Not So Different | Connor x G...

By GoldenEnderFox

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(Established Relationship) It's been almost five months since the peaceful protest had occured. Androids now... More

Chapter 2: Texting with Emojis
Chapter 3: Last Chances
Chapter 4: Triggers
Chapter 5: Bed Sharing, Old Texts
Chapter 6: Despacito
Chapter 7: Stress Levels Rising
Chapter 8: Confrontations on the Street
Chapter 9: The Good Days
Chapter 10: Return to Me
Chapter 11: Gavin's Hatred Bubbles
Chapter 12: All in the Past
Chapter 13: Off Work Early
Chapter 14 *SMUT*: Let Me Love You
Chapter 15: Jericho
Chapter 16: Insecurities
Chapter 17: Get Through This
Chapter 18 *BRIEF SMUT*: Everything Will Be Alright
Chapter 19: Drunken Buzz
Chapter 20: "Dogsitting"
Chapter 21 *SMUT*: Broken Ties
Chapter 22: Caught in the Crossfire
Chapter 23: Fawkes in the Club
Chapter 24: Affection
Chapter 25: Brotherly Reunion
Chapter 26: Don't Go...
Chapter 27 *SMUT*: One More Night
Chapter 28: Broken
Chapter 29: New Partners
Chapter 30: Young Love
Chapter 31: The Wrong Path
Chapter 32: Abused
Chapter 33: Opposites Attract
Chapter 34: It's You
Chapter 35: Cheating
Chapter 36: Cyclothymia
Chapter 37: Investigaton
Chapter 38: Best Friends
Chapter 39: Clear My Mind
Chapter 40: I Think I Wanna Marry You
Chapter 41: Together Again
Chapter 42: Binary Talk
Chapter 43: Don't Deserve This
Chapter 44: Confusing Encounter
Chapter 45: Visual Defect
Chapter 46: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 47: Pull The Trigger
Chapter 48: The Best Detective
Chapter 49: Lara and Fawkes
Chapter 50: Gun Shots
Chapter 51: Dysfunctional Family
Chapter 52: Wounded
Chapter 53: Before the Storm

Chapter 1: One Month Anniversary

6.2K 137 453
By GoldenEnderFox

( Connor x Gavin | Just My Type ^ Video Above )

I TRIED to make Gavin as in character as possible. I think I might have failed. Enjoy!

The first day Connor had returned to work Gavin gave him shit. He called him plastic over and over again. He called him a dipshit, just a machine, etc etc.

That was before he realised that the android actually had emotions.

Connor had stood up for himself after the 93rd insult (yes he has been counting). Hank had also been at his side giving Gavin an earfull, threatening to kick the shit out of him if he were to talk to Connor like that again.

Gavin was in shock. In shock over the fact that the android actually felt hurt. He didn't even know that was possible.

Over the next few days he felt like an asshole. Sure, he still threw a few minor insults here and there but... he still felt fucking awful.

He felt confused.

What was happening inside of him and why did his heart seem to stop working whenever Connor showed any hint of emotion around him.


Now four months later... He knew the answer as to why his heart seemed to stop.

"Hey, dipshit." Gavin smirked towards Connor, "Bring me a coffee."

Connor raised his eyebrow at him, "Bring me a coffee....." he waited.

"You're really gonna make me say it, aren't ya?" Gavin questioned with a groan.

Connor nodded, "Yes."

He looked around the precinct to make sure nobody was listening, "Bring me a coffee... Please." The android smiled and nodded before he slipped past Gavin and headed towards the break room.

Gavin smiled to himself as he watched Connor walk away, "Fuckin' androids..."

A few moments later, the Detective decided to join Connor in the break room, "So I was thinking..." he said once he entered.

Connor was leaning against the counter, coffee machine already whirring away, "'Thinking'?" he questioned, "You need a brain to be able think, Gavin."

Gavin was about to make a whitty remark about Connor not having an actual brain himself, but he refrained, "Ha ha, very funny, asshole." he took a few steps towards the android, "But seriously..." Gavin placed his hands on either side of Connor on the counter, effectively blocking him in, "My place. Tonight. What do ya say?"

The android tilted his head at him, "How would we solve our recent cases at your house, Detective? It might be best for me to stay here at the station-"

"Cases aside, Connor." he hushed him, "And I've told you before... Call me Gavin. Not Detective. Not Reed."

With a nod, Connor smiled, "Of course, Gavin."

One of Gavin's hands came up to Connor's jaw while his other remained on the countertop, "Look, I know androids don't need to eat. But-"

"But you want me to come and intake sustenance despite me not actually requiring it." Connor finished.

