Life's Requiem {Book 1}

By the_art_anthologist

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{BOOK 1 OF THE INFINITY CHRONICLES} A tale of one of the branched timelines born from the death of He Who Rem... More

Chapter 1: Alpha
Chapter 2: Majesty
Chapter 3: Fractals
Chapter 4: Revelation
Chapter 5: Severed
Chapter 6: Bifrost
Chapter 7: Legends
Chapter 8: Icebound
Chapter 10: Traveling
Chapter 11: Impressions
Chapter 12: Knotted
Chapter 13: Awakening
Chapter 14: Enlightenment
Chapter 15: Restrained
Chapter 16: Clandestine
Chapter 17: Ontogeny
Chapter 18: Duel
Chapter 19: Refuge
Chapter 20: Warfare
Chapter 21: Retribution
Chapter 22: Elysian
Chapter 23: Finifugal

Chapter 9: Reverie

189 14 8
By the_art_anthologist

Alfheim was beautiful; a welcome change from the ice-cold and empty realm of Jötunheim. Everywhere they looked there were trees full of leaves or colorful flowers, lush with fragrance. The grass covered the ground in a perfect shade of green. Fluttering butterflies seemed to float under the bright sky, not a cloud in sight.

This realm was a realm of life, radiating its beauty through the crystal rivers and flourishing plants. Animals were in abundance, little bunny rabbits hopping through the tall grass and the strange birds whooping their calls as they flew by. It was a paradise, a small taste of heaven.

"If I remember correctly, the kingdom lies just beyond this ridge." Thor told his companions, leading them down the dirt path that was invaded by some of the greenery.

"Let us hope they're welcoming." Loki muttered. "Not that they could harm us, but we need answers."

Jennica could feel the peace here, the prosperity, the beauty. "These people are blessed with such a beautiful world. I'm sure they would be virtuous enough towards us if they can care for nature this well." Keeping her hopes high seemed to be working well thus far.

"You are naive, aren't you?" Loki made sure she heard, but was indignant to her silence afterward.

Their small group traveled down the path that wound through the meadow, and the ridge sloped steep enough that they relied on each other to maintain balance. Loki only accepted the help when he had stumbled a few times, undignified, and resorted in breaking Jennica's falls to redeem himself.

Her knees were scuffed and the skirt she wore was tearing where she had fallen, but Jennica wore a brave face as if scuffs were the least of her worries. The soothing heat of the sun was welcoming and this realm whispered a promise of hope to her heart. She felt oddly happy here in a world of fresh air and colors. The air was so oddly sweet compared to Earth's, warm and soothing with every breath. She could live a hundred years with this raw oxygen, and felt like a child again. Her smile must have seemed foolish for their serious predicament.

Seeing the kingdom of the Light Elves in the rays of the sun, they trudged ahead. The castle's jagged architecture seemed to reach Valhalla with its height, pointing to the sky. Stone walls around the kingdom blocked out all that was unwelcome, but after the group had permission to pass, they at once noticed the bustling life on the interior.

People flocked the streets wearing varying white and pastel colored simple clothes. They looked human, but the grace and poise that each elf possessed proved that they were different.

With flowers in their golden blonde braids or short brunette hair, children ran by, laughing with great joy. The older elves had a twinkle in their eye of that childhood fun, although they were much more composed. Jennica felt a burst of comfort and happiness. Everything seemed perfect, if perfection was a reality. Maybe it was, here in this world.

"Hold on, where do we even start?" Jennica asked, snapping out of her daze. Her fingers found their way up to her locket to fidget with it.

"Let's just begin with walking around and seeing who we can find." Thor replied. "A tradesman would be our best bet."

"Wouldn't they be after the shards?"

"Not unless we tell them. I would heed Fárbauti's words."

The three of them made their way further into the village, meandering through crowds of elvish folk. It took only a moment, but some of the pedestrians noticed Thor, growing excited at his presence.

"Thor, welcome back to Alfheim!" A young woman said with glee, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her left ear.

"It is a great pleasure to be back." Thor responded with a smile, having visited with his father years ago.

It continued like that for a few minutes as they made their way down the streets. Elvish men saluted Thor as the group passed, and the women shyly waved.

Once they arrived at the outdoor market, they saw a row of trade shops, similar to what they were searching for.

"This looks like a promising place." Jennica said, her eyes squinted from the bright sun.

"Let's hope." Thor replied. "We'll just talk to one of them and see what we can discover."

