
By PreciousT_

190K 7.2K 1.4K

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled in his face. He had a firm grip on my arm and being the woman that I was, I... More

Navy Blue.
•Clarifying Chapter•
Olive Green.
Silver, part 1.
Silver, part 2.
Baby Blue.
White, part 1.
White, part 2.
Not an update.
Red (again).
Sky Blue.
Epilogue| Gold.
Bonus Chapter.
The Switch Up

White, part 3.

3.8K 163 11
By PreciousT_

I woke up and turned over to see Kyree still asleep next to me. After four rounds, we were tired out. Not only was I tired but I was starving like crazy. Sex really does that to you. It makes you tired and hungry. Looking at my phone, I saw that it was only seven-thirty.

"Kyree," I said as I tapped him. He snored and turned over to the other side. I laughed and rolled my eyes. He was so annoying.

"Leave me," he mumbled as he pulled my olive green comforter over him.

"Listen, after all those rounds, you owe me some food. I know you hungry too," I told him.

"Girl, I think you owe me some food. You got a nigga tired as fuck," he said.

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Boy if you don't get up."

"Give me another hour," he responded in his sleepy voice.

I shook my head before getting out the bed to find something to put on because I was still naked. I searched the floor and found my panties and the shirt that I was wearing. I decided that I was going to order some pizza because I ain't feel like cooking anything.

"These $5.99 pizzas calling my name!" I said out loud. I was so fucking hungry.

"Shut the fuck up bro," Kyree said as he put one of my pillows over his head.

I rolled my eyes. "You so fucking dramatic." I picked up my iPad before going to the Dominos website. I ordered a pizza with bacon and pepperoni and then another with sausage. I also got stuffed cheesy bread and hot wings.

A few minutes later, I heard my doorbell ring. Thinking it was the pizza, I basically ran down the stairs. Instead of it being the Dominos man, it was London.

"Bitch, what you doing here?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Is your father not in trouble anymore? I told you that I was coming over so that we could formulate a plan stupid," London said.

I placed my hand on my forehead because I had forgot that she said that shit. I invited her in and closed the door.

"Oh and I googled the whole Jigsaw name thing. That clown faced nigga from Saw is named Billy and he's a puppet," London told me.

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yeah girl I-" London said before we heard another voice in the room.

"Wassup London," Kyree said as he came downstairs.

"Hey Ky," London said as she gave him a smile.

"What you doing here? I thought y'all hated each other," he said before standing by me.

Not wanting him to know how we made up, I just spoke. "We actually made up. We're good now."

He looked shocked and I ain't blame him because who would believe that shit anyways? Me and London being friends? Everyone who knew us would probably think we were out of our minds and send us to a mental institution.

"Well, okay. Did the pizza get here? Ya boy is starving," Kyree said while rubbing his stomach.

Like clockwork, the doorbell rung.

"There it go right there," I said. This nigga practically ran to the door and me and London laughed.

"I'm assuming he doesn't know about your dad," London said in a low voice as she looked at Kyree by the door.

"No. You're the only one that I told. I didn't even tell Justice," I said to her. I forgot about my little brother. I didn't even know if I should tell him about the situation. I honestly felt that the less people who knew about this whole ordeal, the better.

"I understand that wholeheartedly. Now, we need to get that nigga out of here so we can devise a plan. Did Jigsaw call you again today?" London asked me.

I shook my head. "I thought you said his name was Billy."

London sucked her teeth. "Well, we started off calling him Jigsaw so let's stick to that."

I was about to respond but London shook her head to indicate that Kyree was coming back to where we were standing.

"Y'all just gon' stand there or y'all gonna eat some of this pizza?" Kyree asked.

"Yeah, I'll have some," London said.

"Me too but let me use the bathroom real quick," I said as I ran upstairs to do just that. After I used the bathroom, I was washing my hands when I heard my phone ring.

It was from an unknown number like last night. I figured it was Jigsaw with the instructions that I was supposed to be given. I answered the phone but I didn't say anything. I don't know why but I didn't. After several seconds, I got tired of the heavy breathing so I spoke.

