The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRE...

By Crazylitbunny

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Rowan Fox: the iconic girl, the infamous young dancer of the past decade, cute, intelligent, shy... But, hone... More

The Meeting
Rise of The Turtles (part 1)
Turtle Temper
New Friend Old Enemy
I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman
Monkey Brains
Never Say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic In The Sewers
Mousers Attack!
It came From The Depths
I, Monster
New girl in town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of My Enemy
Karai's Vendetta
The Nightmare Begins
The Pulverizer Returns!
Knowing You Better
The Truth's Out
Finally, I'm Free!
Heroes, Save Us!!

The Cockroach Terminator

28 1 1
By Crazylitbunny

Leo entered his dark bedroom with a sad expression and he turned the only light on. His sapphire eyes looked sadly over his bed, where the girl of his dreams was lying, or maybe, sleeping peacefully. He took a minute to soak in the dim light that poured over her. She was beautiful even if she just had her icy blue eyes closed. No doubt that he was truly in love with her. Strong and sensitive. Rowan was like a red rose that was so beautiful and kind but when a danger appears, it immediately shows its thorns and attacks.

Leo's mind ran back to last night's events, where they all learned why the Kraang are invading New York and the whole planet Earth. But they also hunted down two important pieces to complete their plan: Rowan and April. His heart remembered the way it broke when he saw his beloved girlfriend collapsing into his strong arms. The way his shocked face morphed into a worried one. His feelings surrounding him like a group of people does and how those became two specific. Anger and Concern. And in fact, he understood in what place Rowan was. Shredder was hunting her for reasons that he didn't even know why, an army of bloodsucking vampires were chasing after her because of her powers, and now...The Kraang. But, the only thing that he didn't understand was the main reason those mindless robots wanted both girls for. How were they so special anyway? Okay, Rowan had ghost powers and her vampire side provided her more power than any normal human could have.


Why? The redhead was a normal teenager who just happened to meet the turtles during a fight and helping her find her kidnapped father. April had nothing special. Leo immediately thought that the Kraang are chasing her for the fact that she knows so many things about them. Yes, that might be a possible explanation.

His ears caught a sigh of Rowan's and he focused on her. Leo knelt down and shoved away some red and blue locks from her calm face. A ghostly and relaxed smile appeared on her pink lips and she turned her body to him. The leader smiled and kept petting Rowan's head until, he decided to sleep.

He gave a goodnight kiss to her soft lips and walked out of his room, clutching a blanket and a pilowGlancing for the last time at his girlfriend, the door closed softly behind him.

"Goodnight, my love."

Rowan's POV

The next morning, after learning about the terrific news, I found myself sleeping in Blue's room. And he wasn't inside, to my disappointment. I raised an eyebrow and sat up on the bed with a yawn. Then, I found that I was still wearing my clothes and dry sweat filled my nose. Swinging off my legs and standing up on my feet, I turned on the only light of the room and blinked several times as the white light unannounced poured into the room and hit my eyes with a sharp ferocity. My gaze fell on a wall on my right, where an outfit, my red boots and a note were lying on the floor. Again, I arched one eyebrow and walked up there. I took the note and read it.

Good morning beautiful! Hope that you liked the small present of mine. I know that I'm not the best in choosing clothes since I don't have to wear any…but, I guess that I made it for first time. Take your time to bathe yourself and dress. Oh, and a big breakfast is waiting for you to come and eat it all at once!

A wide and brilliant smile stretched across my face and a loud giggle replaced it a second later. Blue knows how to make me smile everyday! I snatched the clothes and threw them on the bed with just a single movement of my hand. My smile grew even brighter when I saw that Blue actually had made a good choice for my outfit. Black leggings, grey spaghetti strapped t-shirt and a pair of white socks. I left the note on the bed and I took the clothes with me to the bathroom. The shower was relaxing for my aching muscles which were strained with tension as I finally calmed down. Well, my body calmed down but not my inner self. It's not like I was anxious or anything else. It was just weird. First, I learned that I belong into the rare kind of bloodsucking creatures of the night and the bad kind is hunting me down for a special ability that I just discovered. Then, my mother had been kidnapped by alien robots at a young age and now, they want me to complete a plan! A plan that it'll destroy our world and kill us all.