Loki, having kept his silence for a good long while, finally crossed his arms and said, "Leave this to me."

"Isn't that sentence bad luck for you?" Thor mocked, remembering the last time Loki said those words, spiraling them into the series of events they were stuck in now.

Rolling his eyes, Loki marched ahead, although his mood was not ruined by Thor's comment.

They spotted a sign, designating them to where a blacksmith was selling his goods. The man inside the shop looked up as the three outsiders came in, furrowing his brows for a second, taken aback by the fact that Thor of Asgard had walked into his shop with his brother and a foreigner. Strange matters did not happen very often on their humble realm.

"Can I help you with anything?" He asked, straightening his standing position. If Asgardians were here, it was something serious.

Stepping up to the blacksmith, who was behind a dirty, dented counter, Loki said with patience lacking, "We are looking for someone with expertise in metalwork of jewelry to contain magic."

The blacksmith smiled. "You've come to the right place, my friend. The name's Sindri." This elf seemed rough around the edges compared to the elves they passed earlier, with a scruffy, light brown beard and tattered pastel garments covered in dust.

"Are they made here? We are searching for the origins of such a locket."

"Oh yes, of course!" Sindri replied quickly. Almost too quickly. "Some of them take a generous amount of time to make. If you can show me what you speak of, then perhaps I can help you."

Before Loki could stop her, Jennica revealed the locket now sitting in the palm of her hand. Immediately, Sindri's expression changed.

"This is the locket?" The elf chuckled loudly. "Ha, this little trinket is nothing more than a child's toy! Nothing of significance, really. If you would like, I can make you something of greater value that matches your description in return for this locket."

It was easy for Loki to see through the elf's trickery. The mischievous look in Sindri's eyes sparkled with greed as his hands twitched and fidgeted together.

"Only a trinket? Well, we would like to be enlightened on where this trinket came from." Answered Loki, stubbornly. This amateur would not trick the god of lies.

"I do not know the entirety of what they are made for. I believe they are common, though, sustaining small amounts of magic. Nothing more. Although it isn't worth much, it is easy to sell, so I'd be more than willing to accept it as payment for a more suitable necklace for the young lady."

"This is not for sale," Loki snarled, leaning closer to the greasy salesman after pushing Jennica's hand to her chest, "where did it come from? Who makes them?!"

Sindri began to lose his temper. "Fine! I know the blacksmith who used to make them, but he was a criminal, banished! Why is this locket so important to you?! It is worthless junk!" His voice rose to a yell in Loki's motionless and unimpressed face.

Turning to Thor, Loki pleaded with his eyes to threaten the elf, but Thor shook his head. Jennica stood in confusion, both surprised that the blacksmith could act so poorly and Loki could act that composed in the presence of such a character. To rattle Sindri, Loki slammed his hand on the counter and hissed,

"We do not wish to be victims of your attempts to swindle junk from customers. If you don't have the answers I have asked, tell me one thing. Where is the blacksmith?"

Shaking his head violently, Sindri abandoned the counter and ran into the back room, holding up a hammer in defense. "S-Sorry, we are closed!"

Thor chuckled at the coward. It only took a moment for Loki to meet Sindri in the back, disarm him, and grab his shoulders just a little bit too tight.

"Tell me, now! I am the god of mischief and lies, do not even think of tricking me. It will not work."

"He's in... he's in a village maybe a... maybe a day's hike. It's near the border outside of the... of the kingdom in the South. They're all criminals! It's dangerous!"

Loki sneered, able to hold back his violent urges a little easier than before. "To each his own." He whispered.

Turning on his heels, Loki grabbed Jennica by the forearm and led her out with Thor following behind, still chuckling.

They emerged from the shop to see the setting sun forming beautiful streaks of color across the new clouds in the sky.

"We need to find a place to rest for the night," sighed Thor, looking at his two companions who were entranced by the new atmosphere once again, "before it's too dark. We can even keep looking for answers once we secure a spot."

"You're already thinking of resting?" Loki grumbled. "We've barely scoured the village and talked to a greedy blacksmith, making no progress whatsoever. This trip will prove pointless at this rate."

"But we'll never have a place if we don't look for one." Jennica spoke, being the voice of reason.

Loki wanted to snarl but held it down, letting his gaze rest on her instead.
Why bother your time with her? She is a worthless being that can bring you nothing. That was a lie and he knew it.
He had no choice but to resign to the wishes of his brother and Jennica, following them as they began to look for a place.

