Kill and Run | MYG x Reader ✓

By mohogirl

436K 16.9K 8.6K

❝Shoot me, I dare you to.❞ [COMPLETED] More



29K 897 325
By mohogirl

"God, I hate stairs." You groaned to yourself, finally reaching to the very top of the staircase of the hotel. You scanned your eyes to look around at your surroundings, ensuring that no one is in the area. You waved a hand passed your ear, hearing a tiny beep, alerting you that it was on.

"Krystal is the area clear?" You whispered out, taking slow steps to the destination 2 blocks down. You heard another small beep before it brought you to the right line.

"Crystal."  You heard her laugh to herself from the other side of the line. You groaned after hearing her joke before sliding closer to the wall to keep yourself out of the crowd.

"This isn't the time to-" Your sentence was cut off by the sound of Krystal quickly typing in something before alerting you with a worried voice.

"Don't panic. But you're not going to be alone in that room."  Your brows furrowed in confusion. No one else should've been in the upstairs area based on your research from the file.

"Can you get more information on the person?" You asked, turning the corner as you saw the designated room down the hall.

"I can't find much information on them. They've kept their identity hidden, so I can't pinpoint anything. Proceed with caution." Krystal groaned in frustration, typing aggressively into the keyboard as she attempts to hack into more cameras to get a better identity on who it was. You nodded, sliding down a mask and slipping on the hood of your cloak before proceeding forward to the room. Continuing down the hall, all you could hear was the sound of your heels clicking on the hard, tile floor. You now face the front of the door, inhaling a deep breath in before holding onto the handle. 

"I'm going in." Twisting the knob open, you slowly creaked it open, peeking in through the crack to survey the room. 

"Be careful Y/N."  You heard Krystal warn in your ear. You gave a firm nod before opening the door further. Slipping inside the room, you were met with the grand display of the emerald jewel inside of a glass cover. You felt a rush of relief, thankful that this was the right room. You walked closer to the display, glancing your eyes around to ensure there were no traps. 

This seemed almost too easy.

"Looks like they were right after all." A voice chuckled from behind. You stopped walking, slowly turning around to see another figure. You observed his figure, noticing that he wasn't as tall, but he was much taller than you in your heels. He had jet black hair, along with a gold mask that covered his face. Scanning your eyes over his body, you saw that he had on a deep red coloured suit. Moving your eyes further down, you observed a faint outline showing through at the ankle of his pants. The man tilted his head, taking a step closer.

"What are you doing in here?" You didn't say anything, only taking a step backward away from him. He continued to walk forward towards you as you continued to walk backward until you felt the glass display touching your back. You could sense the man smiling underneath his mask as he slowly raised a hand up to your face to gently grip onto your chin.

"A silent one huh?" He hummed out lowly to you. You could feel his soft fingers beginning to trace the outline of your jaw in a teasing manner.

"Let's see who you really are." He whispered out, attempting to slide a finger underneath your mask.

"Don't let him catch your identity." You heard Krystal warn in your ear. You didn't need to be told twice as you quickly brought an arm up to block his, kicking up a leg to push him back. The man slightly stumbled back by the kick of your leg, chuckling to himself as he regained his balance while straightening his back. 

"You're a feisty one. I like that." He chuckled out, now beginning to walk forward towards you. You moved away to run behind the display case, only to feel him closing in right behind. Deeming it too late to run, you turned around as you knew your only option was to fight. 

"Y/N, try to remove his mask so I can see who it is." You gave a slight nod as you strategically threw a punch in the direction of his face, in hopes that it'll land on his mask. However, he was quick enough to catch on and twisted his body to dodge your attack, surprising you in the process as he reached from underneath to grab onto your cloak, pulling it off of your body. With your cloak now in his hand, he scanned his eyes over your body, slowly licking his lips as he saw how your long red dress was hugging your curves nicely. 

"My eyes are up here." You spoke out, pulling your long hair out of your bun before kicking off your heels as you began to charge towards the man.

"What-" He was cut off as you pushed him to the ground, your body on top of his as you kept his arms shut to the side with your knees squeezing in him tightly. 

"Nice one Y/N! Now's your chance to remove his mask!" You reached your hand forward, slowly moving it to grip onto his mask. You felt his body squirming around underneath you, struggling to remove himself. 

"Nice try, but you're mine now." You teased, finally getting a grip on his mask. 

"That's what you think." Before you could comprehend his words, you suddenly felt his hand slip out as he reached up to grip onto yours, pulling your arm back to avoid touching his mask. You then felt him thrusting his hip upwards, surprising you in the process as he managed to switch up the positions with him now on top of you. You stared up in shock as you watched the man reach down to the bottom of his pants while slipping a hand underneath the fabric before pulling out a gun. He locked the gun before holding it right beside the temple of your head.

"I don't want to shoot a beautiful woman like you, but what are you doing in here." He asked in a stern voice, his body keeping yours locked in place as he waited for an answer. You remained calm, simply laying there as you watched him keep the gun placed to your head.

"No reason." You replied, keeping your voice as clear and stable as you could. You couldn't let him think he has won over you just yet.

"I doubt that sweetie. Now tell me the real reason you're here or else I won't hesitate to shoot." He warned, his eyes never leaving yours through the mask.

"I'm pretty sure we both know why." You tilted your head up to the display, your eyes glancing up at the jewel.

"Countdown in 50 Seconds." You heard Krystal say before she began typing. You smiled to yourself, inhaling one last breath of air before you managed to roll him off of you as you quickly stood up to your feet. 

"God you never give up do you." The man groaned as he rose to his feet as well. 

"I have to admit," You paused, pulling a gun out from the back of your dress. 

"You're one of the more challenging opponents I've faced." You chuckled, clicking the gun in place before targetting it straight at the man. The man let out a smile under his mask before pointing his gun straight at you in return. 

"To you as well." Just as he was about to pull the trigger, you moved your arm the very last second to shoot at the glass display, shattering it into pieces. This took the man by surprise as he hurried to move away from the flying glass.

"10 more seconds Y/N." You hurried to run to the display, grabbing the jewel before running straight into the hall.

"HEY-" You heard the voice call out to you. You glanced back, seeing the man already running at full speed behind you.

"Shit." You cursed under your breath, turning to run into the nearest room.

"We've got your location Y/N keep going!" Krystal said into your earpiece. You sighed out a breath of relief as you hurried straight to the glass door that led off to the balcony. 

"STOP RIGHT THERE." You ducked as you heard the sound of a gunshot, shattering the glass door in the process. You quickly stood back up and began running out to the balcony, smiling as you saw your helicopter ride waiting for you with a hanging latter.

"THANKS!" You shouted out to him, jumping out and hanging onto the latter just as he was about to grab your arm. You hung onto the latter as the helicopter took you all away, watching as the man stood there on the balcony with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"She's good." The man chuckled to himself before turning back inside, knowing he was going to get into a lot of trouble later.

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