Not So Different | Connor x G...

By GoldenEnderFox

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(Established Relationship) It's been almost five months since the peaceful protest had occured. Androids now... More

Chapter 1: One Month Anniversary
Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis
Chapter 3: Last Chances
Chapter 4: Triggers
Chapter 5: Bed Sharing, Old Texts
Chapter 6: Despacito
Chapter 7: Stress Levels Rising
Chapter 8: Confrontations on the Street
Chapter 9: The Good Days
Chapter 10: Return to Me
Chapter 11: Gavin's Hatred Bubbles
Chapter 12: All in the Past
Chapter 14 *SMUT*: Let Me Love You
Chapter 15: Jericho
Chapter 16: Insecurities
Chapter 17: Get Through This
Chapter 18 *BRIEF SMUT*: Everything Will Be Alright
Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz
Chapter 20: "Dogsitting"
Chapter 21 *SMUT*: Broken Ties
Chapter 22: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 23: Fawkes in the Club
Chapter 24: Affection
Chapter 25: Brotherly Reunion
Chapter 26: Don't Go...
Chapter 27 *SMUT*: One More Night
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 29: New Partners
Chapter 30: Young Love
Chapter 31: The Wrong Path
Chapter 32: Abused
Chapter 33: Opposites Attract
Chapter 34: It's You
Chapter 35: Cheating
Chapter 36: Cyclothymia
Chapter 37: Investigaton
Chapter 38: Best Friends
Chapter 39: Clear My Mind
Chapter 40: I Think I Wanna Marry You
Chapter 41: Together Again
Chapter 42: Binary Talk
Chapter 43: Don't Deserve This
Chapter 44: Confusing Encounter
Chapter 45: Visual Defect
Chapter 46: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 47: Pull The Trigger
Chapter 48: The Best Detective
Chapter 49: Lara and Fawkes
Chapter 50: Gun Shots
Chapter 51: Dysfunctional Family
Chapter 52: Wounded
Chapter 53: Before the Storm

Chapter 13: Off Work Early

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By GoldenEnderFox

(Just a taste of what I was listening to whilst writing this damn chapter lmao - the Connor x Gavin feels have got me good)

"Hey, babe. Got you some coffee." Gavin said, placing the mug on the android's desk before he took a sip from his own.

Connor raised an eyebrow, "The amount of coffee you drink is concerning."

He just shrugged, "It's the only shit that tastes good to me."

"Thanks." Connor smiled as he picked up the mug, allowing the heat to fill the palm of his hand, his coolers were doing a good job to keep the temperature down.

Gavin leaned against Connor's desk, "So what's happening with this case?"

It had been two days since Connor had told Fowler that he refused to do the case despite him sorta making up with Gavin. That was one less thing he had to worry about.

"Not doing it. Told the Captain that I didn't want to do it with you so he took both of us off it and assigned two new Detectives to it. Gives us less to work to do."

"Smart thinking." Gavin nodded, downing half of his coffee.

Connor placed the mug back onto his desk before grabbing a handful of papers, "I have to get these to the Captain." he stood up and went to head towards Fowler's office.

He then felt Gavin's hand pat his ass on his way, "Couldn't help myself, dipshit." Gavin winked as Connor looked over his shoulder at him.

Connor smiled as he then looked back at his destination and headed for it. Walking up the stairs with caution as he gripped the papers tight.

Gavin's eyes then roamed over Connor's computer, looking at all the different files that were open. He narrowed his eyes as one particular file caught his eye, "What the fuck..." he muttered to himself as he looked at a photo of a familiar face, "Jamison Fawkes..." he said to himself before anger flooded through him.

(Anyone get the game reference? XD 'Jamison Fawkes' is just a name I've used from a game I play!)

He then stormed towards the Captain's office, slamming the door behind him as he entered, "What the fuck do you want, Reed?" Fowler asked, clearly annoyed.

"You let fucking Jamison Fawkes go?!"

"They did?" Connor asked with worry.

"Yes. We let him go with a fine."

Gavin grew more angry, "Why the fuck would you let an asshole like that on the streets?!"

"I let you go out onto the streets, don't I? Nothing different."

"There is a helluva lot of difference between me and that piece of shit! I wouldn't shoot an android out of cold blood!"

"You wouldn't?!" Fowler asked in shock.

"That asshole practically killed Connor... And you let him walk away."

"Careful, Reed. By the way you're sounding, you might make me think you care for Connor."

Gavin quickly shook his head as he placed his hands on Fowler's desk and leaned forward, "Why would I care for a piece of-" he bit his tongue, his head turned to look at Connor. Connor had a hint of sadness spreading across his face.