I stepped out from the shower, curling a lush white towel around my body, while my damp, long hair fell down my back, wetting my back and towel. I stepped to the mirror and brushed my teeth, mind reeling from last night's events. My dazzling, the way my heart raced into my chest and the shock hardening on my face, eyes widened to saucers. All of this was inside my head, playing like a record on repeat. And I was sure that it would take some time to get used to this, because these things ain't happening everyday. I spat out the toothpaste from my mouth and filled my palms with cold water which got in my mouth. Swishing it around my teeth and tongue, I fully cleared my mouth and spat it out. I turned the faucet off and gazed at my reflection on the small mirror. Icy eyes were looking me back with a kinda sleepy look as my lips were set into a thin line. My skin was glowing under the white light and some dried blue locks fell on both sides of my face, softly kissing my milky flesh. I felt like this girl wasn't me.

She was someone else

A young girl who seemed innocent and silly to other people who didn't know her and she was an angel in their eyes. Beautiful, smart and a total contrast between them. For some weird reason, I let myself believe the false truth. I had nothing compared to this rebellious and strong type of myself I thought I had. And right then, right that moment, a question came up to my mind and stuck there, like gum under a desk.

Who am I really?

I really didn't know who I was and why all these weird, supernatural things happened to me. I felt like my soul belonged to someone else. Someone who was born unlucky and will die unlucky. It's...ugh, I don't know how to describe this. I can't find the words to say it straight. It's confusing.

With downcast eyes and a heavy sigh, I moved away from the mirror. Whoever I was, I wish I'd done something good for this world. And I wished to find my real me in the near future.

I dressed up, glancing sometimes at my body. After wearing my red boots, my hand ran lingered on my right shoulder, where my scar was. It didn't hurt like it did five years ago, but that didn't mean that this was a happy thought, compared to what or who did this on my body. Glancing the last time at the mirror, I got out of the bathroom, my hair falling on my back and wetting it. The living room was silent since no one was sitting in but Mikey's hungry yells to Blue from the kitchen could be heard even from this room. Smirking, I walked up there, putting aside the big curtain. "Yeah boi! Ramen!" Mikey exclaimed happily by the time Blue gave him a bowl full of ramen. My beloved boyfriend's eyes looked over my side and a bright smile appeared on his lips, white teeth shinning under the light.

He let aside his bowl and ran up to me, wrapping me into a bear hug. I laughed at that and Blue let go of me, kissing my lips passionately. I heard Mikey cooing behind us and Raph gagging in disgust. Blue pulled away from my lips and led me to the table where a plate full of pancakes, eggs with bacon and some fruits on a bowl were awaiting for me. I tilted my head back and laughed when I realized that Blue made a big breakfast for me. I felt his hands hugging by my shoulders and I turned my head to look at him. "I love you." I whispered and sat on the chair, eating my big breakfast. Blue pecked my wet head and sat next to me, whispering in my ear the phrase "I love you too, Rowny." And we ate in silence

I could sense Blue side-eye me with a worried look but I decided to ignore it since it was something that he would do either way. Furthermore, my mind was still coming up with more questions about my plenty problems. Karai, Kraang, my hidden past, everything were twisting in my thoughts like a CD spinning inside a player. Funny thing was I couldn't put them in a row since all of these were happening at the same time, same time period. And there wasn't any solution to—


Blinking, I shoved away every hurtful thought and looked over to the source of the girly scream that cut the air like knife through soft butter.


He had his Sais out, their sharp ends pointed over a tiny cockroach, which...a camera strapped to its head? Raph's skin was a pale green and his green eyes had been widened to saucers. Oh, yeah, now I remember. Raph was afraid of roaches ever since he was little. Every time he saw a roach in the sewers, his girly and funny scream spread all over, like a physic wave or the violent waves of the ocean. He always climbed on Splinter's robe, praying for him to save him from the freak like he called it.

"Roach! Roach!" his hysterical screams pierced my ears, a coy smirk curving my lips. Still yelling like a madman, Raph dashed around the table, trying to smash this little, innocent roach. I saw it run towards Donnie who covered it with his hands and raised it above his head, shooting Raph a glare. "Stop! Stop, you'll smash him!" he pleaded, stepping back a bit.

The roach is a boy? How the hell does D know that?

"That's the point!"

Raph tried to reach Donnie's hand but our brother pushed him away, still glaring at him. "You can't smash this roach, okay? He's special. Really speciaaaaal..." he said and Blue sighed heavily next to me. "Okay, I'm going to regret this..." he whispered to me, and I rolled my eyes to the heavens. "...but why is he special, Donnie?" he continued. Donnie smiled in satisfaction and raised his hand higher with the roach on it, standing on his feet. "Because I outfitted him with a remote-controlled helmet!" he crowed and again, I rolled my eyes. "That explains why you're special." I shoot sarcastically with a cold and amused smirk.

