Bitten Witch

By Shannah_Couper

43.8K 1.8K 250

First in the Witch's Blood Trilogy Alex is a normal everyday nerd, she likes to read and play games. At least... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note (Discontinuing)

Chapter 10

1.3K 61 8
By Shannah_Couper

It was my Best Friends Birthday Yesterday so this Chapters dedicated to you @littleme188. <3


"What's your name sweetheart?" Envy grins at me.

"It's not sweetheart that's for sure," I reply.

He smirks, "Is that so, then what is your name, Kitten?"

"No, that's a nickname only Stag uses because he's an idiot."

"What? I'm not an idiot!" Stag says but looks back down when Envy looks at him.

"I'm a wolf shifter and you call me Kitten?"

"I called you that before you were a wolf shifter though." He whines.

"But you still call me that, probably due to your lack of creativity you haven't come up with something else." I yawn.

Evelyn chooses then to walk out, she looks at us all and smiles, "How'd today go?"

"It went well, you didn't tell us that Envy would be back today, I thought he wasn't coming home till next week?"

"Oh, I did say he was coming home early. I guess I forget to mention how early."

"What's wrong little bro, didn't you miss me?"

"You're only older than me by three minutes."

Envy just smirks as Evelyn speaks again, "Alex do you want food or do you want to just head to bed?"

"Please, I need food," I whine, still, on Fang's back, I guess I looked pretty tired.

"Well, we're having cooked steak for dinner." I get the hint.

"Yay!" I say.

She laughs and we all head inside, Fang and I walk past Envy and he watches me very closely. Fang helps me into the chair and sits next to me. Sitting to my right was Eve who gave me a bright smile. Beside Eve is Liam and the rest of the boy's file in for dinner, everyone else was heading back to their own homes. Lilith said she'd come get me in the morning and we'd actually go to school tomorrow.

"So did you have a fun day Alex?" Liam asks me.

"Yeah, I enjoy smacking Fang around and getting naked to turn into a big hairy dog," I mutter munching on my salad.

Everyone laughs, except Envy, he sits directly across from me and his staring makes me feel a little uneasy. It's nice to joke around while eating dinner, I like actually having dinner with other people. Usually, I just had something alone in my room due to Mum's busy work schedule.

"Envy did you bring anyone home with you this time?" Logan asks sitting between Dean and Fang.

"Yeah a good friend I made at boarding school, her name's Scalia." Envy glares at Logan.

"Why are you home in the middle of the year?" Dean asks.

"I got discharged due to good behaviour."

"That seems hard to believe."

"Well, you best believe it because it's true and I'm different from when you last saw me."

"It's only been three years, bit hard to change in that short amount of time."

I look down at my plate there's a bad tension in the air.

"I'm sure he just has layers," I say, and when everyone looks at me I finish, "Like an onion."

The tension eases, I let out a breath, Envy even cracks a smile. I dislike tension and I say some pretty stupid things sometimes.

By the time dinner has finished I was practically asleep, I heard everyone talking quietly and I feel myself being picked up and vaguely I hear voices but I can't really make out who's they are.

"I'll take her up to her room."

"No don't you worry I'll do it. Move away from her."

"Please don't argue."

"I've never seen you this way but I guess you're still just a playboy bro."

"Shut up. You don't know anything about me."

"I said no fighting. Just take her to her room, she's had a long day the rest of you to the lounge room, I'll update you all on the hunt."

"Yeah you said Lilith and Alex are going to school, are we too?"

"Yes, the rogues have left town... for now."

I feel my body being lifted into a princess hold and my arm being thrown over a shoulder, I smell something nice, like chocolate and frost. What smells so good? Hmm, I'll find out in the morning, I hear creaking and then a door opening, I'm laid on a soft bed and the warmth I felt leaves me. I reach out to bring it back but I fall quickly into sleep but not before I hear it.

"Alex. I finally get to see you again, welcome home and don't worry, I'll wait."

I fall into peaceful darkness or so I thought.


I'm back at the cliff but now I'm not a wolf and I simply stand here.