"Something along those lines.... I think?" Gavin replied, not really understanding what the fuck the android had just said.

Even after he became a Deviant... Connor was still so 'android-y' - as Gavin would put it. But he didn't mind too much.

That's what made Connor so unique.

Connor's LED flashed yellow before asking, "Why would you want me to come over and have food, Gavin? Especially if there is no need for me to eat-"

"Because... That's what people like us do." Wow. Okay. Four months ago there was no way in hell he would ever consider Connor as a person. But now...

"People like us?"

God, he was so clueless.

"Please tell me you're fucking messin' with me, Connor..."

Connor's confused face soon formed into a smirk, Gavin then moved his hand away from the android's jaw and placed it back on the counter. The coffee machine then stopped its whirring, "Coffee's done." Connor stated before breaking free from Gavin's clutches.

"Fuckin' hell..." Gavin muttered, "Who knew that being in a relationship with a damn android was going to be so complicated. Only one month of this shit and I'm already stressed." he ran a hand over his face.

"Coffee." Connor announced, two mugs of coffee in his hands. He offered one to Gavin.

Gavin mumbled a, "Thanks." before beginning to drink, taking a seat nearby. Connor took the seat next to his and began to drink from his own mug, "Hey. What happened to androids not needing to intake 'sustenance'."

Connor just shrugged, "I don't necessarily need it. But I can have it. And besides, coffee is... interesting."

They drank in a comfortable silence.

It then hit Gavin that he had practically just pinned Connor to the counter... At WORK. Where anybody could have seen them.

Oh god, he would never hear the end of it. The famous android hater becoming the famous android lover.

Hank would probably kill him for getting too close to Connor.

Gavin would love to clearly show that Connor was his and he would kick the ass of anyone who tried to take him away but... It would definitely ruin his reputation of being the biggest asshole at the station.

Connor would like Gavin to be more public about the whole 'relationship' business. But he didn't really care too much. He was obviously new to the whole situation anyways and he was still learning what people who were 'together' did. Connor had almost spilled the news to Hank about being with Gavin a few days ago. But Gavin was there to calm the situation.

"So..." Connor said, "Your place tonight?"

Gavin nodded, "Show up whenever. I would drive you over but I gotta go to work on a case down at the Eden Club and then I'm goin' straight home."

"Would 8:57 be good enough?"

"8:57?" Gavin questioned, "The fuck are you bein' so specific for?"

"My apologies. By my calculations I will not be finished work until 8:11pm. The walk would be 46 minutes long, that is taking into account that there will be no interruptions."

"You're walkin'? Can't Anderson drive you?"

He shook his head, "Not unless you want Hank to know about us." he winked, "I don't mind the walk anyways. Gives me time to clear unnecessary memories from my banks. And do a self-test on my systems."

All of this android talk would have made Gavin punch the shit out of him a few months ago. Now, he was intrigued to find out more.

It had been exactly one month since they started being a thing. Both of them had agreed on no gifts unless the relationship lasts at least one year.

By Connor's calculations, the relationship should last well over a year as long as there were no interruptions.

Gavin was definitely skeptical about the whole relationship thing. His past ones haven't exactly gone too well. His last relationship playing a huge part in why Gavin had hated androids. 

Gavin leaned forwards to place a kiss on the corner of Connor's mouth, "Thanks for the coffee, plastic." he joked. Connor rolled his eyes as him as a smile graced his lips.

All of the insults that Gavin used to throw have slowly formed into nicknames for Connor. And Connor had grown accustomed to them.

The Detective looked at his surroundings. 100% confirming that there was nobody that could possibly see them. Once Gavin was certain, he turned to look back at Connor and almost forcefully pressed his lips against the android's.

Once Gavin pulled away he patted Connor's cheek, "Good talk." he then stood from his seat and took the two empty coffee mugs to the sink before tossing them in. As he was about to leave the break room he asked for confirmation, "8:57?"

"8:57." Connor nodded, still dumbfounded by the amount of affection Gavin had just shown. He was never like this at work.

Gavin turned to leave but bumped right into Hank, "Lieutenant." Gavin glared at him.

"Reed." Hank began, "The hell are you doing near Connor, huh?" he then looked at the android, "He givin' you shit?" he asked Connor.

Connor quickly replied before standing from his chair, "Of course not, Lieutenant. We were just having a chat."

"A chat?" Hank questioned, "The 'chats' you two have always end up in Gavin either punching the shit out of you. Or making a smartass comment that is against androids."

