Loving the Homewrecker (BOOK...

By subversivej

1.5M 40K 21.8K

in which the middle aged businessman has revealed his feelings for the homewrecker, and they're living happil... More

HI GUYS (again)!


24.2K 726 165
By subversivej


Santiago and I had been setting our alarms an hour early.


So we could have our morning cuddle time, our time for morning makeouts without people disturbing us.

I wondered if marriage was going to be like this, if we wouldn't be able to take our hands off of eachother, if we had to constantly be touching.

If it was like that, I wouldn't be upset.

"Hey, we're getting married," I whispered, biting down on my bottom lip as I giggled, my lips pressed against his ear.

"Hey, I know," he whispered back, "I can't fucking wait."

I smiled and braced my hands on his abdomen, flipping my hair over my shoulder as I unbuttoned his baby blue button up shirt I'd worn to bed.

His clothes were always far more comfortable than my own.

He grasped my thighs, smiling up at me. His eyes slowly trailed down my body, my body that was getting more and more uncovered with every second, every button that was undone.

I slipped the shirt off of my shoulders and his eyes centered in on my black lace lingerie set, making me smile. "I went shopping."

"I can see that," he said, trailing his hands up my back.

I smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips. He threaded his fingers through my hair, his fingertips slightly grazing my bra strap.

It fell off of one shoulder, making me lean up again. He grabbed my left hand and pressed a kiss to every fingertip, his eyes centering in on my ring. A small grin formed on his face, his lips pressed against my ring finger's tip.

"I did good, didn't I?" He asked, making me giggle.

I nodded, smiling as I looked down at the blinding ring. "Yeah, you did."

He sat up and I just wrapped an arm around his neck, grinning at him.

I couldn't stop smiling.

"Let's open the curtains. It looks like it's a pretty day."

I nodded and crawled off of his lap, walking over to the window. I pulled the curtains open, my eyes lighting up at the sight of snow covering the ground.

"It snowed," I said, a wide smile on my face.

He held his phone up to me, revealing a picture of me in front of the window in my underwear and brazier.

"Santiago," I said, slapping his shoulder.

"Photo op," he said, "new lock screen."

I just plopped down on his lap and smiled, wrapping an arm around his neck. "Did you even see the snow?"

"Yeah, I can see it in the picture," he said, zooming in, his eyebrows raising at the sight of my derrière on full view.

I just giggled against his cheek. "My ring," I said, "you can see it."

"I know," he said, "the sun is bouncing off of it."

"I love it," I whispered against his neck.

"I think," he began, grabbing my left hand.

My eyes lit up. Was he going to suggest we told everyone about our engagement today?


"We should be out in the snow all day today," he said.

I just smiled, nodding slowly. "Yeah, I agree."

"And we should also treat ourselves to a very nice dinner, Aspen is the place for it," he said, pressing a kiss to my cheek before standing up.

I just sighed. When were we going to tell everyone?



"It's cold as shit out there," Toni said, pulling his earmuffs off.

"You're welcome for letting you borrow those," Mom said, a hand on his shoulder as she smiled at him.

Asad and I had been laughing at him for a solid two hours, and we still couldn't stop.

"If I have to tell you two again that I have sensitive ears, I'm going to lose my shit," he said, giving Mom's earmuffs back to her.

"We get it," Asad said, "you have sensitive ears."

"My lips are chapped," Jo said, "how am I going to kiss girls?"

Adora just grinned over at him, her eyebrows raising as she looked at me.

"You're not gonna," Mom said, "you're going to stay my babies."

"Abuelo, didn't you lose your v-"

"Hey, how about we fix some lunch?" Dad asked, shooting the boys wide smiles.

I just chuckled and peeled off the layers of clothes I had on.

"How many layers did you put on?" Toni asked.

"It was cold."

"Earmuffs help, just saying," he said.

I pulled off my jacket and was left in a black t-shirt, Adora's eyebrows shooting up.

She walked into the kitchen, stopping by me on her way.

"The fact that I get to spend my life with all that," she whispered, giving my backside a playful slap with a wide grin on her face.

I just watched as she walked over to the counter, a grin on her face as she took a sip of her water.

"What does everyone want for lunch?" Dad asked.

"I think we should go out for lunch," Fred suggested.

"I agree," Jo said, nodding as he pulled his gloves off, "Dad, my gloves don't even fit anymore."

"Big hands is a good sign," Toni said, nudging his arm.

"Inappropriate," Alessandra said.

"It's true, though," Mateo muttered, shrugging.

"I bet you're packing," Toni said.

"The ladies are exiting the room," Alessandra said, making Adora giggle as she grabbed her arm.

"They're acting like they haven't ever heard about a dick before," Toni muttered, rolling his eyes.