"We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang!" Donnie explained and placed his laptop on the table, opening it. "The camera allows us to see what the cockroach sees." he said and typed something fast on the keyboard. A video started to play, showing all of us, except Don, eating our breakfast. When the roach reached Raph, and his hysterical screams heard, the video paused and D turned to our side. "That is awesome! Big, tough Raph is afraid of cockroaches!" Mikey laughed, making Raph to growl. "Mikey stop. You know that Raph has katsaridaphobia plus, that doesn't mean you are not afraid of something." I retorted to Mikey who's smile vanished in a flash from his face. An angry look imprinted on his face and gestured Donnie's laptop. "Oh, really? Let's go to the video." he said and started to play the video all over. Again, he paused it the moment Raph screamed and Mikes gave me a glare. "Who's the one with the phobia now?" he asked before turning to Donnie. "Donnie can I get this on a t-shirt?" he continued to antagonize and Raph growled again. I rolled my eyes to heavens and made a slight frown by the time Raph threw our baby bro on the cuisine. "Boys." I muttered and Blue chuckled next to me. "We're going to spy on the Kraang with a cockroach!" Donnie barked happily causing me to slap my forehead in disbelief.

And then you say that they're my adoptive brothers.

"Come on. Roach number one. Make papa proud."

Looks like we made Donnie's desire true and we sent his roach inside the Kraang's lab. The turtles had gathered Donnie's station, watching the spy roach doing its job without being noticed by those stupid robots. I didn't cared for that too much, so I sat on my station, hands crossed thinking all over again my problems. And there again, not even a possible solution came up. That was strange for me since I'm intelligent and I can easily solve a problem. Why not these, simple ones?

Top of all was me. My real self which I couldn't find it despite all the efforts I put on. Ugh, sucks being a teenager sometimes. I couldn't feel like the girl imagined I am, I couldn't even feel that this soul in this body was me. It was so confusing. All the books I've read about being a teenager said the same fucking thing;

At this stage of life, the young ones are learning step by step who they are and what their place in a community of people is. Teenagers are learning how to defend themselves against something bad, they learn to be social and singularize the good and bad persons.

How this can help me? It's useless! People don't really know what being a teen means, that's for sure. I closed my eyes and laid my back on the seat. Right that moment, I needed my parents. I wanted their help, their advice and their comforting hug. I knew that my parents were dead and that I would never see them again but I needed them more than ever. I wanted to see their faces for one last time, like Ariana Grande's song says. I felt so alone and lost into my own self, struggling to find the holy light and, finally, get rid of every obstacle. But how? Where's that light of success? Where's it hidding?

"Whoa, whoa. They are going to pour a hole into Earth?"

I turned back to reality and turned my body to the turtles who seemed worried about something I didn't heard. "I'm guessing that's bad." Blue pointed out and that made Donnie to roll his reddish brown eyes skywards. "Unless you think the city needs a giant lava fountain." he retorted sarcastically and I raised a curious eyebrow. I stood up and walked up to their side, standing between Raph and Blue. "Yep, that's bad." my boyfriend droned and that made me even more curious. "What's going on?" I whispered at Blue who smiled gently and placed a hand around my shoulders. "The Kraang are planning to drill a hole inside the city with a laser drill." he explained in a whisper and pulled me closer on him. "You're okay?" my boyfriend asked and I looked him right into his sapphire eyes. "Better not talking about that now, okay?" I asked and Blue nodded, giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Goodbye harsh winters." Raph said and I rolled my eyes. "Lava surfing rules!" Mikey beamed happily, raising a fist in the air. "It definitely doesn't, Mikey. We have to stop this!" Blue ordered and his hand tightened around my shoulders. I sensed that Blue felt angry with whatever happened last night and that made me to realize that my boyfriend might wanted to take some revenge from those robotic freaks. Something that promised to my dead mother. I tightened my jaw and narrowed my eyes on the screen opposite me. "Sure we will." I whispered with a threatening tone.

"To execute the plan, Kraang needs to possess that which is known as the diamond lens to make work the drilling of the laser drill."

Diamond lens? Is that all? Ugh, stupid for someone who doesn't even know science but clever for the brains. "What does that mean?" Raph asked next to me, causing me and Blue to roll our eyes at the same time. "They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill work. Now shh!" Donnie hissed, annoyed and turned back on hearing the plan.

"Kraang is already on the way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang."