"I have done nothing of the sort, Lieutenant." Gavin said with a smirk, "Now... I'm going to the Eden Club. Call me if you need anything. I probably won't pick up. Just to warn ya." he pushed past Hank and headed to the exit.

Hank looked at Connor as he passed by him and headed towards his desk. Once Connor sat down, Hank decided to follow and sit down at his desk across from him, "So... What were you and Reed talkin' about?"

Connor's LED briefly went yellow before returning to blue, "Just Gavin being Gavin."

The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow at him, "Where er... Where are you goin' later then? With Gavin at 8:57?" he was used to Connor being so specific like that.

Connor stayed silent momentarily, "I'm going to his place... To talk about a erm... a case."

Hank's protective side kicked in, "You're going to that asshole's house?! Connor. That's basically suicide when it comes to Gavin!"

"I can assure you, Lieutenant. I will be fine. By my calculations: I am 99.99% certain that Gavin won't hurt me."

Hank had noticed that Connor had been calling him 'Gavin'. No long 'Detective' or 'Reed'. Just 'Gavin'. It was very suspicious.

"As long as your certain." Hank muttered, "But please... Call me if he tries anything that you don't like, got it?"

"Got it." Connor smiled in reassurance.



Connor was exactly one minute away from his destination.

Well... This feeling was certainly new. 

He went through his memory to try and figure out what was happening to him. His systems were overheating which were causing his sensory components to falter.


He was nervous.

About what? About going to Gavin's house late at night and actually getting to be completely alone with him with no distractions?

Yes. Definitely that.

He made sure that his cooling system was on a high setting before knocking on Gavin's door. Moments later, the Detective opened it up for him, "8:57. You weren't lying." Gavin smirked.

"I apologise for not changing." Connor said as Gavin allowed him in.

"It's not like you change your attire anyways, Connor. I've not changed since I got back from the Eden Club either. So don't worry about it." he then noticed that Connor's LED was flickering between yellow and red.

"Nice place you have here." Connor stated, taking a step into the sitting room. It was relatively clean, unlike Connor had imagined.

Now that Gavin was certain that he was alone with Connor, he could let his walls come down. He could actually show Connor affection properly. He grabbed onto Connor's hand and lead him to the couch to sit down, "Is everything all right, Connor?" he asked, eyeing the android's LED.

Connor avoided eye contact before nodding, "Y-Yes. O-Of course, Gavin. I'm perfectly fine. Systems are all okay."

"No, Connor. Not your systems. You." he said, "Are you okay?"

"I er-" Connor paused, "My stress levels are rising significantly."

Gavin thought back to that day when he first saw Connor interrogate a deviant. Connor had mentioned the stress and an android became too stressed they would self-destruct.

He always hated thinking about that day. He coulda shot him.

"You're not... You're not going to self-destruct on me are you?"

"Of course not. I will... try to calm my systems down."

Gavin nodded, "Considering you're an android... I assumed that you haven't exactly tried anything food related. So I decided to order in, if that's all good with you."

"That's fine, Gavin." Connor smiled, "Thank you."

Gavin fuckin' hated that smile. It made him weak on the inside.

"Food should be here in about half hour." he said, leaning back into the couch and switching the TV on - soon choosing just to leave the news playing.

Connor glanced at Gavin as he himself leaned back into the couch. Gavin smiled before opening his arms, beckoning him to come closer, "Come 'ere, dipshit."

Connor slowly shuffled until he was seated directly next to Gavin, legs touching. Gavin then put his arms around him and cuddled into his side, Connor soon allowed his head to rest on Gavin's shoulder.

Okay... Connor had not been this physically close to Gavin before. The only times that Connor has seen Gavin is at work and he was hardly affectionate towards him.

He liked it. He kind of wishes that he had come to Gavin's house sooner if it meant he would get to feel what true affection is.

The android slipped his own arms around Gavin's waist which caught Gavin slightly off guard.

"Fuckin' hell. When did you get so clingy?" Gavin questioned.

"My apologies." Connor said starting to pull away but he was quickly pulled back in by the Detective. Lips finding his.

As Gavin pulled away, he saw that Connor's LED was a flashing red, "Clingy is not a bad thing, Connor." he smirked, going back to cuddling the android.

It was silent between the two as they focused on the news on the TV. There was an interviewer talking to the one and only Markus about the android revolution.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Gavin?"

"Ask away."

Connor pulled away slightly and looked into Gavin's eyes, "Why do you hate androids so much?"

"Correction. I can't hate them when I love one of them so much." he winked.

The android tried to fight the smile that was creeping onto his face, "Okaaay... Why did you hate androids so much?"

"You really wanna know?" Gavin asked, removing his arms from Connor and decided to place a hand on the android's thigh instead.

