Lost | Tom Riddle ✔

By _nomad_

5.1M 184K 68K

"Sweetheart, you are the badger, I am the snake, but in this chase, I am the predator and you are my prey." ... More

Extended Summary
Chapter 0: Meeting Her
Chapter 1
Please Read
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Facts : From Author's Desk
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Characters : From Author's Desk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Behind the kisses : From Author's Desk
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
OMG moment for this story
Chapter 44
Plot Holes : From Author's Desk
New Story : Dating Blindly
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Blooming romance
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chemistry: From Author's Desk
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Decoding Tom : From Author's Desk
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
A friendly competition
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Epilogue I: Meanwhile
Epilogue II: Repercussion
Family Ties and Trees
The Last Note: From an Author's Desk
New Story
All the alternate endings
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 54

37.4K 1.6K 1.3K
By _nomad_

This chapter is dedicated to my wonderful readers from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Panama, Colombia, and Dom. Republic. You people are awesome.

P.S. If I never dedicated a chapter to your country then please let me know and I will add it in the next update.

P.P.S. Did you see the image? "Lost" was ranked first in Harry Potter on 8th and 9th July. And it was possible only because of you. Thank you so much, my dear readers. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!


Not wanting to create a show bigger than what they already did by coming together in a great hall,  Alexa followed behind Tom. Not like he had given her a choice. Her feet dragged her absentmindedly to the Slytherin table. Her eyes fixed on her worn-out light yellow shoes. It was not like the mud that covered them was the most interesting thing in the world, but after making eye contact with her Transfiguration master she lacked the courage to look at anyone in the hall. She tucked her fallen strand of black hairs behind her ear with the hand that was not clutched by that annoying git. She would have thanked her stars that they didn't change their colour if she wasn't so focused on the tingles that were running through her body from where their hands were touching one another. They were reminding her of the intimacy they shared that day.

*That morning, after DADA class*

Tom peppered kisses from the juncture between her neck and her shoulder to her jaw. Her body was reacting to every single peck he left on her skin. The shiver that ran through her frame made her shudder. Since she was enveloped in his hold, he could feel her every movement. The effect he had on her was amusing, marvelling. Tom decided to test the waters by continuing the trail of his kisses to her left cheek. The more he kissed, the better he liked the way she tasted. Unlike the other times, Tom paid attention to many parts of her face. It was like he was exploring the new territory. A territory that was already his. And to top it off, he was fueled by her moans. They were encouraging him to go further. He reached her ear. Her ear-ring caught his attention. He hadn't realized that her ears were pierced until that time, all thanks to her midnight bangs for hiding them. The ring was plain golden. There was nothing carved on it. It strangely reminded him of the one that he had taken away from his uncle Morfin that summer. The one which graced the pointer finger of his left hand.

Tom buried his nose in her hairs. As usual, they reminded him of fresh coconuts. A moan of pleasure escaped those sinfully attractive lips. He didn't know that he had missed something as trivial as that.

"Your hairs, they smell so nice, sweetheart."

He didn't know when his mouth opened and croaked those words out. However, they had pushed the right buttons. If she was moaning before, she was on the verge of screaming now. She used every last bit of control she had. Thank Merlin, that it worked.

"T-Tom," she hushed.

Never in his life did he like his name more. Coming out of her soft lips, it felt so right.

So special.

So magical.

Like there was no muggle-ish-ness to it. He wondered what would it be like if she called him master.

Her master.

Her only master.

Even in that situation, he hadn't forgotten her earlier submissiveness. He wanted to taste her name on his lips.

"Alexa!" he exclaimed. The hoarseness of his voice calling out to every cell in her body.

She shuddered.

Her feet weakened.

Her body trembled.

Her mind dazzled.

Her name didn't sound that sweet before. He had used it only once before, that too when he claimed that he liked calling her sweetheart way more. But now, she wanted him to keep using it forever.

Tom pulled back a little. He wanted to look at her. In some odd ways, he always liked the way she looked when he invaded her personal space. She always had this look which let him believed that he was the one who owned her, in every sense. And that one thing made him want to do this invasion quite frequently. 

However, this time, it was different. Because that day she was clutching her lower lip tightly among her teeth. A simple act to stop herself from making loud noises. The noises that will not only gather the audience but also will let others know the ownership of Tom. Though this should have offended him, it had an exactly opposite effect on the said boy. He was turned on. Beyond the limits. It made him recall how they tasted when the first time he nibbled them. He remembered that he had drawn her blood that day, or rather that night. It reminded him of the tastes of all those kisses he had given her. It reminded him of what he had missed that summer.

And so he had to do it. He had to connect his lips to hers. So... the next thing he knew, he covered her lips with his.

Somewhere in his mind, he thanked Salazar, that there was no one else in the room. He didn't want any disturbance. Apparently, Professor Merrythought had no other lecture that day until after their lunch.

He took her bottom lip among his teeth and forced her to release it. Their softness never ceased to excite him. He groaned when the unfamiliar sense of electricity ran through his spine. His groan fueled the female to place her hands around his neck and part her lips, giving him full access. She pressed her body closer to him, enjoying their closeness. It was like she missed his kisses as much as he did.

If Tom had not lost his sanity by that time, he certainly did when her hands ran through his black curls, her nails slightly grazing his scalp. Her touch was tender, like some caress. Like she, just like he had done earlier, was exploring some new territory. The territory she newly acquired.

Another groan escaped his mouth when his tongue touched hers. This time, hers didn't battle to shoo it outside her mouth. Instead, it massaged his, letting him know she indeed enjoyed being in his possession. His hand that was around her waist, somehow, found its way underneath her shirt. His rough hand came in contact with her slightly smoother and warmer skin. Being a part wolf, she had slightly more body temperature than normal humans.


