Nothings fine im Torn ( Zayn...

By harry_styleslove15

15.3K 136 17

Just to give you a quick detail of my life.My name is Crystal Morgan . I live in england and i am a waitress... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

chapter 4

873 9 0
By harry_styleslove15

Harry's POV

I ran out the door as soon as i heard those words come out of Zayns mouth. My heart felt like it shattered and i just needed to get away. I walked along the side walk kicking the rocks. I went to go find a bar to get  some drinks. I got about 6 shorts of tequila and i was already drunk.

"Is it okay if i sit here?" I girl with blonde hair asked. Two of her buttons on the top was undone and her body was quiet slim.

"Yea go ahead." I gestured taking another shot.

"So your the Harry Styles? " She said getting a drink. I nodded my head as i took another shot. "You okay? " She asked nicely.

"Yeah actually. ONE MORE" I said then getting yet another shot.

"Rough night huh?" She said drinking her alcoholic beverage.

"Yup" I poped the p.

"Girl huh? Just tell me about it, im good at understanding"

"Well, i met this girl and shes just so beautiful and her hair is so flawless. Her skin so creamy like and her lips just so pink and soft. I started to really like her but then my heart was torn when i found out shse with one of my band mates. I dont know what to do" I started to sob on my arms. " I just want to be with her"

"I understand. Come dance with me, it might get your mind off her come one" She said then pulling me on the dance floor. I wasnt really in the mood but she was pretty hot. She started to sway her hips to the music by my front.I wrapped my arms around her waist and closed my eyes. I imagined it was Crystal. My head was placed on her shoulder and i started to give her light kiss on her neck. i started to nibble a bit making her moan. My phone began to buzz in my back pocket.

"Hold on i need to get this" I said then pulld away from her to pick it up. " Hello. HEEEEY LOUISSS. Im Drunk so whaat! What are you gonna do about it." I said with a slur." Well i sure Crystal is there so im gonna hang up bye" I felt my voice shake as i said those words. I paid for my drinks then headed out. I passed by the coffee shop where Crystal and I has bumped into each other. I fell by the bricks and curled up my knees into my head.

"Why cant i just Have her... ITs NOT FAIR" I yelled. I had no control over my body. I thought about heading home so i stood up and wipped the tears off my face. and started to walk. There was a couple of fans but i really wasnt in the mood. I started to walk past them and smiled at some. When i finally reached home i slowly opened the door. I saw Crystal sitting by the counter beautiful as always but my heart just shattered.

"Harry..." Her voice so soft i barly heard it.

Crystals POV

I sat by the counter playing with my fingers. I thought about Harry. I really hope he was okay. As i sat there felling belling bad, the door swung open. I stood up shocked to see him . He looked differant.

"Harry.." I managed to say with a whisper it out of my mouth. His facewith an angry look. He started to walk off to his room.

"HARRY WAIT!" I yelled out. He stopped and turned to me.

"What more do you want to do to me? Im heart broken. I thought maybe you would have a thing for me, Crystal you said you wanted to get to know me and yet you yell at me as i tired to warn you but you ignored me and run off with him." His voice was trembling, he was pretty much yelling at me.

"I was angry at you Harry, i didnt mean to break your heart. Please dont walk way from me. I wasnt sure if i could ever fall in love with you. I like you Harry... Its just I also like Zayn andi dont know what to do" My voice trembled. He came up to me and grabbed my shoulders. I felt the alcohlo in his breath. He then pulled me in for a hug. He kissed the top of my head.

" I really like you. A lot. " I felt his hot breath on my forehead. He looked into my eyes. He leaned in to kiss me softly on my lips. I began to kiss back not thinking about Zayn. For some reason this just felt so right. He pulled me up on the counter and i put my legs around his waist and my around around his neck. My hands got lost in his curls and i played with it. He started to press his tounge on my lips as i opened them so that our tounges could colided together. He moved his hands up and down my back. Began to pulled the shirt over my head and kiss my exposed skin. He took off his shirt exposing his toned abs. He started to kiss my collarbone, making his way just below my breasts. He started to rub my arse tugging on me closer and closer. He rubbed his front on me leting me feel how hard he was. I began to moan as he reached his hand in my underwear feeling how wet i have become.

"You want me?" He whispered in my ear, turning me on. I looked at him in the eyes and smiled.

"Yes" i said smashing my lips once more to his. He pulled me off the counter and brought me to his bed. This isnt right! i have a boyfriend.... But i want Harry . And i want him right now. He pulled my pants off with my underwear. He began rub my clit as i began to moan hearder.

"Harry... I want you NOW" He said tugging on his pants. I wanted them off now. He grinned at me dropping his pants reviling his calvin klein underwear with his erection inside. he pulled it off and started to push inside of me. He was so big it hurt a bit but at the same time it felt so good. My fingers began to dig in his back as he thrusted harder and harder.

"Harry, you feel so good!" I said with my head on his shoulder and my eyes shut tight.

"Your so tight Crystal!" He said in my ear. I giggled a bit and began to moan again. I started to reach my climax as he did so as well. We both yelled at we reached out climax. When we finished i layed next to him. I covered us up with the sheets. He kissed my shoulder then kissed my cheek.

" Your so beautiful Crystal" He said smiling at me

"Thanks babe" I said. He kissed my lips once more before falling asleep. I put on my undergarments and one of harrys button up tops. I ruffled up my hair as i walked into the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of tea then made my way to the couch. I tucked my legs in under me as i took a sip of my tea. I was thinking in my head how bad this was. Im in a relationship with Zayn! I felt like a whore.... i had sex with two guys in one day. Zayn and Harry. I sighed at how stupid i could be. I drank the rest of my tea and put it in the sink. I was just about to make my way back to Harrys room till the door opened. It was Louis. He threw his keys on the counter then took his jacket off.