Oh, great. One of the most classical moves of every villain: steal something they need aka WANT. And in that case, they were diamonds, stupid diamonds which were useful for a plan that will burn the world and us with lava. Nice. "What?" Raph asked, and I glared at him with a force hotter than lava. "Are you fucking deaf,Raph?! One of them is going to a lab to get it!" I yelled angrily and Raph turned to me with a glare. "Answer to that too miss brain proof; which lab?" he asked angrily and we shared a death glare. "Maybe, if we listen, they'll tell us!" Donnie barked, raising both hands in the air and our signal had been lost. Crossing my arms, I gave another death glare to Raph and I could feel my rage raising up to its high levels. "Well done Meathead! You lost the fucking signal! You dumbass!" I spat while Raph clenched his fists. "If you hadn't—"

"Uh-oh. I think I found the diamond lab. Now, it's a bit blurry but maybe we can follow it to the laboratory." Donnie interrupted our brawl, showing a diagram of the laser drill on his screen. "We don't have much time till the Kraang drill fires. Let's go!" Blue ordered and I walked away, pushing Raph on his station. I sat on my seat, my rage ready to explode and hit the gas, driving away from that warehouse.

Meters away, something big hit the front of the Shell-Raiser, causing me to stop driving. "What the hell happened?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "That's a really bad sound." Donnie replied and I rolled my eyes to heavens. "You don't say Donatello." I muttered sarcastically under my breath. "It sounded more like a ba-dump." Mikey said and there again, my eyes rolled skywards. Yeah, you were right to the point bro. "Well, I heard a flap." Raph replied and I pouted. You really want to imagine what was strange sound, right?


Raph slapped Donnie and Mikey on their faces, a smile of satisfaction had been stuck on his ugly face. "Flap." he said while his younger brothers shot him with a glare full of hate. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Now stop slapping people and get out of the Raiser." I retorted with a huge, disapproving frown while the others walked out. Shooting Raph a warning look, I got out from the Raiser, looking of what was the thing that hit us. It was a big bug, covered with green, disgusting goop. "Yikes." I muttered, covering my nose as a grossly smell filled my nostrils. It smelled like an expired food and it made my stomach to turn over hard, ready to puke. "What is that?" Blue asked disgusted. "Ugh. Smells like a butt sandwich." Mikey replied gagging and I gave him a confused look. "A butt sandwich? How the hell did you thought that?" I asked in disbelief and my brother shrugged one shoulder. "It smells like that sis." he replied like this was obvious. "Oh, Oh dear. Would you look at that. Hideous and beautiful." Donnie exclaimed impressed and I rolled my eyes skywards.

It's hideous, Don. Not beautiful!

"So, what is it, Donnie?" Blue asked as Don stood up, turning his body on our side. "It's my spy roach." he simply replied, making all of us to stare at him. That awful and smelly thing was his roach? What? How did it became so big? Oh, yeah. It maybe fell on a mutagen canister, and that might caused us to the lost signal. "Your what? Your WHAT?!" Raph shrieked in shock and fear and I turned to his side. His eyes were again widened to size of diner plates and his skin was again pale green. Shaking my head, a thought had been stuck in my mind;

No, not again

"He must have been exposed to some mutagen. You see how the nab helmet merged with his exoskeleton? We have never seen organic and inorganic matter fused in-in-in such an amaz—"

"That's great, Donnie! We can discuss this some more when we're driving away at a thousand miles per hour!" Raph interrupted, standing on the door of the Shellraiser, shaking like a fish coming out from water. Mikey smiled and placed his hands on his hips, eyes shining with joy. "Come on, you big baby! What are you worried about? We creamed it with our van! It's not like it's going to get up and come after us." he replied but I saw the big and disgusting roach standing behind him. "Uh... I'm not sure bro." I said, sheathing my claws. Mikey turned around, his smile disappeared from his face and replaced by a huge pout. "Or maybe it would..." he deadpanned while I rolled my eyes to heavens.

The roach ran up to Raph for a weird reason and we attacked. But, as bigger and powerful, the roach beat up Mikey and Donnie with ease, leaving me and Blue behind. My boyfriend attacked but ended up beaten and threw on a wall. Rolling away from the mutant, I grabbed my gun from its sheath and clicked off the safety. Then I raised up to the roach and shot his right arm. He snapped his head at me, his big red eye looking me menacingly. Losing no time, I raised again my gun to him, ready to give him a deadly headshot only if he hadn't punched me away. Growling like a mad animal, I flipped myself up, holding the .22 gun tight. Mikey, Donnie and Blue tried again to attack the roach without any success. "This thing's tough." Mikey commented, avoiding a punch of the roach. "Naturally, cockroaches are among the most resilient life forms on the planet." Donnie explained making me to frown deeply. "And the grossest. Don't forget that D." I retorted as the roach threw Mikes in a trash can. "Sensitive roach." I heard him saying and I rolled my eyes to heavens. I back flipped away and threw some ice daggers on the roach which, as a matter of fact, he avoided. He ran up to me but Blue blocked his blow with his katanas. Groaning, he pushed it away and turned to me with a weak smile.


