Our Happy Ever After

By xoskth

3.9K 221 1.8K

One whole year has passed since the events in Las Vegas. The girls now dating the members of CNCO happy as ev... More

Characters :
New Characters:
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four

Thirty Six

51 2 43
By xoskth

* The Next Morning *

"Hey can I talk to you?" Joel knocked and opened Richard's room.

"Yeah come in what's up?" He entered and sat on the olders bed.

"I'm worried about christopher man"

"You? Worried about Christopher? Well that's a first"

"I'm serious.. he hasn't been eating for days now he's always locked in his room and only comes out when it's for work he looks so pale now and he won't even talk to anyone not even Zabdiel"


"Look I know he fucked up real bad I'm not going to defend him but dude he's our bandmate, our friend, our brother... I know you're disappointed in him but I also know you care about him we all do... just.... just try to talk to him... the rest of us tried already"

Richard knew he was right. He does care for all his bandmates including Christopher. He saw them all as his brothers. He had also noticed Christopher's odd behavior but brushed it off, but now hearing how the rest of the guys were also worried he knew he had to fo the right thing.


As soon as Sandra woke up she walked out to the kitchen and found Cristal making breakfast.

"Good morning sunshine" Cristal immediately greeted the older with a smile.

"Good morning" She smiled back.

"How are you feeling?"


Cristal knew that wasn't entirely true. She knew her best friend better than that. She knew that she was trying to stay strong she knew she was breaking inside.



"You know you can talk to me right?"

"I know... but I rather just not touch that subject yet.."

"I understand but just remember that I'm always here for you" Sandra nodded in response and then they heard a knock.

"I'll get it" Cristal went to open the door.


"Op.. Sandra it's for you"

"What?" Sandra looked up confused. "Tae?"

"Hey I...um... I wanted to see how you were doing"

"How did you know I was back?"

"I told him" Cristal responded. She noticed Tae gave her a "please go away" look and excused herself. "Anyway I have to go to the store for a few things I'll be back soon"

She immediately left the other two alone.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine..." She sat on the couch and he sat next to her.

"Sandra... I just want to apologize"

"For what?"

"Everything... I shouldn't had done what I did... I had no right to scream that out like that.. I was just so mad seeing how he was lying right to your face you... you don't deserve that.."

"You don't have to apologize tae.. you did nothing wrong.. I actually want to thank you.."

"What for?"

"For being honest with me.... for caring...for... for last night"

"W..w..what?" His eyes widen. "Y..y..you heard that? Wait! I thought you were sleeping?"

"I thought you were Cristal so I closed my eyes but then I heard your voice"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know... I guess listening to you was satisfying.."

"Oh god... you heard everything?" She nodded and slightly smiled remembering his words.

"I meant it"


"What I said last night... I really meant it"

She looked up at him meeting his eyes but then looked down.

"You have no idea how I felt when I saw you run out like that I felt horrible I wanted to run after you but namjoon didn't let me.. but after finding out you didn't return after a few days I regretted it so bad... I hate seeing you hurt... it hurts me too.."


"I really do wish you met me first... I wouldn't have treated you the way that.... the way he treated you..."


"You know how I feel about you... and I also know how you feel about me.."


"I wish it would be me you loved, but I know it's too soon and I know you're still hurting.. so all I ask for is at least your friendship..."

"I thought we were already friends?"

"You ended our friendship that day I got the date with you at the restaurant remember?" He smirked.

"You're unbelievable" They both laughed.


Zabdiel received a text from Ali asking him to meet her at the Vogue building. He found it odd how he was the only one she asked to meet. As soon as he arrived at the building he noticed she was no where in sight.

"Ali?" He called out for the blonde. "Ali ya estoy aquí"

"Zabdiel? Que haces aqui?" He turned to see to owner of the voice.

"Oh Sofia hola.. um estaba buscando a Ali no la as visto?"

"Ali? No no creo que este por aqui"

"Que raro me mando un mensaje que la viera aqui" He scratched the back of his head.

"Alomejor se equivocó... pero mira, now that you're here maybe you can help me"

"Umm.. with what?"

"We have a photoshoot in a few days and I still can't decide on which outfits to choose... but since you're here maybe I can try them on and tell your opinion on them?"

"I... I... umm... no se..."

"Please it won't take that long I promise yeah?"

Zabdiel hesitated at first, but Sofia managed to convince him. He sat down while she changed. He felt a little awkward since he barely knew her and he wondered why Ali texted him if she wasn't even here.

His thoughts were interrupted when Sofia came out. He gulped at the sight in front of him. She was wearing a white long sleeve dressy shirt with black shorts and black boots.

He couldn't help but check her out. She looked stunning.

"So what do to think about this one?" She asked while spinning around.

"Uh.. it.. umm.."

"Thanks" She chuckled and walked back into the dressing room. She changed a few more times and he was left speechless everytime. His hands begin sweating and he felt nervous he just wanted to leave.

