Not So Different | Connor x G...

By GoldenEnderFox

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(Established Relationship) It's been almost five months since the peaceful protest had occured. Androids now... More

Chapter 1: One Month Anniversary
Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis
Chapter 3: Last Chances
Chapter 4: Triggers
Chapter 5: Bed Sharing, Old Texts
Chapter 6: Despacito
Chapter 7: Stress Levels Rising
Chapter 8: Confrontations on the Street
Chapter 9: The Good Days
Chapter 10: Return to Me
Chapter 11: Gavin's Hatred Bubbles
Chapter 12: All in the Past
Chapter 13: Off Work Early
Chapter 14 *SMUT*: Let Me Love You
Chapter 15: Jericho
Chapter 16: Insecurities
Chapter 17: Get Through This
Chapter 18 *BRIEF SMUT*: Everything Will Be Alright
Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz
Chapter 20: "Dogsitting"
Chapter 21 *SMUT*: Broken Ties
Chapter 22: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 23: Fawkes in the Club
Chapter 24: Affection
Chapter 25: Brotherly Reunion
Chapter 26: Don't Go...
Chapter 27 *SMUT*: One More Night
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 30: Young Love
Chapter 31: The Wrong Path
Chapter 32: Abused
Chapter 33: Opposites Attract
Chapter 34: It's You
Chapter 35: Cheating
Chapter 36: Cyclothymia
Chapter 37: Investigaton
Chapter 38: Best Friends
Chapter 39: Clear My Mind
Chapter 40: I Think I Wanna Marry You
Chapter 41: Together Again
Chapter 42: Binary Talk
Chapter 43: Don't Deserve This
Chapter 44: Confusing Encounter
Chapter 45: Visual Defect
Chapter 46: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 47: Pull The Trigger
Chapter 48: The Best Detective
Chapter 49: Lara and Fawkes
Chapter 50: Gun Shots
Chapter 51: Dysfunctional Family
Chapter 52: Wounded
Chapter 53: Before the Storm

Chapter 29: New Partners

1K 49 116
By GoldenEnderFox

Just watched 'Love, Simon' for the first time ever and now I have to write gay shit to express my love for that film... Kinda wish that Gav and Con weren't broken up in this story now. How else am I supposed to express the gay af vibes?! :'(

"That's it then." Fowler said, "I'm assigning the RK900 model to you. Your new partner."

"Wh-What?" Gavin questioned, "No. No, I didn't mean that I would work with him-"

Fowler put his hand up to cease Gavin's talking, "I don't want to hear it. If you want Niner away from Lara. Then you will be his new partner."

He wanted to stay away from androids for a while... But now he was having one as his partner.

"There's gotta be someone else. I don't wanna work with a fuckin' android."

"I won't have any of that, Reed! Either you take Niner as your partner. Or he stays with Lara."

Well, there was no way he was leaving Niner with Lara...

"Whatever..." he mumbled, "Wanted to ask..." he leaned forward in his seat, "Can I leave work early?"

"What for?" Fowler glared at him.

"I'm going to a... Well I guess you could call it an 'android acceptance' lesson." he air-quoted.

Fowler just stared at him in confusion, "An android acceptance... lesson." he said, clearly not understanding.

"I don't know what the fuck to call it! I'm meetin' up with my brother, you know? The founder of CyberLife? He's just gonna give me a 'lesson'. Cuz I still hate androids with a fuckin' passion, don't get me wrong..."

"I don't mean to intrude on your personal life, Detective... But how can you hate androids if you are currently intimate with one?" he was curious as to how it was even possible.

Gavin's bit his tongue as a lump formed in his throat, "I... We... We called it off last night."

Fowler accepted androids. He saw them as equal. He thought that androids and humans being together intimately was a step forward in life. He used to have an android for a partner himself and he would give anything to have them back.

"But don't you worry!" Gavin assured, "This won't get in the way of work. Also uhhh... Sorry for bringing all that mushy shit into work. Shoulda left it at home." he chuckled.

And now that Gavin and Connor were apart... Fowler felt as if humanity had taken a step back in progression.

"No need to apologise, Detective. I will allow you to leave work early as long as you don't bother me for the rest of the day."

"You got it, boss." Gavin winked, standing up to leave. He stopped to turn back towards Fowler, "Oh, erm... Red Ice case. And... Fawkes. What's up with those?" his blood boiled as the name Fawkes slipped through his lips.

Fawkes hurt his Connor.

"After Connor found the Red Ice we had more than enough evidence to confront the owner. There was illegal production in play. The Eden Club will officially be shut down in good time."

"And Fawkes?"

"Fawkes..." Fowler trailed off.

Gavin took a threatening step towards the Captain's desk, "If you have let that fuckin' asshole go again-"

"He's still with us. But he is due to leave in a few days. Once all the paperwork has gone through."

"Are you fuckin' kidding me, Fowler?! Do you not give a shit about androids?!"

"I think the complete opposite, Reed! So don't you dare accuse me of having a hatred towards androids. You're the one who has a fucking problem with them!"