The smile replaced by a frown as Blue's eyes looked around, searching wildly for something. Eyes looking back to me, he raised an eyebrow, asking, "Where's Raph?" I raised too an eyebrow and shrugged my shoulders, showing that I had no idea. Well, after letting some seconds to pass, our question answered with this phrase;

"Eat hot manhole cover!"

I turned my whole body behind me and found Raph on the manhole cover canon, eyes narrowed to slits and teeth clenched, his throat bubbling a growl. He started to shot covers at the roach which avoided them all, except a headshot. He fell down, maybe unconscious while Raph kept firing covers with anger. "Hey! Hey! Stop! He's tight!" I yelled, waving both of my hands at my brother. Raph stopped and panted a bit. "Okay, okay..." his heavy breaths came up to my ears and before I could even sigh in relief, Raph fired one last cover on the roach's nuts making me to blink slowly. He just did that? Well, that was a surprise. Raph jumped down and gave a confident, yet frightened look at the roach as we all gathered him.

"What do we do with it?" Donnie asked, looking too the roach. "Forget the roach! We've got to stop the Kraang before they destroy the Earth!" Blue ordered and I nodded. "Leo's right. We've got to go." Raph replied still having that frightened look. A grin appeared on my lips and I crossed my arms over my chest, looking rather teasingly Raph. "I don't think you agree with Blue. You just want to get away from that thing. Am I right Raphie?" I teased, replacing the grin into a teasing smirk. Raph shot me with a glare, hands gesturing to the roach's side. "Is that so wrong?" he demanded and we both looked at the roach which was... gone? I looked back at Raph who had his electric green eyes widened to saucers and skin paler than I ever saw before. "Oh no! It's gone!" he exclaimed in shock. Blue pushed us to the Shellraiser, barking us to move. I turned to him and rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'm going. Jesus." I retorted and Blue kept pushing me in the Raiser.

"Just get in and drive Rowny."

Finally, after all these things, we managed to reach the lab where the Kraang were stealing the diamond lens. I gotta say it again, I hate Kraang. "There's the van!" Donnie exclaimed, and I looked on the screen in front of me, where a white van stood on the road. "They must have picked up the lens." Blue realized and I made a fake gasp. "Oh, you don't say!" I said and my Blue rolled his eyes with a smirk. "I do say Rowny." he replied, peeking my nose.

"Ram that sucker!"

Nodding to Raph's order, I increased the speed of the Shellraiser before I made a sharp turn, hitting the Kraang's van. I stopped driving and followed the turtles who came out from the top of the Raiser, landing in front of it. The robots stopped whatever they did and looked at us confused. "Halt, Kraang!" Blue ordered, pointing his katana on them. I twirled my tanto on my right hand and took my serious face expression. "The halting of Kraang is not a thing that the ones who are turtles and Sexy Baby will be doing to Kraang." one of them said and I growled silently with the mention of my stupid nickname. "I have a name! I'm Rowan! Rowan! Not Sexy Baby!" I exploded angrily and I heard Mikey snickering behind me. "Wrong. The halting of Kraang is exactly the thing that the ones who are—just halt!"Blue snapped, annoyed and we all grinned at that. Sometimes, my boyfriend was stupid and adorable at the same time, making me to melt like a candle!

"Which do we save first? The world or the English language?" Donnie questioned and I rolled my eyes skywards and looked at him with a look of surrender. "Whatever you think it's important Don." I replied. The Spy Roach appeared on the van, immediately attacking the Kraang and beating them up without much effort. "I've got the lens. Mikey and Donnie, you take the roach. Raph, Rowny you are coming with me." Blue ordered, turning to me and Raph who was...gone once again.

I hate that.

"Raph? Raph!" Blue called but he was nowhere in sight, meaning he was hiding somewhere. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed Blue's wrist and led him towards the Kraang and the lens, where we started to fight them, as usual. Most of them, fired us with their laser guns, giving me the idea to make an ectoplasmic shield in front of us, so that Blue could find that coward called Raphael. "Raph, where are you? Are you hearing me?! Raph?!" Blue yelled on the top of his lungs but there was no response. I turned my head to Blue still holding the shield alive and gave him a look. Then, I sighed heavily and yelled, "Raph! Come out you little coward or I'll kick your ass hard and you'll earn a fucking bullet on your head! Come out now!" Blue looked me strangely and I rolled my eyes to heavens, turning my head forward.