Meandering through the town, feeling the cool breeze blow across their faces, they found a small inn not too far from where they once were. A kind, old lady ran the place, and she welcomed them in to show them their rooms. Thor and Loki shared a room, while Jennica had one all to herself; a fitting situation for most of them.

The evening swept through, and it was pleasant as the golden sunset rose to cast its orange radiance on the town. No more progress was made, no one willing to help, and despite Thor's Asgardian authority, they were not permitted into the palace to see the king. These were the only downfalls.

It was easy to feel discouraged, but it was only the first day on Alfheim. This world was so enchanting in many odd ways that Jennica hoped they would stay longer than they had on Vadella or Jötunheim. She had seen children growing flowers with magic and animals serving their masters. The elves carried a poise of perfection with them, along with a gaze that seems to reveal their take on life was different and far more meaningful than others'. It was so odd but captivating.

As the silence settled in, so did the rest of Jennica's thoughts. Her parents back on Earth must be so worried, terrified of the unknown, not knowing where she had been taken. Cammy would be in hysterics with her mum, and an endless, meaningless search to find her would take place. A weight of guilt suddenly weighed in Jennica's heart and she found it hard to relax in the small room. She retreated, hoping to take in more of the outdoors under the night sky with cool air. Maybe then she could regulate her thoughts and emotions.

Loki sat next to Thor on their large, shared bed. Not used to sharing a room, much less a bed, he felt cramped and restless. Thor had fallen asleep very quickly since he was much less aware of personal space. It was strongly provoking. The small crevice seemed to suffocate Loki as he recalled all that had happened recently. His heart hurt. He needed air. He never realized how much had been weighing inside of him, definitely not to the extent of suffocation.

Standing up to leave, he did so with little sound. He didn't want Thor to awaken and notice, for he would never hear the end of it. Making his way out to the porch of the inn, the orange sky was fading away to a navy blue. Night was upon them.

He sat down on a provided bench and took in a deep breath. The night air was indeed refreshing, although it hardly met his expectations. All he could think about was Fárbauti. His true mother. She had told him that defining the monster was up to him. He never truly realized how hard that would be or that it was something he even desired. He only wanted to stop seeing himself as such. Even part of him knew that he needed to stop acting so monstrous. But no matter how hard he would try, the universe would reject him, just like it always had. It would be no different from any aspect in his life. He tried hard to win Odin's favor when he was a child. Not even that worked. His dreams were never achieved. The thoughts and memories surfaced an anger he always struggled to keep buried inside. His clenched jaw trembled. His hands had balled into fists. If looks could kill, he had one plastered on his face.

"Loki... I didn't know you were out here." Jennica's voice startled him, but he did not jump, only standing from his seat in an instant. He stiffened and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh." He glowered in the darkness. "It's you." His words did not have the intent to cut, but Jennica was clearly unnerved by his reaction.

"Well you don't have to sound so polite." Her voice reeked of passive aggressiveness. "I have just as much of a right to be out here as you do." She refused to leave.

Loki couldn't decide whether to be amused or annoyed by her stubbornness, and resulted in sarcastically saying, "And you've been so helpful during our trip and it has granted you such privileges. Foolish girl, you've done nothing but follow us like a lamb."

"Excuse me for not being as educated in all the realms as you are. For your information, we wouldn't even be on this trip if it wasn't for me."

"We could have left you to die."

"But you didn't."

No, Thor didn't. He couldn't take credit.

Their short argument faded to nothing as they stood in silence. It was a silly argument, but Jennica wondered what always put him so on edge. He was like a predator, on all fours and alert to the dangers and prey around him. And then there was his secrecy, his coldness that seemed more to protect than a genuine personality. There was something deeper to this story. He looked like Fárbauti when he held her.

"You're not Asgardian." She said out loud, on accident but it was too late to take it back.

"What?" He asked until a silent epiphany. There would be no hiding tonight.

"You looked just like Fárbauti when on Jötunheim."

"How smart of you to observe. It took me years to figure that one out."

Jennica frowned. "What do you mean, years?"

"The house of Odin is a house of secrets." He chuckled, taking a seat on the bench once more. "I am not Thor's brother. Not really. Soon the whole universe will know that I am an adopted Frost Giant runt." The last word was like venom.

"You're adopted?" Jennica's voice had taken on a sense of empathy. "Odin was very kind to take you in."

Loki scoffed. "If not for having treated me like a thorn in his side and made me second best to everything, I would be inclined to agree with you."