"Cat got your tongue, Reed?" Fowler glared at him.

He had to admit it.

It was now or never.

"Okay, fine! I care for Connor! I fuckin' love him to bits, okay? That's why I'm pissed that you let Fawkes go!" Gavin admitted as he glared back at Fowler.

Fowler was in complete shock. So was Connor.

"Wh-What?" Fowler asked in confusion.

"I. Love. Connor. Now can we get back to the issue at hand?!" Gavin exclaimed as he stepped back away from the desk and folded his arms, "That goddamn asshole could kill another innocent android. They're classed as people too, now."

Connor had his mouth hanging open as he eyes focused on Gavin.

Had he really just told the Captain that he loved him?

"Wait wait wait..." Fowler said, "You love an android?! The fuck has gotten into you, Reed?!"

"You got a problem with that? I don't see how it has anything to do with this fuckin' Fawkes issue!"

Fowler cleared his throat, "Yes. Of course. Look. Androids are still not completely equal to humans. If things were different I would have Fawkes behind bars for the rest of his life."

"He has assault Connor twice! One of those times resulted in his fuckin' death!"

"There's nothing I can do. It's out of my hands."

Gavin groaned and went to leave, "If I run into that prick again. I will kill him and say that it was in self-defence."

"You do that and then you are off the force, Reed. Don't do stupid shit that you will regret." Fowler warned.

Gavin cursed under his breath before opening the door and exiting the office.

Connor's eyes still followed him through the window.

"I see you and Detective Reed are getting along well." Fowler stated, making the android look at him.

"Y-Yes, Captain."

"So that's why you called off the case... Relationship issues. I'll tell ya... Never in my fuckin' wildest dreams would I have even began to think that Gavin would fall in love with an android."

Connor smiled, "It's still complicated."

"I'll let you go this time. But the next time I assign you two a case together... Don't let your personal issues get in the way."

"Of course, Captain. My apologies."

"Good. Now get the fuck outta here. I'm lettin' both you and Reed off early."

"Th-There's only two hours left of our shift, Captain. Are you sure that you wouldn't like us to stay?"

Fowler shook his head, "I don't want Reed showin' up in here giving me an earful again. So get outta here before I change my mind."

"You have my thanks, Captain."


"The fuck are you two off to?" Hank asked, walking towards them.

"Hank!" Connor smiled, "How did the case go?"

"Better than expected. Found a bunch of Red Ice at an apartment. We got a strong lead." his eyes then shifted to Gavin who was doing his jacket up, "Again. Where you two off to?"

"We got let off work early so we're just going for a walk."

"A walk, huh?"

"Yeah, old man. Got a problem with that?" Gavin glared.

Hank huffed before looking back at Connor, "I guess I can't stop you from going, can I?"

Connor shook his head, "No."

Gavin then grabbed Connor's hand and pulled him past Hank, "See you later, Lieutenant!" he called back.


"Where to, Con?" Gavin asked, starting up the car.

Connor shrugged, "You did say earlier that you needed to go and grab some essentials."

"I did say that." Gavin nodded as he pulled out of the parking lot. He then switched on the radio and made sure that the CD player was on.

Connor wondered why Gavin had an older car that allowed CDs to work. He said that you couldn't beat a classic car, all of the modern ones didn't appeal to him.

"Sucker for Bon Jovi. Guilty pleasure." Gavin winked.

The android analysed the song. You give love a bad name.

What a fitting song for our relationship... Connor thought.

"Not exactly the best song choice, I gotta say." Gavin chuckled nervously. He popped the CD out before tossing it onto the back seat. Thank god they were stuck in traffic... He reached into the compartment in the door and pulled out another CD before quickly putting it into the player, "Now this... Is better."

It was a bunch of cheesy love songs that Gavin had put together.

"I never thought that you would be the kind of person to listen to these types of songs, Gav."

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Con." he winked.

"...What's the problem? I don't know. Well maybe I'm in love, love, think about it, everytime I think about it, can't stop thinkin' bout it." Gavin smirked at Connor as the traffic started moving, his eyes moving back to the road, "How much longer will it take to cure this? Just to cure 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love, love, makes me wanna turn around and face me. But I don't know nothin' bout love."

Connor had listened to the words intently. After analysing, he knew that it was called Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows.

Connor smiled, "I... Enjoy this song."

"Knew you would." Gavin said.


A few more songs went by before Gavin exclaimed, "This. This is the good shit."

"Haven't Met You Yet." Connor said after analysing the music, "Michael Bublé."

"I'm not surprised. Not everything lasts. I've broken my heart so many times, I'd stopped keeping track. Talk myself in. I talk myself out. I get all worked up, then I let myself down..." Gavin sang quietly along to the tune.