"Why did it have to be a Cockroach?!"

My shield broke and I found myself flying back and landing on Blue's hands. Raph ran up to us by the time the Kraang escaped with the diamond lens. "Great." I muttered as Blue helped me up. I gave a glare at Raph who had his head lowered, eyes staring the concrete ground. "Where's the diamond?" Donnie asked behind me and my eyes narrowed into venomous slits. "Why don't you ask Raph here, since he lost it?" I replied in question and Raph raised his head, shooting me with a surprised look. "Where were you?" Blue demanded and tapped a foot on the ground with anger. "I-I was busy." he replied making me to scoff and fold my arms on my chest. "Yeah, nice try but that ain't convincing." I retorted and Blue shot me with a glare. "Busy cowering in terror." he then said and our brother titled his head downwards.

"We have got to find the drill before the Kraang cracks open Manhattan like an egg!" Donnie exclaimed, showing his T-Phone which had the diagram of the laser drill. Blue gave a disappointed look at Raph who had still his head titled. I rolled my eyes and walked away, getting inside the Raiser. I had more important things to do. I couldn't care about Raph and his stupid phobia, since it was pointless to think or even do an effort to help. Seconds later, Blue entered the Raiser with Raph following him suit. My boyfriend sat on his seat next to me, rather annoyed and crossed his arms on his chest. "Okay. Here's a map of known Kraang facilities, and here's the map of the fault lines in New York City. Now, if the Kraang are going to drill into the Earth's crust, this is where they do it." Donnie said from his station as another screen on my right lightened up, showing me and Blue a map full of dots. Seeing that, my face made a pout and my lips set into a thin line.

So nice.

"All right, guys. We've got a little more time left before the Kraang start drilling." Blue ordered before something big hit again the back of the ShellRaiser. "Ugh, how many times a day should I fix the Shellraiser?" I asked annoyed and Blue looked me with a raised eyebrow. But then, he shook his head, asking what the hell was that sound. Right then, my jingling rang in my head like a lot of bells ring in an apparent at the same time, causing me to have a bad headache. "I'm guessing that's not good." I muttered under my breath, frowning in pain.

"I don't see anything outside…Uh-oh... he's back!"

WHAT?! How did he found us?! "Are you fucking kidding Brainiac?!" I shrieked at Donnie and I felt my jingling growing stronger inside my poor head. "WHAT?!Where?! Where the heck could it be?!" Raph shrieked behind me and the roach hit the back of the Shellraiser once again. My headache deepened and frowning in pain again, I placed a hand on my ached forehead. I felt Blue's eyes looking me with worry and one of his three fingered hands wrapped around my shoulders. "What's wrong Rowny?" he asked, concern filled his tone and I just rested on his shell, eyes closed painfully. "I have a bad headache. I'll be okay soon, don't worry that much." I reassured him, earning a nod of his. The Shellraiser stopped moving and my headache grew stronger than ever. "He cut the drive shaft?" Donnie exclaimed in shock and I felt Blue moving a bit. "How does he keep finding us?" he then asked Donnie and that was when I opened my eyes again. I looked up to my boyfriend who had now his eyes on me, a gently smile was brightening up his beautiful features.

"Well, he could be using the homing signal I set up so Spy Roach could find his way back to the van." Donnie replied and my eyes widened to size of diner plates. Shocked, we all looked at our genius brother who had a sheepishly smile on his lips. "There's a homing signal?!" Raph asked in disbelief and I hissed in pain as my jingling rang ever louder in my ears and head, growing more and more strong the headache.

And I knew that this meant no good.

"Dude, even I would have turned that off!" Mikey said shaking his head and Don shot him with a glare. "Excuse me, Mikey. I've been a little distracted." Donnie retorted making me to roll my eyes. "Boys. Always being distracted by something." I muttered and Blue's chuckle came up to my ears. I hissed again as another hit of my headache appeared and my head rested again on Blue's shell and his hands placed on my back. "Maybe I can use the signal to tap into his camera to see what he's seeing." Donnie's voice heard and I narrowed my eyes. "Do that thing quick!" I retorted before another hiss escaped my lips and my eyes closed in pain.

"None of this makes sense."

"Why is he so mad at us?"

"Aaand got it!"