"Hello?" I said. I got an eerie feeling. I felt like I was in a horror movie and of course I was the little white woman who was oblivious to everything and tripped at the most inopportune times.

"Hello Hayden," I heard on the other end. It was definitely Jigsaw.

"Hi," I said back. Then, I kinda slapped my forehead because now was not the time for casual greetings.

"Do you have the money ready for me?" Jigsaw asked.

"Why? I was aware that I had a few more days. Five to be exact," I told Jigsaw.

"Who's in charge here?" Jigsaw asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "This phone call is supposed to be about you giving me further instructions. If I'm not mistaken, those instructions should include where to leave the money right?" I asked, keeping my voice calmer than usual. I was trying to play this whole thing the way that I wanted to. Whatever information I could get would be used in this plan that London and I were gonna concoct.

After more silence, Jigsaw finally spoke. "California."

I raised my eyebrow. "Is that where I'm dropping off the money?"

"What the fuck do you think?" I heard on the other end.

I literally had to bite my tongue so that I didn't curse Jigsaw out. You can't just say the state, California, and expect me to know what the fuck you're talking about. And as badly as I wanted to say that, I just shut my mouth for once.

"You get the money and leave it at an undisclosed location in California," Jigsaw told me.

"Where in California?" I asked.

"I haven't decided yet. Just make sure you have the damn money or we kill your father."

We? So it was more than just one person working this whole thing. I knew it. All I had to do was find out who or attempt to find out who.

"Okay," I said. I was soon met with silence as I realized that Jigsaw had hung up.

I put my phone down and went downstairs to the kitchen. I saw London and Kyree eating hot wings as they talked.

"I know y'all ain't eat all my damn hot wings," I said as I searched the counter for the box.

"Girl, we saved you some. We just put them in the microwave," London told me.

"You took a long time upstairs. What was you doing? You took a shit didn't you?" Kyree asked as if he knew that was the real reason.

I nudged his shoulder. "No nigga, I was checking my phone." I then looked at London. Our eyes met and she widened hers a little. She knew that I was silently letting her know that Jigsaw had just called so after this pizza, Kyree ass had to take his ass home.

"Javon called?" Kyree asked.

I laughed and shook my head. "I wish he did. He's engaged though so we know he's not doing that."

London looked at me and then Kyree and back at me again.

"Am I missing something? Did he just ask about Javon?" London asked me.

I nodded my head.

"You finally admitted to being in love with him?" London asked.

"How did you know?" I asked her. I was kinda surprised that she said that. Was it really that obvious?

London rolled her eyes and took a sip of her soda. "Hayden, blind people can see that shit and they can't even see."

"Yo, I told her the exact same thing," Kyree said as he laughed at what London said.

"I'm surprised you taking this so well. You and Hayden finished dating?" London asked as she looked Kyree up and down.

"Yeah, we cool," I answered.

"Oh really..." London commented as she gave Kyree a wink. Kyree laughed at her and shook his head.

"Get those ideas out your head. I ain't going there with you," Kyree told her.

London sucked her teeth and laughed. "Oh stop it. I'm just playing."

It was one day, where I had to ask Kyree about London because at that time, I ain't like her ass. Since him and Javon knew each other, he had to know London. Even though I suspected that something was going on between them, Kyree told me that there was definitely nothing going on and nothing ever happened. I believed him too. But, even if something were to happen in the future, I wouldn't care. What Kyree did was not my concern anymore. I'm just glad we could still be friends.

"I know. I'm not sweatin' it," Kyree said as he finished up his pizza.


After another hour, Kyree left and London and I began talking about Jigsaw.

"What did Jiggy say on the phone?" She asked as she took a shot of whatever was in her cup. It was dark liquor so I'm assuming it was Henny.

"Well in short, Jiggy said that I need to deliver the money in California. Where in California? I don't know. But, I discovered something else," I said.

London raised her eyebrow to indicate that she wanted to know what I found out.

"Jigsaw slipped up and said we which-"

"Which means that there's two or even three or four people who are in on this with my mother," She said, finishing up my statement.

"Right," I responded.

"How many more days do we have?"