'Why am I here?'

I stare down at the river getting a good look at it, scattered all throughout are large jagged rocks. It's amazing I didn't die or split my head open on one of those. Suddenly something rushes past me and falls off the edge, my eyes widen. It's a large wolf with a deep red coat with a streak of white on its back, the wolf starts to turn in the air obviously realising its falling and she starts freaking out. She turns to look up at the cliff and I stare into glowing ice blue eyes for a split second before its head disappears under the water.

It hits me, that's me but something's wrong. I'm suddenly floating above the wolf, I watch as I struggle to stay above the water. I wince every time I'm smashed into a rock and I start to hyperventilate when I close my eyes. No this isn't how it happened. My eyes are closed and the back of my head bangs into a rock and there's blood, a lot of blood. Suddenly I'm dragged to shore, the sprites!

They rest me on the shore and look worriedly at each other, there's no smiling and giggling, the go under the water and come back up with a cloth that looks like the dress they gave me. They lightly place it over my body and disappear back into the water and I scream at them.

"No, come back! I'm not dead! I can't be."

I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them I'm at the pack house. Everyone I know sits in the living room. Lisanna sits on the floor against the wall, Lilith and Logan also sit with her. Liam, Tabitha, Evelyn and my Mum all sit on the couches, the rest just stand against the walls, they all look sad but only for a moment. They all burst out laughing.

"I'm so glad she's gone!" My Mum bursts out, "God what type of child spends all their time in their room."

"God, I've only just met her and I'm glad she's gone," Evelyn says and Liam agrees with her.

"I can't even count the number of times I wished I could've run her over with the car." Tabitha cackles.

"I can't believe she thinks I was ever her friend. I was just using her this whole time." Lilith says wiping away her tears from laughing.

"Stop it," I whisper.

"God I mean what a pig and she just goes along with everything. What type of loser does that?" Logan says.

"I wish I hadn't spent my time on her," Dean mutters.

"Plus she thinks she's smart, what a bunch of bullshit. She probably just copies off the person next to her. Like that bitch can actually be smart." Adrian laughs falling to the floor.

"Please stop," I whisper again, tears filling my eyes.

"Kitten. My god what a stupid bitch, couldn't she tell I just wanted her to get out of my way like I care about her pretend little problems." Stag says rolling his eyes.

Fang just looks at me, no one else sees me and they all just continue to laugh.

"I'm glad I didn't even meet her what a waste of space." Envy says holding his side.

"Stop it. Stop it!" I say louder.

"God all the times she came to work with me and pretended to help out, my god how pathetic! I bet she could remember all those things about those people because she has no friends." My Mother laughs louder.

"Please just stop," I say tears falling from my eyes.

"After all who could care about an ice cold bitch like her?"

"I'm glad she's dead."

"Please, the whole town will celebrate."


"Pathetic excuse of space."

"I want to burn everything she owns and then burn all the pictures she's in, after all, who wants to remember her."

"Stop!" I scream cowering in the corner.

They all come closer to me and they start shouting at me.




"You should be dead!"

"Not even your own Father wanted you!"

"Who'd ever care about someone like you?"

"If only you'd die!"

"I hope you never wake up again!"

"No one wants you around!"

"You're lying!" I scream trying to block them out.

"I hate you!"

"We all hate you!"

"We've never loved you!"

"How could anyone ever love you?"

"Wake up."

"You don't deserve to live!"

"I know!" I scream, "Please just stop!"





"No one wants you!"

"Wake up!"

I scream and scream but I still hear it, no longer my friends and family but my own voice, the demons that hide in me.

"How can you believe them?"

"They don't want you."

"They just want to use you."

"Can't you see the only one who loves you is us?"

"Please wake up."

"Stay with us forever."

"We love you."

"Don't wake up."

"You don't want to wake up."

"Trust us."

"They don't want you!"

"You need to stay!"

"Don't repeat past mistakes!"

"Do you want to be holding that knife again?"

"It's their fault!"

"Stay with us!"

"Don't repeat the past!"

"Wake up!"

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