" Hey Crystal.... i see Harrys back" He said looking at what i was wearing.

"Yea.. he is and we sort of you know shaged" I said with an ashamed tone.

"As long as that boy is happy. Just dont fuck up his mind. Its bad enough already. Where is he anyways?" He asked.

"Sleeping in his room. I was just about to head back but hes okay now. A little waisted though" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well i really hope you know what your doing. Im gonna go talk to elenor then sleep so good night" He said giving me a kiss on the head then walking off. The truth is i dont know what im doing. My heart wants both guys . I need some time alone. I crawled in bed and thought about having some vacation time. I need to find a new place.. a new start.


I woke up early and got dressed.I sneaked out of the house to go shopping. I just need to get somethings off my mind. I shopped a bit then headed back home. It took a while for me to get home though. While i was on the train i saw a cheap one way ticket to New York.. I took the advertisement home. I checked my bank to see how much money i had. Just enough to go there and maybe come back. I texted Zayn that we should wait on the whole relationship thing.. I felt bad so i threw my phone one the bed and relaxed on the couch and watched some tv.

Harry's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. Probably from all those drinks i had. But i remember yesterday. Even thought i was drunk i still remember what Crystal and i did. It was pretty amazing. I got up and put on my boxers and headed out to the kitchen rubbing my head. i got a class and pored some orage juice in it. I took a couple more sips . I noticed that Crystal was gone. She must have left early or something. I know that she likes me but then theres still Zayn. God i wish he would have just backed off. I went to go get dressed. When i finished getting dressed i saw Louis awake.

"Morning Harry. Looks like you had a great night." He said with a chuckle. I raised my eyebrows at him then took another sip of my orange juice. Thats till the door swung open almost making me spill my orange juice. Zayn came up to me and took a swing at my face.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO CRYSTAL HMM!" He said yelling at me.

"What the fuck Zayn! i didnt do anything" I said with a chuckle. He knew i did something. and yeah i was lying to him cause i slept with her. I saw louis call up someone on the phone. Okay things got off hand after a while.

Crystals POV

I layed on the couch till my phone started to buzz.

"Hello?" I answered

"Crystal. you need to come here right now! Zayn and Harry are fighting realy bad! Only you can stop this please hurry!" Louis said panicing.

"Alright alright calm down im coming right now!" I said grabbing my coat and running out the door. I ran to the train station as fast as i could. I was in track when i was little so im pretty fast. I got to the train station in about five minutes out of breath. i took the quicks train and waited. As soon as it reached oxford i ran out and headed to louis house. the door was open so i walked in and i could already hear Zayn and Harry shouting at each other.

"You fucker! you can never let me have what i want! you always get what You want just cause your the youngest and your mr curly hair!" Zayn said pushing down. I cupped my face and gaspped.

"You know what Zayn, Im seriously sick and tired of you always thinking your the bradford bad boy cause  you know what ? Your nothing but a Pussy!" Harry said tring to push him off. I watched Zayn punch Harry in the face. Finally my nerves got to me.

"STOOOOOOOOP" I yelled. They both looked at me as i started to tear up.

"Look what i have done!, i cant do this anymore. Im tearing  one direction apart." I took a deep breath and began talking again" Ive decided that im going to new york, im not sure if im coming back." I said crying again then heading out the door. I heard Zayn and Harry chase after me but i ran. I disapeared in the aly way , thought it would make a great short cut.  I did loose them though. I fell on the floor crying till i heard someone.

"What do we have here?" I looked up and saw a tall man. I started to  shake and stand up.

"uhh, i got to go" I said trying to walk away but then he pulled my wrist.

"Whoa whoa where do you think your going . Your not going anywhere love" He said slamming me to the wall. he started touch me and kiss my neck. I started to cry and scream "Hellp" but he put his hands on my mouth. he began to unbutton my shirt and pull down my pants. I started cry harder and harder and tried to scream but it was hopeless. he started thrust into me. I was in pain as he kissed my neck.  my mind became blank as i fainted. I saw two boys running and yelling. He guy dropped me on the floor and i closed it and completly fainted... i was weak.. i was done.

Zayns POV

So i beat  up Harry cause i know he did something to make Crystal do something to break us up. I wanted to be the shit out of him but i have to hold it all in. Crystal saw us and yell for us to stop. when i heard that shes going to new york and probably not coming back i felt my heart shatter. Harry and I chased after her.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU ASS HOLE" I said pushing him as we lost her.

"Fuck off Zayn , you did this too" He said pushing me back. We were just about to fight again till we heard a scream of help. I knew that cry from anywhere. Harry and I decided to put things aside to look for her. When we turned to the ally way we saw a man groining on her.

"Hey , LET HER GO" I said running up to her. She was already passed out half naked. He dropped her and she fell to the floor. Harry started to beat the shit out of the guy but then he ran off. i took off my jacket and wrapped her around and carried her in my arms. Harry came back and put his jacket around her as well. When we got back to Louis house, they were stunned to see what has happened to her. I put her in Harrys bed where she could be safe. I let Harry change her even though it felt wrong to me but i guess we were both her heros tonight. When he came out of the room we all sat down and talked it out.

"Man, i know we both like her but , i dont want it to be like this." I said rubbing my head

"Maybe we should just let her go to new york. it will help her get over all of this, ill talk to the nandos manager to see if she can sort of quit or something. Its gonna be hard but we have to think of her." Harry said. We both made up and i stayed and slept on the couch. Harry did the same but sleep on the other side. Louis and Liam went to go stay at their girlfriends while Niall went home.

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