Whenever You Remember

By missindependent_

187K 4.7K 685

After five years apart, best friends Sophia Kingston and Will Harvey are reunited. You'd think that when seei... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New & Re-Vamped
The Truth, here it is. Please read.

Chapter 23

3.7K 136 8
By missindependent_

Chapter Twenty-Three:

One month has passed since I lost my job as an accountant and gained one as a statistician. Needless to say, these last few weeks have been crazy busy.

The people at the stats office loved me, but that was probably because Will put in a good word. Again, being friends with a star athlete really does have its perks. Everyone at the office was so friendly, and insanely intelligent. Everyone jokes around all the time and there's always pizza ordered before game time. It was a refreshing change from the rigid and dull atmosphere I was in before.

Though there is a lot of fun that comes with the job, catching up to the speed of the statistician office was a bit hectic. Even though the Yankees are a seasonal team, the job is year round. I'll be involved for the stats of other teams as well, such as the New York Knicks and the New York Giants, but my main contribution will be to the Yankees.

There's a lot of chaos at the office during game time, as we all watch the game from different angles on multiple screens, then record information on the high tech software we have. It was a bit much to get started, but luckily the first few games I've been shadowing the guy I'm replacing, and he is helping to train me. His name was Bill, and he was an older man that was retiring after thirty years of doing stats for the Yankees. He wanted to wait until the end of the season, but for health reasons, he had to call it quits in the middle.

Next Friday is Bill's last day, and then I will be taking over his job full time. Good timing, because Will and Andrew got a hold of two front row tickets for us at next Tuesday's game, and I'll be able to make it.

Admittedly, it had been really interesting to be so involved in the behind the scenes scope of a professional sports team. I had no idea all the time, brains, and effort that went in to team strategy. But now I realize that if it wasn't for all of us, the Yankees wouldn't know truly know their strengths and weaknesses. Or at least they would have to do all the work themselves.

It makes us all feel important. We get to be part of the team! Well, at least in our own minds.

Will's game has been as impressive as ever, and I have to say it can be a little distracting when I'm trying to do my work. I've gotten better since the first game, but a couple times Bill would laugh at me and tell me to keep my eye on the other ball.

Good Lord that made my face flame up. For an old man he has a really saucy sense of humor.

Though I've been seeing Will plenty on the TV screen, I haven't seen him as much in person. With all the endorsements he has been getting and the commercial deal he just landed with Subway, he has a lot to keep him going and it's difficult to fit any time into his schedule. I've tried not to think about him and how often I wish I was by his side, and luckily I have my new job to distract me (even though it centers around Will).

Curse that boy.

Well, I still see him several times a week, but for some reason it still doesn't feel like as much as I want. Things have been going pretty well between us. It usually has us engaged in our juvenile banter or causing more mayhem on the streets of NYC. Thankfully, there haven't been any more UFC fighters that want our blood.

And Gavin? To say he was upset about me not getting the job would be an understatement. He was shocked and angry, definitely. We met up the week after the whole ordeal and had a cup to drink at the knock-off Central Perk.

"It's complete bullshit," Gavin had gone on about it.

"Gavin, it's seriously fine," I had repeated a dozen times.

"No it's not!" He had insisted.

"It's really okay!" It pretty much went like this the first ten minutes of our meeting together.

Then, he broke and went on a tangent. "No it's really not Sophia! You were by far the most qualified person for the job. I mean you graduated from Columbia with honors, you understood the job, and you're enjoyable to be around! God and now I have to put up with Allison and all her gum chomping. It's so annoying! And she thinks it's funny to sit in my chair all the time. Uh, no Allison, it's hella annoying."

At this point, I couldn't contain myself and I doubled over laughing. He was looking at me confused, and then I added "Did you really just say hella?"

Gavin, realizing that he did indeed say it, smiled and shook his head. "Whatever."

All in all, Gavin and I have met up a couple times in the last few weeks, going out for a casual dinner maybe once a week.

Including tonight.

"Well, that was fun once again," I told Gavin as we exited the elevator of my building. We had gone to listen to live music in the park after buying hot dogs from a vendor on the street. The music was not like my usual taste, but it was still enjoyable and at least Gavin was as laid back and kind as ever.

"Yeah, it was," Gavin agreed as we reached my front door.

And this is where things got awkward.

I wasn't entirely sure before, but now I'm almost certain that Gavin is interested in me. Romantically. To be honest I am not completely positive I feel the same way about him. I'm just testing things out, and since he hasn't made any sort of move, part of me is hoping that things are strictly platonic between us. I don't know why, either, because Gavin is everything girls want, I guess just not what I want.