Opening my eyes again, I stood up with Blue standing behind me and I walked to Donnie's station. On the screen in front of him there was the video the Spy Roach filmed in the morning. Donnie pressed the enter button on his keyboard, playing the video the moment the roach reached Raph and when he tried to smash him with his Sais. When Donnie paused it, we all looked at Hothead with anger and he returned us a look full of regret. "Aw, crud." he muttered. "I don't think he's mad at us. I think he's mad at you." Don said to Raph who looked him in shock, eyes widened to saucers and skin going pale green. "Wow, that stinks for someone who's afraid of roaches." Mikey commented and I rolled my eyes to heavens, feeling the headache hitting my head harder. "I already got it, thanks. So, are there any more surprises?" Raph asked in general by the time a saw appeared under him. He stepped back in fear, a girly scream raising on the top of his lungs. "He has a saw?! The cockroach has a saw!" he screamed in terror while I cut that saw with my claws.

"Not anymore."

"Donnie, you've got to fix the Shell-Raiser fast! Like yesterday fast!" Blue ordered to Brainiac who nodded firmly and started to fix the problem our van had. "The rest of us will keep the roach busy!" Blue ordered to the rest of us and I heard Raph gulping in fear.

"We will?!"

"Ow! Hey!"

Raph shot a death glare to Mikey and kicked for one more time his shell, making our baby brother to yell in pain. "So much for learning your lesson..." Mikey complained and I rolled my eyes to heavens. "Nice job Raph." Blue praised Raph who gave him a look showing his confusion and question. "What are you talking about? Where's the bug?" he asked, his voice tone filled with fear. Rolling my eyes again, I gestured a concrete covered roach, standing still without even taking a single breath. Raph's scared expression replaced into a happy and relieved one as he walked to the roach with confidence. "Ha! Stuck, huh? Not so tough now, are you roachie?" he mocked touching the roach's shell which became smithereens at once. "You're just a hollow shell." he droned, eyes widened again to saucers. Blue crossed his arms and Mikey just stared the destroyed shell. "He must have molted." my boyfriend pointed out and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "How did you know that?" I asked and he smirked coyly. "Hello! I'm reading books, remember?" he retorted making me to roll my eyes. "Whatever." I simply replied and Blue scowled. "I really can't understand your character sometimes, Rowny." he said in defeat and that made my heart to ache a bit.

Neither do I.

"They molt?!"

Blue nodded with a slight frown. "Yeah, roaches shed their skins when they get bigger." he replied aaand... the jingling was back, ringing in my head louder than ever. Turning around, I widened my eyes to size of diner plates as I perceived a much bigger and uglier version if the Spy Roach, causing my stomach to turn over. I glanced the others who were too in shock, eyes staring the roach.

"Dude, you're not kidding."

Raph freaked out and stepped back so did we. "A cockroach. Why did it have to be a cockroach?!" he yelled frightened, body shaking in terror. "Because!" I retorted as the roach revealed his big and slimy wings, flying towards our side.


I super sped to the Shellraiser and sat on my seat by the time the others got in. "Start the engine! Start the engine!" Raph shrieked and I turned to Donnie. "Did you get this thing working?" I demanded as my genius brother showed again the drill diagram. "We've got bigger problems. We've got to stop that drill!" he barked and I started the engine of the Raiser, driving away faster than ever. "I had my chance and I couldn't face it. I just couldn't do it!" Raph said from his station and I frowned. We all had our chances to finish something and we didn't done it. But, there's always a second chance to improve it and demolish our problems. Like me. Now, I had a second chance to make my life normal again, with the guys by my side. And I had the second chance to prove that I wasn't afraid anymore.

"Look on the bright side. In just 15 minutes we could all melt in a fountain of lava!"

Groaning in annoyance, I slapped my head with one hand. "Mikey! There's no bright side! Why don't you get that brain to work?" I yelled angrily and Blue chuckled softly next to me. "The laser drill is just past the front gate. Kraangdroids everywhere. Hope you've got a good plan." Donnie said to Blue who glanced me. "Rowny's going to ram through the gate and we'll go from there." he ordered making me to wink at my boyfriend and smirked. "You got it hero." I replied. "Works for me!" Donnie said as an alarm set off. "Uh-oh. We've got company…again." D announced, voice tone filled with annoyance. "Give me a rest!" I exclaimed in anger and my hands tightened around the wheel. A hit heard from above the Shellraiser which shook a bit. "What was that? Where is it?" Raph asked frightened and then, Mikey's yells heard from a distance.

"He's got Mikey!"


I pressed the pedal and the Raiser stopped moving, all of us bumping on something. Then, I turned back, my rage on and my fangs pocked out, scratching my bottom lip. Blood rushed in my mouth, sweet and tasty as my vision filled with red spots. "And you two done nothing" I shrieked as both turtles looked me in shame. "We've got to do something! And Rowny keep driving." Blue ordered and I turned back to driving. "Your lips..." my Blue noticed and I raised a hand, cutting his phrase. "I'm fine and it'll heal fast." I retorted.