"If it's not too much of a bother. Yes." he placed his own hand over Gavin's.

The man let out a sigh, interlacing his fingers with Connor's, "I..." he hesitated, "Ah, fuck. Why is it so hard to talk to you about personal shit like this?"

This time it was Connor's turn to lean forward and place a chaste kiss on the Detective's lips, "Take it easy." he calmed him. Gavin was shocked at his forwardness.

"All right. All right." he let out a sigh, "I was with a girl. Lovely one. She was the daughter of one of Hank's old friends. We were..." he paused, "Hang on. Are you comfortable with me talkin' about one of my exes?"

He nodded, "Yes."

"You sure? I don't wanna upset you or anything like that."

"I'm positive, Gavin." he smiled.

That smile again. Fucking hell.

And that soothing voice too... Connor was definitely going to be the end of him. Never in his life would he have even imagined that he would be with an android. In a somewhat intimate relationship... with a damn android.

He cleared his throat, "We were together for over a year and... I thought it was going great. We were happy. At least I thought she was. A few days before you showed up to the station with your pretty little face." he winked at him once again, "She broke it all off. Left me for a damn android. I thought it was stupid... 'Cause I thought androids didn't feel anything. So I started to fuckin' hate people like you."

Connor bit his lip and smirked at Gavin, "But not anymore, right?" the android leaned forward and kissed the bridge of Gavin's nose.

Connor wasn't normally the one to do things like this. So whenever Connor actually showed his affectionate side, Gavin was in shock.

"How could I hate my favourite android?"

"I'm highly certain that I am the only android you know - this instantly results in me becoming your favourite."

"Smartass." Gavin muttered.


The food had soon arrived.

Gavin had decided to go classic with a pizza. Connor better like it otherwise he would kick his ass.

They both leaned back into the couch, Gavin instantly began to eat whilst Connor scanned his slice, "Give it a try, Con."

Connor slowly moved the pizza to his mouth before taking a bite.

Gavin looked at him confused. Connor's jaw was still, "Okay. You're gonna need to chew it, dipshit." Connor did what he said, "Now swallow." again, Connor did what he said.

"Hmm." Connor said.

"What's the supposed to mean, huh?"

Connor nodded and smiled, "It's... Interesting."

"I give up with you." Gavin groaned, sinking further into the couch.

The android laughed, "I like it, Gavin. Trust me."

"Good." he smirked.

The pair continued to eat as they watched the news in silence. As time passed they had somehow managed to become a lot closer: Gavin's thighs were now across Connor's lap as Gavin's back rested against the arm rest of the couch.

The Detective folded his arms as he eyed the android, "I hope I wasn't too much of a dick to you back before you became deviant. You know... despite the whole 'me aiming a gun at you twice' situation."

"It's quite all right, Gavin. It didn't affect me too much at the time."

"So it did affect at least a little?" he asked, grabbing Connor's hand.

"Well, I didn't really understand the concept of 'emotion' back then. But yes, I knew that it bothered me in some sort of way."

Gavin chuckled, "You shoulda punched every time I insulted ya. Would've taught me a lesson."

"I think you're forgetting that I 'kicked your ass' back in the archives room-"

"Yeah, yeah. Just... Don't mention that to anyone."

"Whatever you say, Gav." he smiled.



Please. Stop.


Connor could get used to this though. Staying over at Gavin's in the evening and getting to know him even more. It was nice.

"Your heart beat has significantly rose, Gavin." Connor analysed, "Is everything okay?"

"Yep. Everything is just dandy." he said, trying to convince him.

The android smiled (he needs to stop), "I detect a lie, Mr Reed."

"Never ever call me that again." Gavin visibly cringed.

They remained in silence before Connor decided to place a hand on Gavin's knee, "Thank you for not hating androids anymore, Gavin."

"I blame you for that..." he muttered, "Fuckin' android..." he said before putting his hand on Connor's jaw and pulling him down into a heated kiss which Connor reciprocated.

Connor didn't even know how it happened. He was now suddenly on his back on the couch with Gavin hovering over him. Gavin's lips continued to attack Connor's as his hand ventured down the android's stomach.

Connor's hands soon decided to rest on Gavin's hips. He didn't really understand what was happening... All he knew was that he was thoroughly enjoying the situation he was in.

Gavin's hand soon found the zipper of Connor's trousers.

But just as he was about to undo them, a loud bang coming from the window caused Gavin to jump back.


"I... Am gonna kill your old man." Gavin assured.

Connor laughed, "If I don't see you do it. It's not illegal."

Gavin liked Connor's thinking.

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