The Eragon and her Wolf

By TheIycanQueen

56K 2.6K 191

Book 2 of 'The' Series. Riley Hale is the adopted daughter of Skylar and Alex Hale. When the young Eragon get... More

The Lycan's Daughters
Riley turns Eighteen
A Scaly Invitation
Xion's mated to a Xemnas look alike
Nine doesn't know about Dragon Ball
Riley's origins
Riley's choice and Skylar's Decision
Balthazar and Nine bond
Emery and the Eragon King
Nine gets Jealous?!?!
Xion and Nine help out Juneau
Riley learns of her Royal Blood
An unnatural Alpha and A Still Angel
Mystery Wolf has a link
Nine's real name
Coconuts and Mangoes, the perfect Combo
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
The Wolf of Fear
The Demon Goddess
One Threat Ends, A Greater one Begins
Sequel of a Sequel

Rise of Eragons

1.7K 88 1
By TheIycanQueen

Chapter XIX-
Rise of Eragons

Gryn watched his master wrap up his head, the white bandages becoming red from absorbing the blood from the gash on his forehead.

"That wolf. Such power." His master marveled as he stared at a wall, his hand holding his chin.

"Mentor?" Gryn whispered, releasing a startled yelp when his mentor suddenly turned around and layed a hand on the young boy's shoulder.

"We can no longer kill Hatshepsut. I don't want to deal with her mutt. If she was this mad at the mention of her family, imagine what she'll do at the death of her mate." Gryn heard his mentor declare.

"But Mentor, the plan-"

"The plan is still in motion, Gryn. The King will still die, but we need a new way to handle Hatshepsut."

"How about we take her? She can be used for leverage over Asher." His Mentor smiled down at him before his hand pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Get ready, Our Rise finally begins tonight."


Aasha and Juneau looked to the door when it opened, the vampire flashing her fangs when it only revealed Katsuki.

"Xion said you will need to wait a little longer."

"Who's Xion?"

"Your sister's mate." Aasha's eyes widened before looking to Juneau. The she-wolf raised her hands in surrender.

"Why didn't you tell me of this?"

"Cause I didn't know Nine was your sister until last night!" Juneau answered hurriedly, the two wolves watching the vampire suck her teeth before she stood up and took a soft sniff of the air before vanishing in a blur.

Juneau looked at Katsuki.

"Can you disappear at will too?" Katsuki looked at her with an arched brow.

"How many people do you know that can do that?" The she-wolf chuckled while running a hand through her hair.

"Too many."


Aasha gulped softly as she made it to the roof, her eyes taking sight of a black-haired she-wolf talking to her sister. The she-wolf continued to talk even as her emerald eyes locked with Aasha's silver ones.

The single snow-white wing on the right side of Ishranth's back, explaining to Aasha how her sister was alive for all these years.

'Looks like Father was wrong.'

"She looks alot like you." Xion told Nine as her eyes took in Aasha, while similar, you can spot the differences if looking hard enough. Nine's hair was naturally spiked near the top, while Aasha's was straight. Nine was taller, and her eyes were more dull.

Nine stared at the sky from the top of Xion's head.

"Is she coming near?"


"Can you tell what she is?" Nine asked softly.

"A vampire, Juneau said she was one." Xion answered her eyes taking sight of Aasha's left foot taking one step forward. She moved her eyes back towards Nine, making the Angel look at her.

"Talk to her, Nine. I know you miss her and she misses you. If she didn't, she wouldn't be here right now." Xion declared before kissing the angel softly, letting out a comforting purr and stood up. She flashed Aasha a smile before hopping off the roof, leaving the sisters alone.

"Why 'Nine'?"

"Because father killed me on your 9th birthday." Aasha's eyes watered slightly, Nine moving to stand up.

The Angel turned around, flashing her sister a soft grin.

"You're the only one I could never forget."

The vampire rushed into her sister's arms, curling her hands tight around Nine's neck as the Angel curled her wing around her and placed a gentle hand behind the younger's head.


The Eragon King sighed as he leaned back against his throne, his hand scratching his scalp soothingly.

Even for an Alpha, Hatshepsut's mate was powerful. For the first time in 400 years, the King had shaken in fear. The King sighed once more before his red orbs looked to the doors to his throne room, his form easing when it was only Emery.

"Ah, Emery. How's your head?" The King asked, taking sight of the bandages around his trusted guard's forehead, the front of it already red from absorbing blood.

"Still as clear as ever, my King." Emery answered moving to stand in front of the King instead of beside him. The older of the two took notice, arching his brow at his fellow Eragon.

"Emer-!" The King choked on his words as he felt a blade pressed tightly against his throat.

Emery looked into the King's shocked eyes blankly. He waved his hand, making Gryn ease the dagger from the King's throat to let him speak.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

"I'm letting our race be known."

"Are you mad?! There's a reason I keep us hidden, keep us safe!!" Emery snarled.

"There is no reason to keep us imprisoned on this damn Island! We're the superior race! Why should the mutts, the bloodsuckers, and all the others be able to roam free while we're stuck here!" Emery declared, realization shinning in the King's eyes.

"You killed my son."

"As much as I would like to take credit, no.
I only killed his whore, and soon your grandchild."

"The wolves.. The Lycans.. They won't let you." Emery smiled once more before grabbing the King's head and turning it towards the window, revealing houses in the lower levels of the island being set aflame and Eragons battling one another.

"They won't be able to stop me, not when they're too distracted by the villagers."

"You're a demon."

"Sure, but a powerful one." Emery tilted the King's head back, revealing his throat. He looked to Gryn, who placed the dagger back, tightly, on the King's throat.

"You see, my King. In this world, there's the Strong and the Weak."

"And you..."

"You're weak."


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