The lyrics started to hit Connor hard as he analysed them further.

"...And I know someday that it'll all turn out. You'll make me work so we can work to work it out."

Connor liked the song. Mainly because he liked to think of him and Gavin working things out eventually so that they were both 100% okay with eachother.

"...And I know that we can be so amazing. And baby your love is gonna change me. And now I can see every possibility." Gavin continued, "And somehow I know that it'll all turn out. And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out."

As the song began to end, Connor spoke up. Something that had been on his mind throughout the whole car journey, "Back in Fowler's office..."

Gavin turned the music down as they pulled into a free parking space on the side of the road, "What about it?"

"You told him that you loved me. Won't that ruin your reputation?"

"Definitely." Gavin smirked, "But what can you do? Have to give up some shit if you wanna keep the good things in the life." he leaned forward to place his lips on the android's softly. He pulled away, his breath ghosting over Connor's mouth, "I can show you how much I love you when we go back to mine tonight." he winked.


Gavin nodded, "That's if you want to come over."

Connor bit his lip, "I... I suppose."



"You can't eat pure sugar, Gavin." Connor stated as Gavin threw a bag of sugar into the shopping cart.

"Who says?"

"People who work within the medical field, that's who."

Gavin shrugged, "It's not my fault the shit tastes good."

They continued walking through the convenient store, Gavin picking up random bits and bobs to eat. He wasn't really a meal person and more of a snack person.

"I question your eating habits." Connor said as Gavin threw about ten packs of Biscuits and ten large bags of Chips(/CRISPS. Just a lil Brit tryin to write an American style fic XD) into the cart.

"Shhhh..." Gavin put a finger to the android's lips, "Lemme have some fun." he smirked.

"Don't come crying to me when you have severe medical issues."


Gavin had introduced Connor to a number of songs on the back home.

Livin La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin.

I Want It That Way by Backstreet Boys.

Ooh Eeh Ooh Aah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang (Witch Doctor) - Connor found this song extremely weird but he found himself enjoying it as it went on.

Barbie Girl by Aqua. Wasn't the greatest thing Connor had ever seen Gavin sing before...

Gavin had also played fucking 'Despacito'. That damn song.

"...I kissed a boy and I liked it." Gavin sang, changing the lyrics as the song went along, "The taste of his cherry chapstick. I kissed a boy and I liked it. I hope his father don't mind it."

"That's too cheesy, Gavin." Connor stated with a smile.

Gavin winked, "I know." he said as he pulled up just outside his house. He exited the car, "God, when did it get so dark? What time is it?"

"It is exactly 9:54pm." Connor said, appearing by his side to open the back door of the car. He proceeded to grab multiple bags of groceries. Gavin picked up the latter, kicking his car door shut and locking it.

Once they were inside the house, they placed the food on the dining room table.

"Want a drink?" Gavin asked, putting some of the food away into the cupboards and fridge.

"Erm..." Connor started, "Alcohol?"

"You wanna try some more?" Gavin asked, "You're my kinda person, Con."

After finishing putting all the food away in their rightful places, Gavin reached for two bottles of beer out the back of the fridge before heading over to the couch.

"Does your old man know where you are?" Gavin asked as Connor began to cautiously drink.

He nodded, "Texted him earlier. Told him the truth that I was staying with you tonight."

"Can imagine him freakin' out." Gavin chuckled, taking a long gulp of the beer. It burned his throat as he breathed, "Tastes fuckin' awful but the buzz is worth it."

Four beers each later...

"So... you didn't shoot her?" Gavin asked.

Connor shook his head, "No. Kamski wanted to test my emotions. So I guess you could thank him for why I am like this today. I showed empathy."

"Guess I have got to thank that asshole." he scooted closer towards Connor, hand coming to rest on the android's thigh. Connor placed his own hand on top.

The mixture of Connor's hand on his and the alcohol that was coarsing throughout his body triggered the man's arousal.

He sub-consciously licked his lips before placing the now empty bottle of alcohol onto the coffee table. He leaned into Connor's neck and pressed his lips against the artificial skin, teeth nipping every so often.

Connor groaned as he felt an uncomfortable strain in his lower regions. A heat started to pool in the android's gut as Gavin moved to straddle his legs, knees resting on the couch and his mouth now attacking Connor's throat.

"I-Is this what you meant when you said that you would show me how much you love me?"

Gavin nodded, moving his lips up to Connor's, "Think of it as make up sex." Gavin groaned against his mouth, tongue slipping inside.

Connor had a feeling he was going to enjoy this.

(You know what's next... Don't make me say it...)

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