"About five I believe. Hey, what do you think about doing some more investigating?" I asked.

"I was thinking the same thing. I think my mom is involved in more than we believe and I been wanting to search Alana's apartment forever," London told me.

"Didn't the cops search everything already? What else could we find?" I asked.

"I watch enough tv to know that cops don't literally search everything. I got the keys to the apartment if you down. We can do it tonight."

"I'm down for whatever. The more dirt we could find, the more everything will start to make sense," I said.

Soon after, London and I got dressed in all black. Well, I got in all black attire since she was already wearing black. London had on black jeans with a black sweatshirt. On her feet were a pair of black and white Huaraches. Her hair was in a bun that left several strands hanging out. I wore an all black jumpsuit from Puma with all black Puma sneakers to match. I fixed my curly weave into a high ponytail. After that, we were ready to go. Shit, I was more than ready to go.


When we got to Alana's apartment, I parked a block away and across the street like I did when I searched Karen's house. London and I made sure that nobody was around and thank god nobody was. Two pretty girls showing up in all black at an apartment complex would raise eyebrows. But, it was December and it was cold as hell outside so I wouldn't expect anybody to be out here anyways.

We went to her apartment building and easily got inside since the downstairs door was open. We took the elevator to the sixth floor and once we got to her door, we stopped. I reached into my pocket to get my latex gloves. I then reached into my other pocket to get the extra pair I had for London. I was looking at her as I waited for her to take the gloves but she was like staring into space for real.

"London.. you okay?" I asked her.

"I don't know if I can do this Hayden," London said. I noticed that there were tears forming in her eyes. I already knew what the problem was from her reaction. Her cousin was dead and her mother was behind it all. I never stopped to think how all of this was affecting her. I was so caught up in nailing Karen that I didn't even realize how London felt.

"I can't begin to imagine how you feel right now. I can't imagine because I never had to go through something like this. I can't say much but I can assure you that once your mother is given the card she's dealt, things will slowly get easier for you. If you don't have anything, you got faith."

"Are you sure? I'm so confused with everything. I don't even understand what's the cause for all of this," she said.

"I don't understand it either. But, we can figure it out together. Remember who we're getting justice for. It's about Alana. If I know anything, I know she's appreciative and she loves you even though she's not physically here. Your love for each other goes beyond anything on this earth and the fact that you're living and breathing for her right now is proof of that."

"Thank you for that," London said as she reached to give me a hug. I hugged her and rubbed her back as I listened to her slowly cry in my arms.

"Now, let's do this for Lana and your father," she said as she grabbed the gloves out my hand. She unlocked the door and we went in together.

We closed the door and locked both locks. My hands scanned the wall so I could flick on the lights. I surveyed her apartment and saw that despite it being in shambles from the searching and police being in and out, it was beautiful. From the different colors to the furniture, it was a home that Alana built herself. It was sad to say that she wasn't there to keep it.

"Where do we start?" I asked.

"I'll look in the bedroom. You can look through the living room. The kitchen? We can tackle that together I guess," London said as she started towards the bedroom.

"London wait. Take your shoes off," I told her.

"Why? What if we need to run out of here?"

I sucked my teeth. "Take it from somebody that does this Charlie's Angels shit okay. It's best to remove these sneakers. The cops may not look for everything but them motherfuckers would look for shoe prints. I don't know about yo ugly ass but I'm pretty and I for damn sure ain't going to jail over a Puma sneaker print on this here floor."

London rolled her eyes but admitted that I was right. We both took our sneakers off and set them on top of their shoelaces as I had did in Karen's house. After doing that, we began our search and what we found confirmed all my suspicions. Karen was a slick ass bitch and I honestly hoped she rotted in hell.


Okay y'all... I decided to give y'all another chapter later on tonight.

Karen a bad motherfucker ain't she? Y'all not gonna believe what this bitch did.

I believe a sex scene is in order because I haven't seen one of those since the Thanksgiving parts I believe, and that shit wasn't even real.

Anyways... the next chapter has to be like really long because this one seems so short to me.

*Not edited but I'm pretty confident about the spelling and grammar*

*A picture of Alana is up*

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