Whenever Gavin asks me out on the town, my mind instantly goes to Will. That's why. Again, I curse that boy and his unwanted, lengthy occupancy of my mind.

I clicked my mouth to fill the empty air. "Thanks again for walking me up too," I told him again, thinking of how much I hate these situations.

He nodded, following that was more silence. "Goodnight, Sophia," Gavin said before leaning down to kiss me on the cheek. My eyes widened at the sudden move.

"Uh, goodnight," I told him before quickly ducking in the door as soon as I said the words.

Well, that definitely didn't seem platonic.

I pressed my back against the door, feeling very uneasy at the current events.

"A-ha!" Elise popped out of nowhere, causing me to jump in surprise.

"What?" I snapped, annoyed at her for cutting off my raging mind. I had problems to sort out and she's interrupting, as for usual.

"You've been denying it for the last two weeks! Just admit it, you're dating Gavin!" She exclaimed.

"Shut up," I groaned, walking passed her. Still, I refuse to admit the reality.

"I know it's true! He just kissed you!" She shouted, practically jumping around me.

"Just on the cheek! Were you seriously spying on us through the peephole?" Leave it to Elise to spy on people saying goodnight.

"Duh, I need to gather my facts so I can more effectively analyze your relationships." I often find myself wonder why I agreed to room up with such a psycho couples therapist. The girl is constantly up in my business.

"Shut up."

"Do you like him?" She probed.

"Elise," I complained more, but of course that didn't stop her.

"What about Will?"

I turned to glare at her, "Shut up."

"Does he know you're dating Gavin?"

I exhaled heavily, exasperated by her heavy questioning. "No, because what Gavin and I are doing is not dating." When I saw Elise open her mouth to disagree, I said something else. "Well, maybe to him, but me...well, I'm still confused, and I don't really know about...and yeah."

Part of the reason I don't want to admit to anything with Gavin is because of Will, as if I'm afraid he will find out if I confess about Gavin aloud. And I'm pretty sure that isn't the normal mentality of a girl who has technically just started dating someone.

As I fumbled with my words, Elise watched me with an expression that was nothing short of wildly amused. "It's amazing you have two boys chasing after you, you are one hot mess."

Choosing not to respond, I stuck my tongue out at her and went in to the kitchen for a glass of orange juice, with Elise in tow, pouring herself a glass also.

"Anyways, how is it going with Chris these days?"

"Chris? Chris who?"

"That's what I like to hear!" I cheered, and realization dawned on her.

"Oh, oh. Oops. I kind of forgot about him."

I laughed, "Guess that means it's going well with Andrew, huh?"

"He's a charmer alright. Have you noticed how blue his eyes are?"

"I did indeed. You know what they remind me of? That one blue Gatorade flavor."

She scrunched up your nose, "You have such odd comparisons. But, you know what, that's actually pretty spot on." We took a moment of silence, appreciating Andrew's good looks. "By the way, Will called. You, um, should call him back. I'm going to get ready," She told me slyly, hopping off the counter and running down to her room.

"What are you getting ready for?" I called after her, but she didn't respond.

Giving in, I called Will. On the second ring, his familiar voice answered.

"Hi, I heard you placed an order with the Chinese Kitchen this evening?"

Rolling my eyes, I let the tension roll off my shoulders. "Ha ha, very funny Will." And it actually was. He was using a foreign accent that I found to be considerably inaccurate.

He chuckled on the other end then added, "No seriously."


"Andrew and I were just about to call the Chinese place you and Elise ramble on about and bring some over. Elise said it was okay and that you were both home."

"Oh, yeah, we are," I stammered out. I don't know why I was overcome with the sputters again, but as true in the past, Will has that strange and unsettling effect on me. Right now, most likely because I technically just got home from a 'date' with someone else.

"Great. See you in an hour." My phone beeped and the call ended just as I noticed that my toast from breakfast was still in the toaster where I neglected it. Feeling it call my name, I pulled out the blackberry jelly from the fridge and lathered it on.

"When will they be here?" Elise shouted from down the hall.

"About an hour, thanks for the heads up."

She laughed down the hall, "Sorry. I got distract and panicked when I realized I should be getting ready."

"You looked fine!" I shouted, which made me drop my jellied toast on my shirt. I did not understand her, either. Elise almost always looks in tip top shape, her natural hair is gorgeous and she has great skin that makes her appear awake and lively even at six in the morning (though she rarely up that early). Her comfortable lounging around clothes were even stylish, too.