"I don't think you would agree with anything I said." Jennica was becoming strangely invested in the conversation and this mystery, soon finding herself sitting beside him. "But maybe there's hope." She was taken aback by Loki's sudden laughter.

"You think you know me. You think you can empathize with my situation. But I did not have a sweet little English home to grow up in with a white picket fence, feeble responsibilities and two parents to treat me like their everything. I grew up in a palace of expectations, judged with every action, forced to train as future king and work harder than anyone ever has, sacrificing my time of making friends and being a child to books and isolation in the library, unlike your childhood of friends and ballet. I had a father who treated Thor like the real son he turned out to be. Odin made me feel worthless, made a point for me to know that I was the downfall, that I had the dark soul, and soon I proved him right. He lied to me about being Asgardian, he lied to me that I could ever be king and I have given my everything to prove him right instead of wrong. I was raised on lies. Fed the belief for a time that I was worth something. But now, look where I've ended up! Unloved by nearly everyone, left with the feelings of a false destiny. I've experienced more than anyone should ever have to... So don't you dare think you can compare your life to mine. You know nothing of it. Nothing at all." Almost immediately after he had finished speaking, Loki regretted telling his past to Jennica. But he was too vulnerable to have stopped. His memories flooded in like a river.

"You... You read my mind." With widened eyes, Jennica could hardly comprehend. "My thoughts, y-you recited them, you–"

"Of course I can read minds... I don't do it often, for no one has anything worth thinking about, but on occasion, I have done it." Because you actually do have something worth thinking about.

"Oh... well I... forgive me for trying to compare. I didn't realize how much you had gone through."

Loki frowned. No one ever apologized, not to him.
"Your words are... appreciated."

"So you do appreciate things."

He turned his head and looked at her, becoming more relaxed in her presence, just barely. She was interesting company. "It is rare, but yes, I do. Congratulations for having achieved my appreciation, and to your surprise, I'm actually not heartless."

"I never thought you were heartless. Just... ignorant. No offense, of course."

"None taken. Offense is nothing compared to being called a monster." Loki cursed himself. Why are you an open book all of a sudden?

"Is that what they called you? Back on Asgard?"

Loki wanted to slap himself, to erase her memory of this incident, but that would not be worth the effort. He sighed. "When I was growing up, my father taught us about the Jötuns and how they were monstrous, cold-hearted beings. Thor always dreamed of destroying them one day, and Odin never objected. When I found out I was one of them, I realized that I was the monster in their midst the entire time. It's ironic, isn't it?"

"I disagree." Jennica felt a sudden stirring of sympathy, a gentleness for this... lost creature. "For the short time I've known you, I would never call you a monster. It's a strong word to use and one I don't even think of when labeling other people's actions."

"You hardly know me."

"I... yes I know, but even if you believe you've acted monstrous in the past, no state of being is permanent. Anyone can change. Until they have passed from this life, no one is exempt from redemption."

"I do not disagree that my actions could justify the title, but it is engraved in my identity. No matter how I act, I will always be seen as a monster." He remembered Fárbauti's comforting words. He held them close in his heart, but he knew that they could not change how other people would see him in the horrifying light he did. "You are too compassionate for your own good. And why even worry about a brother you never knew existed?"

"Stop reading my mind."

Loki was taken aback when she was able to successfully shut him out of her head, repelling his magic.

He cleared his throat. "You've never really met him. Why even bother?"

"Because I believe that everyone deserves a chance. I've never known him but he was hurting and in need of someone to help. We should not withhold love from anyone. Lack of it is when we begin to lose ourselves, and so many are trapped in that predicament. I'm not the type of person to walk away from a problem."

This enigma in front of him nearly left Loki speechless. Here was a person who loved someone she had never grown to know or even realize she loved. And here he was, hating the people he did know and refusing to let his brother mend the wounds that he caused.

"It... it's getting late."

Jennica, although still concerned for him, agreed. She stood up. "Have a pleasant night."

He nodded, barely. "To you as well." Sleep would be even more impossible after this. He watched her make her way to the door.

"I don't see a monster in you." She paused, resting her hand on the doorframe. "Not really."

Loki's chest burst with pain. He wanted to believe her.
"You don't know what I've done."

Those words made Jennica's chest tighten and she swallowed a growing lump. Loki felt the same way, and as she retreated back to her room without a word, he was left with a strange emptiness that even he didn't expect to feel.

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