can't even begin to describe how much I love you. I always have."

Connor felt like he could cry with happiness.

He couldn't exactly blame the mixed emotions on Gavin entirely.

"I really want to try this shit again, Connor. I know Hank won't be too happy about it. But I don't care. I'm always gonna be the biggest asshole of all time but I want to at least try again. Now you know that I have this stupid fucking disorder, I hope it doesn't change your mind about us."

Connor shook his head "I-I would like to try this again with you, Gavin."

"Even with my bipolar ass?" Gavin chuckled.

The android chuckled in return, "Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features." he winked before catching Gavin off guard by crashing their lips together, "I love you, Gavin." his hands tightened around Gavin's waist.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Gavin' turned Connor over so he was underneath him. Gavin looked down at him with a smirk, "I missed you."

Connor moved his hands up to the back of Gavin's neck to bring him down into another kiss, "I missed you, too."

Gavin's tongue soon fought with Connor's. The android's hands moved up to clench Gavin;s hair, "If I'm ever a dickhead to you, Con. Please don't take it personally." Gavin's face moved to the android's neck, "I don't mean it. I love you no matter what I say."

"Okay. Y-Yeah. I understand." Connor said, his head tilting back to give Gavin easier access. A moan escaping his lips as Gavin's teeth sunk into his neck.

Gavin's head was still throbbing, but being here with Connor right now was like a dream come true. He didn't want to miss any more opportunities to be with him.

His lips moved back to Connor's, needing to taste the android's kiss urgently. 

Connor loved the feeling of Gavin's bodyweight on top of him. He missed being this close.

"I love you." Gavin groaned out. He was making sure that Connor knew that he was 100% serious about this.

Connor's fingers ran through Gavin's hair as their tongues fought for dominance, "I love you, too."

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