Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

"Cheer up, would ya? Your birthday is tomorrow!" Elise said as she pounced on my bed.

"I was sleeping, I couldn't even be unhappy," I mumbled into my pillow. "Is it even eight yet?"

"Nope, it's 7:30 on the dot! Now go, go, go, shower up and primp yourself because we, my friend, are going out!"

I groaned and turned away, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep. Of course, Elise had none of that and she took one of my pillows and whacked me in the head.

"Do you really think that's going to put me in a better mood?" I hissed.

"Just get your lazy ass out of bed, okay? I want to get some coffee, doesn't that sound great? I think it sounds great," She jittered before smacking my butt. "Now up. We leave in twenty."

"Not like you even need the energy," I couldn't help but mumble bitterly.

"Move," She ordered again, before shoving me off my bed.

I wiped my hair out of my eyes to glare at her. "Was that really necessary? I was about to get out of bed!"

"We both know you weren't," She beamed at me before skipping out of my room. By now she knew that since I had left the safety of my bed, I would do as she told. She had an authoritative side of her that also made me afraid to ignore her, too.

All in all, I settled on not even showering and instead braiding my hair back and using a lacy headband to keep the extra hairs out of my eyes. The careless person's hairstyle. The braid wasn't even neatly swept by any means.

When I came into the hall, Elise looked at me with disapproval. "Sophia, it is July. You're not going to where a sweater and sweats. Now put on some shorts and a tank top in case we see hot men on the streets! They don't call this place a slice of cake for nothing!"

"People don't call it that," I shook my head as I walked back to my room.

"Well, I do."

I sighed, knowing my best friend was a little bit insane when it came to eye candy. Still, despite her crazy tendencies, she always seemed to have attractive guys wrapped around her finger. Not surprising, but it is admirable.

"Why are you even dragging me out this early?" I complained to her after we made our way outside and began our walk to the nearest café. It took three tries, but I finally had an outfit that was acceptable by Elise's standards.

"You haven't had a good day since, well, at least a couple weeks. So I wanted to give you an excellent one!" She chirped. And it was far too early for any human to be chirping.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, why couldn't you make tomorrow great?"

"Andrew wants to meet up with us for lunch, he's excited to see you since it is your birthday," She casually commented in response, once again ignoring the fact that today is not actually my birthday.

"Tomorrow is my birthday!" I corrected. And as of now I really only have two good friends around here to share it with, her and Andrew. Will and I still aren't on speaking terms and Gavin, well, that's just something else entirely. And my co-workers don't really count.

Now that she's celebrating it with me today, tomorrow – my actual birthday – will be nothing but another ordinary day.

She gave me a questioning look, "I know that, duh. But Andrew and I are celebrating it with you today."

I shook my head. It was hardly past eight and I had already given up on understanding her. Besides, it can be a lot easier to go with the flow when dealing with difficult people.

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