"Hey um I think I should go"

"What? Already? But you haven't even helped me choose yet" She pouted.

"You look good in all of them"

"Really? You think so?"

"Uh.. yeah... um I better go"

"Wait!" She stopped him and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for letting me model for you" She bit her lip and Zabdiel felt like running full speed out of the building. "You're really nice Zabdiel I'd love to get to know you better"


"We should hang out sometime... I mean... if your girlfriend doesn't mind... she isn't the jealous type or is she?"


"Good" She smiled. "I guess I'll see you around then"


Richard was standing in front of Christopher's room. After a few minutes he finally knocked. No response. "Christopher?". No response. "Chris can we talk?". Still no response. He sighed and turned the door knob, it was surprisingly unlocked. He opened the door and saw the older laying down staring at nothing and looking really pale.


No response.

"Bro are you okay?"

No response.

"Chris, I just wanna talk"

Still no response.

"Alright, then just listen"


"Look I know it's been rough, but you can't keep doing this man.. You have to eat, you can't just lock yourself in your room forever, everyone is worried about you"


"You don't look so good... Fans are going to start noticing your change then they'll start worrying too... I... I also wanna apologize for being so harsh..."

"I deserved it.."

"Oh, so you do speak?"

"I deserved it all... I fucked everything up"

"You're human Chris... it's no excuse for what you did, but you're human and no human is perfect"

"What should I do?"

"Well, to begin with... you can get your ass up, shower, and go eat some breakfast."


"Okay look, ima be straight up. You cheated. You fucked up. She ain't gunna forgive you that easily, these things mess up people real bad... the best thing you can do right now is give her time... she needs time to think and heal"

"Yeah... I guess you're right..."


Cristal was on her way back to her apartment with some groceries. It turned out she need more than a few things. She was struggling with the bags.

"Do you need some help?" She looked up to see a familiar tall figure.

"Would you please?"

"I'll take these" He chuckled and took the bags from her. "You know if you're going to go grocery shopping for so many things you should probably take someone with you"

"I didn't want to bother Sandra"

"How is she doing by the way?"

"She says she's better, but you know... I know her better than that" He nodded in understanding.

"How about you?"

"What about me?"

"How are you doing?"

"Fine...I guess"

"I'm sorry you have to go through this... no girl deserves to be cheated on and no girl deserves to see their best friend go through it"

"Thanks Joon... I appreciate it" He smiled at the nickname.

"Anytime... by the way I've been meaning to ask you"

They both stopped in front on Cristal's apartment.


"Did you finish reading Beautiful Creatures?"

"I did actually" She smiled.

"What did you think?"

"I was very confused at first... but then it got addicting I'm not gunna lie I loved it, it was different from what I've read before.. It was... beautiful... thanks for recommending it to me"

"I'm glad you loved it" He smiled showing her his dimples. "If you ever need more recommendations you know where to find me"

"I'll keep that in mind" They both smiled and stared at eachother until the door opened.

Sandra: Cristal... Oh hey namjoon

Namjoon: Hey Sandra.. how are you?

Sandra: Fine thanks for asking

Namjoon: Well I was just helping Cristal carry the groceries... I'll go now

Sandra: Thanks for bringing her back safe to me

Namjoon: *laughs* Anytime

Tae: *walks from behind* Well I'll get going now

Namjoon: Taehyung? What are you doing here?

Tae: *gulps* I... I... umm..

Sandra: He came to see namjoon.. don't be so hard on him

Cristal: Lighten up he's our friend

Namjoon: We just don't want to create more problems

Sandra: Don't worry about it really... You, Tae and the rest of the guys are always welcomed *smiles*

Namjoon: Thank you *smiles* We'll get going now... bye

Tae: Bye *waves*

S&C: Byyyeee

Cristal walks to the kitchen and starts putting things away.


"Sooo what?"

"Namjoon walked you huh?"

"Yeah he saw me struggling so he offered"

"Uh huh yeah I bet he did"

"Why are you acting weird?"

"I'm not acting weird"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not.... I just noticed something..."

"Noticed what?"

"That namjoon is in love with you"

"SANDRA!!" She yelled at what she heard.

"What? It's true"

"Stop saying things like that it's not funny"

"I'm not joking, I see the way he looks at you and trust me he does not look at us that way"

"We're just friends and I'm with Richard"

"I know you have a boyfriend Cristal, I'm just letting you know... so you can be careful I don't want you to go through what I went through.."

"Don't worry... Namjoon is just really nice... but anyway tell me.. how did it go with Tae?"

"Great" She smiled.

"Omg you're smiling spill"

"Spill what?"

"What he said to make you smile like that"

"Nothing... we're just friends" She teased imitating the other.

"Ugh! You're so annoying"

"Glad I'm back huh?"

"Shut up and help me put this away"

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