"I can't look fine for Andrew! You've seen how hot he is. People like that don't bother with the grunge!"

"I've looked like crap around Will hundreds of times and we dated for almost two years," I yelled back, wiping my jelly off my shirt with my finger and putting it back on the toast to be eaten.


"No it's not!"

"Fine, it's not," Elise resigned, re-entering the kitchen looking hardly any different than she had when she dashed away, only difference being that her hair was not up anymore but down and straight as usual. She looked at me skeptically, "You spilled and ate it off yourself, didn't you." I shot her a wide grin.

"Will is a lucky man," She grinned evilly, breaking in to laughter after a moment.

About forty five minutes later, Will and Andrew arrived with the food as promised. We all settled into spots on the couches and dug into our respective take out containers. I was sitting squished against Will on the smaller couch while Andrew and Elise were sprawled out next to each other on the bigger one.

In the midst of conversation, Will reached over and took a giant spoonful of rice from my container. He shoved it into his mouth messily, dropping an unnecessary amount on the couch and on me.

"Yuck, the weather didn't call for a rice shower today," I made a face and wiped some of the pieces off my lap.

He laughed through his mouthful of food, causing the tiny specks of rice to come spraying in my direction.

"Ew! Manners, William," I complained, wiping the remains of his sputter off my face. I saw his hand reach for me out of the corner of my eyes and I swapped his finger away.

"William Harvey don't you dare give me a wet willy," I said menacingly, my eyes communicating the unsaid threat.

Will glared in response before flicking me in the ear, which is actually quite painful. "Don't call me William then." I opened my mouth to bite something back, but we were interrupted by Will's phone ringing.

He seemed to tense up upon seeing the name, but it was gone within seconds as he mumbled, "I gotta take this," and left the room.

When he left, I swiped the rice pieces onto the floor so they would be easier to pick up later. "God that freaking, stupid boy. Always has to make life difficult," I muttered with a sort of affectionate disdain.

It was then I noticed the silence in the room, because it had been broken with a snicker.

Looking up, I realized that in the midst of my quarrel with Will, I forgot about the two others in the room. And they were both looking at me with sparkling eyes and amused grins. They looked like they were in sync.

"I don't know whether you two fight like an old married couple or like five year olds," Andrew remarked. Elise laughed at his statement. While I appreciate a good analogy, this one irked me a bit, mainly because it was pretty accurate.

Will and I had been squabbling basically since the moment they came in the door. First he got the wrong kind of rice. Then I punched his throwing arm. Then he burped in my face. Then I sat on his lap to make eating inconvenient Then it turned out that he actually liked me sitting on his lap, so that was very short lived and then Will proceeded to protest when I settled in besides him.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"You two couldn't be more shamelessly flirting if you wanted to. Talk about an unusual amount of physical contact," Andrew smirked.

"She so put you up to this," I said to him before averting my eyes to Elise. She only smiled smugly in response.

I noticed Andrew turn to Elise after he seemed to analyze me for a moment. "Is she always this dense?"

"Hey!" I shouted in protest as Will came sauntering back in to the room.

"Always. She's been dating this guy for two weeks and she is still refusing to admit it," Elise shook her head, feigning pity.

Unbelievable. My love life seems to be getting dragged into conversations left and right today.

"Dating?" Will asked, taking a seat next to me. I couldn't help but notice that he sat further away, and that there was no physical contact between us on the small couch. I didn't think not touching was an option on this tiny couch, but somehow Will made it possible.

I didn't say anything in response. Mainly because I was trying to gauge his reaction. For what reason, I'm scared to admit. But part of me was hoping for him to say or do something, and I don't know what.

"Yep! Sophia here has been going out every couple nights with her ex-coworker. Bout time, right?" Elise joked. I couldn't see her face since my eyes were fixed on Will, and I didn't even think much of the fact she referenced my extreme lack of romantic relationships.

Will turned his head to briefly meet my eyes and then look to Elise. "Um, yeah. I guess it is." He turned back to me and we held eye contact again for a few more seconds before he looked away.

Something was off.

Maybe it was the way he said it, or the questions that seemed to be floating around in his chocolates brown eyes that gave it away. Or maybe it was the way he seemed distracted for the remainder of the evening, and didn't make much of an effort to contribute to the conversations, or even make fun of me.

Whether it was the phone call or me, something had definitely rubbed Will the wrong way.

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