Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

2.7K 56 0

The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 14

26 1 0
By Pastwitch98

Cam's POV:

Arriving back on earth is never fun. The scanner door opened, allowing me to exit. "Cam?" Kya's voice confirmed I really had been devitrialzed. Entering the elevator, I went to the lab. A worried Kya greeted me. "Things have gotten worst. Xana sent a megatank. It's guarding the tower. The guys can't get close, with the other monsters swarming them."

"We've got bigger things to worry about." Switching places with Kya, I acessed the supercomputer. Checking everything, I saw that Emi's life points were almost to zero. "Without the data from the last tower, I can't save Emi. Plus, we're almost out of time."

"Send me to Lyoko." Kya ordered. "I completed the modifitions. I can get the data from the tower."

"Kya!" I should've known she'd do something like this. "I specifially told you to use it on either Alexei or Lynn. Why would you use it on yourself?"

Kya folded her arms over her chest. "And do what? Wait for one of them to ge devirated, completely ruining our only chance to save Emi?" Shaking her head, she head for the scanners. "There's no other choice. Send me to Lyoko, now."

Knowing it was pointless to auger now, I began the viration process.


Kya's POV:

Cam dropped me several feet from the tower, right in the middle of a battle. Lynn had just destroyed a krab, when a blok surpised him from behind. Summoing my skates, I took care of the blok before it could hurt Lynn further. "Hey." I waved to Lynn, before activting Lightening Dash. Once the lightening was charged, I headed for the tower. A head on attack with a megatank is probably a bad idea. But it's something Xana wouldn't execpt. We also don't have time to waste fighting every monster. I just need to get to the tower.

Instead of attacking, I feinted right. The megatank turned to follow, allowing me a chance to get close. Using the oppurtiny, I kicked my leg out. The blades of my skates connected with the megatank just before it began charging it's laser.

"Kya's at the tower!" Cam cheered. "Retreat for now." He ordered Alexei and Cam.

Upon entering the tower, the each of the three circle lit up with each step I took. Once in the center, I was lifted up to a second platform. Here, a window appeared. "Place your hand on the screen and keep it there. You'll be my direct connection to the tower. I'm going to begin scanning for the final bit of Emi's data."


While Kya was inside the tower, Lynn and Alexei took cover behind a rock. The monsters had forgotten about the tower, perferring to chase the guys. "Any idea why their attacking us, general?" Alexei threw two shuriken, hoping it would slow one of the monsters.

"Xana's probably trying to get rid of you, so that Emi's unprotected once she's reviceld." Back in the lab, Cam worked quickly to reterive the final pieces of data. It wasn't easy before, but now it was harder because he wasn't directly inside the tower. The modifitions made to Kya, allowed direct access from the tower to the supercomputer. "I'm almost ready to launch the program. How are things on Lyoko?"

Lynn's chakram returned after using, Homing Arrow. "We've got penlty of bloks to play with and krabs to make seafood."

Cam rolled his eyes at Lynn's misplaced humor. "Watch out Alexei, or else Lynn might replace you as king of bad jokes."

"Yeah right." Alexei smirked, "No ones better then me at making bad jokes."

Lynn looked at Alexei in amazement. "Of course you'd take pride in that." Alexei's comments were unpredictable. No one ever knew what to expect with Alexei. Lynn finally understood Kya and Cam's frustration with him. "Hurry up, Cam. Before I catch Alexei's clown virus."

Alexei actually appeared insulted. "It's actually called the jester virus."

Lynn rolled his eyes. "That's it. I'm gonna let the monsters devirtaulize me."

"Will you two stop already?" Cam ordered. "I'm about to launch the program. Be ready to head for the tower." After searching and sorting through dozens of codes and programs, Cam managed to find the final bits of Emi's digital data. A purple icon glowed faintly, signaling Emi's data had been fully downloaded. Cam sent the completed data back to the tower, activing his materiazion program in the process.

"Cam, what's that sound?" Kya was startled by the sudden sound of roaring engines. The inside of the tower lite up like a chirstmas tree, freaking Kya out even more.

