His Queen | Book 1

By ThevampireMermaid18

133K 4K 894

A tale sought to be as old as time. A story told around a campfire as the children eagerly leaned in, hungry... More

One: Asgard & Vanaheim
Two: The Rainbow Bridge
Three: A Night to Bestow
Four: An End of An Age
Five: God of Light
Six: Equine
Seven: Battle of The Hearts
Eight: Augur
Nine: Blót
Ten: Bleeding Hearts
Eleven: Dying Stars
Twelve: Flower Beds
Thirteen: Dis
Fourteen: The Great Library
Fifteen: Sigvard the Tainted
Sixteen: Premonition
Seventeen: Misfortune
Eighteen: A Waltz of Tragedy
Nineteen: Bed Of Skulls
Twenty: Destiny
Twenty One: Sæhrímnir
Twenty Two: Fool's Demise
Twenty Three: We Are Gods
Twenty Four: Star-Crossed Lovers
Twenty Five: Valhalla's Gate
Twenty-Six: Die In Paradise
Twenty Seven: Mother
Twenty Eight: Let None Put Asunder
Twenty Nine: Goddess of Fidelity
Thirty: Völuspá
Thirty One: A Stones Throw
Thirty Two: Midgard
Thirty Three: Mortal Men
Thirty Five: Hydra
Thirty Six: Coronation
Thirty Seven: Before The Throne
Thirty Eight: Casket of Ancient Winters
Thirty Nine: Journey's
Forty: A Thousand Colours
Forty One: Jötunheimr
Forty Two: Bitter Cold
Forty Three: The Exiled
Forty Four: Masters of Magic
Forty Five: Eternally Yours
Forty Six: The Succession
Forty Seven: The Throne
Forty Eight: All Seeing Eye
Forty Nine: The King of Jotunheim
Fifty: The Bridge
Fifty One: Ginnungagap
Fifty Two: Mourning Light
Fifty Three: There Is Hope
Fifty Four: Across The Stars

Thirty Four: Gods and Men

1.8K 55 0
By ThevampireMermaid18

After some time.

"Two... three!" the bulb flashed brightly leaving a lasting fluorescent dot in Sigyn's vision. At last the group were able to relax back to their natural state. Sigyn relaxed her posture. The camera man appeared from beneath the blanket and gave them a thumbs up. "Perfect!" he announced. "This'll make a good picture for your folks back home." the young American boy says. "Once we get it developed 'n all."

The 107th regiment dispersed back to their tents and campsite. Vali swivelled on the crate which he sat and looked up at his mother over his right shoulder. "What do you say we send a picture back to Asgard?" he laughed.

Sigyn gave him a look. "Absolutely not." she was disguised as one of the regiments nurses. And beside her was an older lady with wisps of grey hair and soft wrinkles of age and joy in her eyes.

Vali laughed again.

They were just in a camp several miles from Azzano, Italy. Just off the border to Austria. From Sergeant Bucky Barnes's information, there should be a Hydra base somewhere in Azzano, and then their next target will be the base hidden in the Swiss Alps of Austria.

"Oh, these boys." Sally Heinemann chuckled, shaking her head. "They live to give us nothing but grief." she spoke with an ageing voice.

"You are telling me." smiled Sigyn.

Sally pushed a smile.

Vali runs his fingers over his mouth. "You sound too formal." he whispers. "We are not in a meeting with the high council or courts."

Sigyn's eyes widened. "Apologies."

Vali shook his head getting to his feet, he slung his musket over his shoulder. Sally pointed a finger at the young god. "Now, don't you go making a fuss about the way your lady speaks. I'm sure her mother language is beautiful and it's great n' all that she's helping us out."

Vali smiled again. "Lady?" he repeated. Only if she knew who his mother really was. "Sorry, Sal." he apologised. "I'll be sure to watch my language next time."

"Good boy, now off you go. The Sergeant has informed you there are drills to go over. Be off with you now." she shooed him away with her hand.

Vali looked to his mother.

"Be off with you." she smiled, gesturing her hand delicately as if to shoo away a butterfly. Vali shook his head swiftly turning on his heel marching to join the others.

"Boys." implied Sally, shaking her head. "Say, why don't you come over here and help me move these outta the way? We should get some beds set up..." Sally began to head towards the medic tent. "Get little Josh to fill up on the water, too. Make sure our rations are all up to count."


Later during the night, Sigyn is sitting inside the medical tent with Vali sitting on a box adjacent of her. They spoke in hushed whispers, glancing around the tent making sure they weren't being overheard. They spoke in the lamp light with lots of urgent hand gestures and frustrated sighs of a language alien to this world.