They reluctantly pulled apart. Both red from lack of breathing. Their chests were rising and falling in a synchronization. Their uniforms had crumbled. Their lips were swollen. And not to mention, Tom's hairs were a mess. It was an aftermath of the kiss of Reunion.

"Master Riddle, you have a class I believe, and so does Ms Winters," Bloody Baron croaked.

Darn it! Even Slytherin ghosts were ambitious. Tom cursed under his breath. How the hell did he lose the track of time? Waving his wand, he tidied up his appearance. He turned to look at his possession. She was still clumsily trying to compose herself, but owing to the dizziness of what they had done was failing miserably. In other times, he would have gladly mocked her, but he was indeed running late. And so he waved his wand again and put a halt to her ungraceful efforts. He was about to leave when she asked him,

"What spell did you use?"

Really? After such a moment, the first thing did she ask was this? Tom couldn't help, but smirk. Without turning in her direction, he replied,

"Tonight, you will enter the great hall with me. Wait for me by the door."

"And why would I do that?"

He left her alone but not before adding, "because, if you don't, I will drag you out of the hall to the Room of requirements - in front of everyone - and we will continue where we are leaving right now, sweetheart."

And she had no doubt that he would do what he claimed he would.

*Flashback Ends*

*Back to the Great hall*

"Will you shift please?" Though his sentence was supposed to be a request, it was anything but that. It was a command given through gritted teeth. The first-year, who was at the receiving end of this sentence, scrambled up to his feet and created a room for both of them.

Tom sat pulling Alexa with him, to seat between him and Anthony. Though he was angry with the boy for making him so jealous the day before, he was sure that the latter was the safest among all of his friends.

They sat there awkwardly, with everyone - every Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor - staring at them. So much for keeping discretion, thought Alexa sarcastically. Dippet cleared his throat and everyone returned back to their original conversations and actions. Still, they threw glances in the pair's direction every once in a while.

"Hey, Alexa!" Alexa turned to her right and smiled gratefully at Anthony. She mentally thanked him for breaking the awkward tension that surrounded them.

"Hi Anthony," she replied.

Beside her, Tom nodded his head at Avery and everyone else in the group, who replicated his action. It was his usual way of acknowledgement. Seeing as he was not going to do any introductions, Avery took a task in its hands.

"Alexa, this is Abraxas Malfoy," he pointed at the boy with platinum blonde hairs who was sitting on his right side. The boy flashed an uneasy smile at her. He hadn't forgotten their encounter in Slughorn's dinner the year before.

"That's Alphard Black," Anthony pointed at the philanderer, who waved his hand. He was sitting across from Malfoy.

"Then there are Marcus Mulciber, Evan Rosier and Benjamin Lestrange." He pointed everyone from right to left. These three were also sitting across them.

It was only Benjamin who extended his hand for her to shake. After all, pure-blood Slytherins were not very enthusiastic, until they knew the blood status of the person they were interacting with.

"So... How was your first day?" Anthony asked again, trying to make her feel as comfortable as he could.

"It was nice. What about you?" Alexa asked politely.

"Good enough." The boy smiled kindly. Sometimes, Alexa wondered why he was not in Hufflepuff. He was really kind and friendly. Then again, one shouldn't judge a person from his house.

"Hey, Tom!" Someone spoke from behind. Everyone turned to look at the tall and lanky boy. Like always, his brown hairs were kept in place.

"Oh, hello Ed!" Tom replied over-enthusiastically.

He even stood up from his place and shook the boy's hand. Then he turned around and announced.

"Sweetheart, this is Adrian Winters."

He spoke his name slowly, letting Alexa absorb it. A smirk graced his lips when he saw her looking at the boy intensely. He knew she had noticed the similarity in their physical appearance.

Alexa looked at the boy closely. It wasn't a divination lecture to gauge the fact that the boy looked like her aunt, who in turn looked like her father. Besides, he and her father shared the same name. However, nobody knew that her father's name was Adrian too. And from the smirk that graced Tom's lips, it was clear that he knew something more than just the similarities between their appearances. What were the odds that he knew this little detail? Most importantly, how the hell he knew this? During that summer, she came to know the library Averys owned. Did it mean what she thought it meant? She wondered.
She turned her head to look at Anthony. Her suspicion confirmed when the Avery avoided her eyes. Her face didn't mask the hurt from the betrayal she felt, just like his face didn't hide his guilt. She couldn't believe that even after telling him to not go looking for her secrets, he had betrayed her like that. That too when she had started considering him something more than just an acquaintance. Maybe a friend.

Who said you can shoot only two targets with one arrow? Tom Riddle had shot four that day.

First, he made sure that everyone knew Alexa Winters was his. The girl became out of limits to anyone other than him.

Second, he knew she had deciphered who this boy was to her. There was no way, she could miss the possible threat Tom could impose on her.

Third, he gave a warning to all those pathetic girls who wanted to harm her in their jealousy.

And last, he manipulated the bond between his girl and his best friend. No matter what he didn't want her close to any boy but him. Somehow, he wanted to punish them both for making him so unreasonably jealous the day they arrived at Hogwarts.

Tom tried his best to hide his smirk. He indeed was the finest.

I am so sorry for an unedited chapter. I am out of town, so I was running on lack of time. But I will edit the chapter asap.

So... another update to focus on ATom. I hope you liked this update. Recently, I had a feeling that I am bending Tom's character too much, so I wrote this update to focus on his manipulative nature. Did you like the kiss they shared? Was it up to your expectation? Let me know what do you think of this update. Reading your thoughts makes me very happy.

If you liked this chapter, please keep me motivated through your votes and sharing this story with your friends. These things make my day.

Thank you all!!!

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