A man who just entered the station appeared in the corner of Gavin's eye. He quickly turned his head to look through the glass.


What was he doing here?

"Excuse me a moment." Gavin said to Fowler before exiting and heading towards Hank.

"Reed! You got a lot of explaining to do you fucking cocksucker. I'm gonna break your fuckin' face-!"

"Can you just shut the fuck up and punch me later?! Look. I don't give a shit about why you're here at this time. Just come with me." he quickly grabbed the Lieutenant's arm and dragged him up the small set of stairs and into Fowler's office. Connor looked at them in utter confusion as they passed his desk.

"The fuck is this about, huh?" Hank questioned as he closed the door behind him.

Gavin folded his arms and glared towards Fowler, "They're lettin' Fawkes go."

"You're letting Fawkes go?!"

"Lieutenant I ask you to not get angry. You end up saying something you regret." Fowler warned.

"I don't give a shit!" Hank walked over to Fowler's desk, "You can't let that piece of shit go!"

"That's the third fucking time he's assaulted Connor." Gavin explained, "Androids have been classified as people too."

"He would be the first human to be put away for killing an android." Fowler began, "It would make the DPD look weak. We would be showing everyone that we sympathise with androids."

Hank groaned, "Are you kiddin' me?! They feel pain, they feel fear, they feel everything, Jeffrey! You gotta get a word in and put Fawkes behind bars."

Gavin suddenly stormed out of the office, "G- Detective Reed. What's wrong?" Connor asked, approaching him. Gavin ignored him before slipping past. He headed to where all the suspects were contained.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Detective Reed..." Fawkes said, smirking at Gavin through the glass, "Did your plastic boyfriend enjoy its time with me, huh? I woulda shown them a good time if you didn't show up." he winked.

Gavin went to place his hand on the scanner in order to open up the cell, but his wrist was grasped firmly.

"Detective Reed. That wouldn't be wise." Connor said.

"Connor. Just because we're not fuckin' together anymore doesn't mean you have to stop calling me Gavin." his glare moved from Fawkes to Connor.

Connor nodded with a slight smile, "Okay. Gavin. Don't-"

"Awww..." Fawkes teased, "Did the little android realise that I would fuck him better than you, Reed?"

Gavin ripped his hand away from Connor's grasp, placing it on the scanner and immediately opening the door.

It didn't matter that they no longer were in a relationship together... Gavin wasn't going to let Fawkes talk like that.

He sent a punch to the man's face, knocking him to the ground. Gavin quickly pinned him before effectively cuffing him. Making sure that they were tight around his wrists.

"You're a fucking asshole and you are not getting out of this one, Fawkes." Gavin assured, pulling him to his feet.

"G-Gavin... It's okay." Connor said as Gavin forcefully pushed Fawkes out of the cell.

Gavin pushed the struggling man towards the interrogation room before throwing him inside, "You're gonna get what's comin' to you, Reed." Fawkes threatened as Gavin shut the door. He pressed his hand to the scan before entering a passcode that only he knew in order to lock Fawkes in.

"Gavin, please..." Connor walked up to him, "Put him back in his cell."

"No, Connor." Gavin turned around to look at him, "Only I know the passcode so he will be forced to stay in there until Fowler says that he's getting put away for fucking good."

Connor raised an eyebrow at him before he stepped towards the scanner and inputted a code. The door immediately opened.

"Okay, fuckin' hell! Only me and you know the passcode then!" Gavin quickly shut the door again.

Connor's metal heart ached. The passcode was the date of their first kiss. Just like his phone's passcode.

"Gavin..." Connor began.

Gavin gently grabbed one of the android's hands, cutting his words off, "Look, Con. Just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean I don't lov- respect you. I will fight until that asshole is behind bars for the shit he has put you through."

Connor felt Thirium rush to his cheeks.

"Well. Thank you, Gavin."

Gavin's hand left his quickly, "I'm heading out. Tell Hank he can punch me when I see him next. I got shit to do." he turned and walked away, "Niner!" he exclaimed as he walked past the break room, "With me! We're gettin' outta here!"

He then took out his phone.

Gavin: im comin over now so ur schedule better be fuckin open

His brother had texted a few seconds later.

Elijah: You're so bossy...

Gavin: stfu

"Where are we going?" Niner asked as he finally approached.

"Out. Fowler has assigned you as my new partner so you're coming with me."

Connor's LED went red. His eyes narrowed.

His systems started overheat as he processed Gavin's words. He didn't like the idea of Niner getting to spend a significant amount of time with his Gavin.


That was the one.

Gavin grabbed onto Niner's arm and pulled him quick towards the exit, "Catch you later, Con."

Connor's eyes softened as he watched Gavin walk away from him. He hated this. It hadn't even been twenty four hours and Gavin already acted as if they had been separated for months. It wasn't affecting Gavin like it was affecting Connor.

"I love you..." Connor whispered to himself as Gavin finally left his sight.

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