"I'll stop it."

Raph walked to our side and specifically, to the stealth bike. "You don't have to do this just to prove you're not afraid." Blue said and I turned my head to Raph who's eyes were shinning with confidence. "I am afraid and that's why I have to do this." he replied, getting in the stealth bike. At least he's brave. I thought as a smile of pride raised up to my lips. He's a jerk but he's mybrother.

"I'm comin' Mikey! No six-foot tall cockroach is going to eat my brother!"

No One's POV

Smoke appeared downwards the Shellraiser as the stealth bike with Raph in it, drove at the opposed direction, trying to reach the flying Spy Roach and his baby brother. Mikey was screaming in fear, pleading for help, unaware of the fact his older brother was coming to save him.

I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid! Raph's thoughts commanded him as he tried to stay calm and fearless, like Leo does every time. But it was difficult since he wasn't Leo and he had to face his worst fear which turned into his worst ever version. And he couldn't hide his fear, neither he couldn't stop his heart racing inside his chest. He had to do it though. For Mikey. His family.

Mikey's hysterical scream sliced his thoughts in two and Raph shook his head. Focus Raph. You gotta forget your fear. he commanded and increased speed, stopping on the corner of an alley. His electric green eyes filled with bravery and his muscles tensed as the Spy Roach flew closer to him. "Hey! You, up there!" he heard his voice calling and the roach made a sharp turn to the turtle, letting an awful screech. Mikey's freckled features brightened up, eyes shinning with happiness and relief that his brother came to save him from that disgusting thing. Plus, he felt a little sick. Raph glanced at Mikey, sighing in relief when he realized he was alright. That moment, he felt much more confident than ever and he prepared himself to attack like a hungry lion does. Smirking coyly, Raph clenched a fist and bravely said;

"Looking for me?"

Rowan's POV

Hours later, we turned back to the lair, exhausted but happy that we accomplished to finish that mission once and for all. We were all in the living room, the turtles watching TV while I was lost in music and scrolling down on my T-Phone, watching some random posts on Instagram. People are posting everything on their stories. From a simple walk to a big party that they happened to participate. That's stupid. And then you say that we humans are the most intelligent kind in the whole universe. I wonder what the aliens, if they really exist, think of us. Oh, and I bet that they are smarter than us.

"What are you doing?"

Blue sat next to me, eyes looking with interest my T-Phone. I unplugged one of my earphones and turned off my phone, looking him right into his eyes. "Nothing that matters you." I simply replied and turned back to scrolling. Before I could even react, Blue grabbed my phone and my earphones, and waved it to me with a playful smile. "Hey! Give it back right now!" I demanded and Blue kept waving my phone. "Come and get it..." he sang making me angry. He started to walk away and I ran up to him, climbing on his shell, both hands trying to get my phone back. Mikey giggled, Raph scoffed and Donnie muttered something that I couldn't hear. "Give it back Blue! Don't you have your own to play?" I asked struggling to grab that small device. "No, I won't." he replied and I super sped in front of him, grabbing my T-Phone and running towards my room. Blue came in seconds later, lips smiled at me and muscled arms folded on his chest. "What do you want?" I demanded still being angry with what he did some minutes ago.

"Come on, I was just teasing you. I know that you like being teased a bit." he replied walking up to me. "Not in that way." I retorted, narrowing my eyes to him. Blue laughed and pulled me into a hug. "Oh, Rowny! You're so funny! Come on, let's forget that." he said and I looked him with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?" I asked, guessing that he wanted to say something else. His hands flew to my cheeks and our lips were some inches away, almost ready to kiss each other. Blue's sapphire eyes pierced my own and a bad blush burned my cheeks, giving away my awkwardness and my small embarrassment. "Look, I know we've been doing a lot of things lately but, I really want to ask you to date me. If you want, of course." he said, leaving me speechless.

A date? With Leo? Hell yeah! It had been centuries since our first date and I really wanted to spend some more time with my precious boyfriend. Squealing like a 5 year old girl, I kissed Blue passionately, wrapping my hands around his neck. When we pulled away, he laughed and pulled me into another hug asking, "So that's a yes or a hell yeah, as you always put it?" Squealing once again, I hugged back my boyfriend and closed my eyes in satisfaction. "Hell yeah!" I beamed, crowed, the biggest smile on my face, and we kissed again.

I love him.

A lot.

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