"She knows I'm packing, that's why," Mateo said, shooting him a grin.

"What the hell, Mat!" Asad said, a hand on his shoulder, "who knew you were so fucking bold."

I just laughed, looking over at him. "You'd be surprised."

"Speaking of being surprised," Asad said, "I mean, you two were already annoyingly cute, but you and Adora have been radiating love and affection recently."

"Well," I said, "considering what happened, is that really a surprise?"

"But it's different," Toni said, "even I've noticed it. You two can't keep your hands off of eachother. At least you could be separated for thirty minutes a week ago, now you can't. What's up with you two?"

"Nothing," I said, chuckling, "is there something wrong with treating her right?"

Asad just shrugged, a wide smile on his face. "I think we're all trying to ask the same question."

"What?" I asked, furrowed brows.

"Have you thought about seriously finalizing things?" He asked, "you know, popping the question?"

I just furrowed my brows together. It was kind of a smack in the face, no one had asked me that. Definitely not since we'd been engaged.

"Yeah, have you?" Dad asked, looking over at me with an eyebrow cocked up.

I just looked over at him, the slightest of a confused look crossing my face.

I knew good and well that he'd caught on.



"You look so good," I whispered, gliding my hand up Santiago's leg.

He just looked over at me, eyebrow raised, lips pulled up into a contagious grin.

"I can't wait to get you alone tonight," I whispered, giggling mid-sentence.

"Are we switching roles?" He asked, chuckling as he looked down at me.

We were currently waiting on our table at the restaurant we'd chosen. It was a nice restaurant, so we were all dressed in super formal attire. Santiago of course had chosen to look the best out of anyone, clad in all black.

He wore that best.

"Hey, can we go talk over there?" He asked, nodding towards the door.

I furrowed my brows together and stood up, nodding. "Yeah, let's go."

He led me over to the door and leaned against the wall next to it, making sure no one was in hearing distance.

"Dad's catching on," he said, "and the guys, they asked me today if I thought about proposing, and I didn't know how to respond. If that didn't give it away, I don't know what will."

"What are you saying?" I asked, shaking my head as I looked up at him.

"I'm saying," he began, grabbing my hands, "I think we should tell them tonight."

My eyebrows shot up and I just let out a laugh, looking up at him.

"Does that not sound o-"

"No," I said, shaking my head, "no, I wanted you to say that this morning."

I just smiled and rested my hands against his abdomen, making him sigh and press his lips against the back of my hand. "Thank God."

"Yes, let's tell them," I said, smiling up at him.

"Okay," he said, "it's a plan."

He grabbed my hand and we walked back over to the benches, making me smile.

They were finally going to know.

"Right this way," the hostess said, shooting Santiago a wide smile.

We followed her to our table, sitting down after we all found our spots. Santiago was seated in front of me, Luciana beside me, Val beside Santiago.

A few minutes into dinner we were all laughing and happy, enjoying life.

"I, uh, I kinda have an announcement," Santiago said, shooting everyone his award winning smile.

I couldn't help but to grin from ear to ear, but my grin was wiped off of my face as soon as our server came to our table.

"Finally," Toni said, "I'm starving, I was wondering when the bread would get here."

Santiago just pursed his lips together and leaned back in his chair, his hand over his mouth as he looked at me.

"Another time," I said, nodding.

A few more minutes into dinner and we were still cutting up, currently listening to stories that the boys were telling.

"Santy, what was that announcement?" Luciana asked, a wide smile on her face.

"Right," he said, leaning up, "wow, this is weird-"

And yet again, he was interrupted by the server again, who topped off his glass of wine.

"Maybe you're just not meant to make this announcement tonight," Luciana said, giggling as she reached across the table to rub Santiago's forearm.

"Yeah, guess not," he said, chuckling as he took a sip of his wine.

I guess everyone wouldn't know tonight.



surprise update (not rlly tho since I posted ab it on my board lmfao)

But I HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! I loved it so much, even tho Santy didn't get to announce their engagement

omg guys.. next chapter is chapter 50... which means the last chapter...

THIS BOOK HAS SERIOUSLY SEEMED TO FLY BY DEFINITELY RECENTLY!! I'm so excited for the next one though,, you guys don't even understand!!!!

I hope u guys have enjoyed this book/journey as much as I have because it's ACTUALLY why I wake up in the morning times, JUST TO WRITE FOR U GUYS. otherwise I'd sleep all day

I love love love u guys so much! and I'm so ready to start this new journey with you guys 😊 I hope ur excited!


ok. our parents, whom we love dearly

she's so beautiful wow

he's so beautiful wow


THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THE LAST 😭 stay tuned!! goodness I'm so happy this book has been successful even after getting deleted once... ily so much smmmmmm


ok I'm going now bye

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