"Move away from the center. I'm reconfiguring Emi." Cam instated, while manually controlling his program. Since it was only half complete, certain ordered had to be coded by hand for it to work. Cam waited with baited breath, as Emi's data was reconfigured.

Kya watched as the center of the platform lite up to form a small light cycler. An siliote of Emi began to form, quickly becoming solid. "It's working." Kya informed Cam. Emi's body was being 'virtalized' into the tower.

"Kya, go help the others." Cam monitored Emi's data and the situtation outside the tower. "The guys are getting overwhelmed."

Kya gave one last look at Emi, than left the tower. Alexei and Lynn were pinned by three krabs and two bloks. "How many life points do they have?"

"Alexei has thirty and Lynn has forty." Cam answered.

Kya activated Lightening Dash, sprinting towards the krabs. Leaping up, she landed on the krab'e eye. Staying there long enough for the lightening to destroy the krab, she then jumped onto the next krab. Once the second one was destroyed, Kya landed in front of the guys. "Need some help?" Kya asked, just as a laser knocked her to the ground.

"Careful." Lynn offered his hand to Kya.

Taking his hand, Kya stood up. "How'd you let a few bloks and krabs trap you?"

"Would you stop frilting and help!?" Alexei struggled to deflect the multiply of lasers coming at them.

Rolling his eyes, Lynn tossed his chakram at a blok. "I wasn't kidding Alexei I'm going to let you get devirtalzed, if you say one more joke." Lynn disliked whenever people joked about him and Kya dating. The two were close, like siblings, dating would simply be werid.

Cam shook his head, amazed by their bricking. "Don't forget to protect the tower. You know, for Emi?" The reconfiguring was almost complete. Cam entered the final commands needed.


Emi's POV:

Opening my eyes, I found myself inside a tower. "Emi?" Cam's voice broke through the haze of my mind. "How do you feel? What's the last thing you remember?" Cam's voice was filled with worry.

Standing up, I glanced around the tower. "I feel like I've just finished a movie mathron of Alexei's 'favorties'." Walking to the end of the platform, I exited the tower. "Last thing I remember, is deactvating a tower."

"You've been in a virtal limbo for three days." Cam beflely explained how the firewall around the tower scattered my digital code around Lyoko. "The others are fighting off the last of Xana's monsters."

The others were several feet away, surrounded mby bloks and a krab. Lynn got deviratlized protecting Kya. Alexei was nearby, frozen in place by a blok's ice beam. Wanting to help them, I used my ability, Manlipation, to open a hole below the two bloks. The bloks dropped into the digital sea, after devitualzing Alexei. Kya made quick work of the lone reminding krab.

"What wrong with Emi?" Kya was by my side, kneeling beside me. Until now, I hadn't realized I had cosllaped.

"There are several bugs in her program." Cam stated. "Get her to a Way Tower. The nearest one is directly sound from your current location."

"Can you walk?" Kya asked, while helping me to stand. With her help, we made our way to the tower.

"I've got bad news." Cam said. "There's a megatanl blocking your path."

Kya rolled her eyes, "Does Xana every give up?" Summoning her skates, she turned to me. "Head for the tower." She directly attacked the megatank, allowing me to sneak by. As I entered the tower, she was devitalzied.


"That shaved fifty years off my life." Cam hopped out of the chair to strench. "We've completed our mission, now the real work begins."

"You need to take a break." Kya stepped out of the elevtor, amrs crossed. "Espically, because youywere on Lyoko. For hours, using Override multiply times." She stressed the last two words.

Cam shook his head, "I can't. We've lost months of work on the virtlation program. I've also got to look into debugging Emi's data. Oh and upgrade the hacking programs."

Lynn and Alexei shard a look. "At least rest tonight." Lynn suggested. "Emi won't be able to help much tonight away. She's still recovering."

Alexei nodded. "You've pushed yourself enough today."

Emi popped onto the screen. "Their right, Cam. Xana won't be attacking tonight. Go home and rest."

Out numbered, Cam gave in. "Fine. I won't do any work tonight. So you can all stop nagging me."

As they left the manison, Cam silently made mental notes of everything needed to be done. The truly didn't know the full amount of work Cam had. If they were to continue battling Xana and free Emi, Cam was going to need to work longer and harder then ever before.

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