The sound of soft footfalls in the dirt approaching then forced them to break their conversation short. "Knock, knock." Sergeant James Barnes knocked his knuckles against the pole, entering the tent. As he entered he see's Sigyn and Vali pull away from each other both with exerted features. Vali puts his chin in his hand and Sigyn straightens out her pants.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something?" he softly said.

Sigyn gestured to the box next to Vali. "Not at all." she replied. "Have a seat. There was some long overdue topic that needed to be smoothed over."

Vali scoffed again.

Bucky steps over and seated himself. His features are just as dark in the dim lamp light. "I just wanted to know what the plan is... being gods and all that." he waved his hand. "What's the go?"

"I say we bust up in there and take what is ours." Vali firmly gritted through teeth.

Sigyn's eyes widened a portion. "Who taught you that language? You are a prince, speak like one." she asked.

Vali shrugged. "It is what father would say."

"Your father does as I say - because he loves me - and he would not say that." she corrected.

"Your husband?" Bucky drew out carefully. "You're married?"

"I have been betrothed for centuries." she emphasised. "Not an easy feat, I know."

Bucky licked his lips and chuckled. "Oh. I don't know anyone who has been married for that long. Especially in our time."

"You mortals do live rather shortly." she said.

Vali looked between his mother and Bucky Barnes. He narrowed his eyes on the Sergeant, his lips thinning. "It's quite a funny story actually." he then said.

Bucky turned to look at him, brows raised. "Oh?"

"How my mother and father came to be, you see." Vali pointed at his mother. He watched as Bucky glanced at Sigyn and back again, eager to hear the story. "She was originally betrothed to my uncle, the first son of Odin. But my father, being the younger prince, fell in love with my mother. So on the wedding day he - tricked everyone! He disguised himself as my uncle and married my mother instead."

"A story for the ages. The bards and poets still sing of it till the day." Sigyn added, smiling down at her hands.

Bucky let out a chuckle. "Sounds romantic."

"Then come along my two beautiful sons." Sigyn leaned forward to tap Vali's knee. His smile dropped quickly and his eyes averted. He put his jaw into both hands and his knee started to jump up and down.

Bucky looked at Vali concerned. "You didn't tell me you had a brother?" he tried to smile. "Where is he, if he is as half as good as you..." Bucky stopped talking. Vali's knee continued to jump and he turned his head away. He nodded looking forward, clapping both hand between his knees.

Sigyn sighed softly.

"What was his name?" Bucky's voice filled the silence.

"Narvi." she replied, with a soft smile at his name. "He was the delight of the Realm. A sweet and kind boy. Loved by all." Just speaking about him made her heart ache in a kind of way which told her she doesn't really know pain. Not even in the slightest until she spoke his name. A pain which left you feeling open and empty and lying awake at night with no tears to shed. It was a mothers pain.

"I'm sorry to hear."

Sigyn gave a heartfelt laugh and waved him off. She dapped a finger to the corner of her eye. "You do not need to be."


"What, uh, what happened? If you don't mind me asking."

More silence. Sigyn gave a smile. "He was taken from us too soon." was her response. "For now, we have a mission at hand which we must focus on."

Bucky nodded. "Uh, sure." he turned his eyes to Vali. "What will happen after you're done here? Will you stay and fight or do you have to go back and do godly things?"

Vali chuckled at him. "No, I will stay and fight." he said. "I have fought many wars on Midgard and I am sure I will fight the wars to come."

"Well," sighed Bucky. "Let's hope there are no more wars. They are a terrible thing."

"Yes, they are."

Sigyn was a product of wars past. She shook hands with war as no stranger, but as an old friend, she new war well. She knew the secrets, the tactics, and the casualties. They are all around her on this battlefield right now. All these young men sent away to fight; they are the casualties. A necessary sacrifice, she often remembers the men of the council saying.

But when the war came to their doorsteps they fled and hid like cowardice birds during a storm. Sigyn remembers as a little girl watching from her window once as the night sky above Vanaheim was alight with thunderous war cries and blasts of energy. And from way down where she watched they looked like little sparks of light above until she was carried away by her brother.

"At first light we will move on this Nazi base." Sergeant James, explained, with a whisper. "For now, get some rest." he instructed and doused the lamp. Soft moonlight aroused them like soft fingers. Her son follows Bucky out from the tent and she listens until their footfalls cannot be heard anymore and the dead of night rings in her ears.

Sigyn lays down on the cot pulling the rough woollen blanket up to her chin and she closed her eyes.

And gunfire went off.

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